Sexuality Research Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

Answer these questions: Utilizing one technique of neutralization (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) describe how a member of NAMBLA may rationalize their behaviors. Describe Dave’s story. Based on this story as well as everything you have read for this unit, how would you punish pedophiles? Be sure to explain WHY you would choose this course of action. Compare and contrast the deviance of intersex individuals to another deviant subgroup we have discussed this semester. Run an internet search on NAMBLA. What “propaganda” did you find? What do you believe or not believe?

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Criminal Defense Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions

The following case study presents issues related to the collateral proceedings in a criminal defense case. Case Study: Brook wanted to rob the First National Bank located in Newport Beach, Orange County, California. When Hurst found out about Brook’s plan, Hurst asked to join in too as long as no weapons were going to be used. Brook assured Hurst that no weapons would be used. During the robbery, Brook pulled out a gun and pointed it at a teller who was not cooperating in handing over the cash in the teller’s drawer. Hurst did not see Brook pull the gun on the teller. After they had left the bank and were driving away, Brook remarked to Hurst that bringing the gun was a great idea as it made the difference with the teller handing over the cash. Hurst said to Brook, “You said no guns, let me out of the car now.” Brook told Hurst that they were not going to stop anywhere until they were safely in Arizona. Brook and Hurst proceeded non-stop to Nogales, Arizona. Upon arrival in Nogales, Arizona, Brook and Hurst divided the money from the bank and went their separate ways. Hurst left and met a friend, Solana, but told Solana nothing about the bank robbery. The next day, Brook went across the border into Mexico. Based on a tip, the officers from the Nogales Police Department arrested Hurst and Solana booking both on suspicion of bank robbery. During the interrogation, Hurst told the Nogales police that Brook had fled to Mexico. Solana advised the Nogales police that he had nothing to do with the crime, but the Nogales police have refused to release Solana. The Nogales police advised Mexican authorities who promptly located Brook and arrested him. In a 1–2-page paper (excluding the title page and reference page), discuss the following questions, explaining your answers in detail by analyzing the facts presented and other factors you consider relevant; defining and explaining key legal terms and principles; and citing legal authority (your text and other legal authority) to support your conclusions. ***Note: Please answer the following based on general principles of procedure, not jurisdiction specific laws or statutes. Answer according to general law as presented in the course materials.  Do not draft your answer based on California, or any other jurisdiction specific law. What procedural steps must the Orange County prosecutor take to extradite Hurst from Arizona? What procedural steps must the Orange County prosecutor take to extradite Brook from Mexico? Solana files a writ of habeas corpus in the proper Arizona Court. How should the court rule? Why? ***Note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material, and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task. Use proper citations in APA style. The paper should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA format. All internal citation of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA format.

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Prosecutorial Ethics | Instant Homework Solutions

Prosecutorial Ethics Explain the following: “It is the duty of the prosecutor to seek justice, not merely a conviction.”

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Cyber Crime Theories | Instant Homework Solutions

Write a 3–4 page paper in which you: Explain the various forms of social engineering tactics that hackers employ and provide an example of each. Describe the five social norms of hacker subculture and provide an example of each. Search Internet news sources and find a recent article on hacking. Describe the tone in regard to hacking and explain what the article conveys in regard to stigmas and labels surrounding the hacker. Use the Strayer Library to locate at least three quality references for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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Problems of Gang-related Criminal Behavior | Instant Homework Solutions

A number of state legislatures have developed new strategies for addressing the problems of gang-related criminal behavior. Legislative bodies have both enhanced traditional criminal laws and drafted new legislation aimed specifically at alleviating the gang problem. One of the most comprehensive approaches originated in California where the first statute aimed exclusively at prohibiting the activities of criminal street gangs was enacted. The California Street Terrorism and Enforcement Prevention (STEP) Act’s primary focus was to make it a criminal offense to engage in criminal gang activity. A multitude of other states quickly followed suit and passed similar legislation. Discuss some of the collateral damage that comes with the implementation of legislation like the STEP Act. For example, does legislation like this come with the potential for misuse? When exploring the STEP Act further, do you believe the law can be misinterpreted and used to fuel the storm of moral panic touted by elected officials that gangs pose a threat to our communities? Use the two documents posted in Module Six to guide the development of your response.

