Comparative Advantage and Gains from Trade | Instant Homework Solutions

Please watch this video  – quota Make sure that you respond to both topics as comprehensibly as possible, include your sources. The Uruguay Round of the GATT began a process of phasing out the use of voluntary export restraints. Why did they come into widespread use in the 1980s? For instance, given that VERs (voluntary export restraints) are a form of quotas, and that they create quota rents and a larger reduction in national welfare than tariffs, why did nations use them instead of tariffs? The GATT strongly favors tariffs as a protective measure over quotas or other non-tariff measures. It encourages new members to convert quotas to their tariff equivalents. One of the main reasons that tariffs are preferred is because they are more transparent, particularly by comparison to non-tariff measures. Explain the idea of transparency and how non-tariff measures may be non-transparent. Use examples to support your arguments.

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Japanese Economic System | Instant Homework Solutions

Which form of keiretsu is commonly criticized by foreign nations as unfair to competitors? A. Vertical keiretsu B. Horizontal keiretsu Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the Japanese economic system? A. Long-term financing helps firms avoid short-term market pressures B. High immigration rates encourage a dynamic labor market C. Lifetime employment builds worker loyalty and improves ties between workers and management D. Keiretsu allows firms to benefit from long-term contracts with suppliers and buyers Which Japanese system encourages communication from lower levels in the firm to higher management? A. Kanban B. Ringi-sho C. Nemawashi D. Zaibatsu At the time our book was written, 90 percent of Japan’s trade surplus with the US came from four sectors. Which of the following sectors is NOT one of these four surplus sectors? A. Automobiles B. Construction equipment C. Semiconductors D. Consumer electronics According to our authors, what is the greatest challenge facing the Japanese economy? A. High tariffs on imports and exports B. Declining life expectancy C. Excessive wage inequality D. Declining population

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Institutional Dominance in Germany | Instant Homework Solutions

In a 2-3 page summary, detail in your own words the political, economic, and social institutions dominant in ” Germany “. Also, provide some brief historical context that help explain these institutions. In an additional 2-3 page summary, contrast these institutions (political, economic, and social) with those of the ” United States ” and ” France “. Credible sources include: ” CIA Factbook, OECD, UN, World Bank, International Monetary Fund “. Wikipedia and any socially malliable source is NOT credible. ” At the bottom of your narrative, in smaller italicized font, indicate the sources you used “.

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Relationship Between Politics and Economics | Instant Homework Solutions

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the communication elements that show up in the 3 main components of this module: Galanter, ALEC, Held. ALEC documentary link: Bill Moyers explains ALEC, and the hidden relationship between politics and economics: Lobbying. This is one of Galanter’s key points about power. Listen more for the factual information about ALEC than for the rhetorical bits about politics. ALEC website link:

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Macroeconomic Concepts Application | Instant Homework Solutions

Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events and decisions.

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Economic Globalization Pros and Cons | Instant Homework Solutions

Name one benefit and one challenge that has been created by economic globalization over the past two generations (since your grandparent’s time).

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Economic Strategy Analytics Writing | Instant Homework Solutions

Suppose that Firm A’s WTP-C is larger than Firm B’s WTP-C and both firms sell some consumer good like candy.  Firm A can steal share from Firm B if Firm A chooses to.  TRUE OR FALSE  Explain in 100-200 words.Suppose that Firm A’s WTP-C is larger than Firm B’s WTP-C and both firms sell some consumer good like candy.  Firm A can steal share from Firm B if Firm A chooses to.  TRUE OR FALSE  Explain in 100-200 words.

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Impact of Pandemic on the US Economy | Instant Homework Solutions

Instructions:  I want you to do a brief analysis of the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic on the US economy.  More specifically, I want you to focus on the impacts of the virus in the following areas from March until August: 1.  the overall economy (economic output, stock market, etc); 2.  the overall rate of unemployment in the United States; 3.  the overall rate of inflation in the United States; 4.  the projected budget deficits and national debt of the US for the year 2020; 5.  government actions in an attempt to soften / minimize the impacts of the virus on the US economy. In other words, comment on what the federal government or the Federal Reserve has done so far to soften the impacts of Coronavirus on the US economy. No need to do “heavy” research on this topic and confine your analysis to no more than 2 pages in length. Be sure to justify your answers with economic data. There should be 5 separate paragraphs with each one addressing a topic or issue as asked.

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Positive Pandemic Impact on Economy | Instant Homework Solutions

For good reason, everyone has tended to focus on the huge health and economic costs associated with the coronavirus pandemic.  However, the press and other sources have occasionally noted some positive outcomes from our recent experience — for example, temporary reductions in air pollution.  Accordingly, many propose that positive changes can arise from shocks to the economy.  In your opinion, what is the most important positive impact that the pandemic may have for the global economy?

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Market Structures and Pricing Strategies | Instant Homework Solutions

Develop a paper detailing an analysis of market structures and relating pricing strategies that are suitable for each of these structures. Furthermore, include a real world example of pricing strategy for a specific company by identifying its market structure. Your paper should be around 10 double spaced pages, in APA Format and structured as follows: Cover page with a running head ? Abstract? 1. Perfect Competition? 1.1. Description? 1.2. Pricing Strategies? 2. Monopolistic competition? 2.1. Description? 2.2. Pricing Strategies? 3. Oligopoly ? 3.1. Description? 3.2. Pricing Strategies? 4. Monopoly? 4.1. Description? 4.2. Pricing Strategies? 5. Case Study? 6. Conclusion? References Your paper needs to include at least three scholarly sources, i.e. peer reviewed articles.

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