[ORDER SOLUTION] Philosophy Writers

Write 3 – 4 paragraphs on ONE of the following questions.  A paragraph is 3-7 sentences.The first paragraph is introductory and tells what topic you are discussing and your position on the question(s).The next paragraph or two contains your arguments to support your position.The final paragraph is your conclusion and what you learned from doing this paper.APA format, New Times Roman, 12 pt, 1 inch margins.TOPICS:1: Do Fairies exist? 2: Do Squinks exist?  A squink is a five-legged pig with wings.3. If you put a white dot on a white board, does it exist?4: Is the content of your dream real?5:  There has always been something. Before there was something, there was only nothing. Which do you think is more likely?6:  Can rational thought exist without language?7:  Does a person’s name influence the person they become?8:  If freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?9:  Can a society exist without laws?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Climate And Latitude

How does latitude affect the climate of San Antonio versus Winnipeg

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Features Of Authoritarianism

1. Read the article “The ISIS files”.2.Analyze the article in terms of the features of Authoritarianism shown below. In other words, for each of the twelve features presented you have to show how each specific feature is evident in the ISIS article. Submit  a document where you list each feature, one at time, followed by your analysis of how that feature is exemplified in the article. Be concrete and specific in your answer, and write the analysis for someone who has not read the article

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In several Tarantino films, we see some pretty heavy-handed meta-textual writing: a film spliced into a film within a film and a film critic embedded in the script (Inglorious Basterds), a script within a film (Reservoir Dogs), a German fairytale/legend within a slave narrative (Django Unchained). Pulp Fiction is thusly named to draw our attention to the movie’s place in that particular genre. What purpose do such things serve in these films? They certainly draw our critique to Tarantino’s self-conscious engagement in the continuum of storytelling. How can you use these pieces of his films to interpret the films holistically? (Film, and in fact, words themselves might be the most dangerous weapons in any Tarantino film)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Impact Of COVID-19 On Education

Write an argumentative essay on whether all United States’ Public Schools should or should not open backup with all in person classes. Your essay must be based on ideas, concepts, and information from the Video Games passage set.Writing PromptShould all public schools in the United States reopen to completely in person attendance for all students? 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Dental Hygienist

Since we do use comparison and contrast so often to make decisions, in this paper, we will use it to examine a big one. Consider two different career paths that you might choose to pursue. They can be as alike or as different as you choose, but they should be realistic (i.e. choose careers you REALLY ARE considering). For which of the two careers are you best suited? Which of the two best meets your interests, goals, and aspirations? Which requires the most preparation? The most expense? Which do you think would make you happiest and why?Incidentally, if you tell me that you have already 100% made up your mind about what you want to do for a living, you will make me very sad because it is FAR too early for that. So humor an old woman and at least pretend that you know the world is wide open to you and you can explore many options and even–gasp!–change your mind.Your paper must be at least 1000 words, not counting headings titles, name and such, in Times New Roman 12 pt. (or something comparable). You will need some outside resources for this paper, and you must cite those sources correctly in MLA format.  Drafts due 23 March must be at least two full pages.  Drafts due 30 March should look like completed papers and should be ready to be proofread and edited for details.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Women’s Liberation

Part 1: What are your questions and Insights on “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Your response should be at least 5 sentences.Part 2: What are your questions and Insights on “The Earthmen.” Your response should be at least 5 sentences.Part 3: “The Yellow Wallpaper”- Answer the following questions in responses at least 4 sentences long.  Use specific examples from the story where you are able.•    Pretend that you are a psychologist. Diagnose what you think is the matter with the narrator.•    How can the story represent the struggle for women’s liberation? To help answer this, try to look at the bigger picture of the narrator’s struggle (What do John, the room, the phantom, etc. represent about women oppression?)•    What do you think of the narrator’s relationship with John?•    What are some important physical details of the room? Why have these details?•    What do you make of the story’s end?Part 4: “The Earthmen”- In a response of at least 200 words, explore what the story suggests about an individual seeking validation from society. Basically, what should we expect when we perform accomplishments for any reward other than intrinsic kinds?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Alternative Treatment Programs

After watching the documentary on the juvenile justice system answer the following questions:Discuss jails and juvenile detention centers as the two basic short-term confinement options.Do the children have any responsibilities for their actions? Discuss what alternative treatment programs are available for juveniles and what kind of problems are beyond the mandate and abilities of the juvenile justice system?  Are juveniles who are given advantages of alternative treatment programs more likely to be criminals as adults? IF juveniles are incarcerated, how can the system assist them “inside” to become better citizens?Each student will write a 900 word APA college paper (excluding title page, abstract and references) from the assigned topic.  This must be in APA format and include a cover page, abstract, discussion, conclusion, and a minimum of three references to support your position. To avoid pluralism There should be NO MORE than 15% similarity in the turnitin.com report! Provide THREE resources to support your opinions and perspectives.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Persuasive Essay

How does the “Epic of Gilgamesh” portray the relationship between Sumerians and their gods? What role do the gods play in the narrative, and why might the author(s) have wanted to portray them in this manner?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Intertextual Relationship

IntertextualitiesEssay Assignment (Prep work + 1500 word essay)Kathy Acker’s Blood and Guts in High School, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’Watchmen, and re-writing texts.Part A – Preparation (worth 20% of assignment grade)?Answer the following questions for your prep work:Why do you think that Kathy Acker and Alan Moore are interesting in re-writing existing texts?  Note that the term ‘text’ can be applied broadly to not only written texts, but cultural narratives, and archetypes.  (Answer: at least 100 words)Choose 2-3 examples from Kathy Acker’s Blood and Guts in High School A Raisin In the Sun that you think are good examples of how Acker’s novel engages with other texts.  Cite the examples, and briefly explain why you think they are good examples of re-writing.  (Answer: at least 150 words)Choose 2-3 examples in Alan Moore’s Watchmen, that you think are good examples of how this graphic-novel engages with other texts.  Cite the examples, and briefly explain why you think they are good examples of re-writing.  .  (Answer: at least 150 words)After you’ve looked at examples from both Blood and Guts in High School and Watchment , briefly explain in your own words how the two are similar, and different, in terms of how and why they re-write existing texts.  (Answer: at least 150 words)Part B – The Essay  (worth 80% of assignment grade)Write a 1500 word essay on the following topic:What can we learn from a text that re-writes other texts?  Discuss the intertextual relationships and their significance in both Kathy Acker’s Blood and Guts in High School, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen.

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