Client uploads
Write 3 questions one page each and single spaced and references with in text citations.
Im working on a Computer Science question and need guidance to help me study.
- 1) Chapter 3 presented the approach Mars, Incorporated used to implement ERM. Do you agree with the approach implemented and why? If you could change anything about the implementation of ERM in this case study what would that be and why? Would you implement the same ERM in your current or future organization?
- 2) Locate an article or example of a real use case based on this week’s lesson. If you can’t find an article or use case example make one up. Write a summary of the use case and describe how it is similar or different from the use case described in this week’s lesson.
- 3) Chapter 5 presented the approach University of California Health System used to implement ERM. Do you agree with the approach implemented and why? If you could change anything about the implementation of ERM in this case study what would that be and why? Would you implement the same ERM in your current organization (or future organization)?
Be sure to include the following requirements in the paper.
- Description of real use case
- Comparison of real use case and textbook use case.
issc362 forum
Im working on a Programming question and need guidance to help me study.
Locate a Port Scanning Tool
For this assignment create a new message and address the following items in your posting…
- Search the internet or our course lesson/resources for a tool used to conduct port scanning.
- List the tool’s name.
- List the pros and cons associated with the tool you found.
- Locate an incident in which the tool was used to exploit an organization.
- List the URL and describe the exploit.
- Provide the outcome, was the exploit successful or foiled.
human resources management/ compensation and benefits
Im trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.
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You are a consultant working for a company that provides strategy and HR consulting to the healthcare industry.Your client group includes community-based healthcare facilities such as Urgent Care and other healthcare clinics. Most of these organizations follow a corporate level strategy focused on providing patients with fast, reliable service.Patients want to trust in the care they are receiving and to be taken care of quickly.The majority of patients return to the same facility, so you are recommending that your clients (the healthcare facilities) include patient retention goals in the strategic plan for the upcoming year.
Since this particular segment within the healthcare industry is becoming increasingly competitive, your consulting company is recommending their clients distinguish themselves from competitors by creating a niche approach that follows the Container Store and Costcos total rewards philosophies as described in Steve Grosss video lecture, What is Fair Pay, and as presented in a Harvard Business Review article entitled, How 4 Retailers Became Best Places to Work. See an excerpt from the article below:
While each company takes a somewhat different approach, there are a few common themes:
Maintain high expectations – All four retailers demand a lot from employees, but those demands are evident throughout the enterprise – executives are held to them as much (if not more) than front-line employees.
Empower employees – Employees that are empowered to make decisions and take action enable those employees to meet demanding goals.
Encourage teamwork and team success – A demanding work environment not properly managed could lead to competition between individuals that ends up being detrimental to the company as a whole. By encouraging team spirit, individuals’ competitive energies are channeled in productive ways.
Pay people well – Ever wonder why shopping at Costco feels a lot different than shopping at Target? There are lots of reasons, of course, but one important difference is that Costco employees are paid well. In the words of Costco’s CEO: “good pay means good things for the business.”
Ping-pong tables and other quirky perks are great but, at the end of the day, feeling empowered and fairly compensated are much more valuable.
The Container Store and Costco were two of the retailers referenced in the HBR article. To better understand The Container Stores rationale for pursuing their unconventional approach to total rewards, please watch the first video clip describing their First Foundation Principle: 1 Great Person = 3 Good People.
1st Foundation Principle 1 Great Person = 3 Good People
Please use this information as well as information from the assigned material on the to answer the questions below.
- Some of your clients, such as KGW Healthcare are publicly held corporations and top management feels compelled to explain their total rewards strategy to the Board of Directors and prospective investors.Please provide these talking points and explain the rationale for following a lead strategy of paying employees above the market rate.
- The VP of HR at 2 of the client locations prepared questions for you. Please proved a response to each question using the information you learned from the HBR podcast and the video lectures.
