Research the life of the First Lady of the United States dr Jill Biden briefly write about her life and explain how she was caring. Explain with an example what she did to demonstrate how she was caring
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Price Of Fame
For this writing assignment, you need to write a traditional paper (at least two complete pages; in addition, you will need to create a Works Cited page) that clearly represents your argument on “The Price of Fame.”Most of us are convinced that fame can bring optimal happiness. Fame, it seems, is among the things many people dream about. Some believe that to be famous, it is important to prove to oneself and confirm that one matters in the world, and that having fame can satisfy these notions. And yet there are those who are already famous who often complain of the horrific burdens of fame. Write an argumentative essay about fame. Think about: Can fame bring happiness and fulfillment? Is being famous worth it? Create an argumentative essay in which you develop your point of view on these issues. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, and research. Include in your paper (in your own words) a famous person and how fame has affected this person. You need to include quotes in your paper, so try to find research that depicts actual words from the famous person or words from others who have an opinion on fame to support your argument. As a concluding paragraph, write about your interpretation of what it means to be famous and how “The Price of Fame” can affect someone’s life.Writing Assignment Grading: Your writing assignment will be graded on:1. Proper MLA header, heading and centered title.2. At least two complete pages of information written in your own words (do not simply copy from the internet).3. Proper grammar and mechanics.4. The information submitted needs to be detailed and present a clear picture of your argument. Your paper must have a personal interpretation about “The Price of Fame” and how it can affect someone’s life and also include 2 correctly formatted quotes (use credible websites, journals, books, media see media section below for added information)5. Use of higher level transition words.6. Correctly formatted Works Cited page.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children
Hypothesis: Children who play violent video games can show less respect towards adults than children who play non violent video games.Variables: time spent playing video games, gender, behavioral levels, and type of video gamesany of you have already been exposed to primary research; that is, research where you design the study and collect the data yourself. For this task, you will be using secondary data to evaluate your research hypothesis. In other words, you will be locating data collected by others and repurposing it to suit your hypothesis. This will require first locating a data set that contains all variables of interest. These variables may be operationally defined in a way that may not be how you would define them if you were doing primary research, so you will need to be flexible when searching for data and remember that although it may not be a perfect way to operationally define your variables, it does need to have some face validity.One source you may use to locate secondary data is ICPSR (icpsr.umich.edu). You will need to create a login and use you student.pvamu.edu email in order to be able to make your account. After you log in, go to Find Data in the top bar, and use search terms that fit your study. You will likely need to look at the variables tab or the codebook for the datasets you find in order to figure out if the dataset contains the variables you need.Once you identify and download the dataset, you will likely have to do some data cleaning and setup before running your analyses. You may need to create some composite score with multiple items for a particular variable, or do something to identify missing data. After this, you will need to identify the appropriate statistical analyses necessary to evaluate your hypothesis, given the data you found. You will likely need to refer to your statistics notes (or experimental psychology or research methods notes if you had a professor who briefly went over statistical analyses; those who took me for either have access to some PowerPoint slides that may help in identifying appropriate statistical analyses). After, you will need to write up the Methods, Results, and Discussion sections for this assignment.ASSIGNMENT:Complete the following assignment. Please remember to use APA formatting.Using the topic of your research project, fully and clearly develop your Study 1 Methods, Results, and Discussion sections. You will need to explain how the secondary data was collected (ICPSR and other sites will provide you with a description, but you must put what they said in your own words; copying and pasting is plagiarism). Make sure to explain how they assessed the variables (i.e., the survey items used for your variables). You will also need to analyze the relevant data in that particular dataset. Make sure to explain any setup you did for the dataset (this includes Cronbach alphas for any operational definitions that used more than one survey item). Be sure to identify the statistical analysis you used, as well as provide information about descriptive statistics. Eventually, you will want a table or figure that provides this information; it may be a good idea to make one now so you get feedback on it before submitting your final paper. Make sure in your Study 1 Discussion section to explain the results and what they mean with regards to your hypothesis, and how it informs or fits in (or does not fit in) with previous literature on the topic. Eventually, you will also have a segue in your Study 1 Discussion leading the reader into Study 2 your research proposal (however, this segue is not necessary yet if you are not sure what your Study 2 experimental hypothesis or proposal will be yet).
