Client uploads
Historical Changes in Family Relationships
Im studying for my Sociology class and dont understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Option #2: Historical Changes in Family Relationships, Essay
This week analyze changes in family relationships in the United States over the last 150 years. Consider the following aspects and their impact on adult careers and parenting:
- Variations in types of families that were/are considered acceptable by society.
- The timing for major life changes, such as marriage, childbearing, and increasing family size.
- Balancing responsibilities for family and work with leisure, particularly for the sandwich (Links to an external site.) generation.
Your paper should be 2 pages in length and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
Testing for Correlation and Bivariate Regression
I dont know how to handle this Statistics question and need guidance.
Using Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset .Based on the dataset you chose, construct a research question that can be answered with a Pearson correlation and bivariate regression.
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your correlation and bivariate regression results for each research question. Do not forget to evaluate if the correlation and bivariate regression assumptions are met and report the effect size. In your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.
Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing for your analysis, research question, and display of output.
Required Readings
Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018).
Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Chapter 12, Regression and Correlation (pp. 325-371)
Wagner, W. E. (2016).
Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Chapter 8, Correlation and Regression Analysis
Social Worker Role-Play Script
Im trying to learn for my Sociology class and Im stuck. Can you help?
Using the same Role-Play Script Template provided this week, provide a detailed script that includes verbatim dialogue, identifies non-verbal communication, and identifies practice skills/behaviors used. In the required transcript, include:
- A description of the fictional agency setting and types of services provided at this agency
- A description of the client system (depending on the client level you selectedmicro, mezzo, or macro)
- An explanation of the presenting concern
- A description of the client session scene in which you implement the GIM step and practice skills you have selected for working with this client system
- A verbatim script of the dialogue, which depicts the techniques you would use to implement the GIM step and the practice skills you selected for the client interaction (column 1 in the template), that occurs between you, as the social work intern, and the client(s)
- A description of the visual cues or non-verbal communication that both the social worker and the client exhibited during the interaction that support the GIM step and practice skills you selected (column 2 in the template)
- An identification of specific practice techniques/skills demonstrated (column 3 in the template)
Client Systems Role-Play Script Template
Role–Play Title:
1. Agency Setting and Services Provided at Agency:
2. Client Profile (demographic details, practice level):
3. Presenting Concern:
4. Scene Description From the Client Session:
5. Practice Skills or Behaviors Demonstrated in Role-Play:
Audio (dialogue) |
Video (client and social worker visual cues) |
Social worker practice skills and or behavior |
This column should include a verbatim script of the dialogue between the social worker(you) and the client. Example: Social Worker: Hello, Eboni.It is nice to see you. What brings you to the agency today? Eboni: I think I have made a decision about my pregnancy,but I dont know how to tell my parents and my boyfriend. |
This column should describe the non-verbal communication in the interaction. Example: The social worker smiles and gestures for Eboni to sit down in the empty chair across from the social workers desk. Eboni slowly pulls back the chair, sits down, and then looks at the floor. |
This column should include the skills you are employing to respond to the material arising in the first two columns. Example: Open-ended question Warmth |
Create a Guide for Leadership Development
I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.
As you have learned in this course, leadership focuses on working with others in different ways to accomplish goals. The business world of today is complex and rapidly changing. Organizations need leaders who are flexible, adaptable, and emotionally intelligent to maintain a competitive advantage.
Your final assignment is to prepare a development guide for fostering effective leadership skills. The target audience for this guide includes first-line managers and supervisors who are seeking to develop their leadership skills. The guide should provide useful information and tips to review what to do and why in order to help these managers/supervisors become self-aware, effective leaders.
Your guide should address how to devote time to self-awareness and how this knowledge will enable them to improve as leaders. The goal is for these managers to use the guide daily for 14 days, and track the action(s) they took each day to create a positive change.
Your 14-day guide should help motivate users — from contemplating simply how to develop their skills into formulating clear steps for specific training and development actions. Each day should address a different element of leadership development and your suggested activities should be supported by best practice and scholarly research. Your guide should also provide users with:
- A description of at least five important skills or competencies necessary for effective leadership.
- Information regarding how to assess their current leadership skill levels.
- Recommendations for how to identify their personal leadership or managerial style.
- Tips or exercises to identify and develop their strengths.
- Tips or exercises to identify and improve upon their weaknesses.
- Developmental assignments or self-directed activities, which would increase the effectiveness in the identified leadership competencies.
