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Topic 8 This is my FINAL ASSIGNMENT Grand Canyon University PYS-630
Im studying for my Psychology class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Directions: In a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title and reference slides, select a local problem you see occurring in your community. Please note that you will be including speaker notes as if you are giving the presentation in person as well as the slides when you submit this assignment. Please refer to the attachment for further and complete instructions. You will have much time to complete this assignment I do not need it until Monday, January 6th.
If you have any questions about this assignment please ask questions. PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT FOR COMPLETE CONSTRUCTIONS
Applying Differential Diagnosis to Depressive and Bipolar Disorders
Im studying for my Social Science class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Enclosed is the assignment that need the format to be changed. I will provide an example of his it should be formatted.
Depressive and Bipolar Disorders.
Alejandro is a fifty-three-year-old Hispanic male who complains of missing his family, who separated from him when he started behaving strangely. Alejandro has inconsistent feelings of good, lack of sleep, and social drinking (Plummer, 2013). He has had a good parental upbringing where he would spend time every Sunday with family and relatives. It is also clear that Alejandro never had an abnormal medical record from his childhood (Plummer, 2013). Most of his problems thus originate from his abnormal feeling of excitement, which at some point led him to punch the wall, and this scared his wife, and thus she had to leave for fear of being a victim of his acting out. This history, therefore, shows that Alejandro could be suffering from a bipolar related disorder and not a medical condition.
Alejandro has symptoms of bipolar disorder characterized by his inconsistency of feeling good, which does not last long, followed by his angry outburst and his actions of punching the wall. The ICD-10-cm code for the disorder is F31.2, and the 2019 edition of the coded started being effective on October first two thousand and eighteen (American Psychiatric Association 2013).
Alejandro has confessed that he misses his and wants them back. His actions of outburst anger and punching on the wall scared them for his wife says she feared to be a victim of his acting out. The other confirmation of his bipolar disorder is his extreme feeling of good, where he even spends a lot of money buying expensive items, his lack of sleep, and substituted with playing games. His social drinking also increases, and he reports to his wife that he feels great.
These symptoms are moderate, and they can be lowered further by bring back his wife and children and also encouraging him to seek psychiatric treatment and should not stop the treatment even when his behavior settles down. He should also make sure he has enough sleep and abandon social drinking (American Psychiatric Association 2013).
Medical Needs
There is a need for the social worker to find out what causes Alejandro to develop the inconsistent feelings of good and all over sudden the outburst anger.
The Diagnosis.
Alejandro has the symptoms of a bipolar related disorder, and the DSM-5 diagnosis criteria will involve a combination of various methods. Therefore, the initial diagnosis involves a personal assessment to detect if there are any bouts of sadness followed by extreme optimism and happiness (Morrison, 2014). Upon doing so, it would be important to see a doctor to perform any physical examination to rule out other conditions which could be suspected to cause extreme shifts. The other diagnosis will be made by a psychiatrist to assess the overall mental health by asking questions about the symptoms and how long they have occurred (Morrison, 2014).
Measurement Instrument.
The general behavior inventory is suitable for the validation of the diagnosis and assessment of outcome since its internal consistency is high and reliable (American Psychiatric Association 2013). This is because the method combines the scale length and items questioning related symptoms.
Treatment Recommendation.
Since the most significant cause of separation from his family is his inconsistent feelings of good, followed by acting out, the most effective treatment would be family therapy (American Psychiatric Association 2013). In that case, the social worker will get to inform him that his strange behavior scares his family members since they feared to be victims of the outburst anger and financial bankruptcy. I would also recommend Alejandro to resume his psychiatric treatment and never to abandon them even when his behavior is stable since his inconsistent feelings occur at any given time.
Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. BMC Med, 17, 133-137.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (2013). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Publishing.
HIST-170 civil rights movements question
Im working on a History question and need guidance to help me study.
In this unit, we followed the experience of John Lewis as he grew up in the segregated South and, inspired by the protests of the 1950s, became a student leader in the civil rights movement. Part of a new generation of young African Americans, Lewis and his colleagues were not afraid of the consequences of fighting to end the system that constrained their lives and opportunities. Yet, Lewis also makes his debts clear to activists and mentors who inspired and guided him like James Lawson and Ella Baker. In this way, the classic phase of the civil rights movement shows its roots back into the long civil rights movements.
Please use resources (readings, videos, and document problems) to answer the following questions in a substantial (1-2 paragraph) response.
