Deliverable 6 – Multinational Operations

I’m working on a Accounting question and need guidance to help me study.


Explore special topics in accounting information systems to include the impact of globalization and a multinational business presence.

Scenario Information

BeGood Baking Supply is a small bakery supply company formed as a closely held corporation. The company supplies raw baking materials, paper goods, and equipment to restaurants and bakeries in three states in the upper mid-west. Most of its business, however, is located in a large metropolitan area. BeGood wants to increase its presence in the region and serve five states. In fact, the owners of BeGood would like 75% of their business to come from throughout the region rather than the current metropolitan area. In order to do this, the owners understand they must diversify offerings and lines of business.

Currently, BeGood has a phone center where customer orders are taken; these orders are then sent to shipping where the order is filled in its large warehouse and shipped within four days. BeGood outsources its shipping to a local trucking company. Once the order ships, all paperwork goes to the accounting department where it is entered into the accounting system. BeGood still uses the same accounting system it has used since the inception of the company. All aging of receivables and other analysis is done using Excel spreadsheets. Purchasing and tracking of inventory are done solely by the warehouse manager. Invoices for inventory purchasing are sent to the accounting department when goods are received.

The owners at BeGood are wondering how they can utilize an online presence and further automate its systems in order to facilitate its growth and diversify its business. The owners may also like to expand into the retail business.

You have been hired as a full-time staff accountant at BeGood Baking Supply and have been given the task of evaluating and recommending a viable accounting information system for the accounting and financial data of BeGood in order to facilitate expansion and diversification. As you begin your research, you realize that many departments are involved in the information system, and communication is key.


After attending the board of director’s meeting, you learn the company is considering expanding into Canada and becoming a multinational corporation. In a memo to the board chair, discuss how multinational corporations have to set up an AIS with their foreign subsidiaries to provide the accounting information needed to plan, control, evaluate, and coordinate all business activities including government regulations and political climates. Also, summarize the issues that must be addressed regarding the company going multinational, and how that impacts the AIS for the company.

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Complete Short Literacy Discussion (HERZING)

I’m working on a Writing exercise and need support.

Unit 2 Discussion


Let’s imagine you are now a college instructor. Congratulations! Now it’s time to start grading papers. A student has submitted an essay which has used secondary sources but has not acknowledged the various authors.

  • For your initial prompt, provide an example of your feedback to the student. This feedback should fully describe the issue and explain why it is a problem.
  • Then, outline a plan of action for the student to follow in order to re-submit their essay. You may use bullet points to outline your plan to the student.
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Deliverable 4 – Managing Accounting and Financial Information

I’m studying for my Accounting class and need an explanation.


Synthesize appropriate and effective use of technology for managing accounting and financial information flows and presentation.

Scenario Information

BeGood Baking Supply is a small bakery supply company formed as a closely held corporation. The company supplies raw baking materials, paper goods, and equipment to restaurants and bakeries in 3 states in the upper mid-west. Most of its business however, is located in a large metropolitan area. BeGood wants to increase its presence in the region and serve 5 states. In fact, the owners of BeGood would like 75% of their business to come from throughout the region rather than the current metropolitan area. In order to do this the owners understand they must diversify offerings and lines of business.

Currently, BeGood has a phone center where customer orders are taken; these orders are then sent to shipping where the order is filled in its large warehouse and shipped within 4 days. Be Good outsources its shipping to a local trucking company. Once the order ships, all paperwork goes to the accounting department where it is entered into the accounting system. BeGood still uses the same accounting system it has used since the inception of the company. All aging of receivables and other analysis is done using Excel spreadsheets. Purchasing and tracking of inventory are done solely by the warehouse manager. Invoices for inventory purchasing are sent to the accounting department when goods are received.

The owners at Be Good are wondering how they can utilize an online presence and further automate its systems in order to facilitate its growth and diversify its business. The owners may also like to expand into the retail business.

You have been hired as a full-time staff accountant at BeGood Baking Supply and have been given the task of evaluating and recommending a viable accounting information system for the accounting and financial data of BeGood in order to facilitate expansion and diversification. As you begin your research, you realize that many departments are involved in the information system, and communication is key.


