Studying Religion (REL/134)

I need an explanation for this Science question to help me study.

Written Summary

Write a 525- to 750-word paper that addresses the following topics:

  • What is essential (in the practices and beliefs) for a tradition to be called a religion? Illustrate your points by referring to the commonalities of at least 2 different religions. Include specific examples from the various religious traditions described in the Week 1 readings, such as a belief in one God or many gods and goddesses, the removal of one’s shoes before entering a place of worship, bathing and baptism as methods of spiritual purification, or refusing to eat certain types of meat. You may also include examples from your own religious tradition or another religious tradition with which you are familiar.
  • What place does religion have in making ethical decisions? Include specific examples of situations involving ethics faced by members of a religion today. Reflect on your own spiritual beliefs, how have your ethics been influenced personally or professionally? If you hold no spiritual beliefs, consider how individuals you may know or work with are faced with ethical decisions that are influenced by their beliefs.
  • Consider what you know about religion today. What are some modern issues that may be affecting religious traditions? How are these religions handling these issues?

Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

List references

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Answer the following questions regarding your favorite PSA:

I don’t understand this Communications question and need help to study.

  1. What problem is the PSA addressing?
  2. What is the PSA’s objective?
  3. Who is their target market?
  4. What benefit or appeal does their message offer?
  5. What is their creative unifying theme?
  6. What kind of an evaluation approach could be used to measure the impact of the PSA?

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Post your initial response early, and check back often to continue the discussion.

Please use the following Video link to create the post:

Georgia law enforcement officials sponsor an anti-road rage public service…

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complete the accounting cycle

I’m working on a Accounting question and need guidance to help me study.

You are an employee at a full service bookkeeping and auditing firm called Accounting Solutions. You have met with a new client, Jessi Jones, who needs some assistance with her first month of accounting records and financial statements.

The client gives you the following information. Use this template to complete the accounting cycle for the month of April for Jessi’s Creative Design. Additional information is located on the Comprehensive Problem Instructions.

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Discriminatory Events (TEXAS)

I don’t know how to handle this Business Law question and need guidance.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Discrimination laws vary based on state. Research a recent discriminatory event that happened in your state (TEXAS). Discuss at two laws that were challenged that made this a discriminatory event. What evidence presented itself that determined the discriminatory practice? What was the outcome? Is there a state where this event would not have been considered discriminatory, if so, why? Share the article of the event within your post.

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Data Collection

Can you help me understand this Management question?

  • Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback ( will provide as soon as I get it back)
  • New Content (Week 3)
    • Data Collection
      • Identification of the data needed
      • Identify how the data will be collected for the before and the after solution states
      • Synthesis of data
    • Research Analysis and Synthesis Methods
      • Discuss analysis and synthesis of measurement results
      • Discuss findings of the measurement results
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
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wk3 d1 res1 shan

Need help with my Health & Medical question – I’m studying for my class.


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Culture is defined as shared values that are specific to a group of people. Culture is made up of beliefs and values that shape individuals’ morality, manner, and norms. Culture can influence an individual by teaching them what is right from wrong, and how to be an adult (rite of passage), such as a bar mitzvahs (boys), bat mitzvahs (girls), and Quinceañera. Culture also emphasizes values which are core principles taught to individuals on respect, honesty, and kindness and humility, etc.

Culture plays a large role in an individual’s community and public health by affecting their perception of how they express illness, who the patients tend to seek help from, and the type of treatment they prefer. Culture influences a person’s perception of health by whether they are aware of the germ theory, if they believe in fatalism, or if they believe in supernatural forces. If the individuals believe in supernatural forces, then they do not seek help from medical personnel, but from priest, shrines, and other entities who perform spiritual ceremonies and provide medicinal herbs as treatment (White, 2015). If the individuals are fatalists, they believe whatever is happening to them is fated, therefore refusing treatment, thus resulting in health deterioration. I experienced this sad reality from my grandmother who died of breast cancer, she wholesomely believed that God would cure her of cancer, and she refused to use any medical treatment. However, God was able to take away the pain, because she felt no pain while her health deteriorated, but without any medical treatments to assist her faith, she just withered away. She lived 10 years with cancer with no form of medication or an ounce of treatment, just her faith.

Health behavior changes are the efforts healthcare personnel place on changing individuals’ behavior or habits to prevent diseases, such as cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases, etc. However, sometimes, there are barriers that prevent healthcare personnel from improving or changing these behaviors, such as religion, language or beliefs. Therefore, a way public health can aide in changing health behavior is by enforcing cultural competency. Cultural Competency is the ability to understand, communicate, and interact with individuals from various cultures to meet their needs. Cultural Competency is important because it enables healthcare providers the ability to provide care to patients who have culturally diverse background by showing respect and understanding to improve the patient’s health. Therefore, the patients will develop trust in their healthcare providers and work with them to help initiate or improve a health behavior change (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], 2016).