- At one of the facilities, the HR team identified high potential employees (HiPos) in each job category.This group of HiPos is comprised of employees who have been with the company for less than 18 months and employees who recently marked their 5-year anniversary.Based on the companys analytics, these are the HiPos most likely to leave the organization for other opportunities.Reliable exit interview data is not available, so the VP of HR asked you if, in an effort to increase and improve retention, these HiPos should be put on a high performing track and paid more than their peers.
- Another VP reported the results of a survey they recently conducted.They learned that 60% of their employees believe they are paid less than employees at nearby facilities, 40% believe theyve been overlooked for a promotion at least once in the last 3 years, and 50% have low engagement scores.The VP thinks that a 3% pay raise for all employees will be expensive, but will effectively address each of the 3 issues mentioned above, and would like your thoughts and recommendations.
- Questions about KGWHealth (based on the videos assigned in the syllabus):
- How many regional locations comprise KGWHealth?
- The regional locations are clustered into how many geographic regions?
- Each Center is managed by a ________? Please list this positions direct reports:
- There are 21 budgeted positions for each Center.Each Center is fully staffed (T/F)
- What is the average salary?
- Which department has the lowest average salary of all 7 departments?
- Each job description contains information about that particular position. Please choose 3 different job descriptions and describe how this information could be useful to an HR professional
- Under the Analytics tab, the file Salary Range Analysis by Job shows 3 different columns for each job title (each column is a different color).Please explain the information provided in each column.
- Under the Analytics tab, please explain the information provided in the file Salary Range Analysis by Grade
- By looking at the Job and People hierarchy you can see the reporting structure.Can you also see a snapshot of the diversity within each department from this view? Yes/No
- How many employees are active?
- 115 employees on the spreadsheet are inactive.What does this mean?
BUSN 491 Discussion Board Week 2
Need help with my Management question – Im studying for my class.
This week you have the opportunity to consider different business models, and what type of product or service you would like to offer to consumers. This is your opportunity to consider gaps in the market, unserved needs, and improvements in processes that make peoples’ live better. It’s very important to gather customer data in some fashion. Look at primary sources, which include direct customer feedback, as well as secondary sources, which would be online secondhand surveys and data.
– 250-300 words
– Effectual Entrepreneurship (2nd ed., 2017) by Read, Sarasvathy, Dew, & Wiltbank. Publisher: Routledge (Paperback ISBN: 9781138923782; E-book ISBN: 9781315684826)
From SCORE Business Plan:
- Your Product or Service Description Worksheet (Section III); also
- Your Competitor Analysis Worksheet (Section IV)
- Skim Part 2 of “Effectual Entrepreneurship” text: How entrepreneurs think
- Skim Chapters 6-9
do the research paper on topic;- Emerging Wireless Communication Technologies
I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.
All submissions are to be submitted through turn-it-in. Drop-boxes linked to turn-it-in will be set up in the Unit of Study Moodle account. Assignments not submitted through these dropboxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the due date and time. The turn-it-in similarity score will be used in determining the level if any of plagiarism. Turnit-in will check conference web-sites, Journal articles, the Web and your own class member submissions for plagiarism. You can see your turn-it-in similarity score when you submit your assignment to the appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and re-submit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date and time. After the due date and time have elapsed you cannot make re-submissions and you will have to live with the similarity score as there will be no chance for changing. Thus, plan early and submit early to take advantage of this feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please remember we only see the last submission, and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission. Your document should be a single word or pdf document containing your report. This research study requires in-depth reading and analysis of a single specific topic. This one topic can be of your choice, but the topic must have been covered in this course. You require to take one research paper of that topic and make a small report on that research paper which should contain the following: Introduction to the topic Introduction to that paper, their main work. Detail description of the methodologies employed in that paper. Comparison of the results reported in that paper with others. Your comments on the advantages/disadvantages/superiority of that papers methodology. Suggest your changes/future-directions for that paper to improve it (if any). Conclusion. References. The research paper you need to choose should be published work in well-reputed Journals or Conferences.
In Chapter 1: Communication Process,
Im trying to learn for my Law class and Im stuck. Can you help?
