Please respond to the following UOS8100PHDBI SECTION 2 Discussion Week 1 Academic Skills Unit 2

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

UOS8100PHDBI SECTION 2 Discussion Week 1 Academic Skills Unit 2

Staying on Track

Students who have a strong, personal, professional, and academic support network are more likely to succeed in school. As you begin your doctoral program, you have the ability to design your support network so that it is most beneficial to you. Informing others that you are returning to school, educating them about what that means, and letting them know specifically how they can help, will be a catalyst for your success.

For this discussion, complete the following:

  • Complete the Readiness Center Self-Management: Evaluate Your Support Network module (linked in the Resources).
  • Reflect on what you learned in the module. Then write and post one to two paragraphs in response to the following guidelines.
    • Describe one person you can enlist to help support you as you pursue your doctoral degree.
    • Describe how that support person can help you.
    • Explain how you will ask that person to provide you with that support.

To create a discussion post, click u02d1 Unit 2, Discussion 1, and click Create Thread. Write a response to the questions as your initial post.

Response Guidelines

Read other learners’ posts and respond to at least one. This is an opportunity for you and your fellow learners to share strategies. As you continue your doctoral work at Capella, your learning colleagues can be a great resource of support, accountability, and inspiration to achieve your goals. You can start building that part of your support network right now.


Career Planning

  • Take a minute to watch this short Welcome Message to better understand why creating a plan for achieving your career goals early in your academic program is an advantage; this and how the Career Center can support you.

Financial Planning

  • Campus: Financial Aid – The Financial Aid area of the Web site will help you understand how to plan for and finance your education.
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Quality Performance & Management

Help me study for my Management class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Action on the IOM Report

An Institute of Medicine (IOM, 1999) report was a wake-up call for both the general public and healthcare providers regarding the problem and tragic consequences of medical errors. According to the report brief, “At least 44,000 people, and perhaps as many as 98,000 people, die in hospitals each year as a result of medical errors that could have been prevented” (IOM, 1999, p. 1). The report recommends a four-tiered approach as a strategy for addressing this problem. Read the IOM report.

These actions have been evaluated in recent years through several approaches. For this assignment, read the initial IOM (1999) report and then evaluate how the healthcare system has responded to each of the four recommendations made in the report. Use two resources to find information about how the US healthcare system is acting on the four recommendations in the IOM report. You may use journal articles, government reports, reports or findings of public organizations, and other authoritative sources. The following are resources of information on the recommendations as well:

The first recommendation (about creating leadership) refers to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Use the AHRQ website.

The third recommendation (about actions of oversight organizations, professional groups, and group purchasers of healthcare) identifies The Leapfrog Group.

Health Policy Brief provides an overview of implementations of this report as well.

Respond to the following:

  • Which of the IOM recommendations do you feel provides the greatest impact on patient safety? Why?
  • Assess the US healthcare system’s actions regarding the four recommendations in the IOM report. Which recommendation provides the most impact on patient safety? Which provides the least? Justify your answer.
  • Provide an overall assessment of how the US healthcare system is performing with regard to patient safety in response to the IOM recommendations.
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ECN501 Managerial Economics

I’m stuck on a Economics question and need an explanation.

Landing the Plane

Will there be a global economic crisis in a world of significant uncertainty? Please review the article from Goldman Sachs, Landing the Plane. Where are we headed the next few years of uncertainty and risks? What are the five greatest current global economic challenges? How will they affect the US economy? Include a minimum of one reference and minimum of 350 words.

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RCH520 Quantitative Analysis

I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.

Review and Reflection

Review and reflect on what you learned in the past 8 weeks. What is the most practical and easily applied lesson you learned? What was the hardest to grasp? Why? What else do you need to know about Quantitative Analysis?

If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling. Minimum of one reference and 350 words.

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Quality Performance & Management/healthcare management

I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

Course Project Task 2

Using the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis you did in Week 3, select an area of improvement in the healthcare setting. You will do an RCA for this area this week.


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I’m working on a Computer Science exercise and need support.

After reading the Weekly articles on DATA BROKERS, respond to the following questions (see the attached document for the complete assignment).

1) Select THREE data brokers companies from the list mentioned in the articles you have read and search for information on those companies. Report on the type of information you found.

2) How do data brokers collect your data?

3) Have you ever considered how you might be tracked? Does it bother you?

4) In what ways are you able to keep your private information “private”? Explain your answer.