You are now ready to address the specifics of the new AIS at BeGood. As part of your research, document the following, which would become part of your final presentation to management, if you were carrying the project through to the end. Your documentation can be in the form of tables, SmartArt, PowerPoint, Word, or Excel. Use what best works for the documentation you are creating:

  1. Identify the tables that you would need to create a working database for the company’s receivables, payables, and inventory.
  2. Create relationships for your various tables and databases. For instance, how does the A/P database interface with the Inventory Database?
  3. Document your work providing a databases diagram (schema).
  4. Documenting an organization’s AIS would become part of a larger scale user manual for the accounting and information technology teams to use for reference and to assist the audit team with understanding how the organization’s systems work together. Write the appropriate policies and procedures that arise from the tasks above that would be included in this type of user manual. Your information should also address the security of the systems involved.
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Perspectives in Social Sciences; Shot answers: Ethical Concerns

I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

Finally, respond to the following short answer prompt: Imagine you are a lead social science researcher and are responsible for approving students’ proposed research studies. Review the three sample proposals below and provide brief feedback to summarize any ethical concerns you have related to each of the proposals, based on what you know about ethical codes and expectations in the social sciences.

  1. Proposal 1: Racial Predisposition – The aim of this study is to examine the direct link between race and violent criminal activity. In this study, I plan to prove the direct and positive correlation between race and incidence of committing violent crimes. This will then prove that race is the strongest indicator of tendency toward violent crimes.
  1. Proposal 2: Electroshock Therapy – In this study, I will examine the effect of electroshock therapy on undesirable behavior in human subjects. This study will administer electrical shocks to human subjects as a disciplinary measure when undesirable behavior is observed. The goal of the study is to determine whether the electroshock therapy is a suitable treatment for resolving disciplinary issues in preteens and adolescents. If this therapy is found to be effective, it will be prescribed to resolve disciplinary issues in preteens and adolescents.
  1. Proposal 3: Health Problems, Diet, and Socioeconomic Status – This study aims to examine the relationship between health problems (diabetes, heart disease, and obesity), diet, and socioeconomic status. It is proposed that people of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to encounter these problems. Research will be conducted on human subjects where data are collected on diet (the types of food consumed along with money spent on food), and this will be related to the overall health of individuals in the study. The results and findings of this research will be published publicly so others can see the risks of consuming cheap, low-quality food.

Rubric Link:,4/

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Discuss the cultural development of the African American and Amish heritage in the United States.

I’m stuck on a Health & Medical question and need an explanation.

Read chapter 6 and 7 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done answer the following questions;

1. Discuss the cultural development of the African American and Amish heritage in the United States.

2. What are the cultural beliefs of the African American and Amish heritage related to health care and how they influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare?

A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years is required. You must post 2 replies to any of your peer’s postings. A minimum of 500 words (excluding the first and references page) is required. Grammar and spelling will be count when grading the answers.

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Psy 2010 week 1 pj

I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.

Case Study Analysis

The first step in understanding the behaviors that are associated with mental disorders is to be able to differentiate the potential symptoms of a mental disorder from the everyday fluctuations or behaviors that we observe. Read the following brief case histories.

Case Study 1:

Bob is a very intelligent, 25-year-old member of a religious organization based on Buddhism. Bob’s working for this organization has caused considerable conflict between him and his parents, who are devout Baptists. Recently, Bob has experienced acute spells of nausea and fatigue that have prevented him from working and have forced him to return home to live with his parents. Various medical tests are being conducted, but as yet, no physical causes for his problems have been found.

Case Study 2:

Mary is a 30-year-old musician who is very dedicated and successful in her work as a teacher in a local high school and as a part-time member of local musical groups. Since her marriage five years ago, which ended in divorce after six months, she has dated very few men. She often worries about her time running out for establishing a good relationship with a man, getting married, and raising a family. Her friends tell her she gets way too anxious around men, and, in general, she needs to relax a little.

Case Study 3:

Jim was vice-president of the freshmen class at a local college and played on the school’s football team. Later that year, he dropped out of these activities and gradually became more and more withdrawn from friends and family. Neglecting to shave and shower, he began to look dirty and unhealthy. He spent most of his time alone in his room and sometimes complained to his parents that he heard voices in the curtains and in the closet. In his sophomore year, he dropped out of school entirely. With increasing anxiety and agitation, he began to worry that the Nazis were plotting to kill his family and kidnap him.

Case Study 4:

Larry, a 37-year-old gay man, has lived for three years with his partner, whom he met in graduate school. Larry works as a psychologist in a large hospital. Although competent in his work, he often feels strained by the pressures of his demanding position. An added source of tension on the job is his not being out with his co-workers, and, thus, he is not able to confide in anyone or talk about his private life. Most of his leisure activities are with good friends who are also part of the local gay community.

