Demand and Supply | Instant Homework Solutions
Using the link provided below and the information in the video answer the following questions regarding a menu item. · What would cause a change in the quantity demanded? What would cause a change in the demand for the product? · Discuss the product in the context of inferior good and normal good. · Discuss the product in the context of complementary good and substitute good. · Discuss the product in the context of the price elasticity of demand. · Discuss the product in the context of market equilibrium. · Discuss the product of all competitors in the context of a change in supply. · Reflection As a businessperson in the not too distant future, which concepts are particularly important to you? Explain.
Economic Development | Instant Homework Solutions
Economic development projects often hinge on the availability of financing and funding. Myriad resources, programs and tools exist to address this access to capital challenge. The goal of financing is to remove barriers to project completion. This individual assignment will help students develop the skills to effectively assess potential financing sources for economic development goals and projects. Assignment Produce a three-page comprehensive approach recommending three potential financing tools and comprehensive solution that Lexington could use to achieve their goals. The report should cover a wide range of topics and include the following: 1. Program Overview How do the three recommended financing tools work. Mechanics, financing source, partners, timing, etc.? Provide examples of how the tools works in other communities and it can be applied to the current opportunity in Lexington, KY. 2. Pros & Cons Discuss the effectiveness of these programs including the pros and cons of using each tool. Be detailed. Discuss the structures and how they impact the community. What roadblocks and/or obstacles stand in the way of the programming working? 3. Pro Forma Prepare a basic project pro forma which includes both the sources and uses of funds. What does the project cost and what sources of financings will address these needs? What is the gap that the programs are trying to address?
Alienation by Karl Marx | Instant Homework Solutions
Alienation is a topic that was prevalent in Marx’s early works during what is sometimes called the “Young Marx” period of the thinker. For this discussion board, I want you to read a work from Marx during this period. Answer the following questions in paragraph form. Why does Marx describe the product created by a worker to be the objectification of labor? In the article, how does Karl Marx describe the process of alienation? How does the themes and topics that Marx talks about in this article different from that found in Capital? use this reading.
Trade and the Environment | Instant Homework Solutions
International trade is projected to outpace growth in global GDP. While economies will increasingly rely on trade, climate change will affect trade patterns and specialization. On the other hand, the free trade and investment regime do have the environmental consequences. So, there is a two-way interaction between the trade and the environment. In the first part of this assignment, review the channels through which the environmental degradation impacts the trade and how free trade impacts the environment (2 pages) highlighting the connections between Trade, Environment, and the Economy (1 page) and the Conflicts between Trade Policy and Environmental Policy (2 pages). In the second part, write two pages especially focusing upon any two of the following macroeconomic consequences resulting from the mutual interaction of free trade and environmental degradation. 1. Impacts on Comparative Advantage 2. Free trade and the structural change and likely impact on GDP of a country 3. Likely impacts on Employment 4. Likely Impacts on Balance of Trade and Payments 5. Terms of Trade Impacts
US Economy Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions
Please use the sources given and add the last one. This is an outline to the paper. PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED AS AN OUTLINE FOR THE FINAL PAPER!! The U.S. economy is over a decade removed from the Great Recession. For several years after the Great Recession officially ended, the U.S. grew at an historically slow rate. Analyze the causes of the slow increases in U.S. GDP. Include in your paper: · An analysis of the monetary policy approach the Federal Reserve took to the recovery · An analysis of the fiscal policy approach the Federal Government took to the recovery · An analysis of how the attempts to influence GDP in the short-run negatively affect GDP in the long-run · An explanation of why the unemployment rate dropped rapidly in the United States despite low rates of increases in GDP · An identification, as appropriate, of the economic principles (from Module 1) that factor into your analysis Adhere to the following standards: · Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, not including the title or references pages. · Your paper should include at least 5 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. (use the Economics Library Guide (Links to an external site.) to start your research). · Sources such as The Balance,, Investopedia, and other help websites are not acceptable. · Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
Examining Elasticity | Instant Homework Solutions
Gas prices fluctuate often and in both directions. In your initial post, respond to the following: How responsive do you think consumers will be to the price change when these fluctuations occur due to changes in supply? Why? Use the various determinants of elasticity to explain your answer. How does the price elasticity of demand for gasoline impact the effectiveness of taxes on gasoline aimed at correcting a negative externality? Consider incorporating the supply-and-demand model to demonstrate the elasticity of demand for gas and to show the effects of tax on the market for gas. In your response posts to peers, describe in detail how your own actions reflect the ideas shared in the discussion, and relate that to the concept of elasticity.
