please respond to the following two discussion questions

I need help with a Nursing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

250 words with two references

1- Explore the historical perspective of nursing and the implication in nursing research today. How are some ways nurses can stress the importance of decision-making in the profession of nursing in current times. Support your answer with the textbook and/or peer-reviewed article.

250 words with two references

2- Your readings have explored the steps and rationale of formulating a PICOT question. PICOT explores the following components:

Population of interest

Intervention or area of interest

Comparison intervention/standard of care

Outcome of interest


What are the types of PICOT questions? How does the PICOT question assist in the systematic search? What are some search strategies that assist in searching components of the PICOT question?

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Should public school students be required to wear uniforms?

I don’t understand this English question and need help to study.


Should public school students be required to wear uniforms?

The three-part final project provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate various written skills learned throughout the course using a variety of communication modalities. The final project consists of the following three-parts:

  • Argumentative Research Paper
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Letter or Brief Video

Throughout the duration of the course, you will participate in workshop discussions and submit assignments that assist you in building the skills necessary to complete this three-part final project.

Consult the Course Calendar for due dates.


Part 1: Argumentative Research Paper

  1. Select one of the suggested topic choices provided in Module 3 or submit a different topic idea to your mentor for approval.
  2. Take a position on this controversial topic or offer a solution to a controversial problem.
  3. Then, write a 4-page (1000 to 1100 words), double-spaced, argumentative research paper supporting your position. Keep in mind, your goal as a writer is to defend your claim through scholarly research and convince your reader that your position or solution is a logical and supported one.
  4. Include at least five scholarly sources and proper in-text citations in APA or MLA format.
  5. Your paper must include a Works Cited or References page and acknowledge all sources that you summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote within the paper.


Your argumentative research paper should include a cover page if you are using APA and proper headers if you are using MLA. The paper must include a minimum of five scholarly sources such as eBooks, books, journals, or webpages that end in .edu, .org, or .gov.

As you prepare this paper, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have I established the context and purpose of my paper?
  • Have I clearly stated my thesis and established the central theme?
  • Have I defined the scope of my thesis and determined key concepts?
  • Have I selected information sources that relate to these concepts?
  • Have I used a variety of search strategies and appropriate information sources to access information?
  • Have I chosen sources based on multiple criteria such as relevance to the research question, currency, and authority?
  • Is my content appropriate and relevant?
  • Have I made reference to readings as appropriate?
  • Have I communicated, organized, and synthesized information as appropriate?
  • Is my paper organized logically? Does my writing display focus and structure?
  • Have I correctly applied information use strategies concerning citations/references; choices among paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; use of information in the proper context; and choices about whether ideas are common knowledge or require attribution?
  • Have I considered the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and proprietary information?
  • Have I fulfilled the length requirement for the writing assignment and sufficiently addressed assignment criteria?
  • Have I properly documented sources of information?

Part 2: PowerPoint Presentation

Showing that you know and understand counterarguments to your position on a topic strengthens your argument in the eyes of your reader. It demonstrates that you have done your homework and considered all sides of an issue before establishing a position and offering a solution.


Imagine that you have been asked to present your argument at a conference on your paper’s chosen topic. Then, imagine a few scholars in the field who disagree with your claim are present in the audience. Additionally, during a question and answer session during the conference, consider two scholars countering your paper’s position. Let your readers know what their arguments are and work to convince the audience that your position is the stronger one or that your solution is the better one. Both sides will have merit, but help your audience understand why your claim is the more logical and reasonable one.

  1. Create a PowerPoint presentation containing at least six slides that uses words, images, and narration.
  2. Develop two of the strongest scholarly counterarguments against your paper’s claim (2 slides for each argument).
  3. Convince the audience that their claims are weak, based on the research you conducted (2 slides). Do not demean the opposition, call them names, or directly attack their positions. If your argument is truly the stronger one, it should stand up against fairly presented academic research.

