Shimatachi Chinese Culture | Instant Homework Solutions

Describe briefly the Shitamachi culture of the old middle class. How does it differ from Yamanote culture? Based on the knowledge of Okinawa, what historical facts make it likely that Okinawans are culturally different from mainland Japanese?

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Types of Gazes in Pop Culture | Instant Homework Solutions

Name and discuss three types of Gazes in Popular Culture and cite one example of one type of gaze represented in a popular culture text featured in the fall term assigned viewing material.

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Music Video Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

Assignment: Write a thesis-driven, rhetorical analysis-argumentative essay on a music video of your choice (1970-present). Analyze the music video closely to support your argumentative thesis, which should be persuasive and debatable. Integrate 3-4 quotes from Rybacki & Rybacki’s “Cultural Approaches to the Rhetorical Analysis of Selected Music Videos” (your video cannot be one of the videos analyzed in the article). How does the music video appeal to viewers and listeners? How does it reflect and shape culture? Why does this matter? You are not required to use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos for this essay.  also need Works Cited or Name-My Name-Course Info-Date

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Colorism in Popular Culture | Instant Homework Solutions

This week’s film and readings raise issues about how beauty is defined in American culture and whether the practice of colorism exists in American society. Colorism can be defined as “prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.” After watching this week’s film clips (Souls of Black Girls-2008) and completing this week’s readings, answer the following question: Do you think colorism still exists in American society? Or do you think that contemporary American culture now embraces diverse forms of beauty? Or do you think society still engages in colorism while also embracing some diverse ideas of beauty? (This will be your thesis in the paper) To answer this question, you should select an advertisement, a film, a television show-or anything that might provide evidence that colorism might-or might not-exist. In trying to prove your thesis above, you should address the following: 1. How is beauty defined in your selected source? (If relevant), how does the source define what is not beautiful? (If relevant),how does society respond to beautiful and non-beautiful people according to the source? Does your selected source offer a gendered definition of beauty? (That is, does it define attractiveness differently for men versus women)? 2. How might your selected source empower or oppress women? How might your source influence young women or young girls?  3. Consider how your selected source compares with the readings and the film from this week. What do they have in common and/or how are they different? In particular, what would Etcoff say about your selected source? Requirements: Papers should average about 3-4 pages, double-spaced in a standard font such as Arial.  I would recommend writing a 2-3 sentence “introduction” where you state your position on the overall question. I would then devote a paragraph to each scene that you’re analyzing to support your position. Papers should be proofread for grammar and spelling. I always encourage students to write as they speak-albeit with the usual attention to strong grammar and spelling.

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Early Medieval Cultures Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

Early Medieval Cultures Essay Compare the development of one specific Islamic and one specific Christian location between 632–1000 C.E. When discussing each location, provide a more specific timeline, and consider adding examples of significant leaders, political and social structures, beliefs, and cultural products (stories, philosophies, theologies, artifacts, art, and architecture). Your comparison should identify similarities and differences in the two religious-based cultures, and also indicate influences they share. Be careful not to compare the religions as a whole but instead focus on a range of cultural elements in your two specific locations because cultures may vary even within one religion depending on time and place. What insight about the historical development of these two cultures did you gain from the comparison? Step 1: Review the section of the Unit V Study Guide entitled, “Be Careful When Making Historical Assumptions.” Step 2: Choose two appropriate sources, not including the textbook. At least one source must come from the CSU Online Library. The Academic Search Ultimate and eBook Academic Collection databases in the CSU Online Library would be good places to start your search. Resources from outside of the library should be credible and peer-reviewed by historians and cannot include Wikipedia,,, or any other .com site; resources should also not be taken from any type of message board or other encyclopedia-type sites, including those listed in the CSU Online Library research guides, which are provided for quick reference only and not for paper research. If you need additional help with using or locating information in the CSU Online Library, there are library video tutorials available on the main page of the online library under the heading “Research Guides.” Step 3: Complete your research. Choose one interesting comparison that illustrates the main point that you want to make about these cultures during this period. Gather details about your choice. Compare similar features (known as “comparing like terms”). For example, compare cities to cities, education systems to education systems, technologies to technologies, stories to stories, ideas about the nature of God to ideas about the nature of God, and other features. Make sure you complete the comparison for all features or note why you think there is not a like term for some features. Comparison includes consideration of both similarities and differences. Here are some examples to consider: the promotion and use of learning by leading figures; the relationship between religious and political authority; the shaping of artifacts (leader, idea, practice, or structure) by time period and environment; the shaping of societies by artifacts and whether different people were affected differently; and the way that different elements of culture reflect power arrangements, goals, hierarchies, and/or challenges. Step 4: Prepare your introduction, including your thesis statement. A thesis is prepared after you have completed your research and includes the comparison of what you found. It should be a one- or two-sentence statement of the conclusions you drew from the comparison. Step 5: Write your essay. Your essay must be at least 500 words in length. Step 6: Reflect on how this comparison paper shaped your understanding of how to practice cultural history ethically, as discussed in the “Be Careful When Making Historical Assumptions” section of the Unit V Lesson. Write one paragraph to be placed after the concluding paragraph of your essay, reflecting on how the guidelines in the unit lesson shaped your understanding of how to use historical evidence, including artifacts, to practice cultural history ethically. Please review the guidelines on essay writing that were presented in the Unit III Scholarly Activity; they will help guide you in this assignment

