[ORDER SOLUTION] Introduction To Quantitative Analysis
Assignment: Introduction to Quantitative Analysis: Descriptive AnalysisIn this Assignment, you will differentiate between the proper use of summary statistics for categorical and continuous level data. In this exercise, you will explore what output is provided for each of these variables and provide some meaning from these statistics for your reader. The ability to place the statistics into a context that your reader understands and can make sense of is a highly desirable skill.
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Language Of Money
Several of the sonnets are rife with financial imagery. Find as many examples of this imagery as you can, and try to account for their distribution within the sonnets.A: Ask yourself: what does the poet wish to achieve by describing the sonnets’ characters and events with the language of money and finance? Consider Shakespeare’s time: the modern notion of economics is slowly taking shape, more and more sophisticated forms of trade are emerging, and a “philosophy” of money is not far away…
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Importance Of Emergency Service
Do you think rescue services should be needed if they put themselves at risk?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Philosophy Of Love
1. Loving the Good, or Just Good Loving?What is the relationship between the conception of love espoused by Socrates in the Symposium and Augustine’s conception of love? How might Socrates and Augustine best defend their conceptions of love in response to Baier’s criticisms of the misamorist tradition in “Unsafe Love’s”? Are any of the contemporary conceptions of love we have studied compatible with the Platonic and Augustinian conceptions of love? Why or why not?6. He Loves Me, He Loves Me NotWhat is Nozick’s account of love? How does his account differ from Firestone’s? Of the two accounts, which is the most philosophically defensible? Why? Firestone couples her account of love with a feminist interpretation of freudian psychology to argue that men cannot love. Suppose, however, that we substitute Firestone’s account of love with Nozick’s. With Nozick’s account instead of her own, could Firestone continue to argue that men are incapable of love in a patriarchy? Why or why not?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Primary School TESL learners
Discuss with examples the reasons for using literature in ESL and the differentapproaches/methods for using literature with the language learner in the TESL classroom(chose either, primary school TESL learners, Secondary school TESL Learners or University ESLlearners)Use the following guidelines to help you.Guidelines: Why use literature in the language classroom? Examine the reasons for using literature in the ESL classroom ( cite relevant studies). What are the different approaches to using literature in the language classroom?Illustrate with clear examples. What conclusions can you arrive at with regard to using literature in the ESL classroomfor language learning and teaching?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Rise Of Female Athletes
“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – . Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources citationmachine.net and easybib.com.MLA format – https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_in_text_citations_the_basics.htmlExplain the factors that lead to the rise of female athletes
[ORDER SOLUTION] What Is Enlightenment?
Please answer the question using only the attached pdf files. When citing in-text please use the word “Reader” and the page number on the side of the pdf file. Thank you.1. In his 1784 essay “What is Enlightenment?” Immanuel Kant famously described the Enlightenment as “man’s release from his self-incurred tutelage”. “Tutelage,” he wrote, “is man’s inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when it cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere aude! “Have courage to use your own reason!”–that is the motto of enlightenment.” (page 103) Based on your readings on the relationship between human and technology since the eighteenth century, do you think humanity has attained “Enlightenment”? In the course of your discussion, make sure to make references and critically engage with assigned texts. Draw in depth on at least two of the major readings to support your argument.
[ORDER SOLUTION] English Language Proficiency
Review the unit readings and resources, including the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct sections I-1.8 and I-1.10 to learn about our responsibility as educators to teach children the importance of respecting and valuing differences in others. Children are naturally curious to learn about people who look or act differently than they do. Therefore, the early childhood classroom is an ideal place to teach them to understand and care about others so they can become responsible global citizens.In this video, two teachers balance multiple ethnicities in their classroom. Pay attention to how they work to make all students feel comfortable and at home in the classroom, including students who do not speak English.Describe the creative strategies and activities the teachers in the video used to make all students feel comfortable in the classroom. What strategies do they use to include students who have low English language proficiency? In your opinion, are the strategies effective in creating an environment that supports the needs of all learners and build critical? Why or why notAlbert Einstein is famously observed that the only serious method of education is to be an example and for adding if you cant help it, be a warning example. Reflecting on the first part of his statement, describe how teachers own attitudes and values can be reflected in the classroom. Share an example where you have observed or experienced negative attitudes or lower expectations for some people based on factors such as ethnicity, gender, or culture. What was the impact on those involved, and what are the lessons of this warning example?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Character Of Meno
Compare/contrast the character of Meno and Socratesas represented in Platos Meno. Explain how the character of each is related to a specific account of memory and knowledge. This comparison should include an account of what each takes to be knowledge and its relation to ones character.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Banking On Bitcoin
After watching the video ‘Banking on Bitcoin’, write a 3-page double spaced paper (12pt, Times New Roman font) assessment of cryptocurrencies and their vulnerabilities. How is this new trend going to affect businesses and consumers (both globally and domestically)?Going to attach the link of the video belowhttps://youtu.be/6jSm9vTBGKU
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