Business Breakeven Points | Instant Homework Solutions
Compose a document answering the following questions What are breakeven points? What are the most common failures of businesses to properly prepare or consider when to achieve their prior calculated breakeven points? Explain why.
Demand Supply and Equilibrium Price | Instant Homework Solutions
Select at least two news articles that discuss demand, supply, and equilibrium price of a particular product or service. At least one news article should be dated within the previous two months. Refer to week 2 content materials and use specific economic vocabulary within your discussion, i.e. Demand, Quantity demanded, Determinants of demand, Shifts in demand curve, etc. Supply, Quantity supplied, Determinants of supply, Shifts in supply curve, etc. Changes in equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price. Price Ceilings and/or Price Floors and explain why price floors and price ceilings can be inefficient. ??The articles you choose may not use these exact terms; therefore, it is incumbent upon you to convert the article language into economic language as is appropriate.
The Maquiladora Phenomenon | Instant Homework Solutions
Consider the maquiladoras as a economic basis for social (human) development. Look at all sides of the maquiladora phenomenon, go through all the pros and cons, look at the multiple perspectives, and then come to a carefully reasoned overall assessment of them. Using the book Lives on the Line: Dispatches from the U.S.-Mexico Border society by Miriam Davidson.
Recent Macroeconomic Issues | Instant Homework Solutions
Problem Set 1. Macro Review. Spring 2021. Macro I Online course.1. List three macroeconomic issues that have been in the news lately and explain why those are relevant for how the economy works as a whole.2. What do you think are the defining characteristics of a science? Do you think economics should be called a science? Why or why not? (to answer this question, watch the videos I posted on TopHat)3. Use the traditional model of supply and demand to explain how an increase in the price of ice-cream would affect the price of frozen yogurt and the quantity of ice cream sold in the market. In your explanation, identify the exogenous and endogenous variables. Draw the demand and supply functions of both goods and explain the process.4. What is the condition of market-clearing useful? When it happens? Can you give an example of how a particular market behaves in the short-run versus the long-run and the role of the price in that market?5. Research question: Create a table in Excel that contains the evolution of the index that establishes the relationship between income per capita (GDP per capita in purchasing power parity -PPS-) of the U.S., every European country comprising the Euro Area-19 countries (in relation to the EU-27 = 100), and Japan. The time horizon is from 2010 to 2029. (HINT: use EUROSTAT as a source to get the data and build the table).a. What countries lead the ranking of per capita income in 2029?b. What are the countries that have a lower per capita income in 2019? What country or countriesstarted from lower levels of income per person? Are there signs of significant development and jumps in the standings of the period. Create a line graph in excel that compares the temporal evolution of per capita income of the Euro Area countries versus the evolution of the U.S. and Japan. You should reflect the evolution of every country in the European Monetary Union (EMU, therefore 19 lines) with respect to that in Japan and the U.S., plus a line that reflects the Euro Zone (EU-19) as one area or region. Discuss the graph.d. Create a graph for the unemployment rate in the US, Euro Zone (19 countries, one by one), the US and Japan since 2010. Compare the trends across countries. You should reflect the evolution of every Euro-Area country, the U.S and Japan, plus a line that reflects the overall Euro Area performance (EU19).. Lets suppose that the working-age population in a fictitious country is 50,000 people. There are 1,000 unemployed workers and 150 discourage workers. The participation rate is 70%. What is the labor force of this country?a. Calculate the unemployment rate and the number of people employed.b. Suppose that participation rate declines to 65%. Redo all calculations.
Health Insurance Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
Using the topic you selected and the outline you followed in week 3 assignment, please write a 7-10 page research paper using APA Format. Your research paper must include an extensive explanation and have a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a strong statement that you can support with evidence. The research paper should have a abstract, literature review and discussion (body of the paper addressing the issues listed below), recommendation, a well-defined conclusion, and reference pages. You must use at least 5 resources. Please see the attached template for more information. In your paper, you must address the following: An overview of the issue Why is this issue a concern from a health care economics perspective? Who are the major parties involved in this issue? Which market forces have an impact on this issue? How is demand illustrated in this issue? How is supply illustrated in this issue? How has the affordable care act impacted this issue? How are health disparities demonstrated in this issue? How has this issue been improved in other global markets? What is your recommendation for making improvements based on economic principles.
Economic History | Instant Homework Solutions
Complete your answer in essay format, size 10 font, minimum length 1200-1500 words. Be sure to not use words from any source. Cite source of maps and statistics that you refer to, and explain what you have learned in your own words. Identify and explain specific examples from class materials to validate your ideas. What is mercantilism? Describe and demonstrate three of the most significant regulations identified and imposed upon American colonists by the British Crown. For each regulation be sure to explain the date it was imposed, what was regulated (trade tariffs, troops, migration), and your understanding of how it would affect the colonies. Were these regulations unfairly restrictive or were the British justified in taxing North Americans as a part of mercantilism? Be sure to use statistics to validate your ideas. Was there any way Revolution could have been avoided?
