Journal: My Footprint

I’m studying and need help with a Health & Medical question to help me learn.

Download the attached Power Point slides and insert your answers on the slides!!!

be consistent in your answers! not just straight forward answers

do not plagiarise!

Journal: My Footprint

Adjusting our lifestyle choices to live more sustainability is the best way to ensure that we have the resources we need over the long term, but how exactly do we get there? How will YOU get there?

What is your ecological footprint? To find out, spend a few minutes online doing an Internet keyword search for: Ecological Footprint Calculator. You might compare your results at several sites to get a better sense of the actions that impact your footprint on the environment.

For this assignment, be sure to complete the following tasks:

  • Describe your current ecological footprint.
  • With a digital camera or by searching the internet for images, create a collage of pictures which show how you or your community contributes to environmental degradation. Place a caption under each image explaining why you chose this image.
  • List and describe five changes you can make that will contribute to a more sustainable society.
  • Discuss how each change will contribute to a more sustainable society.
  • Include a brief analysis of how easy or difficult it will be for you to make those changes.

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10-1 Discussion: Reflection

Can you help me understand this Law question?

Reflect on the information presented in this course. As a leader, what would be your problem-solving approach?

  • How will you collect valid and reliable data?
  • How will you assess performance of the employees?
  • How will you communicate your findings to a variety of audiences?

In your responses to peers, offer insight and possible solutions to the challenges they identified. Also talk about best practices to motivate employees toward optimal performance.

responses and rubric attached

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Constitution Short Essay Assignment

I’m working on a Political Science exercise and need support.

Constitution Short Essay Assignment

There are multiple parts to this assignment; for full credit, please respond to them all. Keep in mind that this is a graded assignment and I am primarily looking for inclusion of assigned course material. Have fun!

1. Federalist Papers: Expand your understanding of Federalist Paper 10, Federalist Paper 51, and Anti-Federalist Paper #1 by examining the arguments made in each of these documents and their role in contemporary government and politics. Do the limits on power enshrined in our Constitution and articulated in these Federalist Papers continue to work today? For Federalist Paper 10, Federalist Paper 51, and anti-Federalist Paper #1:

a. Explain the central argument made and why it was important in the context of then-proposed Constitution.

b. Apply the argument made to an example of contemporary politics. Do the arguments made in these Federalist Papers still apply today? Explain why or why not.

c. What would the Federalists have thought about the current conflict between the President and Congress over the funding of a border wall? Did the Federalists intend that the President should be able to get whatever he wants by holding government funding hostage?

2. The U.S. Constitution: If you were writing a Constitution for the United States today, what would be some of the major ideas you would like that Constitution to reflect?What is important is not which option you choose, but whyyou chose that option. Again, keep in mind that I am primarily interested in the integration of assigned course materials. You may also refer to contemporary media sources should you wish to do so.

a. Would you like the government set up by the Constitution to allow for majority rule on all issues, or would you rather allow minorities power to slow or even stop majority rule? Why?

b. Would you like a system that works rather rapidly to make and implement decisions, or would you like a system that works fairly slowly? Why?

c. Would you like a central government with great powers, state governments with great powers, or something in?between? Why?

d. Would you like the power of the national government concentrated in one branch, such as in a parliamentary system, or diffused through two or more branches?Why?

e. How is the Constitution you have created similar or different from the U.S. Constitution? Have you always chosen the most democratic options (remember, the Founders of the U.S. Constitution often did not)? If not, what other values enter into the decision to choose the least democratic option? Were these the values that affected the decisions of the Founders of the U.S. Constitution?

Source Material:

Open to Debatee-text Chapter 2 –

American Government Examined e-reader Chapter 2: –

  • Aichinger, “The Relevance of the Federalist Papers”
  • Federalist #10
  • Federalist #51
  • Anti-Federalist #1

Video Lecture Clips:

Tips for Success:

  • I will be looking for direct references to assigned readings (author and page # or chapter and section citations are adequate). Again, this is an assignment in which I am looking for your ability to display your knowledge of course materials.
  • I recommend composing your content in an offline text editor and then copying and pasting in post. That way you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work.

