Fraud Risk Assessment

  Briefly discuss what a Fraud Risk Assessment is. Why should a company be interested in FraudRisk Assessment? How can you ensure you have designed a good FraudRisk Assessment? Write-up Assessment on Fraud Risk Assessment The research paper should be a minimum of 4-pages, double-spaced. The minimum length does not include the cover page and […]

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Global Internet Ecosystem

  Global Internet Ecosystem Based on your review of the PowerPoint, lecture materials, and sources from the Internet write an essay answering the following questions (4-5 single-spaced pages, 12 fonts, and word document). 1) When was the global Internet born and how is the Internet defined? Describe the time-line of the growth of the global […]

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American Counseling Association

American Counseling Association students will compare two of the American Counseling Association (ACA) ethical standards with regard to ethical assessment and describe how they are the same and how they are different. In addition, students will evaluate which codes might be challenging for them. Furthermore, students will explain under what conditions they may refer to […]

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Criminal Justice Professional

Criminal Justice Professional It is important to understand your responsibilities as a criminal justice professional when engaging with citizens. This assignment is broken into three (3) parts and you must complete each part of the assignment. Each part includes a text or video scenario to which you will respond by writing a one to two […]

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Competency Assessment

Competency Assessment To receive credit you must complete the Competency Assessment. You may contact the link below if you have any questions. This Competency Assessment (CA) assesses your level of performance on the specific outcome(s) that are the focus of this course. The CA requires you to demonstrate your knowledge, understanding, and proficiency of the […]

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Crime Scene Management

In your paper on Crime Scene Management, address the following: Explain why it is important to secure the crime scene and provide examples. Identify possible ways that evidence might be contaminated. Identify different methods that might be necessary to document evidence at a crime scene. Identify different collection methods that might be used at a […]

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Preliminary Field and Laboratory Testing

The Difference Between Preliminary Field and Laboratory Testing Preliminary Field and Laboratory Testing entail handling and processing evidence is an integral component of crime scene management because it lays the foundation for everything the court must consider when weighing the admissibility of evidence. For the most part, the courts prefer testing being carried out in […]

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Evolution of Forensic Science

  The Science of Evidence | Forensic Science This week, the focus will shift to the scientific processes accomplished within the crime laboratory; forensic science. In addition to the scientific processes, it is important to understand the standards applied to determine if the scientific process and its results can or should be admitted at trial. […]

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Crime Scene Evidence Analysis Report

Crime Scene Evidence Analysis Report Prior to beginning work on crime scene evidence analysis, please review the following: The article Policies and Practices in Cold Cases: An Exploratory Study The report Using DNA to Solve Cold Cases (Links to an external site.) This video Just Wrong: The Aftermath of Wrongful Convictions (Links to an external site.) The Crime Scene Evidence […]

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Criminal Justice

Issues and Constitutional Rights in Criminal Justice Prior to beginning work on issues and constitutional rights in corrections in criminal justice, read  from your textbook, watch the video Overcrowded: The Messy Politics of CA’s Prison Crisis, and review pages 2513-2533 only from the article Whom Should We Punish, and How? Rational Incentives and Criminal Justice Reform. […]

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