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G202/PSY2420 Module 1 Written Assignment
Help me study for my Psychology class. Im stuck and dont understand.
In a 2-3 page paper, written in APA format and using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:
- Describe the ways in which abnormal behaviors differ from maladaptive behaviors.
- Explain why it’s important for a mental health practitioner to correctly differentiate between abnormal and maladaptive behaviors.
- Explain ways in which cultural and/or social norms may play a role when interpreting behaviors.
- Develop short behavioral profiles for two fictional individuals:
- the first should portray an individual who exhibits abnormal behaviors
- the second should be behave in a way that would be considered maladaptive
Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.
Rasmussen’s Library and Learning Services team has developed a variety of Guides to help support students’ academic endeavors. For this assignment, the Writing Guide and APA Guide may both be helpful. Also consider submitting each assignment to the online Writing Lab for feedback on your draft prior to submitting it for grading. You will find links to these Guides as well as other writing resources and services on the Resources tab. |
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:
Deliverable 7 – Evaluating and AIS
Im working on a Accounting question and need guidance to help me study.
- Value the importance of information technology to accountants.
- Assess accounting information systems.
- Design the steps to justify an information system initiative.
- Synthesize appropriate and effective use of technology for managing accounting and financial information flows and presentation.
- Evaluate the threats and risks associated with accounting information systems.
- Explore special topics in accounting information systems to include the impact of globalization and a multinational business presence.
Scenario Information
Your company, Swift Athletics is a publicly held, mid-sized manufacturer, with $20 million dollars in annual revenue. You produce high-end running shoes exclusively in the US. You are planning to sell your products internationally within the next two years. You operate in a lean environment, and your supplier monitors your raw materials needs, and shipments are made JIT.
Assume that you are the Chief Accounting Officer (CAO) for the company. The company is publicly held; therefore, it must follow all reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The company is expanding rapidly and has outgrown its information system. You have been given the task of evaluating and recommending a viable accounting information system solution for the accounting and financial data. Your final proposal will be delivered to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO). You must be able to support your proposal with appropriate research.
To complete this project:
- Articulate the value of an AIS and how it can be used to facilitate growth at Swift. Identify the departments/functions of a manufacturer like Swift that will utilize the AIS, and how the departments will interact.
- Prepare a summary that identifies the departments listed above, a weakness or threat for each department, explanation of why the weakness exists, and the steps that you will implement in your new system to address the weakness issues. Note: An example of a weakness or threat in the general ledger and reporting system might be an unauthorized disclosure of financial statements. Controls to respond to this weakness or threat include access controls and encryption. You may wish to present this information in a table for your presentation.
- While the balanced scorecard is not a new concept, it does offer a framework allowing managers to measure an enterprise’s performance from four categories: financial, customer, business processes, and learning and growth. The balanced scorecard considers both financial and nonfinancial measures. After researching the balanced scorecard, for each of the four categories, identify at least one critical success factor for Swift to achieve shareholder value.
- As part of the planning process for your new accounting information system, you need to prepare flowcharts. This graphic will present the flow of information through the accounting cycles. Prepare flowcharts for at least two business departments/functions for Swift. Each flowchart should be detailed, and have the right symbols for each process. Also, think your way through the processes from beginning to end. For example, how is sales revenue defined, such as when is it considered earned? The following are the business processes that you may elect to address:
- Sales
- Purchasing
- Production
- Payroll
Please note that you will have two distinct flowcharts for this assignment. Be sure your flowcharts are professionally presented and clearly labeled.
- What are the steps you will take to justify the new information system initiative? What must be considered for Swift? How will you assess the financial implications? What is the impact on the AIS of globalization and a multinational business presence?
- How will appropriate and effective use of technology for managing the accounting and financial information flows and presentation be affected?
- Evaluate the threats and risks associated with the accounting information system for Swift.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation along with an executive summary to be delivered to the CEO and CIO which includes the information in 1-7 above. Be creative in your slides by incorporating charts, graphs, and/or artwork. Your PowerPoint presentation should begin with an introduction as to why the project is being considered, and conclude with the value of the project. Incorporate slide notes where needed. Include an APA formatted reference slide and in-text citing where appropriate.
MAPP504 Economics & Public Policy
I need help with a Political Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Issue Analysis 1 (wk 2)
Issue Analysis 1 (wk 2)
DUE: Jan 19, 2020 11:59 PM
Attachments checked for originality? | Yes |
Assignment Instructions
This week you are asked to write a critical, analytic essay of between 7-9 pages covering the following questions. Use at least 5 scholarly peer-reviewed sources (from your required and supplementary readings as well as independent research and primary government sources). Please cite all sources perfectly in APA style.
What are the arguments in favor of the public sector production of goods and services? Why is it that the private sector may not be best suited to providing them even though it might be able to do so more efficiently? Support and deepen your argument by choosing a proposed or existing policy area involving a clear public good/service in your local or state government. How do the major concepts we have discussed so far in this course apply? Who are the stakeholders and are they being equitably and/or efficiently served? Briefly review the development and implementation of the issue and evaluate how far it responds to the twin issues of efficiency and equity. Are they anywhere near an optimal balance? Is the policy effective and is it meeting (or could it meet) stated goals? Could reallocation of resources promote a more efficient and equitable balance? Conclude with brief recommendations for improving or modifying the policy in the areas of efficiency and equity. Multimedia tools are encouraged.