You’ll be recording a video showing your slides with a voiceover presenting the material. For assistance on how to create a presentation with narration, be sure to visit: Using Video Tools in Moodle. Use the Kaltura Capture tool section of the linked document to help with your presentation.

Part 3: Letter or Brief Video

Write a letter or record a brief video to your graduating self that answers the following questions:

What do you want to tell your future self about the writing process? What would you say about academic research writing and what you did you learn about writing an argumentative research paper from taking this course? What did you learn from constructing the final project?


  • Your letter should be no less than half of a page and no more than one page. (Include some appropriate images in the letter that help the reader visualize what you learned.)

Instead of a letter, you may record 3-minute video to your future self that addresses the questions. However, you do not need to be on camera for this; instead, you may construct and narrate a presentation using words and images.

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Marketing Discussion

I’m studying for my Marketing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

There are many free online survey software and questionnaire tools that are very easy to use. The most popular tool is SurveyMonkey®.


(1) Using the free survey tool SurveyMonkey, create a market research survey for Tony’s Pizza. Tony would like to serve his customers better. He would like to get a better idea of who his customers are and what they like or do not like about Tony’s Pizza.

(2) Keep the survey short, no more than 10 questions.

(3) Respond in the Discussion concerning your experience using these tools. Paste the link to your survey in your Discussion response.

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Gerontology GERO 4024

I’m studying and need help with a Psychology question to help me learn.

Please copy the question before answering it (Question-Answer)

Q1. Describe (explain and not write one phrase or one sentence) 5 purposes that different types of groups serve for elderly women. Explain the purpose AND give one example to expand your explanation. (25 points)

Use this numbering format to write your responses (not a long essay/paragraph format)






Q2- Please note that this question is worth 75 points, So you will really have to think a lot to write a good response.

Imagine that you are the Director of a local organization that serves the elderly (men and women over the age of 60 years).

A. Design 5 group activities that focus on elderly women and explain your rationale (reasoning) for each activity designed by you. (30 points)

Activity #1 – explain the activity and explain your rationale (reasoning) for this activity (how will it help the women)

Activity #2 – explain the activity and explain your rationale (reasoning) for this activity (how will it help the women)

Activity #3 – explain the activity and explain your rationale (reasoning) for this activity (how will it help the women)

Activity #4 – explain the activity and explain your rationale (reasoning) for this activity (how will it help the women)

Activity #5 – explain the activity and explain your rationale (reasoning) for this activity (how will it help the women)

B. Explain (provide an explanation of) five technology skills that you would like to teach to the elderly people (both men and women) that come here that would address their isolation and loneliness? Write feasible responses that would be age-appropriate. Don’t write funny or frivolous responses that make a mockery of old age. (25 points0






C. Discuss (not list but actually discuss and explain) 4 types of self-help groups that you can initiate with older adults (20 points)





Please copy the question before answering it (Ques-Ans)

Q1- On a scale of 0 to 5 (0 being the least and 5 being the most), how interested are you in working with the elderly population (age 60+)?

Your response: 0 1 2 3 4 5

Q2- Explain the reason for your response to question one above (describe your reason as much as possible)

Q3- Would you consider getting a Graduate degree in Gerontology from ULM (ULM is the only university in Louisiana that offers a Master’s degree in Gerontology)?

Q4- In your opinion,

(a) what are the advantages of getting a Master’s degree in Gerontology?

(b) why is Gerontology one of the fastest growing fields right now?

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discussion Q

I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support.

Reflect on Florida’s current health education programs such as Zika Free Florida, Tobacco Free Florida and consider what part the media plays in such disease prevention programs. Identify a specific public health issue that you believe needs to be highlighted in health policy and based on your textbook readings discuss how social media can be used as a health promotion tool to improve public awareness on the selected topic.

Please be sure to adhere to the following when posting your weekly discussions:

all discussion posts must be minimum 250 words, references must be cited in APA format, and must include minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5-7 years.

