Cost Depletable Resources | Instant Homework Solutions

Consider an increasing marginal cost depletable resource with no effective substitute. Describe how the user cost for this resource in the earlier time periods would depend on whether the demand curve for that resource was stable or shifting outward over time. Evaluate how the allocation of that resource over time would be affected. You must develop a two- to three-page paper (not including title and reference pages) and be formatted according to APA style. You need to use two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, to support your assertions. You will want to make reference to the Hotelling Rule or Hotelling Theory, which describes the optimal price path for a non-renewable resource. Don’t confuse the Hotelling Rule or Theory with the Hotelling Law. Textbook Tietenberg, T., & Lewis, L. (2012). Environmental and natural resource economics (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Addison-Wesley

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Efficient Allocation Calculation | Instant Homework Solutions

In the numerical example given in the text, the inverse demand function for the depletable resource is P = 8 – 0.4q and the marginal cost of supplying it is $4.  – If 12 units were to be allocated between two periods, in a dynamic efficient allocation, how much would be allocated to the first period and how much to the second when the discount rate is 10 percent (i.e., r = 0.10)? – What would be the efficient price in the two periods? – What would be the marginal user cost in each period?

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Banks and the 2008 Crisis | Instant Homework Solutions

Introduction with clearly defined thesis “Banks should not be held responsible for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis”.  Three Supporting Evidences, preferably one paragraph for each supporting evidence. Two Rebuttals of common counter-arguments, preferable two paragraphs for each rebuttal. Conclusion must reiterate and marry the thesis, supporting evidences and rebuttals succinctly. 

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Chipotle Mexican Grill | Instant Homework Solutions

The paper is written however there are sections as indicated below that need additional details added. Please add elaboration, graphs and illustrations where indicated. Include and add sub/subtitles for the sections indicated below and add additional research for the areas not already included in my paper. All graphs and illustrations must be cited in-text using APA format, including references at the end.   Supply and Demand Conditions:  Impact Insert the below subtitles for the “Determinants of Demand” and arrange them for better format/readability in the below order and elaborate in each section as needed: ·       Income ·       Price of related Goods ·       Tastes ·       Population and Demographics ·       Expected future prices   Supply and Demand Conditions:  Firm’s Actions Add Determinants of Supply and arrange for better format/readability with the below subtitles where appropriate and add research information if not provided for a specific section: ·       Input Costs ·       Technological Improvement ·       Prices of Substitutes ·       Number of firms in the market ·       Expected future prices   Price Elasticity of Demand: Consumer Responsiveness – please add the following elements: The Elasticity Determinants need more elaboration, application of more research with the below subtitles.  Arrange for better format/readability with the below subtitles where appropriate and add research information if not provided for a specific section: ·       Availability of Substitutes ·       Passage of Time –  THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT SECTION TO BE ADDED ·       Luxury or necessity ·       Definition of Market ·       Share of budget in consumer income   Price Elasticity of Demand: Pricing Decisions – please add the following elements: This section needs more elaboration – such as a firm’s management needs to understand the different types of price elasticity of demand, calculations, and the effects it will have on its total revenue. Need to cite the “Revenue Test” and reference it at the end. Additionally include information:  if a firm relationship is negative, it will be elastic, so it should be in the firms best interest to know its demand elasticity to keep watching its price strategy of its product based on the “revenue test.”    Cost of Production:  Profitability     ·       Add more tables and graphs for Chipotle Mexican Grill concerning profitability   Cost of Production:  Output Decision ·       More elaboration including illustrations to Chipotle Mexican Grill data about fixed and variable costs ·       Additionally, include how it would affect Chipotle’s output production levels/decisions would be a positive for the company   Overall Market:  Market Share ·       Add additional graphs and illustrations   Overall Market:  Barriers of Entry ·       Highlight and elaborate more by writing about the three important barriers of entry and adding as subtitles for each section below: o   Economics of scale o   Ownership of Key input o   Government-imposed barriers Overall Market:  Market Structure                                                       Need to be added:  If it is specialty Mexican Food then it is an Oligopoly. Need to enlarge the definition of the market to be Fast Food Restaurant, then it would be a monopolistic Competition.  Therefore, Chipotle Mexican Grill has both monopolistic and oligopolistic tendencies in its market structure. Add the four-firm concentration ratio and/or the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) to support the conclusion.  Recommendation:  Future Production Needs more elaboration concerning the recommendation for future production.   Recommendation:  Recommended Actions Needs more elaboration concerning the recommended actions   Recommendation: Sustain Its Success This section needs improvement as to describing & elaborating more on how the firm can sustain its success not only by evaluating the findings from demand trends that was analyzed earlier but also by the demand price elasticity that was discovered in an earlier element of the paper. For example, if a firm see a demand trends, then how it can capitalize on it to maintain or get a firm upward financial reward. Bottom line, the company must focus on consumer demands trends and price sensitivity. Also, regarding Elasticity, need to describe how Chipotle can sustain its success by evaluating the findings correctly from price elasticity. It is what Economists among us call it; (The Revenue Test).  If Chipotle decreases its prices (if it has elastic demand products), quantity demanded would increase, hence increasing its revenue. So, Chipotle needs to keep its prices competitive with affordability in mind for the market to sustaining its success”. Opposite is true, whereas if it would increase price, it would lose sales.

