Biology 1 assignment

I’m studying for my Biology class and need an explanation.

fist biology 1 assignment. please follow the steps carefully. I need it asap.

Assignnment: Find a news article (a secondary source) covering a scientific topic. Indicate how you know that the article is or isn’t presenting the topic in a manner that considers real scientific evidence and presents it with the intent to inform the reader. You are not expected to be an expert on the topic covered. Your work product should not be more than 1 pg, 1.5 sp.

Provide a clear citation to your source.

Goal: Begin to think about how you are hearing about science outside the classroom. You will learn how to differentiate evidence-based statements from opinion or “pseudo-science”.

**See file on moodle for more information

I uploaded the file on the question.

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Economics of Globalization Assignment

I’m studying for my Management class and need an explanation.

Use the following information to create a set of recommendations.

You or your group are members of the upper management team at ExxonMobil a large multinational corporation currently listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).(Hint: publically traded company) You report directly to the CEO and the board of directors.

Recently, an investor has purchased 5% of the outstanding stock in the company, and corporate rules this gives the investor the right to call a proxy vote for control of the company (the company takes this seriously).This investor is extremely concerned the company is importing and export goods in the same sector, particularly they are importing crude oil and exporting refined petroleum products. Why not just produce the finished products where the crude oil is located?There were legal reasons the company does not export crude oil; however, these rules have changed, and this investor is concerned the company is losing money. A consulting economist has given the management team tools to help management make their recommendation to the CEO.

Your CEO has tasked you with writing a short response to the investor’s concerns about importing and exporting within the same industry.Note your response should include: the profit increasing nature of petroleum (finished products more profitable), security concerns, location of corporate structure (ie USA company wants dollar profits, European company want euro profits), location of the specialized equipment and cost of new equipment.

No plagiarism!!!!!

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Please give replies to these 3 discussions answers from my peers on Infotech in Global Economy.. APA with citations and references in required

Can you help me understand this Computer Science question?

1) Assessing the Quality of Simulations

Simulation is the imitation of the operation that exists in the processes and systems of the real world over a particular period. Simulation requires the development of models which represent the main characteristics and behaviors of the preferred abstract system or processes. The developed models will represent the system itself while the simulation stands for the operation of the system over time (Loonen et al. 2015). Simulation is applicable in different cases like scientific modelling pf natural systems and the simulation of technology for training, education, and video gaming.

The quality of simulations can be assessed and ascertained using different verified methods. These methods vary according to the field and the models developed for simulation. In the case of a learning environment, the quality of simulation can be assessed by comprehending what simulation is intended to achieve. This begins with the initial evaluation of whether simulation precludes the perfect delivery of information cardinal to student performance; this can necessitate the provision of relevant learning environments. The quality of a legislative simulation is assessed by determining the extent of its coverage. A good one might cover the entire legislative process with the learner taking their positions.

The use of qualitative methods which involves an investigation of simulation through observations, interviews, reviewing artefacts, and studying different cases in their natural settings to consider variables the way they appear in the complexity of their context. Such context includes collaborations and local engagements (Susanto 2016). These qualitative methods are deemed inferior in causal inference, but they are made strong by providing models describing the way simulation operate. Combined methods are also efficient since it provides debates on the merits of radically diverse points of view. The quality of simulation is thus assessed by determining the nature and implementation of the simulation.


Loonen, R. C. G. M., Loomans, M. G. L. C., & Hensen, J. L. (2015). Towards predicting the satisfaction with indoor environmental quality in building performance simulation. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings Europe 2015: 18-20 May 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1-8.

Susanto, R. (2016, May). Quality and Consistency Check, and PVT Data Tuning Simulation Approach-Case Study of Gas Field. In 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016.

2) Quality in Social Simulation

The basis to ensure the quality simulation is to have the right target agents (Janssen et al., 2015). Agents are able to provide the right feedback on a product or service they have been using for a period of time. Thus the simulation model should identify specific agents that relate directly to the policy model that is being formulated. For instance, to have the desired accuracy when developing a policy that can evaluate the use of a property in a country of 750,000, it is advisable to directly sample the population to enable the policymakers to have firsthand data.

