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Quiz: Weekly Quiz
I dont understand this Psychology question and need help to study.
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Reading Reflection 130 – EASY
Im trying to study for my Sociology course and I need some help to understand this question.
Readings are Attached:
Must Read:
1. Why I Asked my Students to Put Their Laptops Away,;
2. The Sociology of Development;
3. First part of Chapter 1, History and Power, in Duncan Green. Pages 13-20
4. Also: Watch “Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace”: [INCLUDE THIS IN YOUR REFLECTION]
There are a total of 3 readings + video. 4 total paragraphs. This reflection will include a sub-heading for each reading.
For each reading you will write at least one paragraph, in which you will answer the following questions:
What did you not understand or find new and challenging from the reading?
What questions for class discussion did it raise?
What did you find most useful in the reading?
What new terms and concepts were contained in the reading?
Note that these reading questions/reflections should NOT be a summary of the readings.
The purpose is:
1) that you demonstrate you have done the reading and given thought to it;
2) to identify what you did not understand and what you think is important and why is it important, in relation to the course and to Development and Social Change in Latin America
Apply: Strategic Management Research Project Presentation
Im working on a Management exercise and need support.
Review the Strategic Management Project Background and your strategic management research journal entries from Weeks 14.
Create a 10-slide presentation for Caterpillar Inc. leadership in which you summarize your key findings, propose recommendations, and provide rationale for your recommendations.
Respond to the following prompts:
- Summarize your evaluation of the alignment between what Caterpillar Inc. is currently doing and their mission, vision, or values statement. Would you propose any changes to Caterpillar Inc.’s mission, vision or values statements? Why or why not? (Refer to Wk 1, Bullet #4.)
- Summarize your assessment of whether Caterpillar Inc. is leveraging the appropriate value and cost drivers for their business strategy. Would you propose any changes? Why or why not? (Refer to Wk 2, Bullet #3.)
- Summarize your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Caterpillar Incs competitive advantages. Based on your analysis would you propose any changes? Why or why not? (Refer to Wk 2, Bullet #4.)
- Summarize your assessment of whether Caterpillar Inc. is using the appropriate measures to verify its strategic effectiveness. Based on your analysis would you propose any changes? Why or why not? (Refer to Wk 3, Bullet #1.)
- Summarize your evaluation of Caterpillar Inc.s competitive position and how they have responded to shifts in the external and internal environments. Would you propose any changes in how Caterpillar Inc. responds to shifts in the external and internal environments? Why or why not? (Refer to Wk 3, Bullet #5.)
- Summarize your evaluation of how mergers and acquisitions in the past 5 years have contributed to Caterpillar Inc.s performance. Would you propose that Caterpillar Inc. pursue mergers and acquisitions in the future? Why or why not? (Wk 4, Bullet #2.)
- Summarize your assessment of Caterpillar Inc.s global strategy. Based on your assessment would you propose any changes? Why or why not? (Refer to Wk 4, Bullet #3.)
Submit your assignment.
look picture and Creation Stories( I already write a little, just need to more particular)
Need help with my Communications question – Im studying for my class.
this i write: The king of this land used to be a poor guy who suffering in the desert due to the harsh conditions. Since lack of water and greens, people in this nation are starving and do not have too much way of making incomes. One day, the man saved a bird who is a moscot brings wealth and luck. The Then this bird follows the man, every time when the bird lays eggs, those eggs could be boiled and become jewelry stones people in this country sell those stones to others and use the money to build houses.
interview a manager
Im studying for my Management class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Arrange a time to interview your manager or someone you know in a managerial role. Ask the person you interview how he or she spends a typical work week. Based on the interview, provide examples of how the person performs the four functions of management.Minimum 2 paragraph
The four management functions of management are: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling. They affect each other, are ongoing, and are performed simultaneously.
- Planning is defined as setting goals and deciding how to achieve them.
- Organizing is defined as arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work.
- Leading is defined as motivating, directing, and otherwise influencing people to work hard to achieve the organizations goals.
- Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed.
Cost Volume Profit Analysis
Im studying and need help with a Accounting question to help me learn.
