Criminal Law
Capital Punishment Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions
Using 150 words for each response, constructively critique each response utilizing one scholarly source and one biblical source to help back your answer. Also use Criminal Law by Gardner & Anderson 1. 1. What is the origin and biblical basis for the death penalty? The origin of the death penalty can be traced to the Noahic Covenant. In Genesis 9, after the Great Flood, God establishes a covenant with Noah. Within this agreement, God declares the punishment for murder. And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image. (Gen. 9:5-6, English Standard Version) The Mosaic Covenant ultimately outlines multiple violations that require death as a penalty, but it began here with Noah. The original sin that constituted death as a penalty was when the violator took a life himself. This principle established by God reveals that there is proportionately in terms of punishment. If someone intentionally sheds the blood of another in the way of murder, then it is only right that their life be taken. 2. Is there a difference between the Old and New Testament approaches to the death penalty? The coming of Christ clearly established a new way. Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial and judicial requirements of the law by being the ultimate sacrifice that had no blemish. Christ fulfilled the moral aspect of the law by living perfectly; consequently, we are called to live according to those moral principles. The principle of proportional justice still stands in moral principle. for he is Gods servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out Gods wrath on the wrongdoer. (Rom. 13:4) Pauls epistle to the church of Rome explains that God has ordained government to carry out his wrath, and the sword may be used to exact this wrath. The penalty of death may still apply within the covering of the New Covenant; however, there is clearly a difference a far as what carries the death penalty. In Johns Gospel, a woman is brought before Jesus that is accused of adultery. The scribes and Pharisees advise Jesus that the Law demands she be put to death. Jesus responds, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her (Jhn. 8:7). Ultimately, no one in the crowd chooses to stone the woman. Based upon the saving work of Christ, there is clearly a difference of what should be penalized by putting the violator to death versus the Old Testament law. 3. Explain the U.S. Supreme Court’s treatment of juveniles and the mentally ill in death penalty cases. The Liberty University (n.d.) presentation cites the United States (US) Supreme Court case Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005) in slide five. This case set precedent that established the death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment for an offender under the age of 18. The court cited evolving standards of decency, which notates that things that were not considered cruel and unusual in the past, may be considered cruel and unusual now; this precedent was set in a case involving a death penalty sentence for someone that was deemed mentally ill (Liberty University, n.d., slide 5). Gardner & Anderson (2018) cite multiple US Supreme Court cases that limit the use of the death penalty as well as establish clear guidelines as to its use. Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399 (1986) set precedent that ruled the Eight Amendment prohibits the execution of a prisoner who is insane at the time of the execution(Gardner & Anderson, 2018, Ch. 8-4a). Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002) set precedent that declared the death penalty for defendants with mental retardation was cruel and unusual punishment (Gardner & Anderson, 2018, Ch. 8-4a).
Model of Bureaucracy | Instant Homework Solutions
Which model of bureaucracy best explains the way the government currently operates? Why? In what ways might the patronage system be made more efficient? Respond to at least 2 other students’ posts. Chapter 15 Learning Objectives: Explain the three different models sociologists and others use to understand bureaucracies Explain the way Congress, the president, bureaucrats, and citizens provide meaningful oversight over the bureaucracies Remember to incorporate the course readings to form a foundation for your responses. Be sure to discuss relevant examples. Additionally, you must properly cite the course text (Krutz, 2020, page number). Consult the Discussion Grading Guidelines for additional details.
Drug Policy Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
You will submit one research paper during this course. Paper will consist of the analysis of criminal justice theory OR criminal justice policy and it is your choice on the topic (it could be on Drugs, Incarceration, Juvenile, Police and Policing, CJ in general, and more). Paper topics MUST be based on class discussed issues and those covered in text book. Do not try submitting papers you already have previously submitted with other class, the turnitin will detect it and treat as plagiarized. I will NOT do any pre-review of any drafts; this is your final class and it expected you write an excellent paper. The expected length of your paper is ten (10) pages, excluding title and bibliography pgs. It should be typed in MS WORD, Times New Roman 12-point font, with double-spacing and one-inch margins. Any references should be cited using the APA format. Citation guidelines are available at the library and on the Internet.
Cyber Threat Intelligence | Instant Homework Solutions
Write a 6 page double spaced paper APA on the provided templet (not including the title page, abstract and reference page). The topic for the assignment is: Cyber Threat Intelligence in the United States (use this for the title). The paper must be written in a conservative pro intelligence community prospective. The paper must incorporate a Biblical Worldview Perspective. Please follow the provided templet… make sure the abstract is at least 150 words with keywords. Also, make sure the introduction is a full paragraph with at least 150-200 words. The literature review portion must be at least 3 pages in content. The discussion section of the paper must be at least 1 full page. Finally make sure the conclusion is also at least 150-200 words. In all the paper should be at least 6 full pages of double spaced content in APA format. Please use the provided templet.