  1. For each case, identify the individual’s behaviors that seem to be problematic for the individual.
  2. For each case study, explain from the biological, psychological, or socio-cultural perspective your decision-making process for identifying the behaviors that may or may not have been associated with the symptoms of a mental disorder.
  3. Based on your course and text readings, provide an explanation why you would consider some of these cases to exhibit behaviors that may be associated with problems that occur in everyday life, while others could be associated with symptoms of a mental disorder.

Do not attempt to label or diagnose the mental disorder; there is not enough information in the case study. Just look at the behaviors presented.

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NR228 Nutrition in Nursing Discussion post

I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

In this discussion, you will consider the following information prior to responding with your post.

In order to fully understand Hannah’s situation, please first answer the following:

  • When are carbohydrates good for us?
  • What are “good” vs. “bad” carbohydrates?
  • when are carbohydrates not good for us or our bodies?
  • what chemistry is involved in their breakdown, usage and storage?

After you have discussed this, consider Hannah and Rose’s situations and think like a nurse!

Hannah is a 12-year-old who has had Type I diabetes for a few years. Her mother, Rose, is a strict vegetarian and believes this is also the best diet plan for her daughter. Hannah says, “I just want to eat like all my friends do!” As a result, she often cheats, and lately, there has been a steady increase in Hannah’s blood sugar.

What are the first steps you would take, as Hannah’s nurse, to assess her eating habits and understanding of diabetes mellitus?

What did Hannah and Rose tell you (subjective) and what did you see (objective)?

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For the final project, you will be expected to locate the financial statements of a company and perform a trend and ratio analysis of those statements using all the concepts you have learned in the course.

I’m trying to study for my Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.

For the final project, you will be expected to locate the financial statements of a company and perform a trend and ratio analysis of those statements using all the concepts you have learned in the course.

Formatting and length guidelines:

  • You should use APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines for formatting the title page (make sure you give your paper a meaningful title like “Financial Analysis of XYZ company”), references, in-text citations and subheads. Some (free) helpful sites on how to do APA style citations are on the PBSC library website:
  • Your paper should be at least 6 to 8 pages long, plus a title page and a list of references.
  • You should use MS Word format, double-spacing,1 inch margins all the way around, page numbers on every page except for the title page and 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation are expected. You are also expected to write formally at a collegiate level.

Research guidelines:

Go to The instructions that follow refer to how to locate the information in Yahoo but you may choose to use Hoover’s through the PBSC library website (if you are unsure how to locate and search within Hoover’s, please contact library support from the library website) or obtain the financials directly from the company.

  • Search for the company you wish to analyze. If you choose a publicly traded company, their financials will be listed in Yahoo Finance and Hoover’s. If you choose a private company, you must obtain their financials directly from them and submit the financials as appendices to your final project.
  • On the bottom left hand corner of the company’s page on Yahoo Finance is a section called “Financials”. There should be three links — Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow. If the company you picked does not have one of those or does not have three years’ worth of data for each of those, then pick another company.
  • You should have at least two sources other than the textbooks in the class. These sources can be websites, newspaper or journal articles or books. Don’t forget to cite the source of your financials (Yahoo Finance or otherwise). You may use any legitimate source (i.e. National Enquirer is not acceptable but NY Times is).

Writing guidelines:

Throughout the term, you have submitted portions of the final project and received feedback from your instructor. Before you use those sections for the final paper, review the feedback carefully and edit the sections to incorporate the feedback before you use them in your final paper. Your paper should have the following sections using the subheads indicated below. Each section should be at least 1 page:

  • Introduction: In this section, introduce the company you have selected and include basic background information about the size and type of company, locations and products.
  • Income Statement Analysis: In this section, answer the following for the trend analysis: What is the total revenue, total costs of revenue and net income for each year? How have these numbers changed over the three years and what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have? In addition, pick at least one appropriate (for this statement) ratio or financial in addition to what is provided and calculate that and explain it. See the section on ratio analysis below for ideas.
  • Balance Sheet Analysis: In this section, answer the following for the trend analysis: What are the total assets, liabilities and shareholder equity for each year? How have these numbers changed over the three years and what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have? In addition, pick at least one appropriate (for this statement) ratio or financial in addition to what is provided and calculate that and explain it. See the section on ratio analysis below for ideas.
  • Cash Flow Analysis: In this section, answer the following for the trend analysis: What are the total cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities as well as the change in in cash and cash equivalents for each year? How have these numbers changed over the three years and what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have? In addition, pick at least one appropriate (for this statement) ratio or financial in addition to what is provided and calculate that and explain it. See the section on ratio analysis below for ideas.
  • Conclusion: In this section, answer the following: What are the most important things you have discovered in your analysis? What are some conclusions you reached? What are the highlights of your paper?