To make the process viable, the task force team can make use of tools like the INFO-SKIN application, which was designed to help the policymakers evaluate the relationship between the research data and the policy is formulated (Janssen et al., 2015). To ensure that the policy in question represents and can solve the problem of the population, a sufficient number of agents should be selected and the right empirical questions should be asked. At every stage of the simulation process, there should be an analysis of varying data, to gauge the differences and similarities and how they can affect the final model policy. Finally, INFO-SKIN should be used to evaluate all the results if the final data is in sync with the interactions exhibited among various agents.


Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., & Deljoo, A. (Eds.). (2015). Policy practice and digital science: Integrating complex systems, social simulation and public administration in policy research (Vol. 10). Springer.

3) Quality of simulations

Quality of simulation defines the standard problems which evaluate the social simulations that are considered towards the user community systems. It explains the policy model that is discussed over the mechanism of the policy systems, and quality simulation techniques describe the information data, and quality modeling techniques are determined over transforming the data. Three different views explain more in detail about the simulation quality that is described as a standard view, constructivist view, and user community view. These views explain the quality simulation will manage the methods to perform policymaking systems (Janssen & Helbig, 2018). I lead a taskforce where I used to develop the strategic planning will be developed, and it is recommended to consider that 750,000 residents of the country. A decision was made towards the development of the strategy, which discussed zoning areas of the county. Dynamic factors include age, race, and income status are also considered, and simulation view helps for the taskforce.

Comparing to the three views for this development of taskforce user community view is the best-suited simulation view to handle it. This view probably identifies the simulation technique that could manage the areas where the taskforce implements the quality assessment. It consists of defining the standard policy that could help better for developing the social simulation will construct the dynamic factors. These factors help the residents to manage the color, race, age, and income status are considered as the key terms to process the context of the zoning board (Janssen, Wimmer & Deljoo, 2015). It ensures the highest simulation view could make changes in the task force that could probably manage the accuracy of the residents. It completely reliable over the data that consider the presentation of the clustering techniques is discussed and the simulation model describes the income that is significant towards the residents. Hence I would implement the user-community view that could probably determine the accuracy of the task force.


Janssen, M & Helbig, N. (2018). Innovating and changing the policy-cycle: Policy-makers be prepared. Government Information Quarterly, 3(5), 99-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.giq.2015.11.009.

Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., & Deljoo, A. (Eds.). (2015). Policy practice and digital science: Integrating complex systems, social simulation, and public administration in policy research (Vol. 10). Springer.

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SOCW 6204. Medical Social Work. Cultural competence

I’m trying to study for my Social Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

Post a description of the cultural factors that you might consider in providing service to the individual and family described in the case. Explain the course of action a medical social worker should take to address the cultural issues illustrated in the case. Be sure to support your statement by referring to the National Association of Social Workers standards or recommendations. Explain two cultural factors that might challenge you when working with a patient and his or her family who belong to a different culture than yours. Explain measures you might consider to enhance your cultural competence

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NUR2063 Section P1 Essentials of Pathophysiology

I’m studying for my Nursing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Identify a person you know who has an immune system disorder or cancer. Review the content in your text for potential types of disorders.

Interview the affected person and write a 3-5 page paper identifying your findings.

Use 2-3 evidence-based articles from peer-reviewed journals or scholarly sources to support your findings or identify therapies that may be new or different from what the affected person may be using.

Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format. Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Questions to guide your interview:

  1. Which immune system disorder do you have?
  1. How long have you had this disorder?
  1. How has this disorder changed your life?
  1. Are you able to carry out daily activities independently?
  1. Does this disorder affect your ability to work?
  1. How does this disorder affect your family?
  2. hat therapies are you using to manage this disorder?
  1. What, if any, side effects does the treatment have?
  1. Has this disorder changed your body?
  1. Does this disorder have any emotional effects on you?
  1. Have alternative therapies, such as Eastern medicine (acupuncture, herbal treatment, yoga) been tried or recommended?

Module 02 Assignment

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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PowerPoint Presentation – Analyzing a communication technique

I’m working on a Powerpoint exercise and need support.


