Current State of US Economy | Instant Homework Solutions
rior to beginning work on this discussion, read David Malpasss article, Five Big Steps Toward Faster Global Growth (Links to an external site.). Based on the information presented in Malpasss article, respond to the following components: Would you agree or disagree with David Malpasss suggestions? Why or why not? What challenges will the U.S. economy face given a higher debt limit for future economic growth? Describe what would happen to GDP, the unemployment rate, and the inflation rate if global growth declines. Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words. Guided Response: Respond substantively (a minimum of 100 words) to at least two of your classmates posts. What is different or similar between your post and your classmates posts? What advice could you offer your classmates? Substantive responses use theory, research, and experience or examples to support ideas and advance the class knowledge on the discussion topic.
Demand and Supply Exercise | Instant Homework Solutions
Demand and Supply Exercises Directions: Fill in the boxes (QD, QS, D, S, P, Q) in the next three demand and supply exercises. Based upon the event, what can we expect to occur for the market? Use a 0 (zero) if nothing will occur for that particular variable, a + (plus) if an increase, or a - (negative) if a reduction. QD stands for Quantity Demanded, QS for Quantity Supplied, D for Demand, S for Supply, P for Price, and Q for Quantity.
Pharmaceutical Managerial Economics | Instant Homework Solutions
The FDA Approved a $ 300,000 a year drug The FDA Approved a $ 300,000 a year drug Please Read the WSJ article “How the FDA Approved a $300,000-a-Year Drug Its Own Experts Didnt Believe Worked ” referenced above. Outline the FDA drug approval process for the various types of drugs. How was this different in the case of the article? How do prescription drug patents affect the market for prescription drugs? Is Pharmaceutical R&D a process that adds value to the resources it uses? What is moral hazard in economics? it be applicable in this case? Does the Pharmaceutical Patent Process create economic value? How ? Use FDA approval process timetable below to assist you. Please analyse, elaborate and substantiate your answers Phase Aim Notes Phase 0 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics in humans Phase 0 trials are the first-in-human trials. Single subtherapeutic doses of the study drug or treatment are given to a small number of subjects (10 to 15) to gather preliminary data on the agent’s pharmacodynamics (what the drug does to the body) and pharmacokinetics (what the body does to the drugs).[32] For a test drug, the trial documents the absorption, distribution, metabolization, and removal (excretion) of the drug, and the drug’s interactions within the body, to confirm that these appear to be as expected. Phase 1 Screening for safety. Testing within a small group of people (2080) to evaluate safety, determine safe dosage ranges, and begin to identify side effects. A drug’s side effects could be subtle or long term, or may only happen with a few people, so phase 1 trials are not expected to identify all side effects. Phase 2 Establishing the efficacy of the drug, usually against a placebo. Testing with a larger group of people (100300) to determine efficacy and to further evaluate its safety. The gradual increase in test group size allows for the evocation of less-common side effects. Phase 3 Final confirmation of safety and efficacy. Testing with large groups of people (1,0003,000) to confirm its efficacy, evaluate its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments, and collect information that will allow it to be used safely. Phase 4 Safety studies during sales. Postmarketing studies delineate additional information, including the treatment’s risks, benefits, and optimal use. As such, they are ongoing during the drug’s lifetime of active medical use. (Particularly relevant after approval under FDA Accelerated Approval Program)
The Measure of Economic Health | Instant Homework Solutions
The Measure of Economic Health [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 4] Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined as the value of final goods and services that are produced in a countrys territories within a certain time period, usually a year. In your paper, Assess GDPs importance. Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a countrys economic health? Discuss using GDP to evaluate the business cycle. Examine factors that may affect the business cycle. Evaluate the health of the current U.S. economy by its GDP, business cycle, and economic growth. The Measure of Economic Health paper Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style resource (Links to an external site.).
Economics and Ethics | Instant Homework Solutions
Answer in essay format in 100-300 words. Right after Hurricane Katrina, John Shepperson thought he could help and make some money too. Mr. Shepperson bought 19 generators from his local store. He and his family then rented a U-Haul van and drove 600 miles to an area of Mississippi that was left without power in the wake of the hurricane. Mr. Shepperson offered to sell his generators for twice what he had paid for them, and people were eager to buy them. After a short time, police confiscated his generators. Mr. Shepperson was jailed for four days for price-gouging. His generators are still in police custody. 1. Describe the situation in economic terms. 2. What are the ethics in this situation?