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Jury Trial Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

Assignment Content Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you articulate how a diverse or special population defendant’s rights at trial can be assured (ex: a deaf or elderly defendant). Discuss the pretrial process, jury selection (ex: voir dire), and determine how to insure this defendant is provided the rights to:  a speedy trial an impartial judge an impartial jury

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Police and the Law | Instant Homework Solutions

In this assignment, analyze the two factors that trigger a police officer’s legal requirement to give the Miranda warnings. The two factors are: Custody Interrogation Review the scenarios below. Scenario 1 You are on patrol and stop a vehicle for going through a stop sign. The vehicle is occupied by two adult males. The vehicle license plate and V.I.N. number comes back stolen and you arrest both subjects. You do not ask them any questions or read them their Miranda rights. You place both subjects in the back seat of your patrol car. Your patrol camera and audio device is activated. You exit your patrol vehicle to assist in searching the stolen vehicle before it is towed and impounded. After you return to your patrol vehicle, you replay the footage and recording from your patrol camera. The cameras has recorded both subjects discussing how they stole the vehicle. Scenario 2 You are on patrol when you receive a call of a robbery at a local gas station. Witnesses report a man entered the gas station, showed a black hand gun, and ordered the clerk to put all the money from the cash register in a bag. The clerk complied, putting money in a grey plastic bag and gave it to the robber. The robber left the store with the bag of money. Dispatch provides a description to you over the radio, describing the suspect as follows: Caucasian male, with shoulder length, dyed green hair, tall about 6’5, wearing a blaze orange sweatshirt, yellow pants, red high top basketball shoes. When you are driving to the gas station, you observe a male walking on the sidewalk about a block from the gas station that was just robbed. The male matches the description of the robber provided to you by dispatch. You stop your patrol vehicle, get out and stop the man to speak to with him on the sidewalk. You do not handcuff the male, but you grab him by the arm when he tries to walk by you on the sidewalk and do not let him walk away. You ask the man, “where’s the money you robbed from the gas station?” Scenario 3 You are an investigator, trying to solve a burglary at the local public library. Someone broke into the library and stole five computers. Based on your investigation so far, you have a suspect in mind: a woman named Mary Smith. You call Mary and ask her to come to the police department to answer some questions. She agrees and comes to the department. You invite her into an interview room that includes a table and two chairs. There is only one door leading into the room. You sit at the table and Mary sits across from you. You begin to ask Mary questions about where she works, her hobbies, etc. and then ask her what she knows about computers being stolen from the library. She answers that she read about the incident in the newspaper. She then starts crying. You ask her if she has ever been to the library or used computers at the library. She says, yes, she has been to the library. You ask her if she was at the library on the day the computers were reported stolen. She continues to cry and ask very nervous. She says, yes, she was at the library the day the computers were stolen. She then says, “it was me. I did it. I took them. The computers. I wanted to give computers to my friends.” You then arrest Mary for burglary and theft and read her the Miranda warnings.   For your written assignment, analyze each of the scenarios above and give a detailed explanation of whether the two factors: (1) custody and (2) interrogation, which trigger Miranda, are met in each of the scenarios. In your explanation, define “custody” and “interrogation.” Explain whether each scenario meet the definitions of “custody” and “interrogation.” Describe factors to consider that help determine whether a person is in custody and being interrogated under Miranda. Give your opinion as to the officer was required to read the Miranda warning and at what point in the scenarios above. Support your discussion and analysis through research and case law. Prepare your assignment following APA citation and format requirements. You must include proper citations to any source you relied on for information that you include in your paper.

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Killer Kids Dissertation | Instant Homework Solutions

-A Global Research Study on kids/children/juvenile/adolescents who kill/murder/homicides. -Why their life sentences is appropriate and why they cannot be released or retried for their crimes. -How these kids are likely to reoffend as adults or become career criminals if released from prison. -Regardless of your age if you deliberately plan, execute, and premeditated a murder then life sentences should be deemed reasonable. 100 sources: 80% scholarly/academic/peer review. 199 pages excluding the title page, abstract and references.

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Operation of Justice Systems | Instant Homework Solutions

INSTRUCTIONS:  270 words, APA style, two references, I have attached one reference and you can choose the other. The professor asked me a question from the homework that I turned in.  So please find attached my homework that I turned in for you to read and answer the professor’s question. The question is: The evaluation of intent and motive are core concepts in our justice system. What is more important today in terms of how our system operates? Is it the OUTCOME (harm done) or the intent? Or both?

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Physical Evidence and Scientific Method | Instant Homework Solutions

Instructions As a local law enforcement professional, you have been asked to write a chapter about physical evidence and the scientific method for the standard operation manual for the crime scene investigation unit of your agency. Include the following in your manual chapter: Explain the scientific method and how it should be applied in criminal investigations. Examine databases that provide information about class characteristics of evidence and their application in crime scene investigations. Provide examples of physical evidence possessing class and individual characteristics. Explain how and why individual characteristics of evidence lead to the identification of possible suspects. Support your chapter with a minimum of three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages Your chapter should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

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