Second part of the presentation. See background information for the Module 1 SLP.
Include the following items in your presentation:
- What about special pricing for some markets or customers?
- Determination of customer profitability.
- Show effect on revenues and profitability based on stated assumptions.
- Potential advantages and disadvantages, both financial and non-financial.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Submit a PowerPoint presentation or a Word Document. A PowerPoint presentation should have no more than six slides and a Word document cannot exceed two pages. Use words, tables, and graphs to make a succinct presentation. Document all sources and provide links at the end. It is acceptable to add another slide or page to list the sources.
Combine the submissions from prior module(s) into one file before uploading to the SLP 2 Dropbox.
Relationships and Power in Negotiation
Im studying for my Business class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Relationships and Power in Negotiation
Consider a situation where you are negotiating with your boss for a higher salary. Discuss the role of relationship and power in the negotiation process. If your boss has more power in the negotiation process for a higher salary, how would you counterbalance him or her? Do you think reputation, trust, or justice will play a role in the negotiation process with your boss? Why or why not?
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
- Write between 750 1,250 words (approximately 3 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
- Use font size 12 and 1 margins.
- Include cover page and reference page.
- At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
- No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
- Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
- Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.
A detailed explanation of how to cite a source using APA can be found here (link).
Download an example here
Eth501 case2
Im studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.
Group Dynamics and Teams
We will continue our experiential approach to the study of Organizational Behavior by engaging in a personal applied case on the topic of group dynamics and teams. As in Module 1, use the following outline to structure your 4- to 6-page paper. You may use the subtitles as headings for your paper.
Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.
Concrete Experience: Begin with a specific situation/event. Describe an experience with a group or team that was meaningful to you. It may have been an extraordinarily good experience or it may have been an experience that did not work out very well at all! The important point is that it should be an experience which you would like to understand better. Be objective and focus on just the facts: who, what, where, when, and how as if you were composing a newspaper article.
Reflective Observation: Reflect upon that experience from multiple perspectives of persons involved or affected in the experience. Step back from the situation, look at the experience from your own viewpoint, and from the perspective of all other parties involved or affected. You want to look at the circumstances surrounding the experience from every relevant point of view. Why did you behave the way that you did? Why did others behave the way that they did? Did others have the same positive (or negative) experience? Explain. (Note: your discussion of theories and models from your module materials belongs in the following section.)
Abstract Conceptualization: (This Abstract Conceptualization section is the heart of your paper.) Use critical thinking skills to understand and interpret the experience at a deeper, more generalizable level. Interpret and understand the events you have described by drawing on the concepts, theories, and models in the background material from this module. Explain how they apply to your experience. For example, what behavior patterns can you identify in yourself and others that are similar to the ones described in the material on communication, teams, and conflict management? Does the model of Force Field Analysis (home page) help you better understand why people behaved the way they did? Be sure to apply at least three concepts, theories, and/or models and cite all references to concepts, ideas, and/or quotes that you use from any outside source.
Active Experimentation: Identify ways to respond to the next occurrence of a similar experience. What have you learned about the way groups work from this analysis? What have you learned from your mistakes? How are you going to put what you have learned to use? What actions will you take to build more effective work teams in your job?
Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learning you are taking from it.
Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper. If you have APA questions, refer to the optional listings on the background page.
MHA-FP5017 ASSESSMENT-2 Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups
I dont know how to handle this Statistics question and need guidance.
Assessment 2 Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups
Perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups and create an Excel document. Write a 23-page analysis of the results in a Word document and insert the results into this document.
Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order they are presented.
Hypothesis testing is a foundational statistical technique used to make decisions about a hypothesis. A hypothesis test compares two mutually exclusive statements (null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis) where only one is true. Hypothesis testing can determine statistical significance by examining the probability that a given result would occur under the null hypothesis. For this assessment, you will perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Plan for data collection, measurement, and analysis.
- Generate a hypothesis about the difference between two groups in a dataset.
- Identify the appropriate statistical test in a dataset.
- Competency 2: Analyze data using computer-based programming and software.
