[Get Solution]Blockchain and Big Data

The Final Portfolio Project is a comprehensive assessment of what you have learned during this course.There are several emerging concepts that are using Big Data and Blockchain Technology. Please search the internet and highlight 5 emerging concepts that are exploring the use of Blockchain and Big Data.Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section.The paper […]

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[Get Solution]Plan Memo Cybersecurity

Please Read:Betty and Harold are a retired couple in their 70s. Betty has two math degrees and worked with Christine Darden and other women featured in the Hidden Figures book as human computers at NASA and then taught computer science classes at the local college. Harold was in the United States Air Force in Vietnam […]

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[Get Solution]Local Government Laws

What are the issues and root causes that necessitates the enactment and/or establishment of Federal, state and local government laws, and the establishment of regulations and policies for access control? Cite such laws, regulations and policies in your particular state.(my state georgia)200-to-300 words.         So much stress and so little time? We’ve […]

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[Get Solution]Premiere Movie Source

You are an assistant manager at Premiere Movie Source, an online company that enables customers to download movies for a fee. You need to track movie download sales by genre. You gathered the data for April 2021 and organized it in an Excel workbook. You are ready to create charts to help represent the data […]

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[Get Solution]Creative Commons License

Research: Is it legal for me to use images, songs, and videos found on the Web?Read about the Creative Commons License.Describe its purpose and the licenses under which it operates.Locate one photo, one music file, and one video that are covered under the Creative Commons License. For each, explain any restrictions you must consider if […]

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[Get Solution]Payment Information

Project Description:You are an account manager for Inland Jewelers, a regional company that makes custom class rings for graduating seniors. Your supervisor requested a workbook to report on new accounts created on payment plans. The report should provide details on total costs to the student as well as payment information. Each ring financed has a […]

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[Get Solution]Digital Forensic Requirement

For this assignment, you are the lead forensics specialist for a company known as the “Knet.” You are responsible for conducting this training with 15 people your company just hired. Discuss how you would present information related to the following:The history of the forensic wheelExplain the significance of a final reportInitial contact and what should […]

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[Get Solution]Internet Resources

Using Internet resources or the Capella library, locate a scholarly article that will be useful for your course project. To give you an idea of which topics are relevant, review the resources on pages 261–268 of your First Things Fast text (linked in Resources). The resource does not have to be from the resource list […]

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[Get Solution]Cybersecurity Threats

Step 14: Submit the PresentationYou now have the information needed to develop the slide presentationthat John requested for senior management. The presentation shouldclearly explain current known weaknesses in your organization’ssecurity (to include people, technology, and policy) that could result insuccessful exploitation of known vulnerabilities and/or threatsDevelop a narrated slide presentation of 16 to 20 slides […]

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[Get Solution]Threat Actors

Step 6: Examine and Identify Known AttributesAttribution is often difficult, if not impossible, to identify. One reason isthe anonymity afforded by the internet. Another reason is the potentialsophistication of malicious state actors and nonstate actors who arable to disguise themselves and/or exploit an innocent and oftenunknowing computer user to achieve their goals.Attribution is desired because […]

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