Systems Analyst

1.  Last week you read the Systems Planning course module that defined a Systems Development Life Cycle with 5 phases.  Explain the role of the systems analyst during each phase of the SDLC.  What types of questions should the systems analyst ask in each phase?  2.  Explain why the systems analyst role can be considered either a “business” role or an IT role.  Then, explain which category you would put it in.  Do you think you would like to be a systems analyst? Why or why not?

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What Is Cyber Security?

Please upload 3 separate documents, the first document will contain 2 pages of the chapter 13 summary, and the second document will contain 2 pages of Chapter 14 summary, and the 3rd document will contain 1 page of the discussion board.    CHAPTER SUMMARIES: Chapter summaries are a minimum of 500 words, not including headers or footers, or paragraph headers, and should cover all the major concepts of each chapter, summarized in your own words, and not copied and pasted from the book or ANY outside source. These summaries should be written in your own words after having been summarized from the completed readings. Please see the grading rubric for additional details. Please summarize chapter 13 and Chapter 14 main concepts separately from the book, I will upload the book as a pdf, and I will upload the grading rubric!  Discussion Board:  What specific concepts (e.g. pick from Knowledge Units in the syllabus from the current week) to the current reading do you find the most interesting and/or impactful to Cybersecurity?  Explain the concept thoroughly, explain your position (e.g. why is it impactful to the field of Cybersecurity and/or so interesting to you) and provide several examples that support your argument. I will also upload the grading rubric for the discussion board.

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Cryptographic Hash Function

Assignment Content Every developer is focused on transmitting data securely. Hashing and hash functions are essential for securing business information and data. While the term cryptographic hash function may sound intimidating, it’s much simpler than it sounds. For this assignment, expand on the information provided in the course and fully address the items below. Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you: Define cryptographic hash function (CHF). Elaborate on the main properties and definitions of an ideal cryptographic hash function. Propose 2 business applications or uses for a cryptographic hash function (e.g., password verification) and include a description of how it is used. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Using Qualtrics

The OFFICIAL discussion I want you to engage in this week is answering this question: Compared to the person-to-person surveys we did for study one, what are the benefits of using qualtrics and the costs of using qualtrics to do research. Which do you prefer and why? Why is it a good / bad idea to use this online system to collect data? I attached the qualtrics survey

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Knowledge Management Tools

Write a 2 – 4 page paper on “A day in your life and influence of modern Knowledge Management tools”. What kind of a day you are experiencing with and without various automated/digitized tools and devices (i.e., gadgets, wearables, etc.,)?

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Agile Methodologies

Respond in your own words in this Discussion forum in 50-100 word responses to the following questions: 1) How do Agile project management approaches relate to traditional (PMI PMBOK) approaches? 2) What is Scrum and how does it relate to Agile methodologies? 3) What are the three main Scrum Roles (or Agile Roles) and how should they serve customer value (what is needed) over constraints (schedule, cost, etc.)? 4) Based on a quick “sweep” of the web (web search), identify and discuss one company or government agency actively using Agile PM (Hint: Search DoD or VA  AND Agile or Scrum for many government hits). Note: Content not coming directly from you will need to be cited per APA. FYI, best practice is to use citations to support your content and assertions. Note: Responses may be a single paragraph or multi-paragraph, but should be well-organized, thorough, and well-presented.

