Creative Writing
Blog : Resource Limitation and Challenges | Instant Homework Solutions
Assignment 1: Blog: Resource Limitations and Challenges. Locating literature that is relevant and reliable can be a challenging task. As a researcher, you must be able to know where to find information and how to examine sources for relevancy. For this blog, you consider limitations and/or challenges you encountered while locating resources or while identifying relevance and quality of resources. Post by Day 3 an explanation of at least one limitation or challenge you encountered when locating resources or identifying the relevance and quality of resources
Frankenstein (1818) | Instant Homework Solutions
In chapters 11-17 we get the creature’s story, his version of events from his birth to the present moment, in the cave with Frankenstein. But what if things happened differently? You are going to write an alternate narrative that explores this notion. A Narrative is a story, like the creature tells, told in the first person – you will need to take on the persona of the Creature and write from his point of view. This is a STORY, creative, not a summary, not an argument. You will tell the story however you like — I’m not going to tell you how things might be different, YOU have to come up with that. There are a few rules: Your story starts the moment The Creature is born, just like it does in the book. William still dies – this is a fixed point, it must happen, although you can change HOW it happens. Victor and the Creature still end up in the cave together, where the Creature tells his story and makes a request, but the Creature may request whatever you’d like. You MUST includes romantic themes in your text — individualism, innocence and experience, nature, etc. Remember you are being creative, not just saying “this is a romantic theme about nature because…”
Need to Change the World | Instant Homework Solutions
need in 250 words answer ; At university, our students frequently interact with policymakers and world leaders. These experiences and those of our alumni can shape the future of global affairs. If you had the power to change the course of history in your community or the world, what would you do and why?
My Views on Aging | Instant Homework Solutions
Write a paper describing what you think about being 75 years or older. This assignment is to assess your ability to communicate your emerging Gerontological ideas. This paper also gives me an idea of aging from your perspective. Make sure your paper is clear and engaging.
Impact of Humans on the Marine Environment | Instant Homework Solutions
– Draw a poster to show the impact of humans on the marine environment – poster must include: i) Human impact on coral reefs ii) Sources of pollution iii) Effects of pollution on marine organisms Content is included specifically in the rubric. Please follow each one as required.
Virtual Influencers | Instant Homework Solutions
Market Trend Evaluation Report (30% of the total). In this 1500 word report you are required to explore the trend, theme or phenomena that you have been allocated. You are required in this work to identify what your trend is, where its origins might lie, where it is having an impact, and on whom, its implications in whatever form these might take, and its likely future development and growth.
Creating a Character | Instant Homework Solutions
Part 1: For this part, we will be making a character profile. You will need to create a completely fictional character for this. Then, you need to come up with details about them. What is their name? What do they look like? Are there any identifying marks or unique things about their appearance? How do they dress? What does their voice sound like? Do they have any specific mannerisms? What are their likes? Dislikes? Do they have a favorite animal? This is your opportunity to provide as many details as possible about your character to give them a life of their own. You can expand and add any details that you think are necessary to truly make this character who they are. Dont forget to include some flaws! Part 2: Write a backstory for your character. You dont need to go in to extreme detail or scene, but the character needs to have something that got them to this particular moment. Some things to consider: where they are from, family history, job history, education, friends, childhood memories, etc. Think about what makes this character who they are! NOTE: You can absolutely use this character in a story, even if you include none of this backstory (its just there to help make them more three dimensional). Part 3: Write a one page with your character in a scene. The character can be talking to someone or doing something, but there needs to be some sort of conflict or problem that the character is dealing with. Remember to write descriptively and show-not-tell as much as possible.
Analysis of Slumdog Millionaire | Instant Homework Solutions
Slumdog Millionaire (2008), like many other popular stories, suggests that it is wiser to choose love & family over wealth. Certainly, the final scenes for Jamal and Salim convey that message. Discuss that concept. Citations: Please cite the film(s) you discuss. Research is not required, but it might help you deepen your ideas. If you quote or apply specific ideas from other sources, be sure to cite them. a. Review: Write a film review of Slumdog in which you explore why the film was so popular among American audiences. Why did we like its message? b. Support: If you agree that love > $, you might support the idea with the film (and research and/or personal experience if you want). c. Challenge: Is the idea that love > $ naïve or simplistic? You might explore problems with this Hollywood value. d. Add nuance: Perhaps the more important question for happiness isnt how much money you have but how you think about and/or get the money. How does this idea show up in the film? e. Contextualize: What does this film show about Indias economic rise?
What Happened to Felice | Instant Homework Solutions
Write a feature article (with a headline) that tells the story of the book, “Birds of Paradise” by Diana Abu-Ajar, as it might be found on the front page of a newspaper in the town where the story takes place.
TRW Structured Controversy Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
Explaining the controversy in detail and depth that is sufficient to indicate that it is, in fact, a genuine controversy, meaning its resolution is not obvious. Providing the arguments that have been made on each side of the controversy, with full citation of the sources of those arguments. Comparing and contrasting the arguments. Providing and defending your own position. Discuss which side you believe provides the best arguments of the controversy and why. Provide solid support and arguments for your position.
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