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Cyber Culture versus Puerto Rican Culture | Instant Homework Solutions

100 Word Essay of Comparing and contrasting Cyber culture and Puerto Rican Culture. Here is a source that my teacher gave me.

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Cultural Tradition Writing | Instant Homework Solutions

WRITING PROJECT: Understanding humanities through the arts, beliefs, customs, practices, values, and behaviors has been an essential part of this course. For the Term Writing Project, you will write a three-page paper that illustrates your understanding of diverse cultural perspectives. By experiencing and researching cultural events, you will be able to examine the diverse offerings of cultural expression found in various parts of the world. Experiencing cultural events outside of the classroom will broaden your horizons and allow you to gain a broader global perspective of our world’s diverse cultures. What is the overview of this project? After selecting and experiencing a cultural event, you will write a three-page paper that illustrates your understanding of diverse cultural perspectives. You are strongly encouraged to attend a cultural event in person, but if you are unable to do so, you may experience an event through available forms of media, such as a learning-based television program or Internet video. (It is required that you see and hear the event, so do not simply read an article about it!) What is the definition of a cultural event? Cultural events include traditions or celebrations. We find these in forms of festivals (culturally specific games, dance, music, food), performance, religious ceremonies, or rites of passage – all rooted in cultural history. Therefore, the primary cultural event you choose must revolve around a cultural tradition or celebration that is currently practiced AND encompasses historical significance for that culture in the country of origin. What do I need to do first? Choose ONE primary tradition or celebration in its own setting (country of origin) representing a culture different from your own country of origin that you experience (either in person or online). After experiencing it and learning more about it, identify and compare TWO secondary cultural events serving a similar purpose in other cultures, only ONE of which may be from your own country of origin. To reiterate, you will have one primary cultural event and two comparison/contrast events, all three from different places around the world. What types of questions should I try to answer when writing my paper? Overall, remember to watch, listen, observe, learn, compare, contrast, and research! Use 1st person in your paper, describe what you experience. Expand on what you experience and what you learn. Here are some questions to keep in mind: Questions for primary cultural event: What is the cultural event you experienced? Did you attend in person or watch it online? What did you hear and see? What stood out to you while experiencing this event? What was your initial impression of the culture when you experienced this event? What did you learn about the event through research? Consider current practices and historical relevance. Is the event practiced the same now as it has been historically? Elaborate and exemplify. Has the event spread to other places in the world? Where? What are some of the differences and similarities in how it is practiced or celebrated? Questions for secondary cultural events: Be sure you have chosen TWO cultural events that serve a similar purpose to your primary cultural event in other parts of the world. (If your primary event is a festival of cultural history, your two secondary events should be festivals of cultural history as well. For example, you do not want to look for Viking Festivals in two additional places around the world. You want to look for festivals celebrating cultural identity in two other places in the world.) What two other cultural events did you choose? What is their country of origin? (Remember, one can be from your own country of origin, but the other must be from another part of the world.) What purpose do two cultural events serve, and why is this similar to your primary cultural event? How are they similar or different from your primary cultural event? (Consider food, music, dancing, singing, decorations, or dress.) Wrap-up Questions: Did you find any evidence of cultural influence, inspiration, or sharing across your chosen cultures? What do your chosen cultures have in common? (Think about basic beliefs and behaviors of the people.) Why do you think cultures around the world practice similar events and share common beliefs, and what does this say about human beings and culture, based on what you have learned this term? Remember, this is a paper not a Q&A assignment, so do not list the questions in your paper. Write well-developed paragraphs and use appropriate transitions. Follow APA format and include APA documented research. General Requirements: APA format and documentation required. (Note: An abstract is not required for this paper.) Paper should be at least 3 pages in length (not including the title and reference page). At least 3 resources are required.