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essays please follow all requirements

I’m studying for my Law class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Essay 1:

Discuss offender and situational variables and how they impact police discretion. Provide examples.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (500 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format.

Essay 2:

Discuss the legal consequences of unethical police actions. Be sure to include a discussion about crime and tort laws and civil liability.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (500 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format.

Essay 3:

Provide strategies police leaders can implement to improve the public’s perception of law enforcement. Consider including examples of recent deadly force incidents, to include how it was handled by police leadership. Be sure to include a discussion about the media’s role in shaping the public’s perception of law enforcement.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (500 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format.

Essay 4:

Evaluate the impact of community policing on police and community relations. Is it effective? In doing so, address the challenges to implementing community policing within a police organization.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (500 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format.

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Unit 8 PowerPoint

Can you help me understand this Powerpoint question?

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) PowerPoint Briefing

You are asked to perform a briefing to the mayor and her staff on the following situation below. Compose a minimum of ten slides to address the following situation:

At approximately 9:15 pm, on the 11th of September in Orange Beach, Alabama (Temp 71oF, cloudy with calm winds), there is a 9-1-1 report that the movie theater in town that is packed to capacity to see the new adventure movie has had three explosions. The first explosion involved an explosion with a flash and loud bang resulting in a fine mist being released on the movie goers. As the movie goers were frantically leaving through the exits, two more explosions went off at each exit with another flash and loud bang but no physical shrapnel or other reports of physical damage to the theater.

Several days ago, it was reported by the news that the mayor’s office received a threat of a terrorist organization planning on releasing a biological agent in the town. According to reports at the movie theater, four used canisters marked Yersinia pestis were found in the location of the secondary bombs.

As you are traveling to the scene you hear reports of patrons convulsing in the parking lot of the theater; they are unable to control their muscles and other bodily functions and are twitching uncontrollably.

  • Based on the cryptic details, what category of WMD weapon(s) was released on the crowd?
  • What is the potential outcome of being exposed to these WMD agents?
  • In what capacity will your organization of first responders be able to help (e.g. decontamination, weapon identification, first aid, etc.)?
  • What risk-based response procedures need to be taken to stabilize the scene and prevent further exposure to the WMD agents?

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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Week 5: Explore Data Sources

I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.

In 3-5 pages,

Create a chart that shows the different data sources that contain the data that could potentially help to solve the organizational problem that you are working on.

Identify the following in the chart:

    • If the data is qualitative or quantitative
    • The source of the data
    • The format of the data (electronic/paper/etc.)
    • Who created or generated the data
    • How to confirm the data’s validity and reliability
    • How to identify the age of the data now or when you receive it
    • How many other individuals will have handled the data by the time it gets to you
    • Determine whether the data has been manipulated at all, and if so, how
    • How the data will help you to solve the problem

Length: 3 – 5 Pages

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.

-The problem that I have been working on is the Starbucks refill policy

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Critical Thinking and Writing – Week 2

I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


Read Pages 264 – 270 (in PDF), Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing. Answer 1 to 4. (Question 4: word count should be 150-words)

Read Pages 492 – 493 (in PDF), Exercise: Fallacies or not? Name the fallacies. 1 to 16.

Quiz 2

Please define/explain the following terms/concepts

  1. How does the book define the Author’s Purpose? Explain their reasoning. worth 5 points
  2. Define the Toulmin Model. List its six steps as well. worth 7 points
  3. Provide the book’s definition for The Author’s Methods. Explain their reasoning. worth 5 points
  4. Define the strawman fallacy. Please provide an example of a strawman argument. Here is the thesis: To excel in college, you will need to attend to every class; do all your reading before you go; write multiple drafts of each assignment and review your notes for each lecture. Worth 5 points
  5. Apply 4 of the 7 author’s methods to Tina Fey’s essay, “Confessions of a Juggler.” (A-G) Provide textual evidence to support your responses. Explain your reasoning for each response. (3 sentences minimum per response)worth 20 points

The Author’s Methods:

  1. Does the writer quote authorities? Are these authorities competent in this field?
  2. Does the writer use statistics? If so, who compiled them, and are they appropriate to the point being argued?
  3. Does the writer build the argument by using examples or analogies? Are they satisfactory?
  4. Are the writer’s assumptions acceptable?
  5. Does the writer consider all relevant factors? Has he or she omitted some points that think should be discussed?
  6. Does the writer seek to persuade by means of ridicule? if so, is the ridicule fair: Is it supported by rational argument?
  7. Is the argument aimed at a particular audience?
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