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US Stock Market Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

Review the behavioral trends of the U.S stock market over the past five years. Then, provide your reasons as to what caused the stock market to perform in that manner. Support with examples.

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Trade and Development | Instant Homework Solutions

1.     There is much debate about whether free trade promotes development. Present the two sides of this debate. What do you think you need to know more about – in terms of theories or real-world facts – to be able to decide with confidence whether increased world trade, in a specific situation, is a good idea? 2.     We have discussed two specific source of foreign capital – aid and remittances – that might affect economic outcomes for developing countries. Discuss the mechanisms through which each of these two sources support or limit a country’s ability to develop. Which of these two sources do you think might be more favorable to development? For this source (i.e. the one you think is more favorable), suggest at least two specific policy measures to increase its effectiveness in promoting development outcomes.  NOTE- Write 1.5 pages for one question with single space (provide 3 sources for one question)

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Commercial Sex in Thailand | Instant Homework Solutions

Please follow the term paper rule and write a 8 page term paper about “The economic development of prostitution in Thailand in the 1950-1980s: The Influence of Internal and External Factors”.  This paper is a discussion of the many factors influencing sex industry in Thailand. Emphasizes that Two of the most influential of these were influence from the military-related investments of United States and the domestic economic policies. discusses the economic aspects of prostitution in Thailand and examines the significant impact it has had on the national economy. Internationally, Thailand has been commonly described as a nation in which commercial sex has been raised to the level of a national industry. As an important spur to its rapid economic growth in the 1980s, Thailand as a tourist destination was, in part, marketed to the foreign market via the explicit and implied suggestion of readily available cheap sex. Indicate how deeply the commercial sex industry is integrated into Thai economic life.

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401k | Instant Homework Solutions

Assignment: Watch the following PBS Frontline video on the financial industry and its involvement in the 401(k) retirement system and read the accompanying publication:  (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.)   Write a minimum of at least three pages on the following questions (size 12 font and double spaced).  The paper needs to be submitted as a Word document file into Canvas (Vericite). Cite all of your sources. For each of your answers, I want you to provide clear reasoning detailing your position using concepts and economic logic learned in class and from the textbook.  1)       Why is there a market failure in the 401(k) market? (Hint: read chapter 8 and its description of imperfect information) 2)       Describe and detail all of the fees/costs associated with a 401(k). 3)     Calculate two individuals’ total amount of retirement assets after 30 years of investing using the following two examples to display and articulate the effect of compounded fees on two different individuals’ retirement accounts with the exact same mutual funds. The two mutual funds have the same before expense rate of return, but one mutual fund charges a higher expense ratio than the other. Describe what effect fees have on the two different individuals’ retirement assets: (a)  Yearly Savings: $15,000, Inflation Rate: 2%, Rate of Return:(8.15%-.15%=8%), Expense Ratio of Mutual Fund: .15%, Periods: 30 years (b)  Yearly Savings: $15,000, Inflation Rate: 2%, Rate of Return:(8.15%-.65%=7.50%) (It is lower than example (a) due to the increased expense ratio), Expense Ratio of Mutual Fund: .65%, Periods: 30 years Use this financial calculator website for examples:   (Links to an external site.) 4)       Describe and come up with your own solution to alleviate the problems with 401(k)s.

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Sales Expenses and Income | Instant Homework Solutions

In the context of the components of the checkpoint assignment, address the following for your company: 1.    Provide a short description of the business and the product(s) to be sold. 2.    Describe your customer. o   How much will they spend per visit? o   How many customers per day, week, or month? Extrapolate for the year. 3.    List the variable costs. ·       What is the percentage of sales for variable costs? 4.    List the fixed costs. ·       What is the estimate for fixed costs? Make sure to explain your assumptions for sales, variable costs, and fixed costs

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Capital Markets | Instant Homework Solutions

Capital Markets: Stock market index as the best available investment opportunity.

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