The criteria for evaluating this issue analysis is based on the Graduate Assignment Rubric, which can be found in the iRubric icon.
- Week Three Homework Assignment
Week Three Homework Assignment
DUE: Jan 26, 2020 11:55 PM
Attachments checked for originality? | Yes |
Assignment Instructions
Brand Extension Assignment: Choose a product write a 5 page paper discussing how you would create a brand extension of that product. Include your rationale for the brand extension.
Areas to include:
Brand (to include a brief background)
Extension idea
Ration/justification or need for the new idea relate the idea back to the company’s mission statement
Target market
Marketing/launch strategy (to include pricing and channel strategy)
Ethical considerations
You MUST upload assignment into the ASSIGNMENT Container as a Word document.
Please name your assignment file as ‘lastnamefirstinitial-MKTG600-assignment#
Week 3 Assignment – Essay
DUE: Jan 26, 2020 11:59 PM
Attachments checked for originality? |
Yes |
Top of Form
Assignment Instructions
In a 1,000 word Microsoft Word document in APA (6.0) format, respond to the following questions. You must include at least three outside references (in addition to the textbook). Ensure your essay has a title and reference page formatted in APA.
- What is the purpose of the capital market? How do capital market securities differ from money market securities in their general characteristics?
- Using the Gordon growth model, explain why the 2001 terrorist attacks and the Enron financial scandal caused stock prices to decline.
- Describe the sequence of events in a financial crisis and explain why they can cause economic activity to decline.
Refer to the Writing Assignment Grading Guidelines below for assignment requirements in content, organization, writing style, grammar and APA 6.0 format.
Your paper will be automatically submitted to Turnitin in the assignment dropbox. Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and student. Multiple submissions are allowed. For full credit, make sure that your Similarity Index does not exceed 20%. Refer to the following links for APA guidelines.
Perception and Attribution on Organizational Behavior
Im working on a Management exercise and need support.
Research Question(s):
1. What are the impacts of perception and attribution on organizational decision-making?
2. How do employee perception and attribution specifically effect individual, group, and organizational function?
Article Review:
Provide a review of relevant scholarly articles that answer the research question(s). Keep in mind that you may have to alter the question wording in your searches in order to identify relevant works. It is important to look for key writers/researchers in the field, and prevailing theories and hypotheses. This article review should provide a foundation to answer the research question(s), but it is not meant to be an exhaustive review of all relevant literature if you choose to pursue this topic later in your program, you will be able to use this information as a base to continue your secondary research. A review of 2-4 articles is appropriate for this section. (approx. 3 pages)
Application: Identify and explain methods to help shape productive perceptions at a music record company. (approx. 1.5 pages)
Submission Instructions:
Submit your paper as a Word document.
APA formatting, proper in-text citations, and references are required for all written submissions.
Review the attached rubric before submitting.
You will need to submit your paper to BOTH this assignment AND Turnitin separately. Turnitin is used to check for issues of plagiarism. Find the Turnitin Submission area directly below this assignment.
Readings & Resources
Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (2017). Reframing Organizations. (6th ed.) San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
- Chapter 12: Organizational Symbols and Culture
- Chapter 13: Culture in Action
- Chapter 14: Organization as Theater
- Chapter 16: Reframing in Action: Opportunities and Perils
This week we are jumping ahead to Part Five (we will go back to Part Four in Week 5). These chapters explore the importance of organizational symbolism and the art of developing desired perceptions and alternate approaches.
Optional Resources:
The text below is only supplemental and the readings in this book are completely optional. This book is helpful if you have been away from the world of organizational behavior for a long time and need a refresher on terms, concepts, etc… These chapters explain how structure, culture, and change contribute to organizational behavior. This chapter focuses on paving a path to more innovative individual decision making that will produce optimized results instead of those that just satisfice.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. (14th ed.). New York, Pearson.
- Chapter 6: Perception and Individual Decision Making
Hofstede’s 4: The question and the expecations are included in the requirements section
Can you help me understand this Management question?
Describe in your own words the four proposed by Hofstede (power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity). Discuss, through examples, how these concepts might be applied to:
- Managing foreign workers
- Advertising products/services in foreign cultures
- Negotiating across cultures
- Length: A minimum of 400 words, not including references
- Citations: At least one high-level scholarly or professional reference in APA format
Write a paper for 300 words the role of end-users in the creation of a contingency plan. (Disaster Recovery) {Computer science}
Im stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.
Search “” for a company or school that has defined the role of end-users in the creation of a contingency plan. Discuss why it is (or is not) important to include end users in the process of creating the contingency plan? What are the possible pitfalls of end user inclusion?