PowerPoint Presentation – Analyzing a communication technique

This exercise involves analyzing a communication technique—presentations. On a daily basis, it is often expected that professionals be proficient with presentations. For this exercise, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that serves as your own professional code of communication. This exercise allows you to analyze communication techniques and reflect upon your own communication skills. Include at least the following within the presentation:

  • Present your professional communication style.
  • Present your communication strengths.
  • Present your communication opportunities—how can you improve your communication skills?
  • Present how you prefer to receive communication within a workplace.
  • Present a professional workplace example of when a phone call might be better than an email.
  • Present whether or not you believe that texting and instant messaging can be valuable in the workplace.
  • Include at least three visuals (e.g., photographs, images, charts, or graphs).
  • The presentation must contain at least twelve slides.

Use the key terms in the textbook to guide your presentation. For some guidance toward preparing presentations in PowerPoint, click here to access a video with helpful tips.

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Theology – Discussion

I need an explanation for this Philosophy question to help me study.

You have to read and understand the discussion Topic below, then, write you’re a response to the questions giving under the discussion topic.

Instructions & Requirements:

Please note that this work contains 2 parts:

  • For part one,
    • Be sure to response to the topic questions in less than 12 hours in atleast 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences each paragraph)
  • Then for Part two,
    • Then, after 1-2 days, I will share with you the question of the instructor If he responds to the posting, and you will need to respond to the instructor question in less than 12 hours from sharing his question with you. Full credit will be given for those who provide a thorough response to the question I pose (if any).
  • Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form and a score of zero will be given on the paper, as the paper will be checked by Turnitin Website for plagiarism.
  • Do not just repeat words and text from the reading materials provided or the online lecture
  • Use your own words and add value/information beyond the reading materials.
  • Copying from sites like Wikipedia or other internet sites will result in a score of zero as you only allow to use the reading materials provided . Also, note that the work will be checked by Turnitin website for plagiarism.


Week #01 Discussion Topic

Each student is required to respond to the question(s) posted for the week BEFORE the deadline To receive full credit for this part of the assignment, your posting must be at least two paragraphs in length (4-6 sentences per paragraph), cited with references from the Online Lecture and Reading Material only.

If I respond to your postings, you will have until the end of the week to respond to what I have asked you to do. Full credit will be given for those who provide a thorough response to the question I pose (if any).

Postings MUST be based exclusively on the reading materials provided in this course and NOT from other outside sources. Please refer to the Syllabus concerning rules against Plagiarism.

Reading Materials:

1. Sunday Scripture Readings at Mass. You can buy a missallette at the bookstore or you can look up each week’s readings at the website of the United State Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB. Their website is

2. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible.
3. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB. The

Catechism of the Catholic Church (English Translation. Washington, D.C.: The United States Catholic Conference, Inc., 1994.

4. Johnson, Luke Timothy. The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation (Third Edition). Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Press, 2012.

5. Plus the online Lecture (see the attached file named online Lecture)

Here is this Week’s Discussion Topic:

“Bible reading is for Catholics. The Church encourages Catholics to make reading the Bible part of their daily prayer lives. Reading these inspired words, people grow deeper in their relationship with God and come to understand their place in the community God has called them to in himself.” – Mary Elizabeth Sperry

Based on Sperry’s “Understanding the Bible” (found in the Online Lecture), tell us about your experiences in reading the bible. In your answers, please include the following:

  • What is your faith tradition?
  • How often do you read the bible (if at all)?
  • Name one or two things about this week’s readings (both from Shea and the Online Lecture) that challenged your approach of reading the bible.
  • Please share in your answer one bible story which relates to you the most.

Please Note: Your responses should be based primarily on the content offered in the Online Lectures and the Reading Material.


  • KINDLY NOTE THAT I am Muslim and I just taking this course because it’s required to complete my degree plan at my school.