Increase in GDP | Instant Homework Solutions
Please provide an instance in time where GDP of a country dramatically increased and then another example where GDP dramatically decreased. Include your understanding of why these changes took place. Feel free to use any country.
The Role of Labor Costs in Retail Electronics | Instant Homework Solutions
Read the case “The Role of Labor Costs in Retail Electronics”, and answer the questions below: 1. What are the differences in the cost cutting measures implemented at Best Buy and Circuit City? Do you believe that the compensation changes at Best Buy are a major reason for its current difficulties? 2. Are there larger problems in the competitive landscape for Best Buy that cannot be solved by compensation strategy changes alone? When customers look to buy electronics, what options do they have other than Best Buy and why would they choose these options over Best Buy? Where do customers test drive the product and where do they buy it? Can compensation changes address these challenges? Explain.
Rising Inequality since the 1970s | Instant Homework Solutions
Below are two competing views (Proposition #1 and Proposition #2) on why income inequality has been rising (even among the lower 99%) in the United States since the 1970s. Proposition #1: More people are falling behind today because theyre lazy. In the U.S. anyone willing to work can earn a decent living. The income distribution is the same as the effort distribution. People who work hard earn a good living. Lazy people stay poor. The income distribution has been skewing because of a growing culture of dependency. It used to be shameful to accept handouts from the government, but now its perfectly acceptable. So more people opt out of the labor force and sit around collecting handouts from the rest of us. Of course their incomes are going to be lower than those in the top tiers. Proposition #2: The incomes of the rich and poor have been growing farther apart due to purposeful policy decisions that have favored the rich at the expense of the poor. Starting with Ronald Reagans financial deregulation, and continuing with successive Republican attacks on New Deal and Great Society social programs to finance tax cuts for their Wall Street cronies, government policy in this country has systematically channeled the rewards of our immensely productive economy towards the rich and away from the poor. America needs to open the gateway to prosperity for all through fair tax policies, decent minimum wages, better public schools, aid to low-income college students, and a universal health care system. Here are the questions I want you to address: 1. What is actually driving the observed changes in the income distribution, according to David H. Autors analysis? In the first paragraph, summarize Autors analysis. What does he identify as the major cause of rising inequality? What are some of the factors Autor identifies as having contributed to an increase in the demand for highly-educated workers and a decrease in the demand for less-educated workers? 2. Which propositions policy prescriptions are more consistent with the policies that Autor recommends? The two propositions have very different policy implications. If you believe that income inequality is being driven by laziness and a culture of dependency, and your roommate believes its being driven by tax and spending policies that systematically favor the rich, you will disagree about the kinds of policies that might address the problem. While neither of the propositions above is wholly consistent with Autors analysis, in your second paragraph, tell me which propositions policy prescriptions are more consistent with the policies that Autor recommends. Use specific examples from the article to support your conclusion. (Autor discusses policy prescriptions in the very last paragraph of the article.)
Economics Summary | Instant Homework Solutions
On this assignment, you will develop your capacity to effectively and clearly summarize the main argument of a text and develop your critical reading skills. You will also use the information from the article to create your own thoughts about the issue and improve your capacity to develop your own ideas and expressing them in writing.. TASK Read the article from the link below. ) After reading the article make a summary of no more than 500 words. To do an effective summary, you must make a choice on what information you include and which you leave out, so that you dont exceed the word limit. Begin by stating what is the main hypothesis/claim of the article and discuss the facts and arguments presented to support the main hypothesis. Then discuss your own thoughts on the perspective for the future of China’s current account balance. What policy would you recommend? Give a brief justification for your recommendation (please try to use mostly economic arguments). You can work on the assignment with others but everyone should write and submit their separate assignment answers. Put your name, student ID number on your answer. Tips for writing a Summary Start by looking at the text overall structure. Read the introduction for the main claim and the conclusion to see what was the article’s contribution to understanding the main claim or hypothesis. Find points supporting the main claim. The first sentence is typically enough to get the general meaning of a paragraph. 27/01/2021 Written Assignment 1 (Due January 31st) 2/2 An effective summary: Conveys the basic point of the text in a short and easy to understand format. Only includes content from the original text Does not include quotes or citations Does not include your opinion. FORMAT Your commentary should be 300- ?600 words. Assignments that are shorter or longer will lose marks. The last item in your commentary should be a word count in parentheses e.g. (490 words). Prepare your assignment in any format you will submit it by cutting and pasting what you write into a text box in Canvas. No pictures or graphs can be included. All words.
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