Criminal Law Theories | Instant Homework Solutions
You have just been named Police Chief of Las Cruces. Congratulations. The Las Cruces Police Department is undergoing the largest reform in its history and has chosen you to lead this endeavor. You will implement new policies to address current law enforcement. The purpose of the final exam is to allow you to not only obtain information and knowledge about major theoretical approaches to understanding the causes of crime, but also transition you into thinking about what you do with this knowledge. You will write a (7-10 pages double-spaced) persuasive/argumentative essay. A persuasive/argumentative essay uses reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. This type of essay must present evidence, facts, empirical data, statistics, theories, or examples, in order to defend ones claims. You are required to use information you have gathered from your readings over the course of the semester. Outside research is welcomed, but you will be graded on how well you summarize, integrate, and utilize information from the required readings from this course. You may use any theoretical framework covered in class: Classical School, Positive School, Chicago School, Differential Association, Anomie Theory, Subculture Theory, Labeling Theory, Conflict Theory, Social Control Theory, Gender-Based Theory, Rational Theory, Critical Criminology.
Broken Windows Theory | Instant Homework Solutions
4-5 page paper o the broken windows the Rory and broken windows policing and how does the broken windows policing affect police legitimacy in a neighborhood
Proprietary Files | Instant Homework Solutions
Below are two questions that should be answered in a MINIMUM of five sentences/full paragraph -Many crime scenes will have a DVR (digital video recorder) present with surveillance video that depicts the crime that occurred. Knowing how to download these files is important. There are many different DVRs on the market and many different file types that video can be downloaded in. Pick a DVR brand and determine what file types that DVR records in. -In addition to traditional computers, there are many types of devices that contain data that can be analyzed by a digital forensic examiner. Name one of these devices and list some evidence that can be obtained from that device that could be useful in an investigation. Can you think of any other types of data that could come from that device?
Qualitative Observations | Instant Homework Solutions Analyze 15 incident summaries from Philadelphia Police Departments officer-involved-shootings from the Departments website ( As a social scientist, what catches your attention? Are there patterns or commonalities between incidents as they are reported in the summaries? Consider analyzing aspects like the language used in the summaries, officers actions prior to or after shooting, descriptions of individuals involved, individuals actions before and/or after being shot. Please be aware that these summaries frequently reference shooting, injury, and death. Also, be mindful that as a social scientist, it is necessary to remain unbiased; this means that you should describe what you observe about the summaries, but your descriptions should not pass judgment onto the individuals or summaries.
Police Agencies and Patrol | Instant Homework Solutions
Police Agencies & Patrol Worksheet Part 1: Agencies and Levels As you have been learning and discussing, policing has many variables that span on multiple levels. A career in policing might occur at the local or municipal, state, or federal level. In this part of the assignment choose an agency at each level and share what you have learned. Answer each of the following questions in 45 to 90 words minimum. Use your sources to support your points. 1. Identify police agencies at the federal, state and local levels. 2. Explain the difference between the scope and responsibilities for each agency you identified. Provide an example that illustrates the scope and responsibilities of each agency. Sources Used: Part 2: Patrol Patrol work is considered the backbone of policing as patrol officers interact with the public throughout their shifts. Answer each of the following questions in 45 to 90 words minimum. Use your sources to support your points. 1. Explain the difference between patrol and other roles within a police department. What are three functions of patrol work? Provide an example of each. 2. Describe different types of patrol and how each impacts crime and community relations. 3. Identify at least two improvements or innovations that have been incorporated to aid in patrol. How does each improve police patrol work?
