Criminal Law
Wrongful Convictions and DNA Exonerations | Instant Homework Solutions
Imagine you are tasked with conducting a new research study on the topic on Wrongful Convictions and DNA Exonerations. Discuss the design of your study by identifying the research method you would use, as well as the participants for your study and the procedures (i.e. what would you do during your study?). This is the one originally used. Observational Research on Wrongful Convictions The observational research design used in the study is a pre-existing data model. The data I will collect will examine the leading causes of wrongful convictions and their consequences. I will collect data from the information presented online on Australian cases concerning wrong conviction and the consequences in the past ten years. The hypothesis of my study would be to determine the leading causes of wrongful conviction. I would define my variables of interest-based on the previous cases presented. I choose the research design since I believe it will give me accurate data on these cases’ patterns. The meta-analysis that has already been collected online provides a basis for the study. Also, the information presented online is comprehensive since it is collected across the state. The advantage of this model is that information is readily available. The internet provides a variety of cases on wrongful convictions and exonerations. Therefore, it makes it easier for me to access data on the topic of research. However, it may present bias information. Since the data present online already has the authors opinions, it may influence the research. The meta-analysis presented has already been analyzed; thus, I might make pre-determined conclusions based on them. Also, the analysis presented online may influence me such that I might collect data to fit into my pre-determined hypotheses. Since the readings might influence my thinking, I might conclude what I want the data to reflect instead of researching. The results of the study presented false evidence presented by the eyewitness. In many cases, wrong information by the eyewitness resulted in a 90% conviction of innocent individuals (Dioso-Villa et al., 2016). The main reason associated with the wrongful conviction is the witness influence on judges’ decision. Eyewitnesses influence the outcome of a court case as they affect the judges’ decision. The study also highlighted that despite the presence of DNA exonerations, most victims end up in jail from wrongful convictions (Hessick, 2017). They are rarely exonerated as they are few appeal cases in the state (Dioso-Villa et al., 2016). Also, lack of finance affects the victims’ ability to appeal their cases (Hessick, 2017). They cannot afford to conduct a forensic study on the evidence; thus, they end up being convicted wrongly. I was surprised that falsified information is the main reason for the conviction of individuals. I always believed that tampered evidence in the crime scenes might be the leading cause as the victims DNA would be present in the background. I am surprised at how hard it is to get an appeal case in Australia. As a developed state, I believed that it would be easier to gain justice. The research taught me that wrongful convictions are mainly based on falsified information presented by a witness. I learned that DNA exonerations are possible. However, victims can be limited by the limited possibility for appeal cases and inadequate capital to finance the DNA investigations. I did not notice any problems with the validity of the information presented as I used peer-reviewed articles. References Dioso-Villa, R., Julian, R., Kebbell, M., Weathered, L., & Westera, N. (2016). Investigation to exoneration: A systemic review of wrongful conviction in Australia. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 28(2), 157-172. Hessick, C. B. (2017). DNA Exonerations and the Elusive Promise of Criminal Justice Reform. Ohio St. J. Crim. L., 15, 271.
Latent Fingerprints | Instant Homework Solutions
The focus shall be placed upon a specific forensic practice which is “latent fingerprints” currently undergoing great scrutiny per the working document. 1. Break down…. a) Abstract b) Problem Statement/Thesis c) Background/history/origins of specific forensic discipline you are examining. d) Requirement in field to be considered an “expert” e.g. formal education, professional education, time in practice, court qualifications. e) Citing of a minimum of three cases to include; case background, application of the specific forensic discipline in each case, case outcomes, practitioner and victim impacts directly related to application of the forensic discipline. f) Conclusion, YOUR summation and assessment regarding what the future out look is for the forensic practice you have chosen to examine. 5. Utilize a minimum of 5 references, one of which can be our WORKING DOCUMENT. You may use legal rulings, periodicals, and a maximum of 2 investigative news pieces (some of these might be serialized articles due to the depth of a particular case).
