Secondary Prizonization Study

Q1. As noted by Comfort, crime scholars and criminal justice professionals alike often neglect those indirectly impacted by incarceration such as family members and friends of those imprisoned. Why should we pay attention to the consequences of secondary prisonization? (con.) COLLAPSE Additionally, had you considered how incarceration has wide-reaching effects on significant others and family members of inmates before this week’s materials? *Note: Arguments for why we should care about loved ones of incarcerated people can be wide-ranging but if you’re unsure how to approach it, you can think about why we should pay attention to secondary prisonization either specifically in this criminal justice course or from your viewpoint as a future criminal justice professional. The New York Times video on children visiting their mothers in prison shown at the end of the lecture (and in the media folder) would be a good reference for this too. Q2. Comfort’s book describes the process of secondary prisonization by giving us very personal glimpses into how female partners of imprisoned men deal with their loved ones’ incarceration. Discuss one woman’s story or quote that particularly struck you, noting why you think it’s important. COLLAPSE For example, if you found Sarah’s story (pp.129-132) especially striking, you could either write generally on why it impacted you or note a specific quote from her such as, “I look around me at what’s out there in the world—I dated a lot before I met Ben—worthless! Worthless! Totally worthless! I’d love to shout this to the world: Men out there are worthless!” and then describe why the quote is important to you or our understanding on the experiences of women who are partners of inmates.

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Biological Positivism and Post-modernism

In examining the nature of crime and what should be done to address it, the module has considered specific tasks and concerns in criminology. Choose any two theories studied to contrast different approaches to explaining what crime is and how it should be tackled. Use Biological Positivism and post-modernism

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Current Perspectives in Criminology

As a prominent and in-demand criminologist, you have been called by the local television news station to make an appearance on the evening news to offer an integrated theoretical model/explanation to explain why there has been an increase in certain crime types (e.g., commercial BNEs, domestic violence, anti-Asian hate crime, assault of police officers by COVID-infected people and stunt driving) since COVID-19 has erupted. To prepare for your upcoming interview with the evening news, you are requested to write a paper of about 12-15 double-spaced typed pages in length (3000 – 3750 words) (excluding the cover page and bibliography) in which you: 1.) develop a thesis statement/argument; 2.) propose an integrated theoretical model/explanation of the COVID-related crime increases – read ahead as necessary (see Tibbetts & Hemmens, 2019, Section 12) – draw a diagram to visually depict your integrated theoretical model – use Conflict Theory as the base/foundation of your integrated theoretical model – plug-in the effects of COVID on society (e.g., government decisions for public safety) – plug-in the criminological theories that may explain the COVID-related crime increases – plug-in the crime types that are said to have increased due to COVID. 3.) describe/explain your integrated theoretical model (as per your diagram) in detail, citing appropriate evidence to back-up your thesis statement/argument (hint: place the phenomenon of COVID-related crime increases within a socio-political-economic-cultural context); 4.) identify potential policy implications relative to each theory; and 5.) critically analyze your model in light of the multiple underlying philosophical assumptions 6.) offer concluding remarks Referencing Your term paper must include in-text citations (Author, Year, Page #) after every single fact that is not your own, and your bibliography must list every source cited in the body of your text. Please use APA 7 style for your in-text citations and bibliography, but please note there is no need to format your entire paper APA 7 style (e.g., no need for the “running head” at the top). Regardless of whether you are providing a direct quote or paraphrasing, please include the relevant page number(s) in every in-text citation, which will help you double-check your work before you submit and help us mark your work. Please be reminded that you must follow proper citation protocols and avoid plagiarism at all times. In addition to using the required readings from Tibbetts & Hemmens (2019), please incorporate a minimum of 15 outside scholarly/academic journal articles (not found on the reading list) and at least five newspaper articles (to substantiate the fact pattern presented above in the first paragraph). The quality of the outside academic sources you use will influence your grade. Attach a screenshot of the first page (i.e., with the Abstract and Introduction) of each journal article and newspaper after your bibliography, as evidence that the sources are legitimate

