Please see instructions

I’m stuck on a Social Science question and need an explanation.

The policy practice/advocacy can take whatever form you wish and can be on any level: agency, community, state, or federal. You will submit a prospectus (3–4 pages) that describes the problem that is being addressed and the expected advocacy activities. You are expected to carry out the activities planned in this proposal and will present on your actions and outcomes in the Week 10 Final Project assignment.

  • Provide a brief synopsis of your social problem and identification of a policy that you submitted in Week 3 (week 3 information will be provided)
  • Describe the social problem or policy you would like to change, and the specific action you plan take to effect change.

Be specific when describing the social problem or policy you would like to change and address the following:

  • If you selected a policy, when was the policy enacted, by whom, and for what reason?
  • How are you going to work to change the policy/problem (i.e., plan for social advocacy)?
  • How will your efforts address the policy/social problem described?
  • Is continued policy practice/advocacy needed to make a long-term impact? Why or why not?

The prospectus will need to be well researched and written using APA guidelines. Data should come from at least five sources.

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Watch: Buffy the Vampire Slayer?Read:Seas

I’m studying for my Article Writing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Formal Response papers (2-3pp) — Response papers should be composed in formal prose and be used to practice thesis development and argumentation. They should function primarily to develop and focus theses that may be refined into a final paper. You may approach a concept related to the assigned material, delve into details, explore broader themes, symbols, or ideas, or engage any other literary, critical, theoretical, analytical, or humanistic argumentation.

All formal writing assignments must follow these guidelines. Not following correct formatting with be penalized:

–Be formatted according to MLA

–Contain a works cited page

–Use one inch margins on all sides.

–12 pt, Times New Roman font

–Double spaced

–Last Name & Page # in top right corner

–Contains parenthetical citations

Film Writing: Best Practices

As this course is mainly engaged with film, you will be required to use time markers for each in-text citation: (Title of the Film Hour:Min:Sec) eg. (Batman 01:23:15). Because you will need to reference a fair amount of evidence in your analysis and writing (direct quotes, scenes from the films, articles, etc.), I highly suggest that you watch the film with subtitles on so you are able to write down the exact quote. You are expected to read and watch the entirety of whatever is assigned. If you take notes as you read, you will be much more prepared for the written assignments. Also, remember to save all of your work often and in multiple locations.

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Complete Medical Social Work Discussion (WALDEN)

I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as ObamaCare) became law on May 23, 2010. It strives to reform the health insurance and health care industries in an effort to cut health care costs and provide Americans with affordable health insurance. The ACA also strives to expand Medicare and Medicaid to assist those Americans who cannot currently afford health insurance. As a result of the reforms, there may be a significant influx of patients into the health care system. In addition, there will be a greater focus on integrating health care services, particularly for individuals with physical and mental health conditions. It is expected that under the ACA, social workers will take a more active role in the coordination of care for existing and new members of the health care system. Social workers will also provide additional direct, frontline services to patients.

To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Consider the debate over the ACA and explore the reputable sources on the Internet for additional resources on the balanced debates over the ACA. Consider how the ACA might expand meaningful services to all Americans including children, young adults, uninsured minorities, and spouses of employed individuals. Consider one population.

By Day 4

Post a description of the findings of your research on the debate over ACA. Explain some of the misconceptions or misunderstandings the general population might have about the ACA. Explain how the ACA may or may not increase affordability, health insurance coverage, and access to health care services for the population you selected. Explain the potential or documented influence of the ACA on medical social work practice. Describe the medical social worker’s role in clarifying the ACA to patients and families.

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Personal Narrative

Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Topic and Structure:

Multimodal Personal Narrative – Develop a multimodal document to both visually illustrate and verbally express a personal transformation.

Use a one-page newspaper or single-panel brochure format to present a personal narration of a transformation of your choice from a point in your childhood to today. You might discuss a career aspiration you had as a child, transition to the job you held as a teenager, and lastly, explain the profession you maintain today. Use connecting ideas to ensure you have a cohesive essay, which will ultimately (in the conclusion) explain what you learned from this transformation. For example, how and why did you go from point A (job 1) to point B (job 2) and then on to point C (job 3)? Or, you might consider illustrating a transformation based on a way of life or philosophy.