Add 1 or 2 references in APA format. Should have 300-350 Words
Provide concrete examples, perhaps from your own experience or cited from the reading
Identify consequences or implications
Challenge something that has been posted perhaps by playing devils advocate in a professional way
Pose a related question or issue
Suggest a different perspective or interpretation
Pull in related information from other sources with proper citation books, articles, websites, courses, etc.
Sashi PM Dis – I need a discussion on the below topic
Im studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.
Reflect on the assigned readings for Week 2 and then type a two page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in project management processes and methodologies. After submitting your two page paper as an initial post in the “Reflection and Discussion Forum,”
I have attached the readings, Atleast 2 references please
Who owns ancient paleontology finds?
Im working on a Geology exercise and need support.
First, please read The First Fossil Hunters and view the first lecture video before researching and writing your post.
Pick ONE of the following questions to answer – your preference. Just be sure to restate the question you are answering at the start of your post.
- Should the fossil or relic belong to the person who owns the land to sell as they see fit?
- Should the country or culture where the fossil/relic was found have any rights?
- Is there a clear difference and distinction between human relics (such as the Egyptian Spinx or King Tut’s tomb) vs. fossil finds (Links to an external site.) (such as a full dinosaur skeleton found in Utah)?
- How about human remains (such as Kennewick Man) compared to fossil finds such as a dinosaur skeleton?
Grading Rubric:
– Length: If you follow the 250-350 guidelines, you will get full credit. Partial credit for going over or under the limits. (0-2 points). The list of sources does not count towards your word count.
– References: I expect a minimum of one internet source listed at the end of your post. This should be in addition to the First Fossil Hunter material posted in Canvas. If you use a direct quote from this source, use quotations marks and a citation at the end of the sentence (MLA style is fine). When you list your source, include the title and author and URL link.
– Depth of Geologic Insight: This is a measure of the time and effort you have put into researching and crafting your post.
– Grammar and Flow of Language.
Theories and Problems in Your Branch of Psychology doctoral paper
Can you help me understand this Psychology question?
Using information you have read related to your branch of psychology and dissertation topic, ( My topic is: What is the best therapy for the treatment of autism? )
write a brief paper (750-1,000 words) that identifies theories and problems specifically related to your branch of psychology. Address the following in your paper:
- Identify your emphasis area and dissertation topic.
- Explain the need for your research.
- Identify the main theorists or researchers associated with your research topic.
- Discuss at least one theoretical framework you are considering for your research. How does it relate to the need for your research topic?
- Identify at least one academic journal that specializes in research related to your topic. How will the journal benefit your research?
I have attached the resource list that I have so far…. you will need my school login to read them.
3 Plagarism checkers are used, please follow the rubric as well.
2 assignments on dealing with employees
Im studying for my Philosophy class and need an explanation.
FIRST PAPER: Complete a 1-2 page paper on handling disgruntled employees. Label the running head and title page Disgruntled employees …Your paper must include:
- APA formatted title page
- 1-2 pages of narrative including
- Introductory paragraph
- Define disgruntled employee.
- What makes an employee disgruntled?
- How do we know when one of our employees is disgruntled?
- What can be done to reverse the disgruntled employee’s attitude?
- Conclusion
- Reference Page
SECOND PAPER:For this section of your project, think more about your officer, Jane Smith. Using the information from your written assignment and other resources write a 1-2 paper on the following: label title page and running head dealing with employees
- Based on your observations of Officer Smith do you believe she is a disgruntled employee?
- What is making her a disgruntled employee and, if it is possible, how can you fix it?
SCENARIO :Course Project
- A promotional process for sergeants was recently completed and you were promoted to sergeant.
- A promotional process for detectives was recently completed and nobody from Bravo District was chosen for an open detective position.
As a newly promoted patrol Sergeant you are assigned to Bravo District, the highest crime area of the county. There are 90 square miles and 87,000 people living in Bravo District and nearly all are below the poverty level. You have inherited a squad of 8 patrol officers who are all senior, veteran officers that have a reputation for not doing much during their shifts and being nothing more than report takers.
One of the officers on your squad is Jane Smith who is a veteran officer with 8 years of patrol service in Bravo District. Jane has never done anything else in law enforcement but after 8 years she is ready for a change and she wants to be a detective in one of the district property crimes units. Jane is upset because she was passed over and has to wait at least two years before she will get another shot at a detective position; she doesnt understand why she was passed over and she wants some answers from you her supervisor. You cheerily agree to meet with her and discuss her career goals but you tell her you need some time to pull some information and it will be about a week before you can sit down with her and talk she is thankful and says she will wait for you to get back with her.
First you pull all of the stats for your squad and they look like this:
You call the head of the departments criminal investigations division to inquire as to Janes performance on the testing process for the detective position you find out that she finished at the top of the list but still wasnt chosen. You ask why and are told that her numbers were pulled and she is obviously lazy and disgruntled because she works in the busiest most active district and has very low activity – we cant have disgruntled, low morale, lazy detectives.
You observe Officer Smiths work for one week prior to meeting with her and you contact her previous supervisor and inquire as to his observations. You see and learn that she isnt very active and it appears there are problems.
You call Officer Smith and arrange a meeting to discuss the problems with her.
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