Client uploads
Problem #2
Im studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.
In what ways can the following activities be seen as projects? In what ways do they resemble ongoing, routine business activities? Feel free to add assumptions and details to describe how the activity might be a project in one context and routine in another.
- Reading the chapter before attending a university lecture.
- Taking the bus to work each day.
- Piloting an aircraft between Vancouver and Fiji.
- Teaching a course for the first time; teaching the same course every semester.
1.Every paper typed in this course should be in APA formatting (title page, reference page, NO abstract page, in-text citations, running head, page numbers, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, double-spacing, etc ).
2.References (this does not count toward the required paper length).Use only the attached material.
Discussion 1-Critique post below-Se
I dont know how to handle this Science question and need guidance.
As part of reviewing Red Clays annual report, it is important to highlight the companys inherent risks that may potentially exist if third party equipment that is recommended and installed by our company infringes on the privacy of residential clients. This risk serves not only to negatively affect our residential clientele but the corporation as well. Specifically, the Red Clay Corporation can be impacted financially, legally, and reputationally if not vetted appropriately. Hence, it is paramount that a meticulous amount of detail is used in order to ensure customers do not experience this loss of privacy. Unquestionably, the current and future legacy of this company depends on it.
In order to truly understand the potential risks that exist, one must first understand how these voice assistants can control smart home devices. Voice assistants can be used to turn lights off, open doors, and even control appliances. In simplified terms, a voice assistant smart home technology works by combining a voice recognition system and music speaker to perform a specific interaction (Wueest, 2017).
Although these voice assistant smart home technologies prove to provide added convenience, there are several risks to privacy that exist to the user. Firstly, voice assistant technologies are always listening even when the user may be unaware. It was recently determined that a Google Home Mini was making recordings even when the user wasnt interacting with the device (Wueest, 2017). Secondly, voice assistant technologies allow for anyone within a specific distance to interact with their device regardless of who it is (Wueest, 2017). Therefore, an adversary could gain access to an individuals calendar and contacts information for further exploitation purposes (Wueest, 2017). Thirdly, voice assistant technologies make it extremely easy to accidently trigger the device (Wueest, 2017). By using specific sound patterns, an adversary can easily purchase items unbeknownst to the user (Wueest, 2017). Fourthly, voice assistant smart home technologies utilize the encryption of the respective company to send the information to the back end servers (Wuuest, 2017). Therefore, if the company has weak encryption practices, the more likely the information will be compromised. In general, smart devices pose privacy risk to its user by recording other sources of private information as well such as location, displacement, movement, sound frequency, temperature, pressure, humidity, electric voltage level, camera images, color and or chemical composition in order to function (Algemeen, 2018)
Regardless of what type of voice assistant smart home technology that is used, individuals legally have expectations to privacy according to the constitution. Therefore, Red Clay Corporation should recognize and understand that there are implications if not adequately provided. According to the APEC Privacy Framework of 2004 that generally mirrors the OECD guidelines, a company is responsible for preventing harm by first recognizing an individuals legitimate expectation to privacy (Swire & Ahmad, 2012). Additionally, this framework also states that a corporation is legally responsible for ensuring the prevention and misuse of information, and ensuring measures are in place to ensure the appropriate collection, use, and transfer of all associated personal information (Swire & Ahmad, 2012).
In addition to the Red Clay Corporation being potentially held legally responsible, an organization can also suffer from the administrative burden, remediation costs, financial losses, loss of public reputation and public trust as well (DPCLD, n.d.). Even if the company were able to move forward by implementing measures and actions afterward, it is already too late. From a reputation and client trust perspective, users will feel that the corporation does not take seriously their basic civil rights and liberties. Now more than ever an organization relies on the digital footprint of its customer base. If Red Clay Corporation does not take preventative measures now, then the board members and shareholders could potentially suffer so badly that the company will never be able to recover.
As the compromise of attacks increase and the privacy of individuals are threatened even more, it is now more important than ever for organizations to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to ensure no data loss occurs. Security should be implemented as part of the initial phasing of an organization is developed, not an afterthought. This not only guarantees success for the company, but showcases to its users how important the organization considers their clienteles liberties. Technology will continue to change, but with a better understanding of privacy and corporate liability Red Clay Corporation will continue to thrive.