Grading Rubric:

Federalist Papers Prompt


Constitution Prompt


Writing Mechanics


Total Possible:


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write a reflection

I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

In the first week’s reflection, identify two research-type questions that you want to answer about development. (These questions must relate to course topics from week 2 or beyond.) Looking through the syllabus, which weeks relate most closely to the questions that you have? Based on the examples below, write a paragraph detailing what you expect to learn about each question, and explain how you think your questions will play a role in your future life.


1. How do people . . .?

This relates to (week/reading/day) . . .

I expect to learn that . . .

This question relates to my future life because . . .

In my future work with . . ., I can use this information to . . .

2. Why do . . .?

This relates to . . .

I expect to learn that . . .

This question relates to my future life because . . .

In my future work with . . ., I can use this information to . . .

Evaluation: 1 point for each question written (2 points total), 4 points for completing each paragraph that includes the outlined statements (a 2-paragraph response, 8 points total). Note: you may NOT simply generate questions that will be answered immediately. Only one question may relate to content from weeks one or two. Please compose all written work in APA style.

I uploaded the class materials and the syllabus for you. Note that for the table 2.5 five perspective, they are Freud, Erikson, Behaviorism (classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning), Piaget, information processing, Vygotsky, Zone of proximal development.

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Music Composition: Creating Harmony

I’m studying for my Writing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Composition: Creating Harmony

In music, harmony refers to the use of several pitches (or notes) that are generally played simultaneously to produce a range of tones to create desired musical effects. The relationship between two pitches in music is called an interval. Harmony is created when various notes and intervals are combined into a chord. The way these harmonic chords are constructed determines whether they create consonant (pleasant) or dissonant (harsh) sounds. Various types of music have specific rules for creating harmony. Typically, harmony in Western music is rooted in consonance, which results in a pleasant balance within musical compositions.

One of the most basic harmonic progressions for all tonal music is the I-V tonic-dominant pattern. This pattern has been used for centuries in millions of compositions and was especially popular during the Classical era. Our ears naturally want to hear the tension of the dominant resolve to the tonic. This tension and resolution lie at the center of Western harmony. While the tonic-dominant relationship has been greatly elaborated upon over the centuries, it is still the organizational force behind all standard harmonic progressions.

In this assignment, you will notate the vocal line of a simple song and add consonant chords using the I-V pattern. You will then have the opportunity to write your own song, complete with a melody line, accompanying chords, and lyrics.

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What does an assessor need to understand before she or he can perform an assessment?

I’m studying and need help with a Computer Science question to help me learn.

Length: Minimum of 400 words

Create 1 new thread, and provide substantive

comments on at least 3 threads created by other students. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

What does an assessor need to understand before she or he can perform an assessment?

Note: Please make sure there is no plagiarism and the subject should from Computer Science and Information System/Security Standpoint.

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informative outline and speech

Help me study for my Communications class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

For the Outline:

  1. The four steps to an introduction
  1. Get the attention and interest of your audience.
  2. Reveal the topic of your speech.
  3. Establish your credibility and goodwill.
  4. Preview the body of the speech.
  1. At least two main points in the body of your outline detailing your “issue” and explanation of your project, including a timeline and goals. (3 main points)
  2. Conclusion
  1. To let the audience know you are ending the speech.
  2. To reinforce the audience’s understanding of, or commitment to, the central idea.
  1. At least 3 sources cited in your outline and the reference section (APA)

I will attache an informative outline example that our professor proviaded for us.

Then using the outline the speech can be done.

I don’t know what topic I want to write about. The topic should be a self reflective, local applicability, “doable” as a project kind of topic. Any ideas?

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Reading Responses

I’m studying for my Economics class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

There is no required length for responses. You are assessed on your thoughtful engagement with the material. Please do not post a summary. • Your response should bring up substantive comments and questions with regard to the reading at hand and the broader themes in the class. • You may choose to relate what you read to some part of your daily life, current events, or some other situation, policy debate, etc.. • Responses can be speculative, propose applications, or pose critiques.

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CHFD212 Week 6 Discussion

I’m studying for my Psychology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

should be minimum 150 words for each classmate and minimum 250 words for the week discussion

include references page and in text citations!

be very specific to the topic discussion and do not plagiarise!

