Positive and Normative Economics | Instant Homework Solutions

After reviewing the information listed on the background materials page, address the following questions in an essay or short-answer form. Support all your answers with references: Explain the difference between positive and normative economics. Give a real-time example of each that you found in doing some outside research. After doing some additional research on your own along with the assigned reading on public goods, answer the following questions: What are the two main characteristics of this type of good? What is the biggest “problem” with allocating public goods? Do you think the government should have a role in allocating public goods, or should goods be privatized? you will be researching some of the key economic terms and concepts presented in the required and outside readings. You will then turn your theoretical research into practice by defining the terms and concepts, as well as offering real-time examples of each. This is a multi-part assignment, so make sure that you have addressed each question or topic. The best way to approach this assignment is to prepare your responses in outline form following the order of each question/topic. This will help you keep track of your responses.

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Effect of Migration on America’s Economy | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss immigration and its effects on America’s economic system. Two FULL pages, double-spaced  Times New Roman 12 point font. Use APA format for your paper (an “abstract” is not required). Create a reference page using APA style formatting to list all sources used.

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Immigration on America’s Economic System | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss immigration and its effects on America’s economic system.Times New Roman 12 point font. Use APA format for your paper (an “abstract” is not required). Create a reference page using APA style formatting to list all sources used.

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Microeconomics and Macroeconomics | Instant Homework Solutions

Please write the essay in a discussion format, the questions are from a discussion post. Nothing formal like an essay but please make a 7-8 sentenced paragraph  Questions are below this: What is the study of economics about? How is microeconomics different from macroeconomics? one paragraph for that one and one for this one There are two approaches to measuring a country’s macroeconomic activity, which are Gross Domestic Product, and National Income. What do each of these approaches measure. List at least one advantage and disadvantage of each approach.

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Effects of Migration on Economy | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss Migration and its effect on the American economy Two FULL pages, double-spaced  Times New Roman 12 point font. Use APA format for your paper (an “abstract” is not required). Create a reference page using APA style formatting to list all sources used.

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Government and Monetary Policy | Instant Homework Solutions

Define monetary policy and the Federal Reserve monetary policy goals Understand how Federal Reserve monetary policy actions influence market interest rates Evaluate how expansionary and contractionary monetary policy actions affect the equilibrium real GDP and the price level in the short run Determine the maximum potential extent that the money supply will change following a Federal Reserve monetary policy action Study the Phillips curve and understand the relationship between unemployment and inflation

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Tax Cut and Jobs Act 2017 | Instant Homework Solutions

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017 The changes made by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017 to the tax provisions have changed tax rate for 2018 and people are getting a first hand experience of what it means to them. Go over the Act and address the questions below: What are the major changes made to the tax provisions by the Act? What impact is it likely to have on our GDP and government’s budget? How have the changes in taxes affected you personally? Does everyone benefit from the changes in tax provisions or does it favor one group over others? What changes do you agree and disagree with? If you had the power to revise the Act, what changes would you make?

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Price Ceiling Research | Instant Homework Solutions

During times of natural disasters, price ceilings are often employed to keep prices low for consumers. We most often see this with gasoline but also see it with other goods. Starting with your textbook and then incorporating additional research: Discuss what economic theory happens with a binding price ceiling. Draw a supply and demand graph illustrating the binding price ceiling (do not just copy and paste a graph; create your own). Discuss what elasticity conditions (labor demand/supply perfectly elastic, elastic, unitary elastic, inelastic, or perfectly inelastic) would be needed for the binding price ceiling to benefit affected consumers. Discuss how goods and services are allocated under a binding price ceiling.

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Macroeconomics Data Report | Instant Homework Solutions

Assume you are working for an economic consultancy firm and are preparing a market outlook report for your corporate clients. You are comparing the impact of Covid-19 on the international economic situation of New Zealand to the international economic situation of another country of your choice. Note that you are studying each country, and then comparing the two countries, your focus is not on any transactions between New Zealand and the other country. You need to address the two following topics: 1. What has been the impact of Covid-19 on exchange rates, trade patterns, and current account balances of each of your two countries? Which country has been the most affected and why? 2. What are any likely future impacts of Covid-19 on these variables? Which country is likely to be the most affected and why? Excel Data File:  You must use an Excel data file to store your downloaded data, calculate any of your data, calculate statistical relationships using your data, and for creating the graphs of your data. A third of the report mark will be based on how easy it is for someone who has done no work on the topic to open your Excel file, know the exactly what the data you have included measures, be able to replicate downloading it from the sources of your data, be able to understand any calculations you perform or statistical measures you calculate or estimate, and be able to understand and replicate your two graphs.

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US economy and Impacts | Instant Homework Solutions

First watch the video “How US Consumers Help Prop Up the World Economy”. Please note that this video is from February 16, 2020, so immediately before the global pandemic became a significant influence on the global economy. (please copy/paste the link into your browser) For this paper, 1. comment on what you learned from the video and 2. how would what you’ve learned change because of  the pandemic and its impact on the US economy as well as the worldwide economy.  3. How are/will business change in the US? Worldwide? 4. How will employment and wages change in  the US? Worldwide? 5. What about the aging population in the US? Worldwide? 6. What do you think the creators of this video would say today? Requirements: 1. Be specific and use credible sources to back up your arguments/statements.  2. Minimum word count: 600 words.

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