Client uploads
Describe the development of depicting the human form from Paleolithic art through the arts of Ancient near-East, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures. Think about how humans are represented and what functions representation of humans have served.
I dont know how to handle this Art & Design question and need guidance.
answer it in 3-5 typed pages double-spaced. Demonstrate knowledge of citation practices by citing your textbook as a consulted work. You can pick any format to use (Chicago, MLA, etc.), as long as you are consistent. I do not expect you to do any additional research as the information in this course and from the textbook should be sufficient. Because these topics below are broad, I will expect you to narrow the one you choose appropriately. Make sure to have a thesis statement and use examples from the art we have studied in this unit (chapters 1-7) to prove your thesis. Make sure you include examples from the majority of chapters covered.
link to pdf version of textbook
oral report
Can you help me understand this Business question?
Oral Report:
You will be presenting your research report. Because this is an online class it will have to be a virtual presentation. You will need to create PowerPoint slides and either (1) Click to Add Notes at the bottom of each slide (2) Click on the Slide Show tab in PowerPoint, then click Record Slide Show if you choose this option, your presentation should be approximately 5-10 minutes in length; or (3) If you are not sure how to do either of the following two options, then you will still need to create a PowerPoint Presentation and include a Word Document explaining the bullets on each slide (use appropriate numbering).
look at the prompt
Im studying and need help with a Psychology question to help me learn.
Psychological Analysis of a Person from Literature, Film, or Television
Pierce College
Instructor: Stephanie Winnard
For this assignment, you will choose a person with a psychological disorderto analyze from a psychological perspective. The person can be chosen from a book, a film, or a television show.The person can be a real person from a work of nonfiction or a fictitious person from a work of fiction, but he or she must be someone you learned about from a book, film, or TV show. You may not use a person you know in real life for this assignment. It must be a person you learned about from research. You should use class notes, class discussions, our text book, and additional research from at least one academic journalto support your analysis. The body of this paper should be 4 to 5 pages long, double spaced. The reference page does not count towards the 4 to 5 page length requirement. This assignment is worth 100 points. Submit your paper via Canvas. Please submit your paper topic to me as soon as possible for approval. Only one person can write about each topic, and topics will be approved in order they are received.
Your paper should include a description and explanation of the following questions. You should have one paragraph for each one of these questions and answer them in order in essay format.
- What psychological disorder does this person suffer from? Explain the symptoms andgive examples of specific behaviors displayed by the person. Also explain if the person is from a novel, film, or TV show and which one. You may use Ch.15and/or our class notesto help you with your diagnosis.
- Choose a personality theory from our class notes or our book (Ch.11) to explain the persons personality. Also, include a discussion of at least one defense mechanism.
- Discuss the issue of nature vs. nurtureand how this applies to the persons personality and development of the psychological disorder. It is important that you choose a person from a book, movie, or TV show that provides ample information about the persons childhood and/or their environment, so that you will be able to discuss the issue of nature vs. nurture, so choose wisely.
- 4.What psychological perspectivebest explains this persons symptoms and explains their behavior? Choose onefrom biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, or humanistic, and explain.
- Choose one chapter from our book, and apply the information from this chapter to your analysis of the person you chose. Make it clear what chapter you have chosento include for this section of your paper.
- What treatment planwould you recommend to best help this person cope with their mental illness? Use Ch.16 on Therapyand our class notesto help you.
- Connections: Make at least one connection from what you learned through completing this analysis to another component of knowledge.For example, you can connect what you learned to your own personal experience, to another chapter in the book, to another book you have read or film you have seen, to another subject you are studying in school, etc.
- 8.Critical thinking: This is where you approach the subject with skepticism and you question everythingand give a critique. For example, you can explain if there is any material that you disagree with or agree with and why. You can explain if there were mistakes made by the person you analyze or by their loved ones. You can explain if mistakes were made by the psychological and/or medical profession. Maybe you want to critically evaluate the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry, psychology, and our society. Perhaps you want to analyze the role of society or the media in the development of psychological dysfunction. These are only examples; your critical thinking will depend on the person you choose to analyze, and your own original thoughts. You should try to think of your own critical thinking questions.