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Insider Trading in America

Insider Trading in America Thesis: This paper explores insider trading and how despite the fact that the SEC takes many measures to prevent insider trading, it is still quite prevalent in todays world. Questions of Inquiry: · What is insider trading? o When someone gives inside information about a stock that will go up and make lots of profit. · Positive and Negative Impacts o Cons: harms the market o Cons: investors lose money o Pro: gives information about the number of people who are selling stocks o Pro: financial gain · Who has been involved in insider trading? o Martha Stewart o Rajat Gupta o Billy Walters · What does the SEC to combat inside trading? o Security o Restrict certain types of trading · What theories can be used to explain insider trading? o Misappropriation theory o Classical theory · How does insider trading effect the individual and the society? o Stock Market Structure · Introduction · Background/History · Positive and Negative impacts · Who has been involved? · Effects on society · Ways to combat insider trading · Theoretical perspectives · Conclusion Reference Brightman, H. J., Howard, L. W., & ProQuest (Firm). (2009). Today’s white-collar crime: Legal, investigative, and theoretical perspectives. New York: Routledge. – This book looks at white- collar crime as a whole. It explains what white-collar crime is and why it matters. As insider trading is a form of white-collar crime, I believe this book will give me a better insight on the different aspects of white-collar crime. Finally, this book goes through different theoretical perspective of white-collar crimes. Cichos, T. (1995). The misappropriation theory of insider trading: Its past, present and future. Seattle University Law Review, 18(2), 389. – This article discusses the misappropriation theory and where it stems from. It talks about how this theory can be used in court and has yet to be rejected. In addition, it goes through many different case studies that have used this theory. Liu, L., & Miller, S. L. (2019). Intersectional approach to top executive White?Collar offenders’ discourses: A case study of the Martha Stewart and Sam Waksal insider trading scandal. Sociological Inquiry, 89(4), 600-623. doi:10.1111/soin.12265 – In this article it talks about the Martha Stewart and Sam Waksal involvement in the insider trading scandal. The main focus of the article is on the inequality and gendered discourse among white-collar offenders. Finally, they talk about both Martha and Sam and how the both utilized media during the scandal. McGee, R. W. (2008;2007;). Applying ethics to insider trading. Journal of Business Ethics, 77(2), 205-217. doi:10.1007/s10551-006-9344-6 – This article discusses the ethical perspectives of insider trading and the pros and cons it has on the community. It goes into further detail about who can be harmed in the process, such as the employed, the stake holder or the potential sellers. In addition, the article gives insight on the beneficial effects of insider trading.

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Organized Crime

organized crime and its effect on business. For this assignment, you will be further exploring this topic. First, read the following information about how legitimate business ownership may be used for money-laundering methods. Dirty money can be added to the cash revenues of a legitimate business enterprise, particularly those that are already cash intensive, such as restaurants, bars, and rental stores. The extra money is simply added to the till. The cost for this laundering method is the tax paid on the income. With companies whose transactions are better documented, invoices can be manipulated to simulate legitimacy. A used car dealership, for example, may offer a customer a discount for paying cash, and then report the original sale price on the invoice, thus explaining the existence of the extra illicit cash. A slightly more sophisticated scheme may allow a criminal to profit twice in setting up a publicly traded front company with a legitimate commercial purpose—first from the laundered funds commingled with those generated by the business, and second by selling shares in this company to unwitting investors. Then, compose an essay that analyzes the following issue. What legitimate criminal justice procedures may be used to interrupt the money-laundering methods described herein? In your answer, be sure to describe how organized crime entities use legitimate businesses as financial fronts. Also, analyze and argue your proposed procedures addressing both the positive and negative consequences of their implementation. Your essay must be at least two pages in length not counting the title and reference page, and it should use at least two academic sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. You should include an introduction and conclusion sections. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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Mock Crime Scene

Mock Crime Scene

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Race and Crime

Race and Crime

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Heroin Epidemic

Heroin Epidemic

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Reasons to Join a Gang

Reasons to Join a Gang

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Government and Politics Discussion

Government and Politics Discussion

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