Need help with homework

I don’t understand this Chemistry question and need help to study.

Assignment Content

  1. Complete the following exercises in OpenStax

    • Ch. 21 (pages 1,232-1,237): 2, 10, 14, 18, 20, 32, 42, 46

    Contact your instructor for acceptable submission types (Word document, picture of written work, etc.).

    Submit your assignment.


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Recruitment and Selection

I don’t understand this Political Science question and need help to study.

For this Assignment , review this week’s Resources.

  • Pynes, J. E. (2013). Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: A strategic approach (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    • Chapter 6, “Recruitment and Selection” (pp. 175–205)
    • Exercise 6.2, “Barring Discrimination against Unemployed Applicants” (p. 207)
  • Llorens, J. J., & Battaglio, R. P. (2010). Human resources management in a changing world: Reassessing public human resources management education. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 30(1), 112–132.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Focus on the selection tools used to hire qualified applicants.

Review the article by Llorens and the Exercise 6.2, “Barring Discrimination against Unemployed Applicants” in the course text (page 207).

The assignment must be 1 page and include

  • A response to either question 1 or question 2 of Exercise 6.2, “Barring Discrimination against Unemployed Applicants” in the course text (page 207).
  • Justify your response based upon the readings and what you have experienced in your government or non-profit organization.
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Discussion 3

I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.

“Legal Considerations and the Need to Addres Culture and Diversity”

Understanding the differences between legal considerations (ADA, OSHA, Civil Rights, etc.) and the need to address culture and diversity in the workplace is key to creating a productive and peaceful environment. It is also true that on occasion, the needs or priorities of one department often mean a potential for a negative impact on how training is delivered.

You have been asked to write a proposal for a new training initiative that balances legal, moral, ethical, and cost considerations. What are your priorities for training and how do they both support and balance the organization’s needs?

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Epidemiology of Health and Illness. Community Health Planning Implementation and evaluation

I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

  1. Define epidemiology and identify the epidemiological models used to explain disease and health pattern in populations.
  2. How can you apply the epidemiological methods to describe the stated of health in the community or aggregate?
  3. Mention and analyze the factors that have contributed to the failure of health planning legislation to control health care costs.
  4. Compare and contrast Freire’s approach to health education with individualistic health education model.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 2 discussion questions” and the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment tab of the blackboard which is a mandatory requirement. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years must be used. You must post two replies on different dates to any of your peers sustained with the proper references no older than 5 years as well and make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment. The replies can’t be posted on the same day, I must see different dates in the replies in order to verify attendance.

A minimum of 800 words is required (excluding the first and reference page). Please make sure to follow the instructions as given and use either spell-check or Grammarly before you post your assignment.

Please check your assignment after the week is due or after it is graded because I either made comments or ask for clarification in some replies or the assignment that required your response.

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Need Help in Organization Leadership and Decision Making Course Case Study

I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.

Read the ModMeters Case Study on pages 82-85 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Question at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format.

Discussion Question

1. Develop an IT planning process for ModMeters to accomplish the demands as set

out above.

Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. All work must be 1 FULL page, single spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. The cover and reference page must be on separate pages. Please DO NOT include the question in your work as only your findings should be submitted.

Required Text

McKeen, J. D., & Smith, H. A. (2015). IT strategy: Issues and practices (3rd ed.). Pearson

**Critical ** Plagiarism will not be tolerated. , if Plagiarized will ask for refund.

You must also ensure that you properly, paraphrase, cite and reference your sources following proper APA guidelines.

may not be accepted for credit with an academic integrity review sent to the University.

To avoid plagiarism, you must ensure that you do the following:

Use your own words, to include proper use of paraphrasing for all work that you submit.

If you choose to use another’s words, you MUST place it within quotes and properly cite it and reference it.

Rule of thumb – 80% of the submission MUST be in your own words. No more than 20% of the submission should be copied and pasted from another source and it must be properly quoted, cited, and referenced.

Understand, plagiarism is a serious offense that could lead to earning a 0 for the assignment, a 0 for the course, or expulsion from the University.

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application security

I don’t know how to handle this Article Writing question and need guidance.

