Client uploads
Based on the data provided plus your own research, answer the following 2 questions.
Can you help me understand this Business question?
Based on the data provided plus your own research:
1.) Which country would you recommend moving into?
?2 How would you enter that market?
The written commentary will be a one page description of the question, challenge or problem, the solution proposed and support for the proposal
- Introduction / Primary Problem, Issue or Question Identification
- Understanding of Primary Problem, Issue or Question
- Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems
- Recommendations on Effective Solutions/Strategies
- Links to Course Readings and Additional Research
- Writing Mechanics and Formatting Guidelines
Mock Research Paper help
Im studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.
I need help writing a mock research proposal written in an APA Style titled “Human Trafficking: Strategies to Reduce Domestic Minor Sexual Exploitation in Dallas/Ft. Worth“. The project should have at least 8-10 pages of substance not counting the cover and reference page. Please include a Cover Page, an abstract and a list of references. It will NOT be sent to the IRB for approval, and the research will not actually be done.
I have all the references already and an idea about the method of research. I’ve never done one before so you can expound on this if you like, but I think I’d do a questionnaire targeting survivors of sex trafficking in the DFW area and find the commonalities and ID the prevention methods? What do you think?
The research proposal will include the following:
Title page
Abstract (100-120 words)
Hypothesis/Problem Statement/Purpose Statement
Literature Review and Definitions included in research
Research methods/design
Appendices – as needed (annotated bibliography, example consent form, example survey if used)
required to use at least five scholarly references
Please make sure that you are using the rubric to use as a checklist so that you write a solid paper.
Do not include quotes in your work.
References will be attached once the project is assigned. Thanks
The Complexity of Eating Disorder Recovery in the Digital Age Response
Im studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.
Respond to, two colleagues separately who identified a treatment strategy that differs from yours in the following ways:
- Explain whether you agree or disagree with your colleagues treatment strategy.
- Explain additional cultural influences that your colleague should consider when addressing the specific eating disorder they identified.
Be sure to support your post with specific references to this week’s resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.
Or you can use the resource from my colleagues post.
suma and Kar – replies
Need help with my Computer Science question – Im studying for my class.
read below student posts and reply in each 150 words
pravee – Information security policy can be defined as a set of policies that an organization issue to make sure that all the IT users within the organization comply with the rules and regulations related to data security. In the current world, the advancement in a computer network has significantly promoted the sharing of information at a rate of about trillion bytes per milliseconds. However, most of the data is highly protected against breach by cybercriminals, and it is limited not to be shared beyond certain groups (Ifinedo, 2018). Therefore, the information security policies are enacted by organizations to enforce the security of data and minimize the distribution of data to unauthorized channels.
The information security policy is very important because it enables the protection of digital assets information technology systems of the company. In a competitive business environment, organizations strive to protect their information on production and marketing strategies to stay competitive. Leakage of such information may highly benefit its competitors and can significantly affect the business. Therefore, the policies implemented by the organization limit the workers to share any information without approval from the management or personnel in charge of the system. Policies that allow encryption of data promotes enhances the safety of data from cyber-attacks (Ifinedo, 2018). The policies also manage employee behavior within the organization as every employee adheres to comply with the customs of information safety.
In most organization, the policies fail because some workers tend to forget their computer passwords; hence they end up writing to an insecure location which may enable an unauthorized person to gain access (Alotaibi et al., 2017). Also, sometimes the employees may feel that the policies are too restrictive, and they decide to subvert the information security systems to make to ease workflow.
Organizations can increase the acceptance of these policies through the email usage policy where employees can effectively communicate legally with their coworkers without fear of information breach. Others include the internet usage policy where the management can search for market and the intranet (Chuard, 2019). The challenges associated with these methods is that information can easily be leaked by the coworkers, and it can be prone to cyber-attacks. Also, it can create a system of problematic employees where others can be bullied, the spread of false information and gossip within the organization.
vamsi tuma – What is Information Systems Security Policy?
An Information Security Policy is a codified document that outlines how an employer plans to defend its digital assets. It affords a company-wide framework for security, and is designed to outline the core tenets of an organizations digital protection program, especially:
- How safety measures will be carried out and enforced.
- How security coverage can be monitored and analyzed, and how adjustments and improvements to the policy can be made over time.
- How the corporation plans to educate employees about data security.
The roles and expectations of both IT groups and man or woman employees inside a security program. How employees ought to habits them when getting access to corporate networks and information (known as an Acceptable Use Policy, or AUP). A formal policy settlement is designed to empower protection teams and give them the authority and help wished to correctly put into effect security practices. It performs a critical function in growing a secure way of life within your organization; permitting all employees, from junior developers thru to senior administration staff, to understand their role inside digital security.
