[Get Solution]Design Models

As you can tell from your readings, there are many Instructional Design models that can be used for training and learning.  1. If you could condense the theory of instructional design into three components, what would they be and why?   2. What would you say to someone who said that we don’t really need instructional […]

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[Get Solution]Generation Z

The brief With low awareness of fast fashion and the buying of clothes so closely linked to mood and happiness, how can you engage young people (Generation Z) in being more mindful of clothes shoppers? The assignment Undertake significant, in-depth user research, appropriate to the time and resources available to outline a problem/need/opportunity that relates […]

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Payless Car Rental | Instant Homework Solutions

Payless Car Rental – Website System analysis and design report. Need Input Design and Output Design, then a one page report on improving Payless Car rental user experience.

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Ageing and Design Research | Instant Homework Solutions

I want to set the main goal for the paper to research on why elderly does not like exercise and how to motivate elderly exercise. Found interesting and specific cases would be a bonus. Paper Outline: (recommended; feel free to adjust) : Focus on No.4 1. Ageing issue and healthy ageing 1. (Who specifically)What age group of elderly need more exercise? 2. (Benefits for exercise & risk for poor exercise) How does exercise effect the elderly? 3. Evidence to show how many elderly people are lack of exercise (statistics) 4. Why do the elderly not exercise? (Mentally, Physically, Socially, etc) 5. How do you motivate elderly to exercise? 6. Examples/ cases that help elderly exercise more. 7. What are the difficulties to help elderly?  8. Talk about the potential solutions to help them with design. 9. Conclusion Abstract:  Developing a healthy ageing society is our sustainable goals facing aging problem in the world. To help elderly maintain health conditions and self ability is crucial. However, studies show the majority of elderly with poor health are lacks of exercise and properly exercising would benefit the senior and the society. Therefore in order to design and help the elderly to exercise more, we need to understand why the elderly dislike exercising and how to encourage them to exercise more. Possible Citation: 1. Understanding What MOTIVATES Older Adults to Exercise; Journal of gerontological nursing [J Gerontol Nurs] 2000 Mar; Vol. 26 (3), pp. 34-42. 2. Taiji and Qigong exercise for elderly to stay healthy Quarta, Cynthia. Seated Taiji and Qigong?: Guided Therapeutic Exercises to Manage Stress and Balance Mind, Body and Spirit. Singing Dragon, 2012. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=476346&site=eds-live&scope=site. 3.Ensuring the elderly health condition could help develop a healthy ageing society World Health Organization. 2020. Healthy Ageing And The Sustainable Development Goals. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 November 2020].

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Payless Car Rental

Payless Car Rental – Website System analysis and design report. Need Input Design and Output Design, then a one page report on improving Payless Car rental user experience.

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Generation Z

The brief With low awareness of fast fashion and the buying of clothes so closely linked to mood and happiness, how can you engage young people (Generation Z) in being more mindful of clothes shoppers? The assignment Undertake significant, in-depth user research, appropriate to the time and resources available to outline a problem/need/opportunity that relates to the issues which are raised in the brief outlined above. You will map your findings to identify a range of relevant insights. You will then generate a ‘designed solution’ which addresses the research-led issue(s) identified. You will use prototyping to refine the user experience and evaluate your proposal. Your solution should demonstrate ingenuity (illustrating a conceptual or lateral leap that hasn’t been seen before); social benefit and resourcefulness. You will reflect on the outcome of user testing. Finally, complete a detailed Business Model Canvas and outline the benefits and impact of your solution. Make sure that you reflect on the feedback provided from the original submission. Submission You are required to complete a 2500-word report (80%) to outline the process undertaken to answer the brief outlined above. The report should be A4 size (portrait or landscape orientation) and illustrated appropriately. It must be presented professionally and contain 5 distinct sections: • Research • Insights • Concept development • Prototyping & testing • Business model canvas It should be saved as PDF optimised for screen viewing, submitted through LEARN.

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Ageing and Design Research

Ageing and Design Research

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Analyze Quasi-Experimental Design

Analyze Quasi-Experimental Design

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Fashion Entrepreneurship

Fashion Entrepreneurship

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Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison

Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison

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