Implement three photos to represent your ideas, feelings, etc., at the three focal points in your life. You may use personal photos, clip art, or other images, but be sure you use and/or attribute the them appropriately. For example, you are free to use your personal photos as you’d like, but make sure to choose clip art or other images that you either have permission to use freely or that you cite adequately. Equally consider your document’s layout, such as text sizes, photo placement (near the related essay text), and colors, in addition to how you present your content, to include thesis, support, and organization.

Sample thesis statement: Growing up in Sedona, Arizona, I was constantly looking up into the clear night sky, viewing multiple constellations and shimmering stars, which had me yearning to reach them—literally—so when I turned 16, I began working as a camp counselor at a space camp, which ultimately led to a career at NASA; my journey taught me that if I reached for the stars, nothing could stop me.

Format Requirements:

While you do not need to follow standard MLA format for this assignment, be sure to still include your name, the course title, assignment name, and date within your submission as part of the newspaper or brochure.

Length: This assignment should be at least 500 words.

Underline your thesis statement.

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Argumentative Essay

I’m stuck on a English question and need an explanation.

Option #1: Does Technology Promote Loneliness?

Develop a thesis statement built upon whether or not technology promotes loneliness. You should focus on either one form of hardware or one type of software. For example, you could target cell phones or laptops. If you want to look more into software, you could narrow your discussions to one type of social media or one gaming app. These are just a handful of a vast array of options you could choose.

Develop at least three strong arguments in addition to a counterargument and refutation (this resource can assist you in developing the counterargument and refutation). This organization should yield four body paragraphs. Using argumentative topic sentences that include your opinion for each section can help ensure the majority of your essay is argumentative. The beginning of a sample topic sentence might be, “First, Facebook does not promote loneliness because….” Then, be sure to support that claim with a point or two of researched data, followed by mostly original material that helps to explain how your research supports your claims as well as provides new insights and perspectives. Conclude each paragraph with a sentence that synthesizes the paragraph’s main ideas.

Sample Thesis Statement: Social media, particularly Facebook, does not promote loneliness because (add

a counterargument focus). *Note that a thorough thesis statement will include the counterargument in addition to your own arguments, but be sure to frame your counterargument as the opposition’s opinion so that readers do not think that you are changing your stance.

See The Top Ten Tips for College-Level Writing (Presentation) for more thesis statement assistance.

Use at least three credible sources (the author should be considered an expert on the topic in which he or she writes; try Google Scholar to search), such as books, articles, and websites, to support your thesis. Include a mix of cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotes in your argumentative research paper. Use MLA format (Tip: You will find useful MLA resources within the course topics, particularly in Topic 9) to create proper parenthetical citations as well as a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. For additional Works Cited assistance visit and use the left navigation menu to locate the type of reference you need.

Option #2: Is Citizen Privacy or National Security More Important?

Develop a thesis statement focused on determining if citizen privacy or national security is more important. You can choose any country or region. Your chosen topic needs to be specific and might address a question like the ones you see in these examples:

  • Should officials make citizens’ privacy more of a priority than national security? Why or why not?
  • Is national security likely to pose a risk for citizen privacy? Why or why not?
  • You may choose another topic regarding the relationship between citizen privacy and national security as well; just be sure that your main thesis addresses the association between these two ideas.

Develop at least three strong arguments in addition to a counterargument and refutation (this resource can assist you in developing the counterargument and refutation). This organization should yield four body paragraphs. Using argumentative topic sentences that include your opinion for each section can help ensure the majority of your essay is argumentative. The beginning of a sample topic sentence might be, “Primarily, exceptional national security is likely to reduce citizen privacy because….” Then, be sure to support that claim with a point or two of researched data, followed by mostly original material that helps to explain how your research supports your claims as well as provides new insights and perspectives. Conclude each paragraph with a sentence that synthesizes the paragraph’s main ideas.

Sample Thesis Statement: Ideally, a thesis would include the major assignment objectives for the essay, which in this case would be your claim/opinion, reasons why you have that opinion, and the counterargument: Implementing national security measures could lead to citizen privacy dilemmas because (add argument 1), (add argument 2), and (add argument 3), even though (add counterargument focus). *Note that a thorough thesis statement will include the counterargument in addition to your own arguments, but be sure to frame your counterargument as the opposition’s opinion so that readers do not think that you are changing your stance.