- REFERENCE PAGE OR BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE IN APA FORMAT: This page will be the last page, and should include at least 3 sources. One source must be our textbook,one source must be the book, movie, or TV showthat you chose the person to analyze from, and one source must be about the disorder you choseto write about, and from an academic journal. You may have additional sources if you choose, but 3 is the minimum. See the Pierce College library website for help on how to do the References in APA format.
10. APA Format for citations:Throughout the paper, cite your sources according to APA format. On the Pierce College website, the library link provides a guide for how to cite sources in APA format.
Note: you do not have to include an abstract or running heads, just a title of paper, body ofpaper, and reference page/ bibliography page. Citations throughout the paper and the bibliography should be in APA format.
Important: A single magazine article or short TV interview would not be acceptable as your main source for which to choose a person to analyze. Your paper must be based on a book/novel you reador a film/TV show you have watchedas part of your research.
Dont plagiarize (copy someone elses work or use others ideas without giving them credit).
Throughout your paper, be sure to cite your sources in APA formatto avoid plagiarism. Any plagiarism will result in an automatic zeroand you will not receive another chance to redo thepaper.
I will score your paper according to this grading scale which is on Canvas.
Possible Points Your Points
Title of paper, your name, and date 5
Psychological disorder and symptoms 10
Personality theory and defense mechanism(s) 10
Nature vs. nurture 10
Psychological perspective analysis 10
Chapter from our text book analysis 10
Treatment plan 10
Connections 10
Critical Thinking 10
Cite your sources in APA format 5
Reference page in APA format (our text and at least 1 journal) 5
Correct semantics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization) 5
6 days ago
how more for 2018 PRP
I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.
here the question
After reading the commission report on children in disasters, choose the most difficult topic to solve and identify whyand Having read the Commission report, describe the unique aspects that must be considered when doing emergency planning and response for children.??
here are three different answer just paraphrase from them
Answer 1
After reading the commission report on children in disasters, choose the most difficult topic to solve and identify why.
After reading the Commission report on disasters regarding children, the issue I found the most challenging was the mental health aspect. As many of us have learned in our classes that cover the mental health aspects of disaster, this category of disaster injury is under appreciated and lacks adequate response in relation to the damage it causes, especially over time (North, C. S., & Pfefferbaum, B. 2013)
What is additionally understood in both the psychology communities and in disaster response communities is, that the mental injuries that children can sustained can be much more serious and long lasting then those injuries sustained by adults (Van der Kolk, B. A. 2017). There are many reasons for this, including the lack of skills, experience, resources and knowledge which could improve their psychological resilience over time (Schonfeld, D., 2004). Adults have been given more ability with time to develop a better understanding of the tragedy and difficult circumstances of life as opposed to children who will be less suited to come to terms with, understand and assimilate tragic circumstances.
This is a significantly important problem and it needs to be addressed quickly because psychological trauma of this type can ruin the lives of individuals from a young age. Long term depression, suicide and substance abuse have all been associated with trauma due to disaster (Pane, J., et al. 2005). Physically wounds will often heal with proper first aid and facility care in a matter of days and weeks often. Psychological damage can last a lifetime and take the lives of the otherwise healthy at any time.
Having read the Commission report, describe the unique aspects that must be considered when doing emergency planning and response for children.
Following along these same lines, I would suggest that some of the major considerations that need to be made when planning for disaster response for children deals with how mental health response will be integrated and assimilated into the physical response. For this, a team should be on the site of disaster as soon as the physical dangers have been reduced to the extent that the field workers can work toward the healing face of trauma without a recourse of trauma due to the disaster extending further.
There must also be follow up for a potentially long period of time after disaster. Making sure that there is adequate funding for this aspect of the response and how it is budgeted in the overall response may be a difficult tasks due to varying interests, opinions and politics regarding what is important during a disaster response. Ensuring a continuation of services for the children will be another important and potentially difficult task.