Crime Victim | Instant Homework Solutions
Routine Activities: A person’s activities or daily patterns impact the risk of being a crime victim. For example, a person’s routine activities increase the probability they will contact motivated offenders. Principle of homogamy: According to this principle, the more frequently a person comes into contact with persons in demographic groups with likely offenders, the more likely the person will be victimized. A summation between the chapters will provide full credits Child Maltreatment and Elder abuse Child Maltreatment can take two major forms: abuse and neglect. Abuse coccus when a person harms a child (a person under the age of majority in a state, usually 18 years). It consists of actions done to a child rather than what a person fails to do for a child. Types of child maltreatment: 1. Physical abuse: Deliberate attempt to harm a child. It can be distinguished from discipline by one question. Is the action intended to teach the child right from wrong or create a life of fear for the child? Examples: Hitting, Burning, Slapping 2. Emotional abuse: Damaging to the childs mental health candor social development often leaves psychological marks. Examples: Belittling, shaming, and humiliating a child Name-calling and making negative comparisons to others Telling a child he or she is “no good,” “worthless,” “bad,” or “a mistake Frequent yelling, threatening, or bullying Ignoring or rejecting a child as punishments using the silent treatment Withholding hugs, kisses, and other forms of physical contact from the child. Exposing the child to violence or the abuse of others. 3. Neglect Parents or caregivers do not provide the child’s basic needs, such as adequate food, clothing, hygiene, and supervision. Examples: Physical failure to provide necessary food or shelter or lack of appropriate supervision Medical: failure to provide necessary medical or mental health treatment Educational: failure to educate a child or attend education needs. Emotional: inattention to a child’s emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care, or permitting he child o use alcohol or other drugs 4. Sexual: Rape, sexual assault, molestation, prostitution, or sexual exploitation of a child; also includes incest with children. Involving children in sexually explicit conduct or simulation to produce a visual depiction of conduct is also child sexual abuse. Who are Victims of Child Maltreatment: Based on reports to child protection service agencies, the “typical” victim of child maltreatment is quite young. In fact, victims from birth to 1-year-old had the highest rate of victimization. About 70% of children who died from child maltreatment were under the age of 3. Female children are more likely than male children to be victims of child sexual abuse. On the other hand, male children are at greater risk of dying from child maltreatment than are female children. Who Perpetrates Child Maltreatment: To understand the causes of child maltreatment, it is particularly instructive to identify the perpetrator of the abuse. Data from the NCANDS show that biological parents are the most likely perpetrators of chidden maltreatment reported to child protective services. More than 90% of child maltreatment victims in 2014 were victimized by one of both sexual cases of abuse. Individual Risk Factors: Factors specific to the individual are also related to the risk of child abuse. According to social learning theory, abusive behavior is learned behavior. In this way, people abuse or neglect their children because they experienced or witnessed such behavior when they were younger. Assignment: The two youngest individuals convicted of Murder: The youngest to be executed for Murder A fight over some strawberries that summer had prompted Hannah to kill 6-year-old Eunice Bolles, the daughter of a prominent New London family, historians say. The hanging is the last documented execution of a female in Connecticut. Hannah also bears the unfortunate distinction of being the youngest female ever put to death in this country, says a leading expert on the death penalty. According to Streib’s research, an angry Hannah lured her young victim into a wooded area on July 21, 1786, by offering her a piece of calico. Once out of view, Hannah pummeled Eunice with a stone and strangled her to death. According to various historical accounts cited by Streib, she then covered the body with stones from a nearby wall to make Eunice’s death appear to be an accident. Investigators arrested Hannah the next day. She burst into tears and confessed after being forced to view the young victim’s body. According to the historical accounts, abandoned by her mother at an early age and believed to be retarded, Hannah seemed unconcerned about her fate during her trial. While spectators wept, the judge found the heinous nature of Hannah’s crime outweighed any mental incapacity. “You have killed, and that in a barbarous and cruel manner, an innocent, helpless and harmless child,” said the judge, identified only as Judge Law in Streib’s published account of the case. Hannah seemed unmoved about her death sentence until the day of her execution when a visitor informed her of her fate. Witnesses reported that Hannah said little as she stood on the scaffold awaiting her punishment. She “appeared greatly afraid and seemed to want somebody to help her.” Lionel Tate, the youngest person to be convicted of Murder: Lionel Alexander Tate (born January 30, 1987) is the youngest American citizen ever sentenced to life imprisonment (Links to an external site.) without the possibility of parole (Links to an external site.) . In January 2001, when Tate was 13, he was convicted of first-degree murder (Links to an external site.) for the 1999 battering death of six-year-old Tiffany Eunick in Broward County, Florida (Links to an external site.) . On July 28, 1999, Tate was left alone with Eunick, being babysat by Tate’s mother, Kathleen Grossett-Tate. While the children were playing downstairs, Tate’s mother called to them to be quiet. Tate came up 45 minutes later to say that Eunick was not breathing. He said that while they were wrestling, he had her in a headlock and the child’s head hit a table. Although some considered this to be an accident, this was acknowledged as murder. Reflection Assignment Instructions: In previous chapters, we have read that people become victims because of routine activities and there are motivated offenders preying on those individuals. Now that you have read the youth’s stories, please answer the following questions with a short response. Did you recognize any similarities in their characteristics, parental absences, and ADA disabilities? Are youth victims? Or Motivated Offenders?
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