Economic Falls in the US | Instant Homework Solutions
The essay is focused on the question: “How did the United States address the challenges of the Great Depression (1929-1933) and the Great Recession (2007-2009); are there parallels between the two? What lessons can be learned from these 2 events that can help address the economic situation today (economic fall because of the Covid-19 Pandemic)? I have to use at least two primary sources and the rest could be secondary sources. Use as one of the primary sources (has to be used): Eric Rouchway, The Great Depression and The New Deal: A Very Short Introduction The document that I am attaching has a written paragraph about Eric Rouchway’s book listed above. This paragraph has to be incorporated into the paper. It could either be used as it is or fixed and modified a little, but should be left with the same idea and information. Can also use (not necessary if not needed): Requirements: five to six-page essay, double spaced, Times New Roman font size 12.
Economic Development for Defense Communities | Instant Homework Solutions
ED 711- Economic Development for Defense Communities Group Exercise You will work as a group on this exercise. The final assignment consists of a PowerPoint presentation during the last online session on July 20 and a written report of findings due at the end of the course on July 27. The final paper should not exceed 15-20 pages in length (double space) using the same margins and fonts as used in the individual exercise. The final PowerPoint should include audio for each slide. The presentation should be condensed to 10-12 minutes in length. Longer presentations will receive lower grades. One of the skills the exercise is designed to teach is how to condense your findings into the most relevant material. Each group should appoint a leader. The leader will be the single communication link between the instructor and the group. Any questions or clarifications should come through the group leader. The group leader should identify themselves to the instructor via Canvas email. All members of your group have collected data on the same community in the first exercise. The instructor advises that you share your papers with the other group members to provide a common factual basis for the remainder of the assignment. Make sure you have a common basis of factual information for the rest of the assignment before proceeding to the other steps in the exercise. The final paper and presentation involves further analysis on the community and an investigation of the opportunities and threats that the community faces from changes in procurement policy and programs at DOD. The following list provides the tasks that teams should complete before writing the report and presentation: 1). Estimate the correct level of direct employment and payroll in the community from DOD spending. This step could involve estimating the proportion of employment within identified NAICS codes that is not DOD related. As an example, employment in the aerospace NAICS could include military or civilian aerospace spending. If so, estimate the share from DOD spending using a valid economic development method. EMSI data and their Impact Assessment Tool will make this step much easier. 2). Estimate the indirect and induced employment, payroll and spending from the DOD spending calculated in Step #1. The combination of direct, indirect and induced impacts are the total impacts of DOD on the economy of the community. You should determine what percent of the total economy stems from defense spending. You should also look at the DOD spending per person as another metric of how sensitive the economy is to shifts in DOD procurement policy. This type of information is not relevant unless compared to some yardstick. The best yardsticks to use are DOD spending per person in the same state and nationally. This information is shown in the Defense Spending by State report. 3). Use the EMSI data to determine other economic drivers in the community. Determine how important these drivers are in the economic health of the community relative to DOD spending. 4). Determine how future changes in DOD procurement spending will affect the economic health of the community. This step must involve more than a recitation that employment and spending goes up if the DOD budget rises. Threats stem from policy changes where future DOD spending will decline for an activity that is done within the community. Opportunities are the opposite. Shifts in the National Defense Strategy and in the Industrial Capabilities Report, and data on trends in procurement spending, are sources for the strategic assessment. Communities may see the same change as either an opportunity or a threat. For example, the 1995 BRAC round was a threat to San Antonio because DOD was going to outsource aircraft maintenance to airframe companies and consolidate Air Force logistics centers. Oklahoma City, another AFLC site, saw the change as an opportunity to capture more of the AFLC workload as depots closed. Leaders in Oklahoma City saw the change as an opportunity while leaders in San Antonio saw it as a threat. The difference in assessments could stem from the relative strengths and weaknesses for this kind of economic activity in San Antonio and Oklahoma City. This kind of competitive assessment should be incorporated into your group paper. The group should investigate the specific DOD procurement and operational activities that will affect the community under investigation. If the industrial base in the community, for instance, is tied closely to aircraft procurement or maintenance, the group should identify changes in aircraft acquisition and maintenance policy as one of the points of vulnerability for the community. The Annual Industrial Capabilities report and the National Defense Strategy are good sources to examine to identify future opportunities and threats for the community under investigation. Materials from trade associations and other course materials will enrich the presentation and paper.
Underground Economy in the US | Instant Homework Solutions
An underground economy exists in the U.S. Please review the applying the analysis segment on pages 105-106 regarding the underground economy. There is much debate in certain regions of the U.S. pertaining to the economic impact of legalizing marijuana. Thus, the purpose of assigning the segment is to provide some basis for the ongoing debate. 1. How would decriminalization of drugs instantly increase a nations real GDP? 2. In your opinion, why does the U.S. have one of the smallest underground economies? 3. Why is it important for a nation to have a very small underground economy?