Ratio Analysis: In addition to the trend analysis above, it is customary to also analyze ratios. Some commonly used ratios are:

  • Beta: A measure of risk that is usually published and not calculated by you (A beta greater than 1 suggests that the company is more volatile/risky than the market)
  • Current ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities (A current ratio greater than 1 means the company has enough assets to cover all current liabilities should the need arise)
  • Quick ratio = (Current Assets – Inventory)/Current Liabilities (When you are dealing with a company that carries a lot of inventory, a quick ratio is a better indicator than a current ratio because it acknowledges that inventory is not typically liquid).
  • Profit Margin = Net Income/Sales (Represents how much of each dollar in sales remains after all costs are covered)
  • Return on Equity = Net income/Total equity (Represents the return for all holders of equity in that company)
  • EBIT Return on Assets = EBIT/Total assets (Represents the pre-tax return on the total net investment in the firm from operations or alternatively, how efficiently management has used assets)
  • Debt-equity ratio = Total debt/Total equity (Represents the long term solvency or financial leverage in that company)

Rubric Detail

A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.


Name: Final Project Rubric

Novice Competent Proficient
Identify commonly used financial statements and describe how to use them as managerial decision-making tools Points:0 (0.00%)

Points:0 (0.00%)

Points:40 (40.00%)

Perform trend and ratio analysis on financial statements

Points:0 (0.00%)

Points:20 (20.00%)

Points:40 (40.00%)

APA formatting for title page, in-text citations, abstracts, references and subheads used

Points:0 (0.00%)

Points:5 (5.00%)

Points:10 (10.00%)

Compliance with formatting and length requirements

Points:0 (0.00%)

Points:2.5 (2.50%)

Points:5 (5.00%)

Correct grammar, spelling punctuation used

Points:0 (0.00%)

Points:2.5 (2.50%)

Points:5 (5.00%)

Name:Final Project Rubric

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this is a case study

I’m stuck on a Environmental Science question and need an explanation.

njury/Illness Prevention Case Study As the new Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) manager for the Waldorf Widget Factory, you recently completed a study of the injuries entered on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 300 form over the past 12 months. Your findings revealed the following: Eight employees were treated for various levels of heat strain during the summer months. Six were working indoors in the warehouse, and two were working outdoors doing grounds maintenance. All were first aid injuries. There were six forklift accidents that resulted in injuries. Three dropped loads struck nearby workers. All received first aid. One forklift flipped over going around a corner, ejecting the operator. The operator lost 10 days of work and was on restricted duty for 30 days. Two employees working in the warehouse aisles were struck by forklifts. Both were medical treatment injuries Five electrical shocks were reported in the machine shop. All occurred during routine equipment maintenance. All were medical treatment injuries, but none resulted in days away from work. OSH 3001, Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health 3 There were nine eye injuries in the machine shop. Five were foreign particles in the eye and four were machine oil splashes. All were reported as first aid injuries. Six employees in the plating shop were treated for inhalation of solvent vapors. Two resulted in lost workdays, and the others were medical treatment injuries. From the analysis, select three OSH program areas that should receive immediate attention. For each program area selected, do the following: 1. Discuss why the specific OSH program area was selected. 2. Explain how you would identify and assess the hazards related to this program area. 3. Discuss some possible hazard control measures that could be used to reduce risk. 4. Identify training requirements for the program area. 5. Propose methods for ensuring employees comply with safety procedures.

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mkt315 week 2 discussion 1 AND response

I need support with this Marketing question so I can learn better.

Week 2 Discussion 1

“Environmental Variables” Please respond to the following:

  • Select one type of environment and analyze the factors from that environment that are relevant to marketing channels.
  • From the e-Activity, describe how this environmental variable affects marketing channel operations. Provide your personal opinion on the situation.

AND respond to this post:


RE: Week 2 Discussion 1

Into today’s marketing, the most crucial environmental tool that I feel brings a company to global success is the technological environment. The technological world will have the most effect on business operations and sales to retain a higher profit margin. Employees will keep in touch with customers through technology such as the internet, automated processes, which in turn creates customer loyalty. Furthermore, development of technology has also introduced digital marketing strategies through which companies are able to sell their products and services (Shaw, 2018). The usage of a technological environment allows employees to reach a customer base not only through the United States but worldwide. For today’s marketing channel operations, the technological environment will also help companies analyze data that will be collected and used to improve business strategies.

Shaw, AA. (2018). Technological Factors Affect Business Environment. Retrieved from

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