Role of Intelligence in Counter Terrorism | Instant Homework Solutions

Prepare a persuasive paper in which you Examine the role of intelligence in countering terrorism in America. Analyze the constitutional issues (in particular the Fourth Amendment) surrounding the concept of gathering information to develop intelligence domestically. Explain whether the United States government may collect phone, email, and other electronic and non-electronic data from Americans, on a mass basis, without a warrant and/or probable cause. Support your position with scholarly or official government sources from readings and research. Explain the role of intelligence in countering terrorism. Explain the constitutional limitations on gathering intelligence. Explain why and how gathering intelligence from Americans without a warrant or probable cause is or is not permissible.

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US Supreme Court Case Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

Complete a case essay on any United States Supreme Court case that involves an interpretation of the Constitution – this encompasses most of the cases that come before the Supreme Court. However, please choose a case that was heard by the Supreme Court from 2009 to the present. Again, please do not choose a case that is older than 2009. This will help ensure that you are writing your essay on current, relevant case law. – Your essay should be around 2 pages and contain the following information: – Who is involved in the case? – How has the case moved through the legal system (who filed it, in what court? What appellate court heard it? How did it get to the Supreme Court?)? – What was the issue in the case? – What did the Court decide? (note that the US Supreme Court is called “Court”, not “court” and not “SCOTUS”) – What was the Court’s analysis (WHY did they decide as they did)? – Did any Justices dissent, and if so, what did they have to say? – What is the impact of this case? If you can’t find a good case, you can always message me for ideas. If you search on Nexis Uni or you should be able to find something.

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Role of Intelligence in Counter Terrorism

Role of Intelligence in Counter Terrorism

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US Supreme Court Case Essay

US Supreme Court Case Essay

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