Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice | Instant Homework Solutions

Part 1 and part 2 response in one essay 1250-1500 words. in text cites (our book is Statistics for criminology and criminal justice 4th edition ronet bachman , raymond Paternoster) Part 1. Based on this article answer these questions Be sure to use references to support your opinions. Do some research to create well rounded responses. Are you surprised by anything that is said on this website? Why do you think many people are so quick to believe reported statistics? Give some examples of instances where you often see statistics taken out of context. (search the Internet for other examples and explain why you think they are out of context). Part 2. “In America, more preschoolers are shot dead each year (82 in 2013) than police officers are in the line of duty (27 in 2013), according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI.” This quote is from an article (Links to an external site.), (non-paywall link here (Links to an external site.)) written by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, published on Oct 3, 2015 and has since been making the rounds on social media. On its face, this seems like just one more indictment against guns in America, especially after the shooting in Roseburg, Oregon on Oct 1, 2015. While the loss of any life is heartbreaking, the loss of innocent children is the particularly hard to accept; which makes it a great way to lie with numbers and use empathy to gain support of the public. If those numbers don’t seem dubious to you, then don’t worry, you’re not the only one (Links to an external site.), “is an independent fact-checking journalism website aimed at bringing you the truth in politics.” They examined this claim by Mr. Kristof and rated it “mostly true” Their basis for “mostly” is them being overly conservative, the claim made by Mr. Kristof is true. The numbers are correct, numbers don’t lie. Unfortunately people do, you see it all the time all over the Internet. People will post “facts” that are at best disingenuous, and at worst, completely fabricated. The most dangerous types of “fact” are the ones that are born from real data, but are then represented in a way that distorts the true meaning. As a critical consumer of information, use the knowledge you have accumulated in this class so far to: Point out as many possible flaws with this statement. Think of the ways you would lie with statistics to further an agenda. Now keep in mind, for the sake of this assignment, the numbers reported are correct, but that does not mean they represent the whole picture or that the quote is meaningful in a way beyond comparing two numbers. Your response should be 1250-1500 words, in APA format, 12pt font, 1″ margins, Cover page (abstract not required), references page, etc. Make sure to use a .doc, docx, or rtf file format and attach the file when submitting. This assignment is due at the end of the week assigned by 1159pm. Please see the class schedule located in the course syllabus for specific dates. This assignment has a minimum of seven (7) required sources. While the video and provided link can count as one source, this means you need to find additional sources to add detail and support to your answers. Look for real world examples in the news, peer reviewed journals, etc.

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Counselling Techniques | Instant Homework Solutions

You have started a new job with a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) agency that also incorporates other types of evidence-based therapies into its organization. Your boss asks you to run a weekly therapy group to assist high-risk users of crisis care. She asks you to prepare 400-600 words for her to use in a brochure, which will propose the style of therapy you will use and explain evidence-based treatments. This proposal will be given to these high-risk clients in hopes that they will join the group. Be sure to include the following in your proposal: The style of therapy you intend to use An explanation of evidence-based treatments you intend to use In commenting to other students’ posts, consider the following: How will their proposals promote the group for which the boss is trying to recruit clients? How do their proposals compare to yours? Are there aspects of their style of therapy that you would like to incorporate into yours?

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Forensic Science Crime Scence | Instant Homework Solutions

This is a power point presentation and the added speaker note requirements are 100 per slide Prepare an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation proposing forensic evidence that would be identified and collected while investigating a hypothetical crime of your choice. Address the following in your presentation: A list of all crime scene team members that are usually present at scenes and their roles An explanation of the type of search pattern to be used along with methods of recording the scene An explanation of types of evidence that may be found and their proper collection and preservation procedures The procedures for securing and searching the scene to include crime scene safety

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The Rational Choice Theory | Instant Homework Solutions

For this assignment, you will submit part I of your research paper. Part I of the research paper includes both an overview of the research project and a review of source references. You will select the criminological theory you are writing about and locate four academic sources to support your paper. Then, you will give an overview of your topic and a brief review of the literature you have selected. This part of your research paper should have the following components: An overview of your selected theory. In this section, you must identify the criminological theory that will serve as the basis for your research project and briefly describe that theory. Then, relate that theory to the U.S. criminal justice system and explain how the components of the U.S. criminal justice system, law enforcement, the judiciary, incarceration, and rehabilitation, support this theory. A review of the literature that will be included in your final paper. This section should include at least four academic sources, and you should give a brief description of each source and describe why it is relevant to your chosen topic. It should also compare and contrast the findings of the sources you have selected in relation to your topic. The intent of providing a review of sources is to demonstrate the student is headed in the right direction with research for the paper.

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Current Issues in Correctional Management

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper related to current issues facing Correctional Managers and Administrators. Include a discussion of: The impact of gangs and gang violence in correctional institutions. The impact of illegal drugs and other contraband and the challenges presented in correctional settings The impact of gender and transgender-related issues with correctional environments. The impact […]

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DHS Programs and Policies

DHS Programs and Policies Give two examples of DHS programs or policies that encourage intergovernmental cooperation.

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Advanced Criminal Thought

Where does traditional CJ theory (social control, social learning, rational choice and so on) fit into your current thinking about criminality today? Where does emerging theory (restorative justice, strain theory, alternatives responses to crime), fit, or not fit, into your current thinking? In the final paper, I expect you to engage in a critical analysis of all […]

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Learning to Engage in Crime

Like Sutherland, Akers argues that we learn to engage in crime through exposure to and the adoption of definitions favorable to crime. Akers’s theory is compatible with Sutherland’s theory. Social learning theory is not competitive with differential association theory. Instead, it is a broader theory that retains all the differential association processes in Sutherland’s theory. […]

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Public Shaming As Punishment

Length: 7 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font)  References: At least 5 academic and/or case law references including some Canadian examples. Assignment  Description Description: After carefully reading the following news item, answer the question below with as much detail as possible. You will need to rely on lecture and reading materials to fully answer the question.  Public Shaming […]

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Police Administration

the purpose of this paper is to show how the lack of training and knowledge is a problem in the police administration today.

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