Client uploads
case analysis
I dont know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.
Elizabeth Burke has recently joined the PLE management team to oversee production operations. She has reviewed the types of data that the company collects and has assigned you the responsibility to be her chief analyst in the coming weeks. To prepare for this task, you have decided to review each worksheet and determine whether the data were gathered from internal sources, external sources, or have been generated from special studies. Also, you need to know whether the measures are categorical, ordinal, interval, or ratio.
- Prepare a report summarizing the characteristics of the metrics used in each worksheet.
Elizabeth Burke has asked you to do some preliminary analysis of the data in the Performance Lawn Equipment database.
- First, she would like you to edit the worksheets Dealer Satisfaction and End-User Satisfaction to display the total number of responses to each level of the survey scale across all regions for each year.
- Second, she wants a count of the number of failures in the worksheet Mower Test.
- Next, Elizabeth has provided you with prices for PLE products for the past 5 years:
Year |
Mower Price ($) |
Tractor Price ($) |
2010 |
150 |
3,250 |
2011 |
175 |
3,400 |
2012 |
180 |
3,600 |
2013 |
185 |
3,700 |
2014 |
190 |
3,800 |
- Create a new worksheet in the database to compute gross revenues by month and region, as well as worldwide totals, for each product using the data in Mower Unit Sales and Tractor Unit Sales.
- Finally, she wants to know the market share for each product and region based on the PLE and industry sales data in the database.
- Create and save these calculations in a new worksheet. Summarize all your findings in a report to Ms. Burke.
Please develop YOUR OWN TEAM Business Analytics EXCEL model(s) to support all your answers and analyses and post this(these) file(s) in addition to your Case Analysis Performance Lawn Equipment Report.
Finally, please answer ALL Questions and Sections of this Data Analytics for Business Case with great detail AND STEP BY STEP being extremely methodical and accurate in your answers. It is extremely important that for each Question and Section, you write the entire question and you LABEL and/or PLACE the appropriate headings and subheadings clearly for EACH part of the question and/or section.
Please address, analyze, and discuss in great detail and thoroughly support and explain the whats, hows, and whys of each of your answers.
I expect high caliber Case Analysis Reports with top analyses and interesting insights!! If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to help.
Jose Rocha
Learning Assignment Guidelines
Case Analysis Written Report:
This document should be a typed professional written report in Word and PDF format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum.
** No Word and PDF format documents: No grading.
Please submit your Team Case Analysis Written Report and YOUR OWN TEAM Business Analytics Case Analysis EXCEL model(s) files.
** No Team Case Analysis Written Report and YOUR OWN TEAM Business Analytics Case Analysis EXCEL model(s) files: No grading.
TurnItIn Originality Score Index
Case Analysis Reports with a TurnItIn Originality Score Index:
* Orange (50-74% similarity index) and/or Red (75-100% similarity index)
will NOT be graded and will be reviewed and assess for potential
Academic Dishonesty misconduct.
Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
You can find several readings and support material for your writing learning assignments and APA Style use at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 1.2 Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
2-4 Final Project Milestone One: Personality and Self-Concept
Im stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.
For this milestone assignment, you will provide an initial self-reflection that discusses your own strengths as well as areas you feel you may need to improve. You will consider how these aspects of your personality and self-concept will allow you to improve your skills in a future leadership role.
Overview: In this course, you will have many opportunities to take self-assessments that will allow you to reflect on yourself as a person, student, and professional. This first milestone gives you an opportunity to reflect on your own strengths and opportunities for improvement as they pertain to leadership. Prompt: For this milestone assignment, provide an initial self-reflection that discusses your own strengths as well as areas you feel you may need to improve. Consider how these aspects of your personality and self-concept will allow you to improve your skills in a future leadership role. This assignment will allow you to receive instructor feedback on your personality strengths and weaknesses that will be important in completing Milestone Two: SWOT Analysis in Module Four and the final project in Module Seven. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Strengths: Discuss the aspects of your personality and self-concept that serve as a particular strength as you consider your future leadership opportunities. Why are these important to you and to others you may be leading?
II. Areas of Improvement: Conversely, what aspects of your personality and self-concept may lead to difficulties in your future work as a leader? What areas of improvement have you identified?
Greetings students,
Please find attached resources to help in preparation with your week 2 Final Project Milestone 1, “Personality and Self-Concept.
This written assignment should be a minimum of one page in length, be double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. There should also be one-inch margins both on the top, bottom, and left and right sides. For writing, I encourage you to use spell-check, in addition to proofreading yourself, as we all know spell-check does not catch all errors.