Algemeen. (2018). How do smart devices work: sensors, IoT, Big Data and AI. Retrieved from
DPCLD. (n.d.). Privacy. Retrieved from
Smart Cover. (2016). Smart Technology. Retrieved from
Swire, P. P., & Ahmad, K. (2012). U.S. private-sector privacy: Law and practice for information privacy professionals. Retrieved from
Wueest, C. (2017). Everything You Need To Know About The Security Of Voice-Activated Smart Speakers. Retrieved from
Professional Portfolio 2
Im working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study.
- Table of contents
- NP job description: Describe your ideal NP position with details of duties and responsibilities (look at NP job descriptions on the Web for structure), work environment, patient population, interdisciplinary team members, salary requirements with expected benefits, scope of practice (i.e. independence vs. collaboration), and hours.
- Cover Letter: Write a cover letter for the above position you just described. Make sure your cover letter includes a career goal, a paragraph that explains why you are a perfect fit for this job and how your background, training, and education qualifies you for this job.
do the research topic on :- An overview of Internet of things and wireless communications
Im studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.
All submissions are to be submitted through turn-it-in. Drop-boxes linked to turn-it-in will be set up in the Unit of Study Moodle account. Assignments not submitted through these dropboxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the due date and time. The turn-it-in similarity score will be used in determining the level if any of plagiarism. Turnit-in will check conference web-sites, Journal articles, the Web and your own class member submissions for plagiarism. You can see your turn-it-in similarity score when you submit your assignment to the appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and re-submit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date and time. After the due date and time have elapsed you cannot make re-submissions and you will have to live with the similarity score as there will be no chance for changing. Thus, plan early and submit early to take advantage of this feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please remember we only see the last submission, and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission. Your document should be a single word or pdf document containing your report. This research study requires in-depth reading and analysis of a single specific topic. This one topic can be of your choice, but the topic must have been covered in this course. You require to take one research paper of that topic and make a small report on that research paper which should contain the following: Introduction to the topic Introduction to that paper, their main work. Detail description of the methodologies employed in that paper. Comparison of the results reported in that paper with others. Your comments on the advantages/disadvantages/superiority of that papers methodology. Suggest your changes/future-directions for that paper to improve it (if any). Conclusion. References. The research paper you need to choose should be published work in well-reputed Journals or Conferences.
Read Chapter 1: Entrepreneurship. Evolutionary Development–Revolutionary Impact.
I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Read Chapter 1: Entrepreneurship. Evolutionary Development–Revolutionary Impact.
Reflect on the assigned readings chapter 1 and then type a two page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in entrepreneurial strategy.
go to, navigate to my bookshelf, there you will find out the textbook ” Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, practice. (11th ed.) Boston, MA. Cengage”
write 2 journals.
I dont know how to handle this Writing question and need guidance.
The first journal for 100A class.
In this journal, you’ll begin to outline a research study. Take one of your research-type questions from journal one (I uploaded it), and paste it in a new document. (If necessary, revise the question to make it more “testable.”) Then, brainstorm how you might begin to design a research study to answer your chosen question. In response to each numbered item below, write at least 3 sentences to explain and justify your approach:
1. Who would you recruit to participate in your study? Why?
2. What “type” of study would you conduct? What data would you collect, and how would you collect it? Why?
3. How would you make sure your results were fair? Why would people believe/trust your findings?
4. What would you expect to find when you conduct this study? Why?
5. For what audience would your research findings be useful? What people would need to know about your study? Why?
The second journal for 100B class.
To begin this journal, copy and paste your two questions from journal one (I uploaded it) into a new document. Edit those questions to make them more “testable” (i.e., it would be reasonable to research them). This format might help:
Question 1:
Question 1 revised:
Question 2:
Question 2 revised:
When you’ve edited your questions, write 3-5 sentences explaining why you made the edits that you chose to make. How are your questions more testable than they used to be?
Choose one of your revised questions. Then, explain how you might begin to design a research study to answer it by responding to each numbered item below. Write at least 3 sentences to explain and justify each response:
1. Who would you recruit to participate in your study? Why?
2. What “type” of study would you conduct? What data would you collect, and how would you collect it? Why?
3. How would you make sure your results were fair? Why would people believe/trust your findings?
4. What would you expect to find when you conduct this study? Why do you expect that?
And you can use resource, to help with the APA Style.