Finally, your guide should provide a place for users to track their goals, reflections, and progress.
Length: 12-15 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Support your guide with at least 10 references published in peer-reviewed journals in the past 7 years.
Your guide should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.
Here is a questionnaire for you to take on your “Influencing Style”. Provide feedback on how it relates to you and your style. How might you use your style with organization management? How does your style prepare you for operations strategy?
I dont know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.
Here is a questionnaire for you to take on your “Influencing Style”. Provide feedback on how it relates to you and your style. How might you use your style with organization management? How does your style prepare you for operations strategy?
Your response should be 250-300 words. Respond to one posting provided by your classmates with at least 75 words.
marketing201 and business 310
Im stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.
Week 7 Assignment
DUE: Jan 20, 2020 11:55 PM
Attachments checked for originality? |
Yes |
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Assignment Instructions
Course Objectives:
- Students will become familiar with business theories and approaches relating to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Sociocultural, and Economic)
- Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a worst companies to learn why it is not successful.
Continue working with your chosen least admired company and its industry and complete the following:
- Using your chosen companys domestic environment identify its economic environment and compare and contrast it using Rostow and Galbraith (see lesson plan and resources).
- Write a section for use for your Final Simulation that details the items above.
- Research requirement: minimum 2 scholarly sources PLUS something from your readings.
- Page requirement: 2-3 pages in APA format. Utilize the APA Guidelines tips PPT attached to Week 2 Assignment or other tutorial sources.
- Submit Assignment 7 by midnight, Day 7, week 7.
- Please review the rubric as well for guidance in preparing your paper.
Turn it in is now integrated with your assignment. It is not necessary for you to submit your paper separately using your TII account. Your results will be available to you here in the assignment submission area as well as the opportunity to resubmit if you need to resolve any issues with your paper. |
Bottom of Form
Final Simulation Assignment
DUE: Jan 27, 2020 11:55 PM
Attachments checked for originality? |
Yes |
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Assignment Instructions
Course/Learning Objective:
- Students will become familiar with business theories and approaches relating to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Sociocultural, and Economic)
- Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a worst company to learn why it is not successful.
Using your selected “worst” company your Instructor approved from week 1 assignment and referencing the papers you developed for Weeks 2-7, integrate the company’s six environments by completing the following in a PowerPoint Presentation.
- Identify the companys domestic environment and discuss how the government regulations affect its domestic environment it must operate in.
- Identify a global environment for the company and discuss how the government regulations affect its global environment it must operate in.
- Identify the hard and soft technology and interpret the characteristics the company should have/use to be successful in its domestic and global environment.
- Identify the political-legal barriers for the company in both the domestic and global environments. Use business theory/theorists to illustrate how the company can operate successfully in its domestic and global environment.
- Identify, compare, and contrast socio-cultural factors of the domestic and global environments of the company.
- Compare and contrast two economic theories for both the domestic and global environments of the company.
- Note how these environments interrelate in their influence on this company’s business.
Instructions for presenting the above as your final simulation:
- Develop a PowerPoint presentation of your strategy of success for the company based on your evaluation of steps 1-7 above, by assessing what you have learned through your research and readings. Compare what the company has been doing as a “worst” company to what you recommend it should be doing. You cannot state that you would not change anything.
- Your presentation should be 12-14 slides to discuss your findings in response to the topics above.
- Be sure to include speaker’s notes with your slides OR create a an audio narrative with the PPT slides, OR a video of yourself giving the presentation of the slides. The PPT program has an audio add-in feature. Also, for video, you can do this using the Kaltura tool and your laptop or mobile device (on the toolbar between the movie clip and the insert table icons).
- You must incorporate critical thinking, and be organized, interesting, and complete.
- Research requirement: minimum 5 scholarly sources PLUS the text/readings and Geert Hofstede.(i.e. total of 7 sources +…. see Rubric)
- Submit Final Simulation Assignment by midnight, Day 7, week 8.
Grading Rubric
Review the grading rubric for this assignment before submitting your work.
Turn it in is now integrated with your assignment. It is not necessary for you to submit your paper separately using your TII account. Your results will be available to you here in the assignment submission area as well as the opportunity to resubmit if you need to resolve any issues with your paper. |
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Assignment Seven
DUE: Jan 19, 2020 11:55 PM
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Yes |
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Assignment Instructions
Assignment 7
Are you especially loyal to any one brand? If so, what is it and why are you so loyal? When successfully building loyalty and community, trust seems to be the biggest factor. How can a company build trust and what is the best approach to do so (incorporating concepts from both the field of marketing and psychology)? What are the ethical issues and obligations that come with trust once it is built? Should consumers trust companies? Why or why not? Do you think some consumers are just more prone to be loyal to companies and other consumers are not? Why or why not?
Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is 2 body pages. You will need a title page, reference page and in-text citations.
Final Project
DUE: Jan 26, 2020 11:55 PM
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Yes |
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Assignment Instructions
Final Project: Covers chapters 1 through chapters 16
In this course on the Fundamentals of Marketing, we learned about a variety of elements/components of business and marketing that contribute to the marketing and promotion of products. The underlying purpose of these activities is to achieve a return on investment or sales, which should result in profit for companies and businesses. Your final assignment has two parts.
Part 1
Discuss what a marketing plan is and describe the different components of the marketing plan in your own words (see figure 16.2 in the text). Also explain how the marketing plan is helpful to the organization. You do not have to put together a marketing plan for this assignment
Part 2
Please take the elements/components you have learned in this course (such as the SWOT, goals/objectives, etc.) and translate/apply them into how they would be carried out into the execution of a marketing strategy.
For instance (note that these examples may not be used in your assignment):
In a SWOT analysis you determined that one of the strengths of a company was that weekly team meetings were held where ideas are exchanged and commendations are awarded to team members who have met or exceeded goals or expectations for the week. How can we translate or incorporate that Strength into a marketing strategy?
Since the ideas being exchanged in the weekly meeting are to foster growth and innovation, camaraderie, excitement, and motivation, they can also be used to generate new ideas for promotion. This weekly team meeting can be leveraged to spur perhaps a name of a new product that company X has been trying to launch for considerable amount of time but just haven’t thought of the right one.
A real world example, Lays Potato Chips reached out to the general public using their social media strength to ask them to come up with a new flavor of potato chip. This combined the strengths the company had with the need to execute a new marketing strategy. Through this process, a consumer won $1mm for coming up with a new potato chip flavor, and Lay’s of course won tons of new customers and multiple millions in sales of new product.
The Final Project needs to be in a Word document and in APA format. Page requirement is at least 4 pages in length. This does not include the cover and reference pages. Make sure to provide at least four outside sources to support your work
Healthy Menu — Putting Theory into Practice
Help me study for my Nursing class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Healthy Menu — Putting Theory into Practice
1. Create an original, well-balanced menu for 1 day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). Your menu should include at least 25 grams of fiber AND less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol for the entire day. The menu must:
- Include accurate portion sizes For example, 1.5 cups of Cheerios — do not say 1 bowl or 1 serving
- Have realistic amounts and types of foods would someone actually eat what your menu recommends?
- Be specific — tell what kind of the product it is, indicate the brand. For example, yogurt can be fat free or whole milk, regular or Greek, with different amounts of sugar or sugar substitutes added. Be specific about the details. Is the coffee black, does it have sugar? What is your oatmeal made with? Is there a sauce or anything else added to the rice? Make sure to include all the details.
- Have balance and variety make sure you include adequate amounts from all food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and/or high calcium foods, protein foods (animal and/or vegetable proteins)
- Identify how many grams of fiber and how many milligrams of cholesterol is in EACH food item. I suggest you do this in a chart form (see below example and use the attached form).
- Provide the total grams of fiber and the total milligrams of cholesterol for your entire days menu.
Be sure to provide the references you used as your source for the fiber and cholesterol contents of the foods. Note: If you used nutrition information from the product package, indicate this with an asterisk (*).
2. Reflect whether it was easy to create a menu with the desired amounts of fiber and cholesterol. What were your challenges?
EXAMPLE for menu format:
Food |
Portion size |
grams of fiber |
mg of cholesterol |
kcalories |
Breakfast: |
Quaker Old Fashioned oatmeal (cooked) |
1 cup |
4* |
0* |
150* |
Whole milk |
1 cup |
0 |
24* |
149* |
blueberries |
1/2 cup |
2 |
0 |
42 |
sugar |
1 tea sp |
16 |
Total for the day |
X grams |
Y mg |
Z kcal |
*Fiber and cholesterol information taken directly from product package
Menu Record Judging Portion Sizes Suggestions for Assignment 3
Alternative assignment format:
If you are interested in adding a creative element to this assignment, you have the option of submitting it in a different format. You may submit the assignment as a PowerPoint presentation that features photos of your recommended meals.