What sparked a new phase of the civil rights movement in the 1950 and 1960s? In what ways did it draw upon existing kinds of organization and activism? In what ways did it draw on new currents of determination and newly empowered activists? Did the movement face greater obstacles from what Theoharis calls redneck or polite racism?
Links may help:
BCJ 510 Drugs, Justice & Society
Can you help me understand this Law question?
Writing Assignment for Unit Four
1. Explain the acute physiological effects alcohol has on the body. Make sure to include toxic reactions, the St. Bernard Myth, diuretic effects, effects on sleep, effects on pregnancy, and interactions with other drugs.
Textbook: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice 4th Edition, 2016
Charles F. Levinthal Pearson
ISBN: 9780133802580
**** Textbook must be available for citations**
Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall in the following ranges:
Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words per question
All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.
Discussion: Beginnings of Social Work
Im studying for my History class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
It is hard to trace the actual beginnings of the field of social work but most historians point to the late 19th century and the Charity Organization Society (COS) movement and the Settlement House movement as providing the foundation for what we call social work today. Each of these movements had a commitment to serving the poor but were distinctly different in how they worked with the poor and the reasons (values-personal and religious) for their different approaches. So….
What did each movement think about the poor? What did they believe caused poverty? How did they propose to “treat” poverty? Answer these questions first, but I am actually more interested in what you think? Which approach had it right? Did either? What position are you most attracted to and are there other ways to think about poverty?
About three paragraphs should be good.
When the Charity Organization Societies first started, the main view was that poverty was a result of moral failure. The overwhelming view of applicants after visitation from friendly visitors was that the poor were not working hard enough and that individual morality played a large role in why they were poor. They treated the poor by providing a system where people applied and were granted aid, and by organizing charities in areas to prevent overlap. Eventually, due to science this view shifted and a new broader view of what caused poverty emerged. While I appreciate that the COS eventually changed their views, and that it has some good elements (such as organizing other charities to prevent overlap), I think that the Settlement House Movement put in place more successful strategies to “treat” poverty.
The settlement house movement viewed the poor as the oppressed, and not as burdens. They recognized that individual morality was not the problem, and called for social reform and research into poverty. The residents of these settlement houses “treated” poverty by actually integrating themselves into the community. Also, since these reformers were mostly well educated, they raised awareness for poverty via writing. Also, they were able to successfully identify specific problems and I believe that a large part of why they were so successful is because they lived with the poor people as well and had an inside perspective. They also proposed lots of great ideas that the COS did not, such as providing the settlement house residents with community spaces (ex. library, mens clubs, religious meeting spaces), education (ex. kindergarten, citizenship classes), and healthcare services (ex. visiting nurses, discounted medicine). In my opinion, this approach to treating poverty was more well received than the COS’s approach because instead of blaming the individual person, the Settlement House movement recognized common reasons for poverty and provided their residents with support and a sense of community. Because of these reasons, I am more attracted to the Settlement House Movement.
few seconds ago
Charity Organization Societies (COS) developed in America with the idea that charity work needed to be organized.Visitors would come to applicants homes to gather information about their situation and uplift their moral and spiritual character.Through systematic and comprehensive data collection, people began to link sickness, disability, unemployment, etc. with poverty. People were taking a broader, more scientific perspective on the causes of poverty.Although these contributions of the COS movement are beneficial, there was a darker side to friendly visitors beliefs.The rich felt they were the superior class and mere contact with them would show people proper values.
The Settlement House Movement shifted the view of poverty from an individual focus to a societal focus.Settlements were created in poor communities with the goal of bridging the gap between the classes. These settlement houses established kindergartens, nurseries, mens clubs, libraries, and meeting spaces for ethnic and religious groups.The poor were seen as oppressed individuals rather than a social burden which also led to support for social reform.
I think the approach that I was drawn to the most was the Settlement House Movement.People began to view those in poverty as oppressed (although there was still a superior attitude).This movement shed light on the need for social reform and government involvement for relief.They also worked to meet the needs of a community and the diverse individuals that it was comprised of. With that said, both approaches had benefits and areas that needed improvement.Foremost, I believe you cannot effectively help those in poverty if you feel above them. People must come from a place of understanding and compassion rather than superiority.As mentioned in the beginnings of social work lecture, a combination of both concepts is referred to as a generalist model.I think a generalist model would be the best way to treat poverty because it combines individual intervention with intervention on a bigger societal scale.
Watch: Wonder Woman Read: Cocca Its About Power and Its About Women,write a discussion(1 page).
Im working on a Article Writing exercise and need support.