Creating an Information Security Policy
Many businesses select to adopt or adapt current off-the-shelf security policies. Whilst these policies offer a basic basis for organizational security, they will not replicate the management objectives and current practices of your organization, or the special challenges and compliance troubles determined within your industry. In order to create a policy that correct displays your own organization, its critical to advance your very own policy with these vital questions.
ligori – Policies are basically set rules adopted by an organization or government to eliminate unwanted or illegal activities inside the system, likewise, information systems security policies are set of rules or actions adopted by the organization and system architect to ensure the protection of the data. Information security policies are useful for creating a framework for information security, to detect the security compromises before it happens. Ineffective or nonexistent security policies could create a false sense of security and can create a bigger problem for the organization. We can write whatever we want in security policies involving passwords, encrypting passwords, bringing you own device rules but without enforcing these rules are nothing, these not enforcing the security policies might become an issue for any organization. Another issue with an organization is not updating the security policies from time to time.
First, a security policy must be backed and encouraged by your senior management. To implement a new policy we need all managers, HRs, and superiors to understand and ready to act on it because those are the people who going to make sure those policies are being followed. The main issue in this is getting support and agreement from all the managers, you can’t make them all agree. Additionally, we need to create procedures to support the newly created policies, like how to handle the situation if a security incident happens, How will you notify the authority. who are all exempt from this policy and why they are all excluded and how to get approval for this policy exemption. In this, we need several department approval and cooperation to create procedures to support the policies which are a tedious process. Finally, user education is important to implement newly created policies, either by seminar or online training, we need to enough information to the people who are all affected by this policy changes or addition. You don’t have any control over users is having a better understanding of the policies, even if they know about the policies they might accidentally or intentionally breach the policies. So we need constant monitoring and training for the users to fully understand the policies.
tejesh – Information security policy can be defined as a set of policies that an organization drafts to make sure all the IT users within the company should and will comply with the set of rules and regulations related to systems and data security (Bulgurcu, Cavusoglu, & Benbasat, 2010). Ensuring data security integrity and confidentiality is one of the focal tasks for every organization. Companies spend millions of dollars just to ensure privacy while protecting personal and corporate data.
It is important that the information security policy should fit in with the existing organizations culture and must be drafted accordingly. By drafting the policy, it helps the company and the employees understand the overall organizations information security posture. This helps in enabling the safe and secure operation of applications and systems in IT environment. It also helps in protecting the data as mentioned and safeguards the technology and its configurations.
Three methods the companies can adopt which can help in increase the acceptance level of policies is by providing proper training to the employees and contractors with the company, align the policies towards organizations culture as well towards employee goals and increase in communication. The company should train and educate all the employees and contractors how important the security is and provide few demos on its adverse effects and its advantages. It is important to align the security goals towards organization culture in order to avoid resistance and align it towards employee goals to motivate them and build a positive relationship towards the company and try to attain the company goals in more effective manner.
In addition to all these the company need to invest and introduce few security measures by enforcing strong authentication, unified communication, proper span blockers and anti-phishing tools.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
Im studying for my Business class and need an explanation.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the mostimportant part of the assignment.
REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. (continued) Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.
Article is the main reference!
Explain the goal of information security in relation to mobile devices. Identify the three sources of threats, provide a summary of each, and provide at least one example of each.
Im trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.
Recently, a terminated employee used his mobile device to log in to the company network and steal sensitive data. As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your summary. In your PowerPoint presentation, you should include the components listed below.
- Explain the goal of information security in relation to mobile devices.
- Identify the three sources of threats, provide a summary of each, and provide at least one example of each.
- Explain technical safeguards, and discuss which technical safeguard(s) should be used for mobile devices.
- Explain data safeguards, and discuss which data safeguard(s) should be used in this type of scenario.
- Explain human safeguards, and discuss which human safeguard(s) should be implemented.
- Discuss why the organization needs an incident response plan to secure information and knowledge.
Your presentation must be a minimum of six slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Be sure that any graphics used are appropriate and support the content of your presentation. You must use at least two references in your presentation, and they should be cited and referenced in APA format. Please cite all sources used.
Assignment #1
I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.
Complete your reading of chapters 1, 2, and 15. View this Case Incident 2.2 Video –
What we need is a little scientific management
To: New Consulting Team Member
From: CEO
Welcome to our consulting firm. To start, I would like you to address some team issues. You are a manager in our consulting firm – you know the challenges associated with teams, and have a number of teams that report to you. You plan to show the video set out in this assignment to your teams and then discuss the answers to the questions below based on the issues set out in the video. Your reading of Chapter 1, 2, and 15 should provide you with the information you need to draft a memo directed to your team members by answering the following questions.
In a 600-800 word paper discuss the following. Be sure to use headings for each section to correspond to the numbers of each question (1, 2, 3) below. Provide your response as a Microsoft Word document.
1. Discuss the type of employees for which the application of Scientific Management work best.
2. Explain how to address the problems defined in the video using Scientific Management.
3. Discuss what can be done to fix these problems using Scientific Management.
Behavior Preference and Leadership- writing
Im studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.