For your reference and to get a clear picture about what you should to write. Below are some students’ responses


When asked to describe my faith tradition, I would describe it as one where I do not practice as much as I should be. I was raised Catholic from an early age and received the sacraments of baptism, communion, and confirmation. However, I proclaim to be nonpracticing as the past few years of my life I have failed to attend church, take in the body of Christ, go to confession, etc. I also do not read the bible. Last semester I did a handful of readings from the bible but other than that I probably haven’t read the bible on my own since childhood. One point from the lecture which challenged my approach of reading the bible was when the statement claimed that reading the bible is not enough. Reading the words and not putting an action on the message which is being conveyed is simply not enough. I feel as if I display this mentality when it comes to the bible. I simply take scripture and read it, I never do more with it. One bible story which relates to me the most happens to be the temptation story. The serpent had twisted God’s words which in turn tempted Adam and Eve to eat the apple. I relate to this bible story a lot because I find myself being tempted easily into things I know are not good for me. Despite knowing it is not a good idea, I still carry out the action similarly to what Adam and Eve did.



I don’t have a faith tradition. I was baptized, however, my mother and my family we left the church early in my life. We were lutherans. However, we never really believed in god in a constitutional way that requires a faith group. The intention of my mother to have us in younger age in the church was to give us the option if we choose so. We also visited mosques and temples to gain the knowledge of other believes. I did not follow any constitutional religion. Therefore, i haven’t read the bible in many years.

An important part of the online lecture for me was when it was said that the importance of a story is its message and sometimes it can be exaggerated to bring the message across. So do the bible as the message of the stories are important and therefore they don’t have to be believed word for word or lived by, as some story are exaggerated for the message.

That the Old Testament looks towards the New and the New testament fulfills the Old Testament is something i haven’t learned yet or that i thought of in the past when i did read the bible many years ago

I wish i could tell a bible story that would relate to me however i can’t. I barely remember any stories in the bible and if i would know one i couldn’t even tell where in the bible.


Fr. Jankowski, P. (2019, August 01). Theo 210 Week #1 (Introduction). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
pages: 17 & 105



I was brought up in a Catholic tradition. I was baptized, made my first Holy Communion in 3rd grade, and then was confirmed in 8th grade. As I grew older, I stopped practicing my faith. My family stopped going to church evey Sunday, but I have not stopped believing. I still believe what I was taught and live by it. I do not read the Bible much at all. I only open it when I need to for example theology classes or in church.

One thing from this week’s online lecture that challenge my approach of reading the Bible would be that it is described as a story and not history because is uses a different set of tools. While the Bible is told as a story, it is about what happened, and what shaped religion. It is part of history. Another big thing in general that is challenging for me is that, although I am Catholic, I still am not very familiar with the Bible and do not believe everything in the Catholic faith. It is had for me to make a spiritual connection like mentioned in the online lecture because I am not that active in my faith anymore. With that being said, I am being honest, I do not have a Bible story that relates to my life or have a connection to. I hardly read the bible, and when I had a project for Intro to Theology, I struggled to make connections with the stories.



As far as my faith tradition goes, I am a non-practicing Catholic. I do not read the bible at all and I only attend church, if at all, on Christmas and Easter day. I was baptized, made my communion, and made my confirmation which is why I say I am a non-practicing Catholic. It is no excuse, but as I have grown older other events and responsibilities have occupied my time. This is the reason for the lack of practicing my faith. I do, however, feel I do not need to attend church regularly in order to be a member of my religion.

Since I do not read the bible I have decided to satisfy the requirement, “Name one or two things about this week’s readings (both from Shea and the Online Lecture) that challenged your approach of reading the bible” by approaching it the way of why I have not taken the initiative to read the bible in years. I choose what I want to believe and what I do not. I feel I do not need to read the bible to constantly justify my beliefs. I feel that Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan, relates to my life because I live by helping others in need and being a genuine person to all.



My faith tradition is Roman Catholic, born and raised as such, regularly attending Daily Mass and doing other Catholic devotionals on a regular basis (it is important to note that I didn’t actually become religious until my first semester of college). I say grace before meals, and pray on a regular basis. I read the Daily Readings from the Bible (sometimes as a lector at Mass), and I try to read longer sections, as well. I don’t have any regular schedule of when I read from the Bible, I just try to do it when the opportunity arises, or when I feel particularly compelled to create the opportunity. As Slide 41 discusses Christianity coming into the surrounding world, so too I try to make my faith expand into the rest of my life.

