Computer Science
Security, Firewalls and VPNs
Write a brief post describing your interest in the area of networks, specifically identifying with network security, firewalls and VPNs. This thread must include: an introduction statement/paragraph, body paragraph(s), and a conclusion statement/paragraph.
Advances in Information and Communication Technology
The recent advances in information and communication technology (ICT) has promoted the evolution of conventional computer-aided manufacturing industry to smart data-driven manufacturing. Data analytics in massive manufacturing data can extract huge business values while it can also result in research challenges due to the heterogeneous data types, enormous volume and real-time velocity of manufacturing data. For this assignment, you are required to research the benefits as well as the challenges associated with Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things. Your paper should meet the following requirements: Be 5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion. Support your response with the readings from the course and at least five peer-reviewed articles or scholarly journals to support your positions, claims, and observations. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
Environmental Changes on Organizations
What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations
IT Business Integration
During this course, you will complete individual papers addressing an IT business integration issue. For your opening paper, consider your current organization or one with which you are very familiar. You may also want to speak with the IT manager or director in order to get additional information. Research how your organization either uses or can use IT strategically to help the business gain or maintain a competitive advantage. In your opening paper, include a paragraph that introduces the organization and the business market they serve. In your next paragraph describe the organization’s strategic approach to using IT. Conclude your paper with a summary paragraph introducing your opening thoughts and recommendations regarding areas where the organization may be able to address gaps in IT strategy and value to the business. Submit your opening research summary as a minimum 1-page paper. (One page of content, not including the cover page or references page)
Understanding the Role of an CDO
In 80 words or more review and discuss the following article on understanding the role of an CDO
Management of Complex Systems
Discussion 1: Chapter 13- Management of Complex Systems: Toward Agent-Based Gaming for Policy. Discussion 2: Chapter 15 – Visual Decision Support for Policy-Making: Advancing Policy Analysis with Visualization. Textbook: Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., & Deljoo, A. (Eds.). (2015). Policy practice and digital science: Integrating complex systems, social simulation, and public administration in policy research (Vol. 10). Springer. (Included through library subscription) Things to be included in the discussion: Address the four sections below. Your contributions should be in your own words; quote very sparingly. CHAPTER SUMMARY: Summarize chapter presented during the week. Identify the main point (as in “What’s your point?”), thesis, or conclusion of the key ideas presented in the chapter. SUPPORT: Do research outside of the book and demonstrate that you have in a very obvious way. This refers to research beyond the material presented in the textbook. Show something you have discovered from your own research. Be sure this is obvious and adds value beyond what is contained in the chapter itself. EVALUATION: Apply the concepts from the appropriate chapter. Hint: Be sure to use specific terms and models directly from the textbook in analyzing the material presented and include the page in the citation. SOURCES: Include citations with your sources. Use APA style citations and references.
Types of Cloud Migration Strategies
In 80 words or more review and discuss the following article on the 3 Types of Cloud Migration Strategies.
Leadership Behaviours
After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week: Organizational performance is the fifth aspect of the model, reflect on the question, do certain leadership behaviours improve and sustain performance at the individual, group, and organizational level? Please explain your response. There were two types of innovation addressed this week (product and process innovation), please note your own personal definition of these concepts and offer an example of both.
Outsourcing Information Technology
According to recent surveys, China, India, and the Philippines are the three most popular countries for IT outsourcing. Write a short paper (2-4 paragraphs) explaining what the appeal would be for US companies to outsource IT functions to these countries. You may discuss cost, labor pool, language, or possibly government support as your reasons. There are many other reasons you may choose to highlight in your paper. Be sure to use your own words.
Analyzing And Visualizing Data
Pick two (2) charts of different chart type (Categorical, Hierarchical, Relational, Temporal and Spatial) [Do not choose bar, pie and line charts) For each use a tool that can be used to create the selected chart. Use a different tool to create each chart. For each chart, write how to read the chart and what to look for. Delivery: A word file with the following information: 2 Charts 2 Screenshots of the charts in development with the tools selected. Paragraphs detailing how to read each chart and what to look for.
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