For example, take a picture of each meal that you have created for this assignment, and then list each item in the meal with its portion size and corresponding fiber and cholesterol information. Be sure to include all the required elements listed in the assignment directions, including a final slide with your reference list.
Healthy Menu Assignment -1
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMenu is well-balanced and includes good variety of all food groups |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMenu is specific about food preparation and items added |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMenu provides grams of fiber in each food, as well as the total for the day. Reference is provided for source of fiber content. Total fiber content is 25g or more. |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Menu provides milligrams of cholesterol in each food, as well as the total for the day. Reference is provided for the source of cholesterol content. Total cholesterol content is 300mg or less. |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome All questions are answered, including reflection on creating the menu. |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assignment is in correct format — title, appropriate font size, Reference List with corresponding in-text citations, etc. |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Used appropriate English grammar, sentence structure, with no errors in spelling, punctuation and/or capitalization. |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 50.0 |
HHS497 Annotated Bibliography
I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the sample Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.) in the Ashford Writing Center. Using the Ashford University Library, develop an annotated bibliography that includes a minimum of four sources that you plan on using to support your final project. Your annotated bibliography requires full reference information, and a 150-word description of the source. In addition, you should include a 100-word summary of how you plan to use the source in your project.
In your paper,
- Create an annotated bibliography.
- Describe each source in 150 words.
- Summarize how each source will be used in 100 words.
See attachment named HHS497 Assignment
I need the outline reviewed in detail
I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.
I need a detail 1 page review on the outline below. I need a response to how well the topic sounds, how i can relate to the topic and any research that can be added to assist with the topic.
- The research question
- Why has the nonprofit sector seemingly failed Haiti and its people to date and what can be done differently to yield more success in the future?
- Haiti: brief background information and context
- Recorded written history began in 1492 with arrival of Columbus
- French influence began during early 17th century
- Colonial control, sugar and coffee plantations, and slavery dominated for the next 100+ years
- Haitian slaves began to revolt in 1791 and officially proclaimed independence in 1804
- First successful slave rebellion and only slave uprising that led to creation of a nation free from slavery and ruled by former captives
- French influence began during early 17th century
- Aftermath from the revolution and links to current poverty
- Remnants of social and political patterns established under French colonial rule
- Free people of color vs. former slaves
- Refusal of other countries to acknowledge Haiti for fear of similar rebellion
- 1825: forced to pay France 150 million gold francs for reparations
- Debt paid in full in 1947
- Remnants of social and political patterns established under French colonial rule
- Additional factors related to current poverty
- Long-term US military occupation, 1915-34
- Duvalier rule and debt, 1957-86
- Food aid from the US
- Lack of demand for Haitian farmers
- Earthquakes, hurricanes, and natural disasters
- Ongoing political corruption and turmoil
- Present day situation, re: President Jovenel Moise
- Others??
- Current picture of poverty
- Poorest country in Western Hemisphere
- 2018 Human Development Index ranking: 168/189
- ~55% of the population lives below poverty line (<$2.41/day)
- ~23% live below extreme poverty line (<$1.23/day)
- Recorded written history began in 1492 with arrival of Columbus
- Why is this research question important in the nonprofit sector?
- Haiti has been called the Republic of NGOs
- More nonprofits per capita than any other country
- Estimated 3,000+ nonprofits exist; only several hundred registered with government
- Limited regulation and inconsistent data collection makes it difficult to track effectiveness and identify problem areas
- Some of these nonprofits have been linked to scandal and/or ineffectiveness
- Red Cross
- Oxfam
- Elevated number of nonprofits + reports of scandal have led to questions about effectiveness and ethics within the sector
- More nonprofits per capita than any other country
- This research should be important to the nonprofit sector for the purposes of:
- Determining how these breakdowns and issues were able to initially occur and what factors helped to maintain them
- Regaining confidence from worldwide stakeholders who may see the situation in Haiti as a stain on the sector as a whole
- Identifying ways to correct mistakes and pave the way for new, more successful and productive practices to take hold
- Highlighting the success stories from the sector (which do exist!) and build upon those models moving forward
- Haiti has been called the Republic of NGOs
- Why should this topic be researched?