Interview Script | Instant Homework Solutions
Interview Script Continue with the industry you selected in Unit II for this assignment. For this Unit VII Assignment, write a script for a radio/television show as if you were interviewing an expert concerning topics discussed in this unit. Include input from both the interviewer and interviewee standpoint. What questions would you ask as the interviewer? What answers would you give to those questions as the interviewee? When writing your questions and answers, keep in mind that you have already learned a lot about your industry through earlier assignments in this course. It is suggested that you review your responses to those assignments before beginning this one. In your interview script, address the following topics: the structure of the Federal Reserve, the functions of money, six qualities of ideal money, the tools of monetary policy used by the Federal Reserve to manipulate the money supply in the United States, the current status of monetary policy regarding a contractionary or expansionary stance in the United States, and the potential impacts on your selected industry over the next 2 years of this monetary policy stance. Your script must be a minimum of four pages (1,000 words, double-spaced). Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.
Concepts of Unemployment and the Business Cycle | Instant Homework Solutions
Come on now, get a job. In this activity, you will select a country and explore the concepts of unemployment and the phases of the business cycle as it relates to the economic well being of your selected country. Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that addresses the unemployment theory and unemployment rate of your selected country. You can use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to locate an article. Analyze your selected country’s unemployment rate and how the key economic indicators align with the current phase of the business cycle. Include the following in your discussion. Identify how unemployment is calculated. Describe the different types of unemployment and state which type of unemployment you believe impacts your chosen country the greatest. State your selected country’s unemployment rate. Discuss the four phases of the business cycle. Align the current phase of the business cycle with your selected country. Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.
Urban Poverty | Instant Homework Solutions
The research paper offers you an opportunity to explore a theme covered in class in a more in-depth and critical fashion. The topic is intentionally open to encourage you to dwell on a topic that is of interest to you. The aim of this assignment is to exercise how to carry out independent research. In the specific case you should demonstrate your ability to link urban sociology theories, learned in class, to real life urban matters around us. An introduction introduces the reader to your research paper by: communicating what your research question is (not necessarily in a question form); explaining why that question is interesting and important to a general reader as well as to the audience you are writing for, i.e. by identifying the debates it will illuminate; provide a well thought out and clearly-written thesis (preferably in one sentence). providing a road map to the rest of the paper, i.e., your introduction contains at least one sentence summarizing each major section of your paper. Articulate your thesis clearly by identifying the Research Question you seek to answer. You can certainly write dozens of pages on any topic and not make a single point. While your piece will be informative and interesting it may only be descriptive. To avoid this pitfall -I encourage each of you to think of a question youd like to answer and then think of your thesis in this way: X because of Y. In answering your question youll be articulating your thesis. Presentation of Data & Analysis This is the heart of your paper (approximately five-six pages independent of your introduction and conclusion) that provides the data and analysis to demonstrate the validity of your interpretation. A summary of the articles you read or a presentation of the data you collected on your topic are NOT sociological analyses; as an urban sociologist, you must have something to say ABOUT the examples you cite – using relevant concepts and theories you have learnt in the class. (So, do not fill space with needless summary and repetition. Also, dont forget that you have to have a clearly identifiable thesis for which everything else you say in the paper is support!) Provide a separate paragraph for each step in your argument, with appropriate transitions between them. Order paragraphs according to the logic of your argument (not the order in which the citations occur in the primary text). Provide one or two citations from class readings — carefully chosen theoretical evidence — per paragraph (i.e. in support of each step of your argument). Follow up on your citations with a line or two of interpretation before moving on to a new example or a new idea (i.e. opening a new paragraph). Be sure to explain the relevance of the material you quote to your argument — don’t just stick it in and expect it to speak for itself. Theoretical relevance must be clearly presented and interpreted for the reader. Conclusion What can you conclude from all your work? What did you learn? What are the implications of your findings on the larger concerns of the course and the research topic?
Marketing Campaign Creation | Instant Homework Solutions
Your company operates in a perfectly competitive market. You have been told that advertising can help you increase your sales in the short run. Would you create an aggressive advertising campaign for your product?
Price Ceilings | Instant Homework Solutions
Elaborate on how price ceilings and/or controls tend to generate misallocation of resources in the markets and create shortages/surpluses. Provide a real-world example. Requirement: 1. APA format 2. The essay should be about 300 words or 1-2 pages
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