The Great Hack | Instant Homework Solutions
Please write a 6 page paper, 7th page cited after watching The Great Hack on Netflix. Please consider the following questions: 1) How are computers and Smart phones used as weapons in the digital age? 2) Explain the context of The Great Hack. What kind of crimes were potentially committed, especially during the 2016 election? 3) Think about the future implications of cybercrime. What types of security issues do society have to worry about as we we lead into 2021? 4) How does participating on social media help us in society? 5) How does participating on social media potentially harm us?
Officer Christopher Dorner | Instant Homework Solutions
Answer the questions based on this video: A. Who was Christopher Dorner : A brief history of his life which should cover his childhood , education level achieved and his former occupation before becoming a LAPD, Police Officer. B. This paragraph should describe the issues he felt growing up and into his adult life which many experts believe led him to his murderous spree. C. This paragraph should describe the motive behind the killing spree and the actual events including the date it started, names and descriptions of the 4 murder victims and the date and location and how the nine day spree ended. D. In this paragraph students should give your opinion on the main problems facing the Law Enforcement Communities of California when trying to end this murderous spree .
Challenges Faced by Mentally Ill Inmates | Instant Homework Solutions
Explain the unique challenges seriously mentally ill inmates encounter when incarcerated in prison.
Debate on Cyberterrorism | Instant Homework Solutions
The potential threat posed by cyberterrorism has provoked considerable alarm. Numerous security experts, politicians, and others have publicized the danger of cyberterrorists hacking into government and private computer systems and crippling the military, financial, and service sectors of advanced economies. Psychological, political, and economic forces have combined to promote the fear of cyberterrorism. From a psychological perspective, two of the greatest fears of modern times are combined in the term cyberterrorism. The fear of random, violent victimization blends well with the distrust and outright fear of computer technology. Debate continues to exist regarding the nature and definition of cyberterrorism. Using the assigned readings and additional resources, discuss the extent to which cyberterrorism exists and the characteristics that distinguish cyberterrorism from cybercrime. Provide specific examples to support your application and analysis of the debate surrounding the nature and definition of cyberterrorism. In addition, discuss the potential effects of cyberterrorism, providing specific examples. Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length and include at least five specific examples of different types of cyberterrorism that might be conducted and the associated effects that would be expected from such an attack.
Police Accountability Structures in Canada | Instant Homework Solutions
Review the effectiveness of police accountability structures in Canada using specific references to the range of investigative options available to Canadian police services as your guide. What are some of the tensions between police discretion and public opinion around a perceived lack of police oversight? How does this compromise the relationship between police and the community?
Prison Reform | Instant Homework Solutions
Professor asked us to choose which reforms we would create to help the prison system. Please use the following: 1) Reform where juveniles are not placed in adult prisons. 2) Reform where parole and probation are not so easily violated, thus decreasing the recidivism rate. 3) Reform for better mental health treatment inside facilities. 4) Reform for better living conditions inside prisons, Example ( decrease gang violence and drug activity)
Issue in Criminal Justice Ethics | Instant Homework Solutions
This must be an analytic essay on a specific issue in criminal justice studies. You can pick any topic but must be an ethical issue in the criminal justice system. Specifically, you need to (a) dwell on a specific criminal justice ethics case or issue in America; (b) identify the discriminator and his or her discriminatory acts in the case; (c) pinpoint any possible victim and his or her victimization experiences in the case; (d) explore social factors and forces underlying the discrimination in the case and its escalation, alleviation, or continuation; and (e) fetch from the case some sociological knowledge and insights for general understanding. the discriminator and his or her discriminatory acts in the case; (c) pinpoint any possible victim and his or her victimization experiences in the case; (d) explore social factors and forces underlying the discrimination in the case and its escalation, alleviation, or continuation; and (e)
Plea Agreements and the Trail Process | Instant Homework Solutions
There are various factors in making decisions to charge an individual with a crime. There are also stages and rules of trial by jury and rules of entering a guilty plea. This discussion asks you to examine plea agreements and the trial process. Please thoroughly discuss each of the following: Discuss some of the reasons why a prosecutor would offer a defendant a plea agreement. Discuss your thoughts on plea bargaining. Discuss the constitutional requirements of entering a guilty plea. What is the difference between a bench trial and a jury trial. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Do you think the prosecutor is given too much discretion to determine the charges placed on a defendant? Do you think the prosecutor is given too much discretion to offer a defendant a plea agreement? Discuss why and remember to support your position.
Who is at Fault | Instant Homework Solutions
Watch the YouTube video, if you do not want to hear graphic audio begin at 00:40 into the video. The essay assignment is to watch the video then write an essay telling who you feel is at fault? Was it the kids? Was it the homeowner? Was it that the system failed the homeowner? No references needed, all your thoughts and if you want to quote the federal laws or the laws in Souix Falls, MN
Rape Culture | Instant Homework Solutions
This essay is about the victim blaming and victim defending perspectives regarding victim precipitation and rape as well as Rape Culture as it exists in our society today. Part 1: Rape Culture Research and Explain what the term “Rape Culture” means and how it ties into the concept of victim precipitation and victim blaming. How is this culture exemplified and observed in our society today? Give examples. You may use the following video as support. Rape Culture | Reagan Williams | TEDxArkansasStateUniversity (Links to an external site.) Part 2: Active Bystander Explain what it means to be an Active Bystander? Relate this to the issue of rape on college campus and the ItsOnUS Campaign (explain what this campaign is and its importance in the fight for victims of sexual violence). Incorporate into this discussion why domestic violence and sexual assault are not just womens issues. Why are these mens issues too? Specifically address and cite the Jackson Katz TED Talk (Violence Against women Its a Mens Issue) from Chapter 9 as well as the Alexis Jones TED Talk (Stop Rape Culture: The Locker Room – Be an Active Bystander) from Chapter 10. In other words, why do we focus on telling girls and women how to alter their behavior but we do not address men and their behavior (or those who are perpetrators of the violence)? Discuss the importance of educating young women AND young men regarding these issues. "Locker room talk." Says who? | Alexis Jones | TEDxUniversityofNevada (Links to an external site.)
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