Investment and Economic Growth | Instant Homework Solutions
A 1-2 page detailed summary of your paper-Outline Introduction -This paper is about the most influential economic growth in the world and how this helps the economy to have better development in the world. Analyz -The first thing i’m going to talk about is what is Investment and what is economic growth. -How does total capital investment influence the economy and help to capitalize making jobs to many employment in the big brandas. -What investment and aggregate demand need to have a better economy.How the stock market affects the economy in the different investments. -How entrepreneurship and innovation help in investment and economic growth. -Give examples of the countries that have the best economy and how they make it to keep fluid. -How the technology helps to make a great investment and economic growth. Conclusión -Explain why I choose this topic and for what reason is important in the world. 2. A bibliography of articles that support this paper. This must include at least 4 peer reviewed sources. )paper,with a bibliography that includes at least 4 peer reviewed sources). You may also include appendicesfortablesorfiguresifyouwish.Pleaseseethemfullassignmenthandoutfor grading rubric. Note: I will not accept late paper under any circumstances. For your research paper you may examine any domestic or international macroeconomicissue. I encourage you to come up with your own topic. If you have difficulty coming up with a paper topic, you may select it from the list of topics. Try to select a topic that genuinely interests you because you dont want to be bored writing the paper. A. GeneralOutline Your completed paper should have the following items and sections: Title Author (you) I. Introduction/Significance of the Problem (around 0.5-1page) This section should explain the significance of the issue you are studying. Why should we (or the government of X) care? II. Analysis including literature review (5-6pages) In this section, you should analyze the issue you are interested in using the tools (models)andconceptslearnedinECON2103.Didanyoneelsestudythisorsimilar issue before? What are their main findings? How do your analysis/findings differ from or coincide with the findings of others? Be sure to use data or some other evidence to support your arguments. If you are studying some policy issue, what policy recommendations would you make and why? Make sure that your recommendations and findings are consistent with yourevidence. III. Conclusion (0.5-1page) Summarize your findings. You need to convince the reader that you addressed the issue you wanted to study and that you haveimportant findings/recommendations. Make sure that your conclusions are consistent with youranalysis. IV. References Cite your sources in alphabetical order. Use at least four primary sources. Do not forget to cite the sources for your data. When citing references, please use Author(Date) citation style commonly used in economics papers. Sample citation for journal articles: Aigner, D.J., C.A. Lovell and P. Schmidt (1977). Formulation and Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production Function Models. Journal of Econometrics6(2): 21-38. Sample citation for books: Pindyck, R. (1990). The Structure of World Energy Demand. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 36-38. B. Format Your paper should be typed using font 12, double-spaced. The length of your paper should be around 7 pages. Try not to exceed 9 pages. Label, name and number all your graphs and tables. C. OtherSuggestions Please feel free to ask questions about any part of your project. If in doubt, use common sense. Do not plagiarize. You can obtain most US data from the following websites: – the Federal Reserve( – the Bureau of Economic Analysis( – the Bureau of Labor Statistics( You can obtain most international data from the following websites: – International Monetary Fund( – the World Bank( and economic growth
Economic Principles | Instant Homework Solutions
This assignment is aligned to these course outcomes: Explain economic principles and their applications in the real world. Summarize the different types of market structures and the role of government in economics. In the workplace, we are often asked to create briefs. A brief provides a snapshot, or short, written summary, of a situation or event that has occurred. It is generally just a few pages long and may include additional visuals like a graph, chart, or table. In this assignment, write a brief about economic concepts in an industry that interests you. Industry Selection Use this resource to select an industry and learn about the products and services it provides: NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Select the number next to the industry to see its subsectors, e.g., select 52 to see Finance and Insurance. Select that same number again to read about the industry as a whole or select a sub-category. For example, Mining is 21, and Oil and Gas Extraction, a sub-category, is 211. develop an economic brief that is two to three (2-3) pages long in which you: Select an industry and describe the goods and/or services this industry produces. Use the NAICS resource above to help you select an industry (and/or subsector) for your brief. Identify this industrys market structure and at least two or more market characteristics that support this market structure. (Market structures are covered in Weeks 3 and 4.) Describe any notable microeconomic relationships, market outcomes, and/or trends in this industry. Include a graph, chart, or table containing related data. (Microeconomic relationships and market outcomes are covered in Weeks 2 through 4.) How might government impact this industrys market prices, output, and/or market structure? (Government intervention through price controls, industry regulations, and antitrust enforcement is covered in Weeks 2 and 4.) This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different compared to other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. (Note: Youll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these standards.) Your brief should include a cover page. Your brief should be two to three (2-3) pages in length (not including the cover page), double-spaced, 12-point font. Your brief should include a minimum of one (1) reference/citation in the text.
Working of the Macro-economy | Instant Homework Solutions
The policies of the federal government influence the outcomes of the various activities in that economy. When government policies change or unplanned events occur, the resulting economic events or activity will usually change. Listed below are several policies or events that affect the performance of the economy: The federal government employs a budget plan over several fiscal years that results in significant increases in the national debt, with no relief or plans to deal with the problem. The federal government enacts new tariffs and quotas on all imports. The general public loses confidence in their leadership, in terms of their ability to manage the economy, especially in the area of job creation. The federal government, in an effort to stimulate the economy, decreases taxes on all individuals except those earning over $250,000 per year. The level of investment decreases because of a lack of confidence in the economy. Interest rates are kept artificially low by the Federal Reserve for several years.For each of the items above, describe what would be the likely outcomes in the economy. Use the appropriate tools of analysis, such as aggregate demand and aggregate supply where appropriate, to justify and explain your answer.Submission Details: Prepare a 3-5 page Microsoft Word document that addresses the above-noted concerns and meets APA standards. MUST ALSO Include an additional summary page that contains 5-7 bullet points identifying the major findings or conclusions of the paper. MUST utilize APA Standards and have IN TEXT CITATIONS. NO PLAGERISM!! All resources must be properly acknowledged.
Comparing Health Systems in the United Kingdom | Instant Homework Solutions
Ability to communicate the economics of asymmetric information creating hard choices. Ability to understand policy dilemma. Ability to understand controls for moral hazard and the role of cost-effectiveness analysis. Ability to understand how regulation of various health markets is approached and why. Ability to address the difference in the Bismarck, Beveridge, and US models and the problems differently. Briefly describe how three example countries approach the issues of importance which are 1) Insurance provision (and addressing adverse selection) 2) Health care provision (and addressing arms races, monopoly, innovation, access, costs, and supply) 3) Rationing (and addressing access, moral hazard, costs, and winners and losers in each instance). For instance, if you are looking at England, Germany, and the U.S., section one would contrast how insurance provision differs among them and the tradeoffs; section two on provision; section three on rationing.
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