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Discussion for course-Info Tech in a Global Economy. PLease find the actual question in the requirement

I don’t know how to handle this Writing question and need guidance.

QUESTION: Chapter 2 discusses the practitioners in policy informatics and the demand for analysis and modeling skills. From the readings for this week and your research on the topic, write an assessment on the future of policy informatics. If you were to hire a policy informatics manager for a future opportunity in your organization, what capacities would be the most salient to the role?

Submit a short paper 1400 words or less in a MS Word Document. Your paper must demonstrate proper APA formatting and style. You do not need to include a cover page or abstract, but be sure to include your name, assignment title, and page number in the running header of each page. Your paper should include a minimum of four references from your unit readings and assigned research; the sources should be appropriately cited throughout your paper and in your reference list. Use meaningful section headings to clarify the organization and readability of your paper. Review the rubrics before working on the assignment

Please use the below textbook as a reference


Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., & Deljoo, A. (Eds.). (2015). Policy practice and digital science: Integrating complex systems, social simulation and public administration in policy research (Vol. 10). Springer.

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BOS 3525 Legal Aspects of safety and Health

I’m studying and need help with a Science question to help me learn.

Part 1

Draft a letter in response to the complaint. Your letter should summarize why you believe the complaint is invalid and no on-site inspection is required. Keep in mind, simply stating that the complaint is invalid is not adequate. You must support your opinions in the letter.

Part 2

  • Where does this type of complaint fit on OSHA’s priority criteria?
  • What factors could have made this complaint non-formal rather than formal?
  • What steps could you take as the employer to identify the employee who filed the complaint?
  • What factors could result in this complaint being reclassified as a formal complaint?

Part 3

1) Under what conditions can an employee be denied access to the opening conference, walk-around, and closing conference?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

2) Can an employee request that an attorney or union representative attend a private conference with the compliance officer? If the union demands to have a representative present, does the employee have to comply?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

3) If OSHA determines that an employer’s response to a non-formal complaint is adequate, what options does the employee filing the non-formal complaint have?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

4) If the OSHA compliance officer requests documents that are not related to a formal complaint, what options do you believe the employer has?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

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THE question and detail is below

I’m trying to learn for my Nursing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

The Interview:

The medical interview serves several functions. It is used to collect information to assist in diagnosis of the present illness, to understand the patient’s values, to assess and communicate prognosis, to establish a therapeutic relationship and to reach agreement with the patient about further diagnostic procedures and therapeutic options. The interview also offers an opportunity to influence patient behaviors.

Discuss the following:

Please answer the following questions and include your rationale and evidence-based research to support your written work.

  • What does it means to document accurately and appropriately?
  • What are the documenting guidelines? When is it appropriate to use abbreviations?
  • What is the difference between subjective and objective data?
  • What does it mean to demonstrate clinical reasoning skills?
  • How can you use clinical reasoning to plan the organization of a comprehensive exam?
  • How will you document variations of normal and abnormal assessment findings?
  • What factors influence appropriate tools and tests necessary for a comprehensive assessment?
  • Reflect on personal strengths, limitations, beliefs, prejudices, and values.
  • How will these impact your ability to collect a comprehensive health history?
  • How can you develop strong communication skills.
  • What interviewing techniques will you use to interview the patient to elicit subjective health information about their health history?
  • What relevant follow-up questions will you use to evaluate patient condition?
  • How will you demonstrate empathy for patient perspectives, feelings, and sociocultural background?
  • What opportunities will you take to educate the patient?
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Discussion 1 and discussion 2

I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.

1-Discuss some of the protected characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws and why they are important in today’s employment setting.(200 words minimum)

2-Explain how you would conduct a job analysis in a company that has never had job descriptions. Utilize the O*Net as a resource for your information.(200 words minimum)

for each discussion need one reply for peer post of minimum 150 words (attached peer post)

Note:discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format. You must have a minimum of two sources to support your answer.

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401k program

I need an explanation for this Accounting question to help me study.

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