Pane, J., McCaffrey, D., Kalra, N., & Zhou, A., (2005) “Effects of Student Displacement in Louisiana During the First Academic Year After the Hurricanes of 2005,” Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) 13, no. 2(2008):168-211, Retrieved from;
North, C. S., & Pfefferbaum, B. (2013). Mental health response to community disasters: a systematic review. Jama, 310(5), 507-518.
Van der Kolk, B. A. (2017). Developmental Trauma Disorder: Toward a rational diagnosis for children with complex trauma histories. Psychiatric annals, 35(5), 401-408.
Schonfeld, D., (2004) “Are We Ready and Willing to Address the Mental Health Needs of Children? Implications From September 11th,” Pediatrics 113, no. 5(2004):1400. Retrieved from;…
answer 2
Of all the negative aspects of disasters, the mental health consequences are the most impactful of them on children, and thats why I think that mental health is the most difficult topic to handle when it comes to children. Children are prone to prolonged mental health issues. They are not only affected by their own reaction since they rely on adults, even the adults reaction and emotional response will affect children around them. since their brains are developing, the emotional part is controlling their judgment, leaving them with more memories and less rational thinking to clear those bad memories away. The psychological consequences are difficult to solve with children, and the risk for developing anxiety and depression disorders are high, as well as the possibility of having cognitive and concentration difficulties. Therefore, training and education are ought to be in place for children in areas vulnerable to disasters to prepare them mentally alongside with the physical preparedness.
Many distinctive parts have been mentioned in the report that are eye opening to anyone planning for disasters. for instance, we dont consider sheltering as challenging for children as it is for other special need populations like the disabled persons. But in reality, children safety inside the shelters is something that many organizations struggle with, as well as caring for their nutritional status. Other part is the physical health of children, it is easy to find medical staff who are trained well in their area of specialty, but to find medical workers that also have training with pediatrics is not as easy. Nevertheless, the medical care should be appropriate for the children condition and age.
Category: Children and Disasters. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Children Vulnerable To Disaster-Related Stress. (n.d.). Retrieved from
National Commission on Children and Disasters, 2010 Report. Retrieved from
Answer 3
Part A
Many children agencies in the US are vulnerable to the global catastrophes whih are likely to occur in future. Recent calamities, such as Hurricane Katrina, have demonstrated what can happen when disaster management plans are weak. The Commission Report on Children unveils the deficit in the statistics required to plan suitably for children as the primary problem (Framingham & Teasley, 2012). The research has shown that children have extended memory. In that regard, the impact of trauma linked to the disaster, and painful recoveries can last longer in children as compared to adults. The proper emergency preparedness organization has posited to protect resilient adults during disasters and in turn cushion the children through the period of trauma and recovery. However, the longer the recovery process takes, the more difficult it gets for an adult to remain an elastic buffer.
Part B
When undertaking emergency planning and response for children, the following are unique aspects that need to be considered. Initially, the children need to be considered separately in planning, response, and recovery efforts (Coppola et al., 2016). Establishing children working categories at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the division of Health and Human Services (HHS) is a vital point. Hence, the National Committee on Children in Holocausts should have adequate funding, potential influence, and support of all the calamity management companies in the US. Besides, the HHS should recommend just in time training and alertness to deal with more extended recuperation rates in minors that can be traumatic in the future (Wheeler et al., 2016). HHS should regionalize formal pediatric network of welfare to reinforce the pediatric stream after catastrophes. Another recommendation is emphasizing the rehabilitation of childrens well-being, behavioral training, and mental delivery systems in disaster-prone regions. Ultimately, the health professionals that treat children during tragedies should have a sufficient pediatric service and clinical practice.
Coppola, D. P., Haddow, G., & Bullock, J. A. (2016). Managing children in disasters: Planning for their unique needs. NY: CRC Press.
Framingham, J., & Teasley, M. L. (2012). Behavioral health response to disasters. NY:CRC Press.
Wheeler, D. S., Wong, H. R., & Shanley, T. P. (Eds.). (2014). Pediatric critical care medicine. London:Springer.
Understanding the principles of Number Theory
Im stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.
Discussion Question: Understanding the principles of Number Theory… From this video please summarize what did you learn from University of California lecture.