Class participation (i.e. discussion board posts) is an irreplaceable part of the learning process in this course. You will be evaluated on the QUALITY of your contributions and insights. A quality comment possesses one or more of the following properties:
Offers a different and unique, but relevant, perspective
Contributes to moving the discussion and analysis forward
Builds on other comments
Includes evidence, argumentation, or reflective thinking while moving beyond opinion or value judgment.
Note: While points allocated will not be based on length or number of words, it will be exceedingly difficult to achieve the above benchmarks in one or two sentences.
Film Writing: Best Practices
As this course is mainly engaged with film, you will be required to use time markers for each in-text citation: (Title of the Film Hour:Min:Sec) eg. (Batman 01:23:15). Because you will need to reference a fair amount of evidence in your analysis and writing (direct quotes, scenes from the films, articles, etc.), I highly suggest that you watch the film with subtitles on so you are able to write down the exact quote. You are expected to read and watch the entirety of whatever is assigned. If you take notes as you read, you will be much more prepared for the written assignments. Also, remember to save all of your work often and in multiple locations.
HIST-17 Brown vs Board of Education
I need an explanation for this History question to help me study.
The NAACP deployed an unprecedented amount of social science research in the Supreme Court hearing for the Brown vs Board of Education case, drawing heavily on the research of Dr Kenneth Brown and his wife Dr Mamie Brown. In order to overturn the Plessy vs Ferguson case from 1896, they needed to prove conclusively that separate education could not be made equal. Read the attached documents to learn more about the research that the NAACP submitted as evidence, especially the most famous doll tests.
In the Brown vs Board of Education decision, the Supreme Court argued To separate [African-American children] from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone. How did the Clark research influence their thinking? What aspects of the Clarks research were the most important to overturning school segregation?
Researching a Proposed Bill
Im studying for my History class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
For this assignment you will pick an area of social welfare that you are interested in (e.g., Child welfare, mental health, disability, substance abuse, health care, criminal justice, etc.). Next, you will find a Bill that is being proposed and voted on at the Federal Level (Congress) or State Level (any state you choose) and write a short paper 2-3 pages about the 1) general social issue that bill addresses, 2) the purpose or intent of the Bill, and 3) your opinion about it (would you support or oppose the Bill and why?).
Dynamic Art
Im trying to study for my Art & Design course and I need some help to understand this question.
Please talk about Gothic architecture ( attached ) and select a piece of ARCHITECTURE.
answer the following questions.
What is it about this creation that you like? who worked on it? How many people do you thing it took to successfully complete this piece of work? How does it stand out from the other pieces of art or architecture? Does it symbolically mean something to you?
this paper should be less than 300 words in length.
Critical Thinking and Writing – Week 3
Can you help me understand this English question?
Read Pages 627-629 (Carlo Rotella in PDF file), Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing, answer 1 to 4.
Quiz 3:
Plagiarism of any kind will result in a 0.
Late quiz submissions will suffer a 15% penalty.
1.Toulmin Model: Please refer to the article: Cash for Grades (worth 25 points)
- What is the claim of the overall article? Please mark it in the article. Explain your reasoning. (3 sentences minimum)
- Focus on paragraphs 2 and 3. What is the claim? Provide one piece of Data from the section. Explain why it serves as data for the overall claim. (3 sentences minimum)
- Refer to paragraph 5. Locate the qualifier. Explain your reasoning. (3 sentences minimum)
- Does the article offer any rebuttals? If so, list them. If not, explain why you feel that the writer did not provide any. (3 sentences minimum)
2.Toulmin Model: Please refer to the article: EATING YOURSELF: WE CONSUME IDENTITY THROUGH FOOD? (Worth 25 points)
- What is the claim of the overall article? Textual evidence is required. Explain your reasoning. (3 sentences minimum)
- Focus on the Ethnic and Cultural Symbolism of Food section. What is the claim? Provide one piece of Data from the section. Explain why it serves as data for the overall claim. Textual evidence is required. (3 sentences minimum)
- Refer to the section titled, Thinking Through Food. Locate the qualifier in the sixth paragraph. (Here is the first sentence of the paragraph: A characteristic of societies with social equality is that there tends to be a more equitable distribution of food) Explain your reasoning. (3 sentences minimum)
- Refer to the section titled, How has individual consumption changed? How does that support the overall claim of the article? Textual evidence is required. Explain your reasoning. If you feel that it does not, explain your reasoning. (3 sentences minimum)
- Does the article offer any rebuttals? If so, list them. If not, explain why you feel that the writer did not provide any. (3 sentences minimum)
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