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Alzheimer Disease

Hello I have 2 Q in Data mining please help me for that : Q1:                                                                           Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to waste away (degenerate) and die. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills that disrupts a person’s ability to function independently. The early signs of the disease may be forgetting recent events or conversations. As the disease progresses, a person with Alzheimer’s disease will develop severe memory impairment and lose the ability to carry out everyday tasks. Current Alzheimer’s disease medications may temporarily improve symptoms or slow the rate of decline. These treatments can sometimes help people with Alzheimer’s disease maximize function and maintain independence for a time. Different programs and services can help support people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. Refer to the following link to have a brief review for this disease: 20350447   Tasks: –   Build the dataset that would be helped in classifying the level of Alzheimer’s disease. ·      Determine the number and the names of classes that would be used in your experiment (level of Alzheimer’s disease). ·      Determine the best attributes that effect diagnosing this disease. Assign the suitable type for these attributes, make scientific argument for each type  ·      Attach your file (CSV or arff, or Excel) after fill it with 30 records . ·      Perform exploratory data analysis to get a good feel for the data and prepare the data for data mining, supports your answer by add snapshots of the preprocessing part . ·      The task in this dataset is to make predictions of the degree of Alzheimer’s , Which is the suitable filter that supposed to use to select your attributes.  ·      Visualize your attributes. In ?Note: solving this question, there must be an excel file written in the attributes and sent with the solution ·      Smooth your data set using Bin size=3, with all possible methods. Are there any reasons to make this process?

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What Is Wikipedia?

(1)  Read the attached case to understand the following: a-  What Wikipedia is and is not. b-  How it works. c-  Why it generates controversy. (2)  Write a paper to persuade your professor to let you use Wikipedia for a research paper.  List at least three reasons why Wikipedia is a good source and how you would use Wikipedia for a research paper.    (a)  Include a brief history of Wikipedia:   Who is the founder of Wikipedia?  When was it found?  Where is the company located?   (b)  Please use the following writing policies: -Write at least one page and no more than three pages; use the template attached -Use paragraphs when you write -Double space -Use what you learned in the first 1/2 of the course to write using complete sentences. -Cite your resources (3)  Please refer to the rubric.

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Computer Security

Background  As cybercrimes have become more sophisticated over the years, organizations needed better solutions to prevent and manage threats. Eventually, this leads to full time incident response teams. Part of the incident response efforts are to understand and assess exactly what was done during an attack or compromise. Systems need to be scrutinized by a variety of forensic tools and in-depth investigations so that organizations can understand the depths of a compromise and the impact that compromise may have to information assets. Based on the scenario described (just before the guided exercise):  a. Create an incident response report using concepts from the guided exercise and the previous labs. The report should be no more than 3 pages, and should include:     i. Executive Summary (for non-technical decision-makers) • Answer specifics such as:           a. What was the attackers IP address?           b. How did attacker know which accounts to try?           c. Was root compromised?           d. How do we get more information on the File Manager app?     ii. Detection and Analysis (of the incident and events)           • Identify what, how, who, where, and when.           • Provide evidence (screenshots).     iii. Recovery • Provide recommendations            a. How can they prevent this in the future?            b. Should they notify customers and/or stakeholders?                        • Create a clear and concise timeline of the major events.      iv. Lessons Learned (from the company’s perspective)

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Database Administration

The case study retail store is concerned about the possibilities of losing data because of database system malfunctions or downtime. Security is also a major concern to the company because it is common knowledge that engaging in online business can be risky because of known vulnerabilities on the Internet. The company also realizes that its in-store database system is the top priority at this time. What solutions can you propose to effectively manage database transactions, maintain security, and recover the data that are lost from system failure or downtime? Examples are provided here to help with this assignment. The assumptions are as follows: A high volume of the orders often occurs during the daytime. One person will serve the role of database administrator. The database administrator account will serve as database owner. The transaction log must be backed up. Point-in-time recovery is required. There is an always-on availability group. The ability to purchase products online will be addressed in a future database project. The project deliverables are as follows: What solutions can you propose to effectively manage database transactions, maintain security, and recover the data that are lost from system failure or downtime? What is your rationale for the transaction management plan, database security procedure, backup plan, and recovery model that you proposed for the case study organization? Database Administration Plan (4–5 pages) Create a database administration plan that is specific to the needs of your retail store. Include a transaction management plan that includes a flowchart for how each transaction will be handled (including rollback and commit cases). Include a database security procedure that includes provisions for access control, user authentication, and availability. Include a backup plan and a recovery model Provide your analysis as to how this part of the project fulfills the mission and 1 or more goals of the case study organization. All sources should be cited both in-text and in References using APA format.

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