Course Name: Cryptography
initial post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference, all work needs to be your original work, remember to also include citations..
Preparing Students for Institutional Transfer
I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.
For this assignment, write a paper outlining the challenges that community colleges face as they prepare their students to pursue baccalaureates in four-year colleges and universities. Address the following in your paper:
- Discuss the challenges and obstacles faced by students in the community college who desire to transfer into a four-year institution upon completion of their community college degree program.
- What programs have been developed to prepare students and ease the transition.
- What teaching methods are used to facilitate study by working adults?
- Discuss services put in place to enhance the prospects of student success as students move through the curriculum.
Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages
References: Minimum of 3-5 scholarly resources.
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Resources for assignment: Attached
Somatic Symptom Disorders
I need support with this Social Science question so I can learn better.
In this Assignment, you describe what that approach might look like for one client.
To prepare:
- Imagine that Jennifer Brea, whose TEDTalk (TED Conferences, LLC, 2016) you watched, is referred to you for ongoing supportive therapy when her psychiatry consultant decides that she does not have a conversion disorder. Despite the psychiatrists opinion, her primary care physician ignores that consult and labels Jennifer with the conversion disorder anyway. Be sure to investigate what the conversion diagnosis means when responding.
- Record your presentation using Personal Capture (record audio, video, and screen). See Kaltura Media Uploader in left-hand navigation menu in course for directions on recording and uploading media.
Submit a (56 slides) in which you address the following:
- Explain in a concise professional manner how you would conduct your first meeting with Jennifer. Identify specific steps you would take to understand her circumstance and needs.
- Explain how you would proceed with her medical team in terms of advocacy for her as a client believed to have this condition.
- Explain why you would need to take a biopsychosocial approach to her ongoing care.
- Explain what social, family, vocational, Internet, and medical supports you would explore to help with her longer-term stabilization.
- Analyze the controversy in diagnosing a mental disorder based on unexplained physical symptoms. Within your analysis, consider how power and privilege influence who provides the diagnoses and which groups are more likely to be diagnosed with certain disorders. Explain your thoughts on this debate.
Support your presentation with research and references to scholarly literature.
MOS 5425 Toxicology U4
Im studying and need help with a Environmental Science question to help me learn.
Research and identify an environmental or occupational toxicant that effects on the respiratory system. Research and discuss the following:
- Explain the normal function of the system and what makes it susceptible to toxicity.
- Describe how exposure to the toxicant is possible.
- Analyze the acute and/or chronic effects of the toxicant.
- Describe recent concerns about the toxicant (within the last two years) and any actions taken to reduce the toxicant in the environment or reduce occupational exposure to the toxicant.
Your research paper should meet the following requirements:
- Address all of the above mentioned aspects in the discussion.
- The paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including title and reference pages.
- Utilize at least four credible references no more than five years old.
- Utilize proper APA formatting and citations.
read book and make a power point
I need an explanation for this Powerpoint question to help me study.
Please read, the assigned our pdf from page 5 to 43 and develop a PowerPoint Presentation of this/these Chapter(s) according to the following Learning Teams Textbook Chapters PowerPoint Presentations guidelines:
- 5 slides summarizing the Textbook chapter assigned to your Learning Team with
- 5 bullet points with one line (maximum two lines) per each slide in PPT and PDF format
At the end, your Learning Team Chapter PowerPoint Presentation will have 25 bullet points in total (5 slides with 5 bullet points each slide).
I expect high caliber Learning Teams Chapter(s) PowerPoint Presentations with top and interesting insights!! If you have any questions, please let me know.
fix my paper
I dont understand this Article Writing question and need help to study.
Few errors…we have to revise the research question
can you revise and complete the following ?
i. How does PDPM help in computing reimbursement in nursing home facilities?
H01: PDPM will have a huge impact
H02: PDPM will not
ii. What is the role of PDPM in rehabilitation department ?
iii. How will PDPM affect the overall staffing in nursing home facilities?
H01: (positive )
The HO1, will be a positive and Ho2 will be negative .
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