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Reflection Paper Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

The general purpose of a reflection paper is to capture one’s thoughts and impressions. In that spirit, capture your impressions on how you would go about implementing an organizational culture that fosters creative thinking and innovative behavior. Identify the elements of an organizational culture that promote creative thinking. Try to draw on personal experience and be creative in providing context for moving forward. In other words, based on the information in this lesson and while reflecting on past experiences, capture your initial impressions on how you would create the culture described here. [Learning Outcome 5.1] Discuss the leadership practices that will promote the elements identified. Discuss the context, meaning the type of organization/industry. You are reflecting on a hypothetical company and situation, so you are encouraged to find an area of passion in your life and use that as the context. Consider also how you will apply what you have learned to your professional life in the future. [Learning Outcome 5.2] This submission should be a minimum of two pages in length.

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Effects of Intermarriage on Canadian Culture | Instant Homework Solutions

Write an essay of approximately 1100 words on the topic you have chosen for your annotated bibliography. Use evidence from the stories and articles in the kit, and at least three other research sources from your annotated bibliography. Use APA style in-text referencing for all sources (e.g. direct quotes, paraphrases, ideas, statistics) that you cite in your paper. Include all citations in a separate reference page at the back of your essay, also in APA style.

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American Culture Study | Instant Homework Solutions

General Formatting: Remember that your paper should use 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font. It should have 1 inch margins and be double spaced (aside from the abstract). You should use APA (Links to an external site.) for citations and have a cover page. Assignment Description: As you may have noticed by this point, much of the content overlaps, which means you can often take an intersectional approach to things. You should touch on Popular Culture or Media in this paper, whether it is the primary focus or just a theme in a broader discussion that you want to present. The major goal is to discuss what American culture looks like and, with the foundations provided in the course, it is easy to see many links between many of the things that we discussed. Inequality links with gender, race/ethnicity, and displays in media. Gender links with inequality, race/ethnicity, and representation in media. Race/ethnicity links with issues of inequality, immigration, and representation in media. It is up to you how to present this final paper. Do you want to look at media or popular culture in the US as the primary focus? Lay this out in your introduction and use you previous papers to bolster some observations and arguments. What do we see happening in media, for example, when it comes to gender? How can we understand it? In this six- to ten-page (1700-2500 word) paper, you will build upon and adapt at least one of your previous topic papers in addition to your culture paper(I’ve uploaded to the file). Your culture paper should serve as a partial introduction, revised to fit the new topic. You should also revise and incorporate some of your introduction from your selected topic paper to build into this paper. This paper will require building on and adapting your previous work and adding new information. You will need at least 800 original pieces of information to meet the word count requirement. This means content that you have not previously submitted. You should incorporate TWO MAJOR ASPECTS, ONE OTHER TOPIC as it relates to media/pop culture, TWO PIECES OF RESEARCH FOUND BY YOU on this topic, PROVIDE A SYNTHESIS of the literature, and include some LECTURE/VIDEO MATERIAL. The best way to establish this paper and use previous papers as rough drafts is to incorporate them directly into the paper. For the Literature Review section of this paper For your final paper, you should have the following sections included: title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, conclusion, and bibliography. You should have at least five academic sources that you have acquired on your own for your final paper, though you can have more. Possible lengths for each section should be around: Introduction and Background: 1-2 pages Literature Review: 3-8 pages Conclusion: 1-2 pages Remember: the lengths of each section can vary and these are just general ideas of where they should fall. Remember also that you must be both at least 6 pages AND 1700 words in your final draft. If your paper is 5 pages, but under 1200 words, you will need to add. Your title page, abstract, and bibliography do not count toward the total page and word counts.

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