Research Active Directory recommendations. Write 300 to 400 words in APA format. Utilize at least two scholarly references. Note that scholarly references do not include: Wikipedia, .COM websites, blogs, or other non-peer reviewed sources. Utilize Google Scholar and/or the university library. Do not copy and paste bulleted lists. Instead, read the material and in your words, describe the recommendation citing the source.

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help with discussion questions

Need help with my Writing question – I’m studying for my class.

please provide answer under the question, be clear and concise. APA format

  1. Why do we say that information management compliance come from the top?
  2. How does senior management encourage information management compliance?
  3. What is the role of training in information management compliance?
  4. As the saying goes, for any major endeavor ‘it takes a village’. The same is true for information management. List at least four departments or roles that must be involved when creating an information management council. Include a description of what their responsibilities would be.
  5. Discuss the differences between governance, risk management, and compliance.
  6. The public telephone system is an example of a circuit switched network, in which two endpoints must have a dedicated connection to transmit data. The digital age has seen the development of the packet switched network. In what fundamental ways are these types of networks different? What communications technologies and consumer applications have been made possible by the packet switched network?
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Descriptive Narrative Essay

I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.

Essay 1 Prompt:

Descriptive Narrative Essay

Tell a story about how a special teacher in your life influenced you for the better. Include vivid details about this person and specifics about your life at the time.

FORMAT your essay following basic MLA guidelines. 12 font, double spaced. 500 words.

WRITE a descriptive narrative essay using standard American English.

Write reflectively in the mode of descriptive/narrative writing.

Watch for grammar, and punctuation errors.

** I will be provided a file that has the information and story on the special teacher, that I want the essay to be on. PLEASE use and create a good essay out of it.. Thank you so much!!!!!

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Community windshield survey

I’m trying to learn for my Nursing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Write about Hialeah zip code 33012, APA format with ARIAL 12 font.

should be minimum 1000 words (not including references and title)

use in text citations and check the EXAMPLE Windshield survey file as orientation.

Community Health Assessment / Windshield Survey

Community Assessment

A community health assessment (sometimes called a CHA), also known as community health needs assessment (sometimes called a CHNA), refers to a state, tribal, local, or territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis. Community health assessments use such principles as

  • Multisector collaborations that support shared ownership of all phases of community health improvement, including assessment, planning, investment, implementation, and evaluation
  • Proactive, broad, and diverse community engagement to improve results
  • A definition of community that encompasses both a significant enough area to allow for population-wide interventions and measurable results, and includes a targeted focus to address disparities among subpopulations
  • Maximum transparency to improve community engagement and accountability
  • Use of evidence-based interventions and encouragement of innovative practices with a thorough evaluation
  • Evaluation to inform a continuous improvement process
  • Use of the highest quality data pooled from and shared among, diverse public and private sources

(Retrieved from

Windshield Survey:

“A windshield survey is an informal method used by community health nurses to obtain basic knowledge about a given community. It provides a subjective view of the various physical characteristics of a communal area as observed while driving or walking through a neighborhood.

.”(Retrieved from;”

As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion board title “Week 1 discussion questions”. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references are required (not counting the class textbook) no older than 5 years. A minimum of 1000 words are required. Make sure the assessment is based in the community where you live. I don’t want community health assessment from other communities, once again it must be from the community you live. Please mention the zip code of your community on the first page of the assignment.

Please follow the instructions given in the syllabus Discussion Question (DQ) Participation Guidelines” and “Discussion Question (DQ) Submission Guidelines.

The professor is very strict with plagerism and he is very strict with his rules. Please follow all of the rules given and the font should be APA with the exception of arial 12 which is what he wants the paper to be in. Also send me a PDF copy of it as well as a word document. Just please follow every rule he is so picky.

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Benchmark – Strategic Plan Part 2: External and Internal Assessment

I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

You should create a Powerpoint presentation of minimum 8 slides (not including title and references slides)

Include citations and references in the presentation!

part 1 was already made and attached below! you will make just part 2 of the project!

For the Strategic Plan assignment, you will work throughout the course to create a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan that seeks to increase your organization’s competitive advantage.

Complete Part 2 of the Strategic Plan assignment according to the directions in the Part 2: External and Internal Assessment section of the “Strategic Plan” resource.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

I Have the Part 1 attached along with the rubric so you can do part 2

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