Use at least three credible sources (the author should be considered an expert on the topic in which he or she writes), such as books, articles, and websites, to support your claims. Include a mix of cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotes in your argumentative research paper. Use MLA format (Tip: You will find useful MLA resources within the course topics, particularly in Topic 9) to create proper parenthetical citations as well as a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. For additional Works Cited assistance visit and use the left navigation menu to locate the type of reference you need.

The guidelines and requirements for this assignment are as follows:

Format Requirements:

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • Course Title (Composition I)
  • Assignment name (Comparison and Contrast)
  • Current Date

Page Layout:

  • MLA style documentation (please see the tutorial in the course topic)
  • Last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page
  • Double-spacing throughout
  • Title, centered after heading
  • Standard font (Times New Roman or Calibri)
  • 1″ margins on all sides
  • Save the file as .docx or .doc format

Length: This assignment should be at least 750 words.

Underline your thesis statement.

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Complete 500 word Marketing Task (FORD)

I’m working on a Marketing exercise and need support.

Foundations of Marketing – Week 7 Assignment

Ethics in Commerce

Sparrow Pharmaceuticals is the maker of several popular drugs used to treat high blood pressure and arthritis. Over time, the company has developed a positive relationship with many of the patients who use its medications through a quarterly newsletter that offers the latest information on new medical research findings and general health and fitness articles. The company just has been acquired by a group of investors who also own Soothing Waters Hot Tubs and Spas. The marketing director for Soothing Waters would like to use Sparrow’s mailing list for a direct-mail promotion.

Ethics Questions:

1.What should Sparrow Pharmaceuticals do?

2.Do you think it is ethical to use customer information across multiple divisions of the same company? Explain.

3.To which marketing management philosophy do you think the marketing director for Soothing Waters subscribes? Explain.

4.Does the AMA Statement of Ethics address the use of the customer information by multiple divisions of the same company? Go to the American Marketing Association Statement of Ethics and review the statement. Then write a brief paragraph on how the AMA Statement of Ethics relates to Sparrow Pharmaceuticals’ dilemma.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Attempt APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.

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Whole Foods Effect on Athletic Performance

I’m studying and need help with a Health & Medical question to help me learn.

Nutrition for Sports Performance

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

400 words or more

3 or more reference

Title: Whole Foods Effect on Athletic Performance

Use Broccoli and these 2 articles

Read the following article that appeared in the Medical Daily.

Article for General Public

We are seeing many of these types of articles in the media for the general public. Whole foods have health properties.

Here is the original peer-reviewed research article: Original Research Article

For this forum discussion, find a peer-reviewed research article that associates a whole food, like avocados, with athletic performance.

You can pick any whole food, but you will have the most success if you choose a plant-based food.

Once you have selected your food, search for that food in PubMed.

Attached is an article found when searched “blueberry exercise.” You may want to focus on exercise since this is a sports nutrition class but you do not have to. It will depend on the food you have selected. You may have to choose several different foods until you find one that has articles showing it has health benefits. If you pick a plant product, such as a vegetable or fruit, you should find an article reasonably quickly.

Do not pick a product someone else has selected.

Do not select blueberries.

In your forum discussion, you will need to discuss the article you selected. Don’t forget to include some background information. Here are some suggestions? Tell us:

  • the food you picked
  • the effect it has on health,
  • summarize the research paper you found,
  • evaluate the study
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Group Processes and Stages of Formation

I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Group Processes and Stages of Formation

In your role, you must understand group processes and stages of formation, as this will help you develop groups and determine an individual’s appropriateness for group therapy. Whether you are at the beginning stages of group formation or facilitating a session for a developed group, it is important to consider factors that may influence individual client progress. For this Assignment, as you examine the video Group Therapy: A Live Demonstration in this week’s Learning Resources, consider the group’s processes, stages of formation, and other factors that might impact the effectiveness of group therapy for clients.

Analyze group processes and stages of formation

  • Analyze curative factors of groups
  • Analyze the impact of curative factors on client progress
  • Recommend strategies for managing intragroup conflict
  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on group processes.
  • View the media, Group Therapy: A Live Demonstration, and consider the group dynamics.

