[Get Solution]Emergency Preparedness

After reading this week’s resources including Ready or Not? Protecting the Public’s Health 2012, refer to the State-by-State Preparedness website at http://www.amednews.com/article/20130107/health/130109975/6/ Or: http://healthyamericans.org/report/101/ Examine your state’s emergency preparedness rankings. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your state according to the 10 criteria, and why you feel your state is prepared or unprepared. What public […]

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Simulation Annex | Instant Homework Solutions

The paper will be based on the simulation link    Simulation Link: Please let me know if you have trouble with the link http://wpc.242f.edgecastcdn.net/00242F/academics/multimedia/_live/SSGS/EDMG/230/response-simulation-0219/index.html     In this assignment, you will experience a simulated disaster, and provide a report on what each Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource (CIKR) stakeholder will need to do in order to return to steady state. You will state what laws, regulations, and standards apply to that steady-state plan, and what actions, if any, they will take in the future to mitigate against an event like this. The disaster simulation is interactive, so your situation will be different than others, affecting the actions that your CIKR stakeholders will need to take. Assume that the event has happened in your US state of choice, and that you are providing this report after the end of the scenario after the governor has arrived with aid and the FBI has completed their investigation. The CIKR stakeholders that you must provide a report on are: • Hospital CEO • EMS Ambulance team • Fire Department • Police Department • Funeral Directors • University Police Each CIKR must provide: • Plan to return to steady state • What laws, regulations, and standards on the local, State, and Federal levels apply to their situation • What actions, if any, the CIKR will take to mitigate against this type of event in the future Concepts that will need to be covered based on the simulation:  Evaluate the hazmat laws, regulations, and standards on the local, State, and Federal levels. Participate meaningfully in the process of planning, organizing, and training for response to hazmat/terrorist incidents. Interpret and act on departmental responsibility for hazmat response preparedness, incident prevention, and incident response. Identify and work with representatives of multiple services, levels of government, and organizations in an organized incident-management structure. Discuss issues pertaining to terrorism and tactical violence, including terrorism preparedness, response, and planning issues. Develop an incident command organizational structure for a hazmat response using the guidelines set forth in the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words.  It should be properly formatted and contain a Title and Reference page/s, neither of which are counted in word-count totals. The work should be double-spaced, in a legible font and pitch (Times New Roman or similar, 12 pt) and formatted by APA-style, the most recent edition of the APA manual. Recall – First person writing “I” is not acceptable in formal writing.

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Simulation Annex

The paper will be based on the simulation link    Simulation Link: Please let me know if you have trouble with the link http://wpc.242f.edgecastcdn.net/00242F/academics/multimedia/_live/SSGS/EDMG/230/response-simulation-0219/index.html     In this assignment, you will experience a simulated disaster, and provide a report on what each Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource (CIKR) stakeholder will need to do in order to return to […]

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Emergency Preparedness

After reading this week’s resources including Ready or Not? Protecting the Public’s Health 2012, refer to the State-by-State Preparedness website at https://amednews.com/article/20130107/health/130109975/6/ Or: https://healthyamericans.org/report/101/ Examine your state’s emergency preparedness rankings. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your state according to the 10 criteria, and why you feel your state is prepared or unprepared. What public health strategies can be implemented to increase your state’s preparedness?

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