Criminal Trial Process | Instant Homework Solutions
Search the Internet for trials using parameters such as but not limited to watch criminal trials online, or visit the Wild About Trial website. Compare two trials. If possible, compare a murder trial with one involving another major felony. Include the parties represented in each trial (i.e., plaintiff and defendant). Write 350- to 700-word comparison in which you: Summarize what each trial was about. Identify the type of court the trials were held in (refer to Ch. 1 for types of courts in the United States). Describe as many of the steps of each trial as you can (refer to Ch. 13 for the steps/process). Explain the similarities and differences between the two trials you selected. Identify as many of the actors of each trial as you can who played a role in the steps of the trial process. What were their roles? Cite a minimum of 2 sources (one source for each trial). Format your paper as a Word document according to APA guidelines. Each case that you discuss needs to have been a criminal trial in the United States. For this assignment it is unacceptable to discuss a case outside the United States, a civil case, a case that was resolved by a plea bargain, or a case that has not yet gone to trial.
Strategic Leadership Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions
After reading Lewins Leadership Styles (, discuss which type of leader you think that you are according to the article. Discuss five ways that your identified leadership style would benefit prison employees and prisoners if you were the head of the facility. Discuss five ways that your identified leadership style could be a detriment to prison employees and prisoners if you were the head of the facility. Pretend that you are the head of a prison facility. Develop a brief strategic plan taking into consideration your leadership style and weeks 1 and 2 readings. Discuss how this plan will enable you to make effective decisions for the facility, keeping in mind your leadership style and the importance of good management. Format Directions: You must use APA format (this includes in text citations, references, cover page, etc..) Questions should be answered in a 1, 2, 3, etc.. format Double spaced, 12 pt font, 1 margins
Christian Worldview Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
The Christian Worldview Paper is a 2-page document outlining your perception of your own Christian worldview as it relates to criminology. In this document (completed in current APA format), explain how your perception of criminal behavior was fashioned by your own experience and prior biblical instruction. While your perception regarding criminology may change during the course, this exercise demonstrates to your instructor that you understand how to present a paper in current APA format.
The Brain of a Serial Killer | Instant Homework Solutions
Based on the theories discussed in this week’s lecture material, consider the Yates and Gacy cases (from Week 1’s discussion) Week 1 Discussion ( Case 1: Mass Murder Andrea Yates was convicted of drowning her five children and given a sentence of life in prison. Later, it was found that the sentence of life in prison was based on the inaccurate testimony of a highly respected forensic psychiatrist. Her life sentence was overturned, and she was found guilty by reason of insanity and sent to a mental hospital. Yates suffered from severe postpartum depression and had been hospitalized for an attempted suicide before she killed her children. Yates was delusional and reported having thoughts that were degrading and persecuting her for her motherhood. She was also having command hallucinations telling her she was a bad mother and her children would grow up to be criminals, so she should save them by drowning them. Case 2: Serial Killer In 1980, John Wayne Gacy was found guilty of murdering 33 young men. He picked up some of his victims at a local homosexual bar. Other victims were taken home for “interviews” as prospective employees for his construction business. The remains of 29 victims were found buried under his home while the other four victims had been thrown into the Des Plaines River near Chicago. Gacy always maintained his innocence throughout the trial and appeals process claiming someone else put the bodies in the crawl space beneath his house. Also known as “The Killer Clown,” Gacy used handcuffs and chloroform to subdue his victims, and then he would tie a rope around their necks and slowly twist until he squeezed the life out of them. Gacy had been married twice and had two children from the first marriage. Both marriages ended in divorce when his wives found items from his victims or were unhappy from a lack of any sexual contact between them. During both marriages and afterwards, Gacy was considered an outstanding member of his community. Gacy was executed on May 10, 1994. Case 1 (mass murder) and Case 2 (serial murder) can be analyzed and categorized by fitting them into one or more of the theories developed to explain the phenomenon of multiple murder. The theories are developed by experts in the field who study mass and serial murderers.)***** and answer the following questions: What is the difference between a person who is “antisocial” and a person who is a “psychopath?” Which term would apply to Yates, and which would apply to Gacy? Which of the theories from this week’s material apply to these cases? Remember, by discussing “theories,” we’re trying to determine WHY these people developed into killers. Which (if any) of the theories for serial murder can also be used to explain mass murder? Why do these theories apply to mass murder? What would be the benefit of studying the brain of a serial killer or mass murderer? What are the barriers preventing this kind of research? Have researchers ever been successful in studying a multiple killer’s brain? If so, what did they find? please use APA
