Macro Calculation | Instant Homework Solutions

During last year, in 2020, Helen earned the following: $80,000 from employment, $2000 interest from bank accounts, and $25,000 profits and dividends. Of this income, she has spent $50,000 on food and other consumption goods, $20,000 on vacations abroad, saved $10,000 in her retirement account, spent $20,000 on purchasing extra shares and $10,000 on new computers for her business. a) What was the increase in GDP generated by Helen’s activity? b) What was Helen’s contribution to each category of GDP? c) What is the value of production that was newly created by Helen’s productive activity?

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The Story of Stuff | Instant Homework Solutions

Go to (Links to an external site.) Click “Watch now” to see list of videos Click “Story of” videos button to see list of videos Watch the first video, the oldest one called “The Story of Stuff”. This 20-minute movie is about economics and sustainability, written and narrated by Annie Leonard. It became famous because she is blunt and opinionated.  However, her statements are based on solid research. Well, it’s meant to be thought provoking, and there’s plenty you might either disagree with or wish to find out more about.

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Junk Food Tax | Instant Homework Solutions

M3.2 Point/Counterpoint: Junk Food Tax GECC Should we implement a junk food tax?mM3 DB one image .png Discussion Instructions Be sure you have read pages 3.6 through 3.9 of Chapter 3 in the webtext prior to participating in the debate. Use this Tip Sheet for a Great Debate Preview the document make sure you are following best practices to engage in an academic debate effectively. (If your last name starts with A-K you will argue the “pro” position. If your last name starts with L-Z you will argue the “con” position.) Initial post: By Thursday of Module 3, make your argument about whether the United States should adopt a “junk food tax” to reduce consumption. Make sure your argument is informed by evidence that discusses this issue in at least one other country besides the US. Include in your initial post: An argument for why your side is correct. An argument for why the other side is incorrect. Make sure to back up your post with evidence from at least 1 credible, relevant source that addresses this issue in another country besides the US. You will not be able to see posts written by your classmates until you create your initial post. Replies: Then, from Friday through Sunday of Module 3, engage in respectful back and forth debate on your topic with your peers, offering additional arguments to rebut their points and bringing in further evidence from a global lens, addressing this topic beyond the US. At minimum, you should respond to the arguments of two of your peers. Evaluation This discussion will be graded according to the Cornerstone Discussion Board Rubric. Review the rubric and Discussion Board Expectations in advance to know how you will be assessed. All discussion boards combined are worth 20% of your course grade. This activity is used to assess one or more general education career competencies (GECC). You will see additional rows in your rubric from your instructor along with assessments of Above/Meets/Does Not Meet Expectations for each competency. These rows do not factor into your grade.

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Economic Scenarios | Instant Homework Solutions

Answer these two economic questions with originality and precision. 1.    What is a key challenge or opportunity presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences? Short answers (no more than 300 words). Your answer might capture a seemingly simple detail of public or private sector practice that you think doesn’t make sense or could be made much better. Or it could describe a big change in how we could live – or are living – our lives, or how our economy or society works. You don’t have to have a solution: sometimes just identifying a problem or opportunity is an important insight in its own right. As such, we you need to be innovative, surprising, or incisive identification of a challenge or opportunity created by the current crisis. 2.    In the case of a problem,  how might we fix it? In the case of an opportunity, how do we capitalize on it?  Plus a heading for the question (No more than 1000 words). This could be a solution to a challenge you have identified, or it could be an idea in response to the challenges identified by others.  Your idea might be a quick plan for a fix of a frustrating but ubiquitous piece of bureaucracy, or a process linked to handling the current response to coronavirus. It could be an idea for a better way of getting the economy back on its feet faster or reducing the social or economic impact on a group or sector. Or perhaps it is an idea you have had for a while for improving our society, or environment, and that you think’s time has finally come.  As students, your ideas need to generate originality, practicality, and impact of ideas.

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Scarcity of Factors of Production | Instant Homework Solutions

Explain why limited productive resources and unlimited wants result in scarcity, opportunity costs, and trade offs for individuals, businesses, and governments. Students must discuss 4 factors of production: five examples of productive resources (i.e. factors of production): natural resources (i.e. land), human resources (i.e. labor and human capital), physical capital and entrepreneurship.

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Education Income Inequality and Unemployment | Instant Homework Solutions

Prior to beginning work on the Final Paper, read Steven Strauss’ article, The Connection Between Education, Income Inequality, and Unemployment ). In your Final Paper, you should address the following based on the information presented in the article and other research: Describe how a country can measure its income inequality. Evaluate the effect of income inequality on the U.S. economy, such as unemployment, economic growth, and other economic factors. Estimate the gap between those who hold bachelor’s and higher (master or doctoral) degrees and those who do not. Explain reasons why the inequality gap between educated and less-educated workers has been widening. Evaluate whether increasing opportunities for higher education can reduce income inequality. Analyze what else causes U.S. income inequality to widen. Recommend how to reduce educationally based income inequality or other factors if you were a federal policy maker. The Education and Income Inequality Final Paper

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Firms in our Macroeconomy | Instant Homework Solutions

In our session this module week we’ve been discussing the differences between micro and macroeconomics. Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot from our deep dive into the Circular Flow Model. Let’s put what we’re learning to the test! In this assignment, prepare a short essay that distinguishes the role of firms in our macroeconomy.  In your essay, identify the following: Choose a real-life example of an oligopolistic market structure in the U.S. Identify how your firm has been impacted by our macroeconomy. Determine if your firm was dependent on the federal government for a bailout and/or restructuring. Describe the factors your chosen firm has taken to avoid market failure at a macro-level. Examine how your chosen firm affects our macroeconomy with regard to economic output. Your essay must be supported by a minimum of three sources, be in current APA format, and be at least 500 words in length. Here are the required pages: Title page Introduction Body of the paper Conclusion Reference page

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US health Care or Health Insurance Industry | Instant Homework Solutions

A minimum of a 8-10 page paper, not including citations page, on US health care or health insurance industry. You may focus on the economics of the health care industry, economic impact of the governmental policy on the health care industry or related industries such as pharmaceuticals or nursing homes, etc. (must be closely related).

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Social Systems | Instant Homework Solutions

what is a social system and how do social systems influence the way people think and behave? what else besides individuals do social systems consist of? what kinds of examples of social systems does Johnson provide? Consider the social system or systems that you inhabit. Identify aspects of these systems and how they influence the way you think and behave.

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Macroeconomic Variables | Instant Homework Solutions

Identify three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and/or demand of Apple’s Macbook. Interpret the trends of the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years and evaluate how these trends will likely impact the supply and demand of the product as well as the financial performance of the company.

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