One thing I found challenging to my approach to the Bible in the online lecture was the following line from Slide 129: “While we read the Old Testament in light of the death and resurrection of Jesus, it has its own value as well.” I always struggle a little with the Old Testament, sometimes reading it in the light of the coming of Christ, but I rarely read the Old in light of His death and resurrection. This interests me; the prophets often speak of a Savior, and sometimes a Suffering Savior, but reading stories like Samuel or Judges that aren’t so focused on the Messiah as the current situation would be interesting to read as a prophecy unto itself.

I’m really not sure what Bible story relates to me the most; in some ways, the story of Jesus first calling the Apostles relates to my recent years, with a call of “Follow me” while I didn’t really know where I was going (somewhat similar to the story of Tobiah and Raphael). This journey has led to a lot of sacrifices, a lot of triumph, and a life path completely foreign to anything I was planning, when I first came to college as an engineering student, unsure of whether I’d even keep going to church. Two and a half years later, I’m a Theology major, deeply invested in my faith, aware that greater rewards are still ahead (despite the hardships that are always prevalent), and I just have to trust God and follow wherever He may lead me.


Please response to the discussion questions in less than 12 hours and make sure to deliver an original and high-quality work, as this writing is going to be checked for plagiarism through TurnItIn website.

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LP6 ASSIGNMENT: The Marshmallow Test

I need help with a Programming question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Review the marshmallow test video. The videos and articles can be found on google and YouTube.

  • In part 1 of this assignment, describe in 250 words how these concepts/theories explain the behavior exhibited by the children who participated in the marshmallow test. Example: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic, Drive theory, Arousal Theory, etc.
  • In part 2 of this assignment, analyze the children’s emotional reaction to the situation. Using the James-Lange Theory, the Cannon-Bard Theory and/or the Schachter-Singer Theory, explain the emotional experiences of the children. Describe your answer to part 2 in 250 words.
  • Finally, answer the question: Do you think that the children who are aware of their feelings will be more successful with not eating the marshmallow? Why or why not?
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Chapter 6 – Online Cons

I’m trying to learn for my English class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

As the text and Powerpoint materials highlight, simple frauds are a significant form of crime on the internet. Confidence scams, trustworthy strangers, Nigerian 419 scams. We all think we’re above them but people we know and many we think should know better get caught in these all the time. Take a look here: (Links to an external site.)

To have a school system lose $2.3 million dollars means the students suffer and the taxpayers end up paying again.

Find an article about a scam that took in someone who should have known better, post a link to the article here with a brief analysis of what happened and some commentary about what could have been done to avoid being victimized. You only need to post once BUT, look ahead to the last chapter for the written assignment that spans this week’s set of chapters.

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Information Management – Defining the Scope

Can you help me understand this Nursing question?

NSG/498: Senior Leadership Practicum

Information Management – Defining the Scope

Assignment Content


In this assignment you further define your project scope and identify data sources that help you determine how to address your selected problem.

Determine the scope of your selected problem. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data, for example:

-Leader and peer interviews

-Patient/customer surveys

-Quality reports

-Benchmarking studies/baseline data. If baseline data is available:

-What are the goals?

-Are current practices meeting the organizational goals?

-Are the prescribed practices followed?

Review and aggregate the data.

Determine the level of risk and frequency of the problem to determine the importance of the project.

Looking at the information you have gathered so far, determine whether the project lends itself to an evidence-based practice approach or a quality improvement project.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

-10- to 20-slide presentation


-875-word paper


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

This discussion continues the discussions that we had during week one. In week one, you identified a need that lead to a proposed project. During the remaining weeks of this course, you will continue to use the proposed project identified during week one for our discussions and weekly assignments.

For this week, please consider both the direct and indirect resources available to you that may be used to support the proposed project you identified during week one.

What or who do you think will be the largest source of data for your project? What does the current literature reveal about your proposed project? Do you propose to use qualitative or quantitative data as data sources? What methods will you use to analyze the data? Please include any personal experiences in your discussions.

Please include at least one reference in APA format

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