Ethnographic Essay Research | Instant Homework Solutions
Melanie-Angela Neuilly & Mary K. Stohr. (2016). “The Art of Conferencing,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 27:2, 194-211. Jeffrey Ian Ross, Miguel Zaldivar, and Richard Tewksbury (2015). “”Breaking out of Prison and into Print,” Critical Criminology, 23, 73-83. Robert M. Worley, Vidisha Barua Worley & Brittany Ann Wood (2016). “There were ethical dilemmas all day long,” Criminal Justice Studies, 29:4, 289-308 Discussion 6 First, after reading, “The Art of Conferencing,” please identify the piece of advice that you found to be the most helpful and be sure to explain why. Also, in “The Art of Conferencing,” the authors explain that at some conferences, even national ones, such as ACJS, there is a significant problem regarding panel “no-shows,” where scheduled participants fail to show up for their own presentations. From a management standpoint, what, if anything, can be done to prevent this problem? Is it merely an inconvenience that will have to be tolerated, or is there a way to prevent “no-shows” without alienating members of the organization? Fully elaborate. Next, consider the article, “Breaking Out of Prison and into Print.” In your opinion, do ex-offenders have anything to offer to the discipline of criminal justice and criminology? Should former inmates be permitted, perhaps even encouraged, to attend national conferences, present their research findings, and teach at colleges and universities? Take a position either way and defend it. Also, please identify one original way that prisoners who are incarcerated can “break into print” that was not mentioned in the article. Be creative yet also realistic. Next, after reading the article, “There Were Ethical Dilemmas All Day Long,” in your opinion, should a researcher conduct an ethnographic research study even if he or she acknowledges that he cannot be objective or unbiased during the course of this research. Support your position. Also, should a researcher who is employed at a college or university be given confidentiality and not be required to turn over his or her notes if subpoenaed by a judge? Be sure to elaborate. And, given the fact that ethnographic research can be very stressful, would it be appropriate for a university to require (or strongly recommend) that professors who are conducting field studies undergo some type of counseling — perhaps at the university counseling center, etc.?
Terrorism and Political Violence | Instant Homework Solutions
Please see attachment for the articles for the discussion below. Please only use this three articles. Henda Y. Hsu & Robert Apel (2015) “A Situational Model of Displacement and Diffusion Following the Introduction of Airport Metal Detectors,” Terrorism and Political Violence, 27:1, 29-52 Thomas J. Holt, Joshua D. Freilich & Steven M. Chermak (2017) Internet-Based Radicalization as Enculturation to Violent Deviant Subcultures, Deviant Behavior, 38:8, 855-869 Stuart A. Wright (2009) Strategic Framing of Racial-Nationalism in North America and Europe: An Analysis of a Burgeoning Transnational Network, Terrorism and Political Violence, 21:2, 189-210 Week 5 Discussion After, reading all three articles for Week Five, please point to one aspect of EACH article that you found be of interest and explain why. Be sure to fully elaborate and discuss how this particular aspect of the article furthers our understanding of terrorism and political violence. It must be evident that you have carefully read and reflected upon all three articles.
Correctional System Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions
Correctional System Analysis The U.S. correctional system can serve two specific functions in relation to criminal offenders. First, it can serve as a tool for punishing the offender and making the offender pay for his or her crimes. Second, it can serve as a means to rehabilitating the offender and preparing him or her for successful reentry into society. Write a 7001,050-word essay answering the following questions: How does the correctional system punish offenders? How does the correctional system rehabilitate offenders? Which method is more effective in reducing crime? Research a method for punishing or rehabilitating offenders. Use the literature and propose a solution or adjustment to the methods of punishment or rehabilitation. Your paper must follow this format: Page 1 Cover/title page Pages 2, 3, and 4 Body of text Page 5 Reference page (List at least three sources on your reference page. Cite your sources.) List at least three sources on your reference page.
Current Issue Facing Law Enforcement | Instant Homework Solutions
Research paper on a current issue facing law enforcement leaders, (improving community relations) utilizing at least 8 scholarly references and written in APA style.
Criminal Justice Problems in the US | Instant Homework Solutions
short writing assignment will be a 5 to 7-page paper, typed, double spaced, 12-point font, 1 margins, that discusses your opinion of the greatest problems facing the criminal justice system in the United States. This is an opportunity to state your opinion regarding the challenges with the current criminal justice system in this country. Proper APA formatting is a requirement for this paper. At a minimum, your paper will have an Introduction, Body, Conclusion and References section. It is expected that at least 3 separate references will be incorporated into your paper.
Police Operations Summary | Instant Homework Solutions
In 3-4 paragraphs, summarize the following questions. 1. What is strategic planning and why is it important to police operations? 2. How can officers prevent crimes? Is it possible?
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