Managerial Economics Questions | Instant Homework Solutions
Section aAnswer the below questions. Each question carries 10 marks.1) Discuss the supply schedule and the various factors affecting the supply in the market.2) Explain the Price elasticity with appropriate formulae. Also, explain how it will differ forelastic & inelastic goods.3) Demand of a product is usually very sensitive to economic variables, such as the prices and consumer income. This responsiveness of demand is elasticity. Compute elasticity in the below scenarios:a. Three days ago, the price of envelopes was $7 a box, and Julie was willing to buy 80 boxes. Today, the price has gone up to $7.75 a box, and Julie is now willing to buy 18 boxes. Is Julie’s demand for envelopes elastic or inelastic? What is Julie’s elasticity of demand? b. If Neil’s elasticity of demand for hot dogs is constantly 0.9, and he buys 4 hot dogs when the price is $1.50 per hot dog, how many will he buy when the price is $1.00per hot dog? 4) Explain the different types of Costs in a tabular format & with a well-labelled diagram5) Describe the various factors affecting demand and also draw the demand curve if it is perfectly inelastic and the demand for cardiac bypass surgery, given that the government pays the full cost for any patient. Section B Answer the below questions. Each question carries 20 marks. 6) Show in a diagram the effect on the demand curve, the supply curve, the equilibrium price, and the equilibrium quantity of each of the following events. a. The market for newspapers in your town Case 1: The salaries of journalists go up. Case 2: There is a big news event in your town, which is reported in the newspapers. b. The market for St. Louis Rams (a professional football team) cotton T-shirts Case 1: The Rams win the Super Bowl competition. Case 2: The price of cotton increases. c. The market for the Krugman and Wells economics textbook Case 1: Your professor makes it required reading for all of his or her students. Case 2: Printing costs for textbooks are lowered by the use of synthetic paper. 7) Asian-based telecom operator recently announced that it was launching Virgin Mobile as a new telecom brand within the country. It would operate in conjunction with Etisalat and Du. Assuming the trend continues, and the government opens the market for private and ©Al Tareeqah Management Studies – 2020 4 foreign players. You are required to a. Apply your understanding and concepts from microeconomics, to investigate and summarize the major characteristics of the emerging market form in the telecom industry. b. Describe and analyze the pricing policies that you would expect to find in this industry.
Subsidies of Green Energy | Instant Homework Solutions
Many people support increased use of clean energy such as solar and wind energy. However, there are often conflicts between increased production of clean energy and other environmental goals. For example, a large solar farm in the Mojave Desert of California, the Ivanpah plant, has been criticized for harming the desert tortoise ( (Links to an external site.)) and incinerating birds ( (Links to an external site.)), while wind farms are estimated to kill hundreds of thousands of bats and birds annually ( (Links to an external site.)) and involves use of rare earth metals that need to be mined, primarily in other countries (Links to an external site.)) Should the government subsidize increased solar and wind energy production? In a post of about 350-400 words, take a position on this question and address this conflict between clean energy and harm to the environment and what you think would be the most efficient way to balance these conflicting environmental goals. Consider the economic issues involved such as the role of property rights, the general role of government in supporting clean energy and also protecting wildlife, and the potential for a negotiated solution between energy companies and environmental groups. Utilize resources on both sides of the issue to support your proposal.
Economics Question Answer | Instant Homework Solutions
What is the relationship between Pigovian taxes and market failure? How do Pigovian taxes internalize externalities? Suppose that we are able to identify that the external cost of driving cars is $5,000. How can we use a Pigovian tax to internalize this external cost? Use a graph to illustrate. Explain fully why the private sector of a free enterprise economy cannot produce public goods such as lighthouses. The fishery is the most important common property resource in Canada. Why is it so difficult to prevent over?fishing when the evidence is clear that over?fishing will destroy the fishery? What kinds of policies have Canada used to protect the fishery? The media often claims that high-income Canadians pay the same or lower taxes than low-income Canadians. Is this a valid claim? Why or why not? Compare a Canadian earning $40,000 per year with a Canadian earning$80,000 per year. Would the higher-income Canadian pay the same amount of tax? Twice as much tax? Or more than twice as much tax? Explain. Explain why marginal tax rates in Canada are higher than average tax rates.
International Trade Advantages and Disadvantages | Instant Homework Solutions
For this assignment, first read the article “International Trade: Pros, Cons, and Effect on the Economy”. The article mentions, among other things, that international trade is slowing. Article is here: 1. Analyze the article and discuss the statements made by the author; 2. Back up your agreement/disagreement with your own research. 3. For your research, use the LIRN library resource do not use the internet! Make sure your sources are reputable and peer-reviewed. 4. Minimum word count: 600 words; 5. Include a cover page and a separate reference page listing the sources used. 6. Include an introduction and a conclusion.
Airfare Airlines Pricing Structure | Instant Homework Solutions
Aviation Economics Hello, and thank you for reading. This class is economics related to the aviation industry. Airfare pricing structure is a complex issue, since empty seats cost the same as filled seats. Please include various economic topics such as: Sunk costs (e.g. empty seats) Oligopoly (this is the economic market airlines belong to) Competition Barriers to entry Pricing Subsidies (Boeing and Airbus receive substantial subsidies from their governments) Supply and Demand equations Economies of Scale and Scope Thank you so much. The paper (1) must be eight (8) pages typed and double spaced (not including a Title Page or a References page) with at least five (5) cited references in addition to the course text.
Socialism Communism and Free Market Economies | Instant Homework Solutions
Write an essay describing the differences between socialism, communism, and free market economies? What are the disadvantages and advantages of each?
2008/2009 Great Recession | Instant Homework Solutions
Write a report on effects monetary and fiscal policy had on the United States during Great Recession of 2008/2009. The report should factually document the state of the U.S. economy at the peak of the crisis in specific terms such as: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, Unemployment, and Interest Rates. It should also factually document the state of the U.S. economy as it is currently utilizing the same metrics. You will be further required to factually document the policies that were implemented, analyze the effect of those policies, and provide an opinion on if the policies will have a lasting effect in continuing to help the U.S. economy rebound.
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