Behavior Preferences and Leadership
Behavior Preference and Leadership
Discuss the value of learning and using personality preferences in the role of a nurse leader, manager and/or administrator. Clearly articulate and support with references.
Determine your 4-letter preference Type using the free test provided by HumanMetrics (Links to an external site.). The test is similar to the MBTI Indicator (copyrighted).
Using information from the readings, or from self-selected additional readings related to MBTI Personality Profiles – reflect on the personality type indicated. State whether you agree or disagree with the outcome. If you disagree- identify the Type that you believe more closely relates to your preferences.
Using the 4 letter score, identify the value of your preference type – your preferred functions: E/I, N/S, T/F, P/J to your work as a professional in leading and managing for outcomes related to work teams and/or patients.
Identify your two least preferred functions between S/N and T/F. You will identify the S or the N as a least preferred and you will identify T or F as a least preferred. State how the deficit may affect your work and how you will compensate for the lack of a gift, by developing skills to support your leadership role.
APA, Grammar, Syntax, Punctuation. Include Title Page, References (4 minimum). 500 to 1000 words.
I attached my test result for use. My 4 letter was INFJ
Case Study Company Brand Story
Im working on a Marketing question and need guidance to help me study.
Case Study
Company Brand Story
Write down your company brand story. Make it short and sweet…specifically:
- What you do
- Who you do it for (What You Offer)
- What makes you different
- Examples
- Unique in what you make
- The way you do what you do
- Who you do it for
- Patent
- Secret process
- How you show up
- The fun people
- Your story
- Started by your grandmother during a vacation to France.
- Examples
Grading Criteria
- Brand Story
Marketing Team Values
Write down at least three values that your team should use as decision making tools.
What is most important to you in making decisions and in what order? Ensure that your values are specific enough that your team will be able to apply them in real world decision making.
Grading Criteria
- Value should be interpreted by everyone the same way
- Value should tell employee what to do and when it applies
- Value should be a rule, not a for example
Market Segments
Write down at least three consumer groups that you believe will buy your product or service and sort them in groups (segments) by one or more of the following. The intention is NOT to have one segment for each criterion, but to use multiple criteria per segment.
- Where they are (location)
- Who they are (demographics)
- What they like (psychographics)
- How they behave (Behavior)
Grading Criteria
- Segment should use one or more criteria, not one segment per criteria
- If you hired a salesperson, they should be able to physically find this group of people
- Your marketing campaign should be able to cover everyone in this group, otherwise they should be divided into multiple segments
- Everyone in the segment should:
- Have the same problem
- Use the same solution
- Talk about it the same way
Target Market
Write down the segment, that you will focus on first (target) and why such as:
- They will spend more money
- They are easier to reach
- You already have a media channel to them
- They already show the biggest input
- They are more likely to tell others
- Other
Grading Criteria
- Think about criteria in terms of value to marketing team in terms of low cost, lower effort, or bigger payoff in some way including sales OR brand awareness
Market Position
Write down what your brand position is relative to your competition. Ex.
- Easier
- Faster
- Cheaper
- More reliable
- Last Longer
Ex: We keep track of your customer and business interactions like the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning System, only without the high staff overhead to run and maintain it.
Grading Criteria
Should be tailored to the way the target market sees value
Discussion Writing
Im working on a Business exercise and need support.
Please I need a good Jury Writing for the below case
The Case of the Disputed Deere
At a farm auction in Georgia, Dick Perez and Anna Lara bid against each other on a Deere II tractor, and Dick bought it for $65,000. At a second auction the same day, Dick bought some equipment that he wanted to add to the tractor. He again encountered Anna, and the two agreed that Anna would install the new equipment. Anna took the tractor to her place of business to work on it.
Later, Dick came to the shop and paid $6,000 for Anna to do the work. Anna, in fact, was a dealer in farm machinery. She regularly bought such equipment at auctions, then repaired and sold it. Dick testified though that Annas shop appeared to him to be a repair shop and not a sales store.
Jorges Auction Services had done business with Anna in the past on a regular basis. Jorges wanted to buy the Deere II tractor in Annas store for the next auction. Anna executed a standard pre-auction document declaring that she owned the Deere II tractor. The state of Georgia does not require ownership papers for a tractor. Jorges bought the Deere II tractor from Anna for $30,000. When Dick learned of this, he demanded the tractor back, but Jorges refused.
Dick argued that Jorges never acquired good title to the Deere II tractor as Anna was never given title to the tractor. Anna was entrusted with the tractor for the purpose of repairs. Jorges argued that they had frequently purchased equipment from Anna under the same terms and conditions as when they bought the tractor. Therefore, they owned the tractor.
- Who owns the Deere tractor at time of trial?
- Why? What is the legal theory(ies) used to win the case?
- Is there anything the loser in this case could have done differently at the time of the transactions that might have made them the winner?
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