- Performs appropriate statistical test of the difference between two groups in a dataset.
- Competency 3: Interpret results of data analysis for value-based health care decisions, policy, or practice.
- Interpret the results of a data analysis and state whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the p-value and an alpha of .05.
- Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the hypothesis test.
- Competency 5: Communicate audience-appropriate health management content in a logically structured and concise manner, writing clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and APA style.
- Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.
Statistical Significance
- Frey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Significance. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 14). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Gallo, A. (2016, February 16). A refresher on statistical significance. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 29.
- Simpson, S. H. (2015). Creating a data analysis plan: What to consider when choosing statistics for a study. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 68(4), 311317. Retrieved from…
Hypothesis Testing
- Frey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Hypothesis testing. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 14). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Hypothesis Tester.
- Real Statistics Using Excel. (n.d.). Null and alternative hypothesis. Retrieved from…
- Elliott. E. C. (n.d.). Understanding statistical hypothesis testing. Retrieved from…
- Gonzalez-Chica, D. A., Bastos, J. L., Duquia, R. P., Bonamigo, R. R., & Martínez-Mesa, J. (2015). Test of association: Which one is the most appropriate for my study? Anais brasileiros de dermatología, 90(4), 523528. Retrieved from…
- Quantitative Skills Center: Interpreting Statistical Data.
p Value
- Frey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). p value. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 14). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Elliott, E. C. (n.d.). Interpreting statistical p-values. Retrieved from…
Interpreting Results
- Evaluation of Analytic Results.
- Interpreting Results of Inferential Techniques.
- Matching Statistical Tests to Hypotheses.
Significance Tests
- Orr-Depner, R. (n.d.). Learning about 2-sample t-tests with Guitar Hero | Transcript. Retrieved from…
- Scheer, A. (n.d.). The basics of significance tests | Transcript. Retrieved from…
- (n.d.). Statistical vs practical significance. Retrieved from…
- Tutorials for Statistical Data Analysis. (n.d.). Two sample (independent group) t-test using Mcrosoft Excel. Retrieved from…
- Kros, J. F., & Rosenthal, D. A. (2016). Statistics for health care management and administration: Working with Excel (3rd. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Download the Assessment 2 Dataset [XLSX].
The dataset contains the following variables:
- clinic1 (total number of visits per month for clinic 1) .
- clinic2 (total number of visits per month for clinic 2).
An investor needs to make a decision on whether to acquire one of two medical clinics based on their productivity, as measured by the total number of visits per month. You have been asked whether there is a significance difference in the total number of visits per month between clinic 1 and clinic 2.
For this assessment, perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups in the Assessment 2 Dataset. Create an appropriately labeled Excel document with your results. Also write an analysis of the results in a Word document. Insert the test results into this document (copied from the output file and pasted into a Word document). Refer to Copy From Excel to Another Office Program for instructions.
Submit both the Word document and the Excel file that shows the results.
Grading Criteria
The numbered assessment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
- Generate a hypothesis about the difference between two groups in a dataset.
- State null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis as an explanation and math equation.
- Identify the appropriate statistical test in a dataset.
- Provide your statistical rationale.
- Perform appropriate statistical test of the difference between two groups in a dataset.
- Interpret the results of a data analysis and state whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the p-value and an alpha of .05.
- Interpret p-value and statistical significance.
- Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the hypothesis test.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.
- Length: 23 pages
- Resources: Not required.
- APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format.
- Font and font size: Times Roman, 10 point.
What is the Statement of Financial Position? Activity statement? Cash flow? How are the financial statements used in Emergency Response Organization?
Need help with my Management question – Im studying for my class.
Please see the below the questions that I would like to have answered. This assignment must consist of 300+ words with 2 Scholarly Sources, the below reference must be used as one source. **NO PLAGIARISM WHATSOEVER**
Question: What is the Statement of Financial Position? Activity statement? Cash flow? How are the financial statements used in Emergency Response Organization?
Reference and Textbook are below;
Finkler, S. A., Calabrese, T., Purtell, R., & Smith, D. L. (2013). Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
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