In Chapter 1: Communication Process, we see the National Association of Colleges and Employers has found that employers desire good communication skills most in the college graduates they may hire. Moreover, research has shown that introductory communication courses provide important skills necessary for functioning in entry-level jobs, including listening, writing, motivating/persuading, interpersonal skills, informational interviewing, and small-group problem solving. Considering all the above, respond to the following questions:
- Do you think you are a good communicator?
- What have you learned in Chapter 1 that has led you to a better understanding of communication and will help you become a stronger communicator?
Remember to cite your text using either MLA or APA style. For help with citing sources, go to Content -> Citation Guides.
In 3 paragraphs, and using your own words, explain why ethical hacking is necessary in today’s complex business environment.
I dont understand this Computer Science question and need help to study.
Review the below readings material and summarize one of the scholarly articles listed on the selected websites.In 3 paragraphs and using your own words, explain why ethical hacking is necessary in today’s complex business environment.
Who participate in politics , Why and how ?
Im working on a Political Science question and need guidance to help me study.
Who participate in politics , Why and how ? What encourages or discourages polotical participation ?
Describe the political participation in Nigeria
Use the material below to write the Esasay …
General written assignment requirements:
1. Length – at least 1 1/2 page-at max 2 1/2 pages
2. Correct citation at the end and in the body of the text
3. Font size: Times News Roman 12 pts.
4. Spacing: 1,5 lines
Discussion 1-4
Im stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.
Ethical Dilemma: Balancing Speed, Cost, and Quality
First, consider the following case study background:
In this modern economic era of tight budgets, cutbacks, and shortfalls in both budgets and staffs, most organizations are pressured to “do more with less”. Customers and executive sponsors push projects to complete earlier and cheaper, with less budget funding, but with the same scope and quality. Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Agile and Extreme development methods are pushed. The problem, as always, is with the balance of the triple constraint (this time, with the added factor of quality).
There is also a trade-off between the short-term benefits of quality (and of projects themselves, for that matter), and their long-term strategic benefits to the corporation.
These economic and strategic forces often result in executives pressuring PMs to take shortcuts in IT projects. While such shortcuts may seem attractive, they usually have highly adverse consequences to the company in both the short term and the long term. One example, of many, is that poor quality could be publicized and have adverse consequences for the company.
These pressures from executives, and the related economic pressures, are project risks, and the risks often manifest themselves as quality issues.
Now answer these questions:
a) If faced with increasing pressure to get a project done ahead of time, what steps should a project manager take if he feels this will jeopardize project quality?
b) Suppose that rather than time, the pressure is to do more with less, that is to accomplish the same scope with staff cuts and budget cuts. Does that change your answer? That is, what steps should a PM take if he feels this will jeopardize project quality?
c) In addition to the effects that a rushed project might have on project quality, what kind of short-term and long-term effects might it have on project team members?
d) What kind of short-term and long-term effects might it have on the organization or corporation itself?
Reading Materials:
Chapter 10 from Project Management from Simple to Complex was adapted by The Saylor Foundation under
Project Quality
Chapter 7 – Clash of Values
Im working on a English question and need guidance to help me study.
This chapter presents issues unique to the United States. As a fundamental stumbling block, the First Amendment to the Constitution protects ALL speech – hate speech, slurs, lies, pornography, and much more. The ability to regulate speech that is offensive or harmful is difficult in the physical world. How can we regulate it in a world where the source is potentially unknown or far beyond our borders?
I found several great articles analyzing American attempts to regulate the internet – they’re long, technical and I’ll share them with you but only if you’re having trouble sleeping.
On that basis, for this chapter, I take the same approach as in Chapter 6. Review the chapter and powerpoint materials and post a comment to the discussion board that picks one of the forms of harmful, “illegal’ (highly dependent on nation and state of both the poster and viewer), or offensive content listed that you view as the most harmful, illegal, or offensive and explain why in three to five sentences. As with Chapter 6, you only need to post once BUT, look ahead to the last chapter for the written assignment that spans this week’s set of chapters.
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