Cultural Competency is important to public health because it helps to reduce health disparities by training healthcare providers about knowledge and attitudes towards diversity and teaching them how to reduce stereotyping and stigmatization (Butler et al., 2016) (AHRQ, 2016). These acts will improve access to health services, therefore, allowing the patients to have more utilization of health services such as interpreters. (AHRQ, 2016). Some of the challenges public health professionals face are limited training opportunities for health care personnel depending on where the facilities are located (low-income, rural, and underserved communities). This situation can be fixed if the cultural competency was a mandatory training course funded by the government. Also, another challenge is inadequate provider-patient communication interaction due to language barriers caused by patients who refuse interpreter services.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2016). Improving Cultural Competence to Reduce Health Disparities for Priority Populations. Retrieved from

Butler, M., McCreedy, E., Schwer, N., Burgess, D., Call, K., Przedworski, J., … Kane, L. R. (2016). Improving Cultural Competence to Reduce Health Disparities. Retrieved from

White, P. (2015). The concept of diseases and health care in African traditional religion in Ghana. HTS Theological Studies, 71(3), 1-7. Doi:

Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.)

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.

  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.


Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.


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Reading Response: The Case for Reparations, Ta-Nehisi Coates

I need an explanation for this English question to help me study.

Answer any combination of the questions below on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “The Case for Reparation” (Links to an external site.) (one or more). Write at least 300 words. You can use this response to help develop the ideas you will use to support your thesis in Paper 1.

Please write at least 300 words. Reply to at least two other students’ posts — be specific.

  1. “In part 2 of this essay (“A Difference of Kind, Not Degree”) Coates paints a grim picture of black Chicago, citing statistics on homicide, infant mortality, incarceration rate, income, and household wealth. How does he use these statistics to construct his argument, and how persuasive is it?”
  2. “Coates argues that ‘America begins in black plunder and white democracy, two features that are not contradictory but complementary’ (para.60). How was democracy intertwined with and dependent upon slavery, according to Coates?”
  3. “Coates asserts that ‘one cannot escape the question’of reparations ‘by handwaving at the past, disavowing the acts of one’s ancestors, nor by citing a recent date of ancestral immigration’ (para.57). How, according to Coates, do contemporary white Americans, who had little or nothing to do with slavery, still reap benefits from the historic oppression of African Americans? Why does he believe that there remains a debt to be paid?”
  4. “In ‘The Case for Reparations,’ Coates makes only passing reference to reparations in the first two sections. He discusses the concept in detail in Part 3 (‘We Inherit Our Ample Patrimony’), but devotes the next four parts to the history of black exploitation, and white supremacy, returning to the topic of reparations in the final section. Why does he take so long to introduce the main subject of his essay? How does he develop the case for reparations in the four parts that never mention the idea? What would be the effect of focusing more exclusively on reparations throughout the essay?”
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Complete short Marketing Discussion (SNHU)

I’m studying and need help with a Marketing question to help me learn.

Using the Milestone One SWOT Template provided, conduct a SWOT for the pet supply store’s new product. Consider how this information can help to develop the marketing strategy. You will post your SWOT to the discussion topic as an image. Review this tutorial for assistance with saving your slide as an image and uploading an image to the discussion. In your post, discuss which of the product’s strengths you will be leveraging in your marketing activities. In addition to your SWOT matrix image, include one to two paragraphs describing how the company could use this information to develop marketing strategies and activities. Use specific details and examples.

I would name my new pet food line SouthernHospitatlity. I would use this name because I think it would be really cool to design a pet food line that tastes as close to southern comfort food as possible. I am from the south and southern cuisine is my favorite, so I would really enjoy incorporating my roots into pet food. I know when I cook southern food at home my dogs sniff the air constantly, smelling all the rich and aromatic seasonings I use when I cook. I would like to create something that doesn’t just look like pebbles in a dog bowl, but something that truly looks like a full course meal for a pet.

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Discussion – Taxing and Business Structures

I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.

Each type of business entity is affected by taxation. However, tax rates vary among the many different types of company structures, such as traditional C corporations, S Corporations, partnerships, and LLC. For example, corporations are generally taxed at higher tax rates than sole proprietors.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words for each question:

  • Explain the differences in taxing of four different types of organizations. provide examples
  • If you were going into business and had a choice of business structures to select from that would minimize your taxes, while yielding the highest profits, which would you choose and why? provide examples.

use your own words, but if you use a source as a reference please make sure you add in-text citations and list all references used.

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Write a short essay that describes the key concepts of epidemiology. For each of the following key concepts explain the concept AND identify the concept as it relates to the article on Zika.

Can you help me understand this Writing question?

In 200 words or more Answer the following questions:

  1. Read the article on the Zika virus (“Zika arrived in Florida 3 months before detection, study says”). Write an essay that describes the key concepts of epidemiology. For each of the following key concepts explain the concept AND identify the concept as it relates to the article on Zika.
    • Population Focus
    • Distribution
    • Determinants
    • Outcomes
    • Quantification
    • Control of Health Problem
  2. Describe the historical events listed below.Discuss how learning about past historical epidemiologic events help solve current and future disease outbreaks.
    • Bubonic plague epidemics
    • John Snow’s Cholera Study
    • Development of smallpox vaccine and eradication of small pox
    • 1918 influenza pandemic
    • Identification of smoking as a cause of cancer


  • The assignment must answer all sections.
  • Include references in APA format.
  • This assignment will be checked for plagiarism by SafeAssign. It must have less than a 20% match in order to be graded.
  • Submit assignment through Blackboard as a word document.

Scoring Rubric (100 Points)

  • Explanation and Identification of Key concepts for the Zika Article (50 points)
  • Historical Events (40 points)
  • Reference in APA format for both articles (10 points)
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