- People are suffering and the sector that is supposed to help improve their condition is largely ineffectual and worst case, adding to the problems
- Long-term patterns of lack of appropriate media coverage, international attention, and focus on the positive aspects of this country and its people have not helped to break the cycle
- Haiti and its people continue to struggle, appearing to be trapped in an endless cycle of increased foreign aid and dependency on nonprofit organizations for day to day survival
- The existence of Haiti as a nation is rooted in principles of independence, resilience, and determination
- Despite the current state of conditions in the country, those values remain intact within many of the inhabitants that currently reside there.
- The people of Haiti deserve better than the current state of affairs
- More attention to what is not working and increased efforts to identify alternative, productive approaches need to be made
Literature Review
Im trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.
BUSI 770 Literature Review Instructions Liberty University School of Business
30 Apr 2018 Page 1 of 3
A critical skill at the doctoral level is the ability to conduct scholarly research guided by
clearly articulated questions that address a specific issue or problem. For this literature
review, your research will be guided by the following three Research Questions:
1. How do individual and group decision processes aid or impede business decision
2. What are the newest directions in the process of strategy development and
3. How can my academic discipline, as a function within the organization, impact the
process of business strategy development and execution?
The first two questions are explored from a broad business perspective, while the third
question gives you the opportunity to change your frame of reference to your specific
business specialization.
The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of doctoral
level research and writing which conforms to current APA format. Competency in the
current APA format is required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set
forth by policy of both the Graduate Faculty and the Administration.
What are we looking for in this literature review?
A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area and
sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. This
literature review will be more than just a simple summary of information from various
sources as it will include an organizational pattern that combines both a summary and
synthesis of information. Please keep in mind that a summary is a re-encapsulation of
the important information found in the source, while a synthesis is a re-organization and
combining of that information to present a more complete picture. Finally, the literature
review will evaluate the sources and advise the reader of the most pertinent or relevant
Are there differneces between between plagiarism, paraphrasing, and quoting?
Paraphrasing is when you take a source or someone elses idea and say it in your own
words or even combine the ideas of several authors as well as your own. When you
paraphrase, you will still give the author credit through the use of an in-text citation
connected to the idea as well as a reference at the end of the paper.
On the other hand, a direct quote from a source has quotation marks around the quote
or if 40 words or more, it must be set in block quotation format. You can refer to the
APA guide for more information on this.
Plagiarism is when the writer simply copies the words directly from the source without
giving credit with an in-text citation and a reference. Plagiarism is not permitted.
BUSI 770 Literature Review Instructions Liberty University School of Business
30 Apr 2018 Page 2 of 3
At the doctoral level, you should be relying almost exclusively on the use of
paraphrasing to allow synthesis of the original authors views with your own. A direct
quotation should only be used in this literature review (or most other documents you will
produce) when paraphrasing would change the authors intended meaning. In other
words, you should only use a quotation when it is the only way to convey what the
author intended to convey.
First Part
Literature Review Outline Instructions:
Your outline will include a minimum of 2 levels of indentation below each Research
Level 1 – RQ1
Level 2 – Sub heading 1
Level 2 Sub heading 2
Level 1 RQ2
Level 2 – Sub heading 1
Level 2 Sub heading 2
Level 1 RQ3
Level 2 – Sub heading 1
Level 2 Sub heading 2
This is a scholarly document and must be submitted in APA format. You must paste
your text directly into the message window in Blackboard and attach a word document
Literature Review Outline – Due Sunday of Week 6 by 11:59pm (Eastern Time)
Second Part
Literature Review Instructions:
? Follow the outline generated in Week 6 updated to include any feedback from your
? Minimum of 24 pages not including introduction and conclusion
? No less than 8 pages addressing each research question
? Minimum of 18 sources not including course texts
? No less than 6 sources for each research question
? 1 inch margins, Double Spaced, Maximum of 12 point font
? APA 6th ed. Format to include APA Cover Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, and
Reference Section
BUSI 770 Literature Review Instructions Liberty University School of Business
30 Apr 2018 Page 3 of 3
You will have an opportunity to submit your Literature Review to SafeAssign for
evaluation. A matching score of more than 20% in the content area of the paper will not
receive a passing grade. A well written and properly paraphrased Literature Review
should score 10% or below. Keep in mind that it is expected that headings and
references will be the same so they are not included in the content that is evaluated.
Note: The SafeAssign evaluation process can take up to 24 hours so plan that into your
You must paste your text directly into the message window in Blackboard and attach a
word document (.docx).
Literature Review – Due Friday of Week 8 by 11:59pm (Eastern Time)
Use Promo Code: FIRST15