World Mythology Term Paper Proposal DUE TODAY no more than 350 Words
Im studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.
According to J.F. Bierlein, one of the most astounding and interesting consequences of the encounters between European and the various peoples of Africa, Asia, and the Americas was the recognition that cultures vastly separated by time and geography had religious practices and myths that were strikingly similar, i.e. had parallels, common themes, subjects, and characters. (267) For your term paper proposal, I would like you to propose a similarity that you see between one of the classical myths we have covered (or will cover) in class (Ramayana, Metamorphoses, Trickster Tales, or one of the many myths in Parallel Myths) and a modern myth of your own choosing (film, story, etc.). If you choose one of the myths from Parallel Myths, you must research and find an extensive, original source of the myth- email me for suggestions/advice. You are encouraged to think for yourself and come up with an interesting topic that highlights a parallel you find engaging. Please provide a clearly marked thesis (with an *) and MLA citations of the various myths you have picked. In addition to your topic, thesis, and sources, you must also pick a theorist / philosopher from pp. 267-303 in Parallel Myths to ground your thinking and support your proposal. Use at least one quote from that theorist or philosopher to illustrate your concept. Your proposal should be no more than 350 words.
Create a new thread and post a response to the discussion question below
Help me study for my Management class. Im stuck and dont understand.
1) Create a new thread and post a response to the discussion question below:
What evidence can you find that supports why organizations are investing heavily in information technologies? Explain what competitive advantages are gained.
Limit your response to 200 words and include an application of Michael Porter’s three strategies for competing or application of the Five Forces model.
2) Reply to another student’s discussion thread answering the following question:
What information would you use in order to support this viewpoint?
Limit your response to 200 words.
You can reply to this answer:
Firms worldwide are investing millions of dollars into upgrading or implementing new information technologies. As the world has progressed, so has technology and naturally people have adapted to using technology on a day to day basis: phones, television, computers, etc. Information systems are organized integrations of hardware/software that makes information seeking far easier/faster. It is clear that firms today are integrating these systems to increase their quality of service for their customers. For example, The Home Depot has a website that allows for customers to get in touch customer service quickly; they also use RFID tags to better manage their inventory. Along with these such technologies, The Home Depot has integrated a high speed network that connects all its stores in North America and analyzes the variables that limit the firms success. With these technologies the firm can gain a competitive the advantage of providing better services to their customers (prices, experience, customer service). Information systems affect things like supplier power; in this example Hope Depot has few competitors, but to maximize profits they must integrate these systems to increase their supplier power (the better the experience for the customers, the more customers will buy at Home Depot).
Epidemiology of Health Promotion
Im stuck on a Nursing question and need an explanation.
Topic 1: Epidemiology of Health Promotion
Read the required readings. Define the core functions of epidemiology. Select one of the epidemiologic core functions and provide an example of the how the core function might be demonstrated in clinical practice by a Masters prepared Registered Nurse. Can you relate this or one of the other functions to an example or content in your text readings?
One page length
In Clinical Epidemiology, read:
Chapter 10: Prevention
Chapter 11: Chance
Chapter 12: Cause
Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials 5th (2012)
Fletcher, Robert and Fletcher, Suzanne Lippincott
What motivates people?
Im studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.
Consider the following;
In thinking about Larry’s plan, who does the plan appear to motivate? What about those who are not able to make the bonus anytime soon; does this motivate them in any way? Could there be a better way to design a bonus plan?
We looked at a situation in which Jane discovered that Larry, her co-manager, created and implemented a bonus plan that appeared to be custom-made for two employees, but almost impossible to achieve for just about everyone else. In looking at the plan, Jane noticed that it necessitated that sales team members already have established contacts in the field, existing customers whose orders were typically at a high level, and the experience and savvy to coax more sales from those customers. Since most of the sales force was relatively new, they lacked the existing customer base or sales expertise to qualify for this bonus. Jane mentioned this to Larry, who defended the plan by saying that he realized that almost no salespeople would qualify for the bonus right away, but he felt it was a strong motivator and that the newer folks would strive toward achieving the bonus over the next couple of years. In the meantime, he figured, those not meeting the bonus could watch Samuel and Jamess interaction with their customers and hopefully learn from them.
Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2012). Outcomes of organizational socialization. In C. Wanberg (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Organizational Socialization (pp. 97112). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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