For this discussion, we will compare three websites with information about infancy and toddlerhood. These websites are three (3) very different websites with different goals and purposes. (Early Head Start National Resource Center)


After browsing the sites, compare and rate them in terms of usefulness to parents and daycare professionals. How user friendly are the sites? What do you find most informative on them? What changes would you make?


Hello class,

After reviewing the three different websites this week I found they all provide useable and helpful information. If I had to rate them based on how helpful and useful the information that was provided by the sites before5 provided the most helpful information while Early Head Start National Resource Center provided information that was not all that useful to a daycare professional, they provided a different kind of information. Each website provided and informed the parents in a different way they each provided different aspects of help. Before5 provided information not only about how we as parents can help our child they also provided information about the developmental stages children will go through. Zerotothree provided information that was useful to both the parents and the caregivers. They also provide ways to help with discipline and setting limits with kids.

I would have to say that before5 was very user-friendly, it was easy to navigate through each different topic. While Early Head Start Nationa Resource Center was a little confusing to me and provided more sites about childcare programs. It was hard to figure which site contains what information and which one would be appropriate at that time. I found that zero to three provided information for both the parents and for the children that included their developmental stages. Before5 helps you understand /explore how a child grows and develops. The Early Head Start National Resource Center provided information about childcare/headstart programs. I really don’t think that I would change anything about the first two sits as how they provide useful information in their own way. The last website I would include tips and information on how to help the parents help the children grow and develop.

Minimum 250 words.

Classmate #2:

This week’s learning lesson was based on some credible websites that contribute to the overall development of young children. Each website gave a detailed explanation as to what specific categories are crucial, during their early stages of development. Head Start ECLKC is a program designed for not only pre- school aged children, but also infants, toddlers and pregnant women. The good thing about the Head Start Program is that it supports low income families and it is funded by grants. On the other hand, the You Can Handle This Program seems as though it is more helpful for first time parents. While browsing their website I felt as though their main focus was to teach new parents’ ways to cater, nurture and provide the needs of the child, from birth to the age of five. Most importantly, it breaks down five development domains that aid in the successful growth of the child and gives input on what you can do to help improve that area. Lastly, Zero to Three proved that their program has contributed to many children, for a total of 43 years, throughout several different locations. Based on the website, this program is the most advanced due to having a broad selection of areas that are emphasized around the world. By comparing each website and learning facts about each program, I would say that the You Can Handle This and Zero to Three Programs are more useful for parents because it provides information on what they should do, how to do things, and where to seek additional assistance. Head Start ECLKC mainly benefits daycare and all childcare professionals. Each site was very user friendly and presented all information in an organized manner. The information that each site featured was clear, concise and relatable to people all around the world. The two things that were most informative to me were the services and resources that were provided. Each program offered many different services and included resources for more assistance and who to contact for other categories or situations. Some of the changes I would make to the sites would be to include live video interaction at the facilities, photo albums of children settings, and also a video tutorial that walks you through each section.

Head Start Programs. (2019, October 21). Retrieved January 8, 2020, from

Links. (2016, January 18). Retrieved January 8, 2020, from

Our Work. (n.d.). Retrieved January 8, 2020, from

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eassy eassy

I need an explanation for this Marketing question to help me study.

This is a take-home assignment. You are to answer the questions in the way(s) that you believe are the most thorough, most descriptive, and most analytical.

Assume that you are the person identified as “you” in the problem provided to you. You have an Accounting degree from Troy University and you are a CPA. As stated in the problem, you are married and you have two children who are in a very expensive private school. Your spouse has just lost his/her job. Answer the questions set out at the end of the problem.

You are to compose a short paper that addresses all questions asked. As we are also evaluating your writing, your answers must be in an essay format, rather than using outlines or bullet points. You are to submit your answers in narrative form. Keep in mind that communication has multiple dimensions to it. Communicating substantive information is only one dimension. How well you communicate it and the grasp of the English language that you display in your communications will all have a bearing on how the individual grading your submission will evaluate it.

This assignment will make up a percent of your grade to be determined by your faculty member.

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