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

  • Explain the group’s processes and stage of formation.
  • Explain curative factors that occurred in the group. Include how these factors might impact client progress.
  • Explain intragroup conflict that occurred and recommend strategies for managing the conflict. Support your recommendations with 4 or more evidence-based literature.
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Understanding the Value of Qualitative Research

I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study.

read the following resources on Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s research:

An important part of analyzing research approaches includes understanding the positive and negative aspects of varied forms of social research. Ethnography as an approach allows a researcher to immerse in a unique social world in order to experience the lives of those who live there. The most intriguing aspects of this type of qualitative research is how the researcher maintains an ethical and neutral stance, how the experience can impact them, and how they use the experience for positive social change.

In your paper, you will present the benefits of ethnographical research in terms of understanding a unique social world, as well as understanding the qualitative researcher’s role in performing and reporting on ethnographic research. You will do this through the resources provided, your own research of immersive ethnographical approaches, and also through critiquing Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s work.

In your paper, include the following sections/components:

Role of Researcher (two pages)

  • Explain the researcher’s role in qualitative research in general and specifically in an ethnographic approach.
  • Discuss the unique issues that researchers should be concerned about in qualitative research.
  • Explain the challenges researchers face in ethnographical research.
  • Discuss specific actions researchers can take to ensure they retain their ethical and neutral stance in performing qualitative research and reporting their qualitative research results.

Loïc Wacquant’s Research ( two pages)

  • Summarize what Loïc Wacquant’s research was about.
  • Determine whether or not Wacquant maintained an ethical and neutral stance.
  • Justify the research approach Wacquant chose to take.
  • Explain whether or not this could have been possible with a quantitative research study.

Impact of Research (One page)

  • Discuss how qualitative research and, in particular, ethnographic research, can inform our understanding of unique social worlds.
  • Describe the potential impact of research in supporting positive social change through public policy
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Please respond to the following UOS8100PHDBI SECTION 1 Discussion Week 1 Academic Skills

I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

UOS8100PHDBI SECTION 1 Discussion Week 1 Academic Skills

Unit 1: Academic Skills

  • Unit 1 Learning at the Doctoral Level


    Image of Capella University logo

    Learning at the Doctoral Level

    TranscriptYou are bringing a wealth of education and experience that you will draw from as a doctoral learner. Becoming a scholar-practitioner will involve applying knowledge and improving academic skills that you already have, as well as developing new skills. As you progress through your courses, you will use these skills when you are gaining new knowledge and researching in the library, reading scholarly articles, and writing discussion posts and assignments. This unit is designed to help you assess the skills you have, identify gaps, and offer resources on the Campus website to help you. You will also have an opportunity to practice some of the common skills you will need for your program, such as identifying scholarly articles and using the APA style manual and format in your writing. Along the way, you will practice using the courseroom and navigating the Capella Campus website.Click Learning at the Doctoral Level to watch the video introduction for this unit.Exploring all information and resources provided in this unit could take up to 3 or 4 hours. How long you actually spend depends on you. Based on your previous educational experiences, you may spend slightly more or less time.After reading through this introduction, work through the unit studies, discussion, assignment, and quiz.


    To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

    1. Verify that your system and software meet minimum requirements.
    2. Participate in a discussion and an assignment in the courseroom.
    3. Explain how resources and strategies can be used to help improve academic skills.
    4. Identify differences between scholarly and non-scholarly articles.
    5. Practice using doctoral academic skills.

    Strengthening Academic Skills

    As you begin your doctoral program at Capella, you may be new to online learning, returning to school after a long break, or transitioning directly from a master’s program. No matter where your starting point is, you are coming to Capella with skills and experience that will be an asset to you in your program. However, it is important to keep in mind that improving and growing is a part of every doctoral program. In this discussion, you will reflect on the skills you will need as a doctoral learner and the strategies and resources you will use to support you.For this discussion, complete the following:

    • Watch the Doctoral Learning video, linked in the Resources, to learn more about academic skills and doctoral learning.
    • Reflect on the following questions and then write and post two to three paragraphs, addressing all of the questions.
      • How do you think your doctoral program will be different than other academic programs you have completed?
      • What skills will you need to develop as a doctoral learner?
      • Which resources or strategies could you use to support you? How will you use them?
      • How might your mindset help you overcome challenges?

    To create a discussion post, click u01d1 Unit 1, Discussion 1, and click Create Thread. Write a response to the questions as your initial post. Refer to How to Join a Discussion in the Resources for step-by-step instructions.

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