The Components of a System

The components of a system are interdependent; therefore, the design phase is not a series of clearly defined steps. Even though work may start in one area, it will typically involve working with several different elements at a time. For example, a decision to change a report format might require changes in data design or input screens. The goal of systems design, however, is clear: to build a system that is effective, reliable, and maintainable. In your post, ensure you: Discuss what makes a system effective, reliable, and maintainable. Discuss how you evaluate if a system is effective, reliable, and maintainable.

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Impact of the IT Revolution

Answer 2 questions from chapter 9 and 2 questions from chapter 10 so the total will be 4 questions. It’s your choice which questions to chose then RESPONSE TO 2 students ( I uploaded a file have 5 students you can choose 2 of them), also read the discussion board instructions file Chapter 9 10. Discuss the impact of the IT revolution on the poorest countries. 18. One of the ramifications of emerging markets is the creation of the middle class. Discuss. Chapter 10 8. Differentiate between a free trade area and a common market. Explain the marketing implications of the differences.15. Why have African nations had such difficulty in forming effective economic unions? 16. Discuss the implications of the European Union’s decision to admit Eastern European nations to the group.

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Use of Biometrics

Many people believe that the use of biometrics is an invasion of privacy. For example, an eye scanning device records the inner structure of a person’s eye and stores that image in a database. Critics worry that databases of human traits used to maintain corporate security may actually pose a privacy threat to individuals if such data were used in other ways. In your view, are such concerns justified? Why or why not? (2-Paragraphs. Some common biometric techniques include: Fingerprint recognition, Signature dynamics, Iris scanning, Retina scanning, Voice prints, Face recognition. Select one of these biometric techniques and explain the benefits and the vulnerabilities associated with that method in 2-3 paragraphs.

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The Effectiveness of Incorporating Real-World Experience

 it is now time for students to reflect on the knowledge obtained in their course(s) and determine the effectiveness of incorporating real-world experience into our academic curriculum. Please complete the survey/reflection to the best of your ability. Students should; Be able to apply knowledge and theory gained in their courses of study within the current workplace or in their future employment. Be able to demonstrate the application of theory to the workplace in written form. Be able to identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience into an academic program. My Subjects are: 1) Introduction to Data Mining 2) Operational  Excellence

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Anomalies in IoT Smart Home Devices

Anomalies in IoT smart home devices: Mitigating controlled attacks in a smart home using machine learning (convolutional neural network) and IDS Topic: Anomalies in IoT smart home devices: Mitigating controlled attacks in a smart home using learning algorithm and IDS This project is a level 9 masters project. I need an expert in cybersecurity who can produce this research within the stipulated time. all instructions should be followed strictly, please. The project consists of two parts. first two pages contain the abstract, research value and justification

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Switching and Protocols

Switching is practically invisible (and occurs at layer 2 of the OSI model) and generally not an issue unless you want to create a VLAN or alter the flow of data traffic for some reason. But hey, we gotta cover it because it’s a part of networking, and the switch has greatly improved networking speeds. Also, because there really isn’t much to switching (there shouldn’t be for an IT professional) we squeeze in protocols this week! search for some major switch manufacturers and find the differences between models. Select several models depending on where they go in your project. o Hint – You don’t want to pay for a 24-port Gigabit switch if a room only has two computers that are used for browsing purposes! Similarly, you don’t want to put a 4-port switch in a room that is expected to be turned into a computer lab. Include some expandability into the project, but be realistic. For your task, submit a list of protocols that would be running on your project network, and if you decided to change the ports, please specify.

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Biometrics Access Control Systems

Research how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is testing the privacy impact of Biometrics Access Control Systems and evaluate the appropriateness based on your perspective.  

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Ransomware Attack

Your organization is a large hospital system that has just had a huge Ransomware attack. 320,000 patients that their health information may have been exposed to a ransomware attack. The ransomware incident took the network offline for 6 days. Non-emergency medical procedures were canceled due to the lack of access to the electronic health record system and other computers. Providers and clinicians were forced to pen and paper, to allow patient care to continue. Your organization has been in the news with many negative stories about the cyber breach.  As a result, you need to create the following: A cybersecurity breach emergency response plan. A business continuity plan to address this issue now and in the future. A crisis communication team. A crisis communications plan. The benefits to the organization of these plans and final conclusion. Prepare Review the selected case study once more. Mindset To help you add more insights of other issues that you need to address you need to think about your topic as if your manager told you that you needed to fix the issue and answer the following questions: What does the organization have to understand about this issue to really address the topic of Ransomware with hospitals? What variables, issues, phenomenon, models, and theories explain why it is important for organizations to have a cybersecurity breach emergency response plan? What variables, issues, phenomenon, models, and theories explain why it is important for organizations to have a business continuity plan? What variables, issues, phenomenon, models, and theories explain why it is important for organizations to have a crisis communication team and plan? What are the potential consequences for organizations that do not have a cybersecurity breach emergency response plan? What are the potential consequences for organizations a crisis communications team and a plan? Research Remember, cybersecurity technology generally has a very short lifespan. Therefore, research material should reflect such life. This means the majority of the reference list on the paper should be no more than five years old. That is, technical academic references older than five years (with the exceptions of theoretical underpinnings sources) should be used sparingly.Tasks Write an overview of 1-2 pages introduction paper explaining what is currently happening. the paper should address the following questions: What are ransomware attacks? How are ransomware attacks occurring in hospitals? What are the costs and impacts of ransomware attacks on hospitals?  What are some key statistics and trends about ransomware attacks on hospitals? 

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The Concept of Risk Modelling

Research paper discussing the concept of risk modelling. Also, evaluate the importance of risk models. Lastly, construct an approach to modelling various risks and evaluate how an organization may make decisions about techniques to model, measure, and aggregate risks. The paper should meet the following requirements: Be approximately four pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. Follow APA7 guidelines. The paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion. Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques.

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Independent Experimental and Paired Design

an argument against the use of single-sex classrooms. Justify your position. Consider the effect on individual learners (educationally, psychologically, and socially—in the present and in the future of the individual), as well as the effect on society. Consider schooling at all levels: elementary, middle school, high school, and college.

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