If sources are included, please cite according to APA guidelines. To learn more about APA, please visit the following site, or you may find more information through the SNHU Online Sharpiro Library:
Reflect on the assessments as you begin to write your assignment in which you will identify your personality and self-concept as they pertain to your skills in future leadership roles. Please be sure you include your FULL Jungian Personality type, such as ISTJ or ENFJ, for example, along with any other information you want to highlight about your traits. The most common opportunity student’s make for this paper is NOT including personality type, which is KEY for this particular assignment. You will also want to include a brief introduction in your paper.
CONTENT: In this written assignment, you need to answer the following prompts based on your initial self-reflection from the assessments and readings thus far in the course. Think about how the aspects you identify in your paper will allow you to continue to enhance your skills in a future leadership role(s). Identify more than one aspect in strengths and also in areas of improvement.
PERSONALITY/SELF-CONCEPT STRENGTHS: What aspects of your personality and self-concept serve as specific strengths as leadership opportunities for you? Use clarity and details (be specific).
PERSONALITY/SELF-CONCEPT OPPORTUNITIES: What aspects of your personality and self-concept serve as specific areas of improvement and may lead to difficulties in leadership opportunities for you? Use clarity and details (be specific).
Please see the rubric for this Milestone for further detail, which Im also including here for your guidance. The rubric and assignment directions, including how to submit, are all available in LEARNING MODULE TWO. Last but not least, included here, is a sample paper (attached).
Yours in Learning,
This is my introduction of me.
Hello everyone my name is Aimee and I live on the west side of Florida near Gulf of Mexico by Crystal River FL. I have only lived in Florida for eight years and love it and I actually came from Colorado. I meet my husband hear in Florida and have two children that are age five and six. We have four cats with two adult dogs and four puppies. I have since went after my associate degree in Healthcare and then I decided two months ago to go after my bachelor degree in business administration entrepreneurship. I decided to change my path because I was laid off from my job in 2016 and my husband and I decided to be a landlord. We are starting to be a landlord/fixer upper with properties.
I have included
Week 2 Assignment with 2 parts
I dont know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.
Length: Minimum of 400 words
Total points: 10 points
Due date: Sunday, January 19, 2020
Students will be required to create 1 new thread, and provide substantive comments on at least 3 threads created by other students. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
How active is each threat agent? How might a successful attack serve a particular threat agents goals?
Length: Minimum of 600 words
Total points: 10 points
Due date: Sunday, January 19, 2020
Submission Title: [yourname]_ISOL536_Spring2020Main_Week2_Assignment.docx
Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
According to the author of this book, there are three key attributes of human attackers, as follows:
What are your thoughts on this topic? Also, please explain the three key attributes related to this subject.
Written case analysis
Im studying for my Business class and need an explanation.
Make sure you carefully read the assignment questions
Read the entire case, jotting down your notes.
As you write your case analysis, please include appropriate references to the assigned reading within the text.
Even if there are questions associated to the case, it is a good idea to make sure to have the sections presented below (Summary, Analysis and Recommendations and References). You can name your paragraphs and section in a different way from what is proposed, but make sure you follow a similar logic.
include original exhibit to support narrative
support recommendation with data and course conceptions
Writing a research paper.
Im working on a Article Writing exercise and need support.
Imagine the study you would like to conduct even if it is just an imaginary study. Think about what you want to investigate and how you would pose your research question. Fill out the items below. Complete the items below.
- Please write a purpose statement for your study.
- Describe the target population that your study could be generalized to.
- Please write a research question for your study.
- Label each kind of variable. For example, you may have an independent and dependent variable. You may have treatment, control, and confounding variables.
- Pick two variables. Write down operational definitions for each. In other words, tell me exactly how the variables will be measured (data collected).
- Reflection: What is still unclear about the process of posing a research question and defining variables? ?
Im studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.
please read this three article and answer this question
- Emoji Proposal (Links to an external site.)
- Cell Phone Assignment (Links to an external site.)
- (we will be doing something like this!)
- Memes and WW III (Links to an external site.)
- DFW: This is Water
Read all four of the articles in Module 1 and write ~250 words analyzing whichever one interested you the most
2- read the syullubs and answer the question that’s I will upload.
Deliverable 1 – Kingston-Bryce Kick-off Project Plan
I dont know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.
Deliverable 1 – Kingston-Bryce Kick-off Project Plan
Identify the role projects play in meeting the goals of an organization.
You have just been hired as a Project Manager for Kingston-Bryce Limited and have been assigned your first project. Kingston-Bryce Limited (KBL) is a custom furniture manufacturer that specializes in hand-crafted dining room tables. The Board of Directors has identified an opportunity to purchase a competitor that also specializes in custom furniture. The acquisition of the competitor will enable KBL to expand operations and triple their workforce and will take 18 months to complete. In order for this acquisition to be successful, you will need to use your project management skills to ensure success.