Incarceration Rates | Instant Homework Solutions
For this assignment you will choose one of three issues in the Criminal justice system: – incarceration rates – the war on drugs – technology and surveillance Your paper should cover the following: A detailed description of the issue (at least 3-4 pages) – a detailed description of the issue to include why it exists – describe the effect this issue has/had on society- a detailed description of the varied positions on the subject in society (no personal opinions-just info from research) Describe proposed solutions proposed those who oppose current policies on the issue (at least 1 & 1/2- 2 pages) Using info you learned about the issue you should describe any potential changes which could be made to policies on this issue or providing a strong justification of the issue (at least 1- 1& 1/2 pages) Format and grading: This paper should contain mostly summarized or paraphrased info – remember you still need citations for this infoMinimize use of direct quotes – if you use a direct quote you should have a significant explanation of its relevance (in your own words) APA formatting must be used
Criminal Justice Columbine | Instant Homework Solutions
PLEASE READ BOTH ARTICLES AND ANSWER QUESTIONS! Columbine and other school shootings had an impact on many of us. What impact did any of them have on you, if any? What did you think are the reasons behind school shootings? After you answer these questions, read the following article. Did the news reporting on Columbine influence your opinion on school shootings? Are you surprised about the findings in the article? Given your readings from your text book and after reading this article, what do you think would be the best course of action in handling school violence? ————————————————————————————————————————————– Go to Karla Homolka – Child Rapist, Torturer and Killer article, and read about the case of Karla Homolka, a woman convicted of raping, drugging and torturing young women, including her sister. How would she be classified according to the MTC:R3 and the Groth typology? Why? Justify your position with facts as support. If necessary, conduct further research into the case. Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling. Your response should be between 200 and 300 words.
Challenging Laws | Instant Homework Solutions
– Research and share a law that is challenging to enforce in Georgia. – What makes it so challenging? – What would you do to police that law?
Correctional Facilities | Instant Homework Solutions
Correctional facilities and your thoughts on how they are run. Are they effective? If not, why not? Advantages, disadvantages and if we started re-building them, what would you propose they look like? How would you recommend we run them? What is the current number of people incarcerated in our country and what is the make up of inmates by gender, race and crimes they’ve been convicted of.
White Collar Crime Perpetration | Instant Homework Solutions
Throughout the semester, we discussed several theories of crime and criminality as it pertains to white collar crime, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and policy implications. They all attempt to explain the causes of white collar crime and what if anything we can do about it. Students should develop a thesis statement that concisely articulates the papers main point, while directing the reader to the content in the body of the essay. The body of the paper should cite specific theories, relevant material, concepts, authors, and research. Late papers will be accepted in accordance with the Faculty Expectation guidelines for late submissions. It will help to sequence your ideas through well-developed paragraphs with transitional statements/phrases, which will enhance the papers organization. Since essay responses will evolve from week-to-week, comparing and contrasting your position on each weeks topics will be a fruitful exercise that will help direct you to the root cause of white collar crime and what we can do about it.
Criminal Law Questions | Instant Homework Solutions
200 words on each questions Week 2: Explain and discuss the expanding role of the patrol officers as criminal investigators. Week 3: Explain and discuss how to search and collect evidence from crime scenes. Week 4:Discuss and identify the different roles of crime scene technicians and crime laboratory personnel in criminal investigations. Week 5: Discuss the legal issues and guidelines to be considered when conducting searches during criminal investigations. Week 6: Explain and provide case examples that demonstrate the importance of DNA in criminal investigations.
Incarcerated Men and Women Comparison | Instant Homework Solutions
Compare and contrast the life histories of incarcerated women to incarcerated men. In what ways does gender matter in the lives of women who find themselves under the control of the criminal justice system?
Juvenile Cases in Criminal Justice | Instant Homework Solutions
Should a juvenile case ever be waived to or processed in the adult criminal courts? You must write a minimum 2 paragraphs.
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