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Cinderella Story
I need the 2 stories the original Cinderella story and a Chinese Cinderella story compared and contrasted. I also need these questions answered. Who are the characters? / How are they similar/different to one another? What is the plot? How are they similar/different to one another?What is the moral or lesson to be learned? How is that message similar/different to the other tale?How does each version represent the ideals of the tale itself?How are these tales prime examples of Intertextuality?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Effects Of Cyberbullying
describe why cyberbullying shouldn’t occur and give details on how it could effect someone’s life
[ORDER SOLUTION] Impact Of Celebrities On Youth
Write an essay that discusses the impact of celebrities on youth in the country.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Academic Argument Models
A strong introduction gets the reader’s attention and states the thesis. How effective is the introduction in the essay? Explain.Background information sets up the argument so the reader and writer both have a similar understanding of the topic. Background information can include definitions, history, explaining the significance of the topic, or addressing underlying assumptions. Which type of background information was included in the essay? How effective was the background information in the essay? Explain.The main points in a classical argument should all support the thesis statement, and evidence should support each main point. Were the main points and evidence strong enough to make a convincing argument in the essay? Explain.In a classical argument, the author identifies and refutes opposing views. Did the essay effectively consider and respond to counterarguments?In an academic argument essay, the style and tone is more formal than personal writing but still clear and readable for a general audience. Find an example in the essay of a strong academic style or tone. Copy and paste the example here and explain why you think this a good example of academic tone.Strong arguments use ethos (credibility), logos (logic), and pathos (emotion) to persuade the reader. How effectively did the essay establish ethos, logos, and pathos? Respond to the author of the essay. Do you agree or disagree with his or her argument? Give specific examples from the essay that were particularly convincing or unconvincing. What can you learn from analyzing the model essay? What will you do in your argument essay that the author of the model essay did?Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Business Dress Code
Write to convince business leaders that dress codes should or should not be required
[ORDER SOLUTION] Address Eating Disorders
Week 6 – Assignment: Address Eating Disorders and Substance AbuseInstructionsSo far, we have touched upon proper nutrition and hydration for peak performance. Unfortunately, there are times when athletes believe that severely restricting their eating will result in enhanced performance. In one case, a student athlete worked out hours and hours each day with full sweats and ankle weights on. The athlete consistently trained beyond normal expectations. The athlete typically wore baggy clothes to cover up the fact that they were extremely underweight. Sparked by observations from a number of staff, an intervention team was brought together and met with the athlete. The family was called, and coaches spoke to the athletes parents in an effort to try to help. Unfortunately, both the athlete and the family were in complete denial. The athlete transferred to another school at the end of the semester. Coaches felt helpless in this situation. They were fighting something bigger than what was realized and ultimately felt they had lost the battle when the athlete denied any issue and then transferred to avoid the problem.Coaches also find themselves in the position of addressing substance abuse in athletes. Both problems could be detrimental to the athletes health, and both raise ethical dilemmas for the coach to consider.For this task, you will conduct additional research regarding eating disorders and substance abuse. Prepare a paper that explores issues surrounding substance abuse and eating disorders, addressing the following: Describe the common eating disorders and substances abused among athletes. Compare and contrast these potential problems. What, if any, parallels do they share in terms of outward symptoms? What are the effects of these disorders on the body? Discuss risk factors for developing eating disorders and substance abuse behaviors, including gender and age. If a problem is suspected, what interventions and supports should be applied?Length: 5-7 pagesReferences: a minimum of 3 referencesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Importance Of College Education
Using your first paragraph assignment on why its important for you to get a college education, you will write a 1000 word 5-paragraph essay on why its important in general for someone to get a college education.You will need to research the reasons and cite from 5 expert sources
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