Your first task is to create a project plan for the Board of Directors in Microsoft Word or Excel. The project outline is essential for documenting all of the necessary tasks and milestones necessary to complete the project. The project is expected to take 18 months to complete, and the major milestones are broken up by quarters. You will need to be creative and develop the following items as if you were running the project.
Include the following (you will need to create these items):
- tasks and milestones;
- a project description;
- key stakeholders;
- timeline for the project.
Summarize key points of this case in a paragraph.
I need an explanation for this Accounting question to help me study.
Summarize key points of this case in a paragraph.
the article is attached
Specifically include the following points in your summary (and any other you think pertinent):
- What questions would you have of the BKD audit team what questions should it have been asking about Celadon over the course of the audit years in question?
- How is the reputation of Franklin College impact by these events? Is Prescience Point Investment Groups characterization of Celadon hiring practices as bizarre justified? What issues should Franklin address in restoring its public image?
- What market conditions would you look for to justify a nearly 1,500% increase in tractors in the Truck Leasing Division? What impact would these additions have on a. Financial Statements overall, b. Existing Loan Covenants?
- What questions would you have concerning the decision to lease such a large volume of equipment with known service issues? Does this in itself raise Red Flags? Why?
- How do you feel about the Swap arrangement made with Stoops Freightliner? Should the auditors have been interested in Stoops? Should government prosecutors be interested?
- How precisely were losses masked in the Swap arrangement with Stoops?
- Would a letter from management stating that the above Swaps valuations were arms-length satisfy you as an auditor? If you were the auditor on this case how might your career be in jepordy?
Discussion 2: Childhood Trauma
I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.
Many survivors of childhood trauma do not seek treatment until they are well into adulthood. Often, their presenting complaints may not directly reflect a childhood trauma, but rather the outcome of a lifelong psychological reaction to the trauma. For instance, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse may seek treatment as an adult for a variety of issues, such as depression, alcohol or drug abuse, or insomnia, which may appear unrelated to the abuse.
In this Discussion, you will analyze the long-term effects of childhood trauma on survivors’ mental and physical well-being.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review this weeks resources related to Childhood Trauma, focusing on topics such as child physical and sexual abuse, the importance of trauma diagnosis, and prevention/treatment programs.
- Pay particular attention to how exposure to a childhood trauma might result in a transcrisis state.
- Consider the destructive behaviors that survivors of childhood sexual abuse might exhibit in the absence of appropriate aftercare.
- Reflect on psychological and physical characteristics associated with neglected children. Think about how such characteristics might be indicative of a transcrisis state.
- Think about survivors’ cognitive impairments, emotional reactions, and behaviors associated with exposure to family violence. Also, consider how survivors’ relationships are affected by exposure to family violence in childhood.
- Consider the long-term psychological and physical effects of child abuse on adult survivors.
- Identify a specific type of childhood trauma (e.g., child physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, or exposure to family violence). Think about how exposure to this type of trauma might result in a transcrisis state. Also, reflect on various behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and psychosomatic characteristics of survivors that might be indicative of a transcrisis state.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 4
Post an explanation of how a specific type of childhood trauma might lead to a transcrisis state among survivors. Then, provide at least two specific examples of how survivors’ psychological and/or physical health might be affected by being in a transcrisis state.
Resilience discussion question
I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.
Scales and Measurements of Resiliency
The importance of measuring resiliency and its cultural focus is central to understanding a population’s sensitivity to interventions that may support growth in resiliency. Thus, understanding the options available will be important when identifying a specific population that is being studied.
The research has spawned different measures of resilience, including qualitative interviews and self-tests, as well as questionnaires provided by specialists. Today’s focus on using statistical methods in resilience measurement impacts the information we have concerning resilience as well as the depth of research we may conduct.
For this discussion, use the journal articles you located (they are attched to this page) that utilize scales and measurements of resilience to address the following:
- Identify what scales and measurements are utilized to effectively demonstrate resilience.
- Highlight the components of at least two of these measurement scales, identifying their method of measurement, reliability, or validity.
- Analyze their use with the specific population you are going to examine for the Resilience Terminology assignment in Unit 2.
Write a 250-word minimum initial post to this discussion. Include two scholarly resources (not including the textbook). Be sure to include relevant, required information, adequate explanations, and alternative viewpoints.
Measurement of Resilience
Address the following for this discussion:
- Briefly identify and discuss the level of resilience displayed by diverse populations in the video you chose from NBC Learn (in the first study for this unit).
- Based on your viewing of the first 38 minutes and 30 seconds of the video, Happy, identify how relationships contribute to resilience and happiness.( Transcript is attached)
Write a 250-word minimum initial post to this discussion. Include two scholarly resources (not including the textbook). Be sure to include relevant, required information, adequate explanations, and alternative viewpoints.
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