Mongo Database CRUD Operations

Perform MongoDB Insert Document, Query Document, Update Document, Delete Document Tutorials at Create & Insert Data into the Database

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Data Normalization

This assignment consists of two parts. Part A requires you demonstrate the normalization process by first discussing the first, second, and third normal form, then drawing a dependency diagram among the attributes. Part B requires you to create three tables, populate data into these tables, and write queries. Part B of the assignment gives you hands-on experience on writing Oracle SQL statements. Use the following as references when you work on the assignments. SQL Exercise: Write SQL commands to create and modify the structure of a table. Query Exercise: Write SQL commands to query from one and more than one table. Normal Form Conversion Exercise: Draw functional dependencies diagrams and convert into a set of tables to satisfy the third normal form. Assignment Expectations Finish both part A and part B of the assignment. Apply what you have learned in this module to address the questions.

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Internet Control Controversy

The Internet empowers enhanced communication on global, national, and local levels. With all of the positive aspects, by its very design the Internet is very difficult to control and over time various societal and legal issues have arisen. For this week’s discussion: Select an Internet controversy and discuss why this issue is significant to society. It will be necessary to research the issue before writing. Feel free to take a position on the issue and include arguments to make your point. Here are some example topics (feel free to select something different from this list): Bandwidth Caps Censorship Climategate Eavesdropping Filesharing Net Neutrality Pornography Wikileaks Google Books®/Copyrights Fake News

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Cloud Computing in Business

Watch this video Next, respond to the following in a Word® document: 1) What are the benefits and risks of cloud computing for a business? 2) Does a company you do business with use cloud computing? How so? Don’t be quick to say ‘no’ – do a little research and legwork. You might be surprised. 3) Do you personally use cloud storage services for your files or photographs?

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Web Browser Forensics

You are going to write a 2-3 page research paper in APA format, with all supporting references and visuals on the following : You are to take one of the web browsers from the top 10 (see website below) and provide in depth research on the web browser to include such things as history of the web browser, operating system compatibility, including computer and mobile, security features and weaknesses, location of forensic artifacts, how is data stored, where web browser artifacts are found, chart of statiscal information, articles on attacks/hacking of web browser, and any other forensic data needed for an incident response to understand how an attack on a computer or computer network began and finding the source of compromise. This list is just an example and can include more than this but at a minimum should at least include these items.

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Computer Networks Review

Turn in a 3-page manuscript (your paper) with a focus on Computer Networks. You need to read articles, journals, or newspaper articles in order to submit it as references in your paper. The article, journal, or newspaper article should be no older than a year. It is going to be IEEE format and there needs to be at least three references for your paper. 

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IT Governance and Data Governance

What are the differences between IT Governance & Data Governance?  Provide a use case  2-page essay 0% plagiarism

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Visual Impact

Please follow directions or I will dispute will be checked for plagiarism in please answer the original forum with a minimum of 250 words and respond to both students separately with a minimum of 100 words each Page 1 original with references page 2 Benjamin response with references page 3 Kim response with references original forum  In this module, you are to answer the question, what is a visual impact and what is the definition of aesthetics? Also, why is it important to have VIA?  student response benjaminAccording to Sinha and Labi (2007), there are multiple factors and mechanisms that together, constitute the visual performance impact.  Factors include transportation facility characteristics (type, dimension, shape), the stage of completion of the project, the sensitivity of the viewer, and landscape characteristics. Aesthetics are may not directly play to the increase in efficiency or performance of a product directly. However, by having better aesthetics in a product, service, or location it can be viewed as superior to the competition. Visual appearance can enhance the experience of the customer. When there are two similar products that provide the same service a customer will choose the one cleaner more visually appealing option. One of the most effective ways of differentiating products is using visual aesthetics. The visual aesthetics of products can increase or decrease the value for consumers. Visual aesthetics create significant value for the product and can separate the product significantly from its competition. Also, the level of price sensitivity of consumers decreases when the product is more unique and the visual appearance of the product is more appealing. This can be seen a lot in the car industry a ford and BMW might do the exact same thing for the consumer however one may be more appealing to the customer based on the design of the product. This is an example of the visual aesthetic and how they can play a pivotal role in pricing as well as marketing for products. References: Sinha, K. C., & Labi, S. (2007). Transportation decision making: Principles of project evaluation and programming. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kim’s first thing that came to my mind is that what my Platoon Sergeant use to say to Soldiers who had poor uniform standards. He said ‘when the box is not pretty, no one wants it, even though there is XBOX 2 in it”. I think that is so true. The aesthetically beautiful outside does not mean it is also pretty (or as worthy) inside but it attracts people and gives satisfaction (sense of well-being) by giving a better visual experience. In the textbook by Sinha & Labi (2007), there are two questionnaires from FHWA (Federal Highway Admin) and California DOT. These are the questions to assess the visual impact while preparing for a transportation projects to meet or identify federal or state requirements. TX DOT Manual (2017) stated that In addition to the regulatory requirement to consider the aesthetic quality, the general public is increasingly demanding aesthetic enhancements to existing and proposed transportation facilities. Human beings naturally prefer aesthetically pleasing to their eyes. Transportation infrastructure including its facility must satisfy its safety first, efficiency, and operating costs as well. In the past or in developing countries, people are more concerned with their functions, but more and more general public and/or interest groups demand better looks. Buildings, roadways, and facilities that have visually integrated view with the existing environment and with no obstruction that blocks the view. Visual Impact Analysis is important in all levels of transportation projects through surveys of its users (possibly with questionnaires with simulations) to balance aesthetic, environmental, and community needs. It is also important not to compromise the safety of the facility as TX DOT Manual (2017) stated, and focus on the primary functions of mobility, accessibility, and safety as Sinha & Labi (2007) stated. References Sinha, K. C., & Labi, S. (2007). Transportation decision making: Principles of project evaluation and programming. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 14.^u

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Successful IG Program

Q1: Chapter 3 starts with the identification and the introduction of the Principles, and the characteristics of a successful IG program.  Identify these Principles, and provide a brief explanation of their importance? Q2: In order to have a successful IG program, one of the eight (8) Information Risk Planning and Management steps is to develop metrics and measure results. Why are metrics required?  Briefly provide your explanation. no plagiarism need APA format properly cite the references and no grammar mistakes

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Pneumonia and Breast Cancer Detection

pneumonia or breast cancer detection from medical images using deep learning with python..need to write python code. carried out all the experiments using a public dataset,  compare the results with state of the art techniques state the novelty of the work etc. should be a complete research article ready for publication in high-rank journals like IEEE, Springer with impact factor  3.

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