[ORDER SOLUTION] The legalization Of Marijuana

The ProposalWhat is a proposal?For this essay, you will propose a topic you wish to study more fully, and you will explain your interest in this topic and also the need for research in this area.PLEASE NOTE: You are not writing your Research essay. If you are talking more about the topic than you are why the topic needs to be further researched, you’re doing the assignment incorrectly, and your grade will be negatively impacted (i.e. you will not earn a passing grade on this assignment if you are not being careful, paying close attention, and ensuring you are completing the assignment as directed.)The English 102 Proposal will address the following six aspects:1.    your interest in the topic you propose,2.    background information essential to understanding the topic,3.    identify questions that will guide your research,4.    discuss projected strategies for conducting the research,5.    explain the relevance of the subject to intended readers,6.    detailing why research into the topic is important or timely.The English 102 Proposal will contain the following sections:Note: see the resource handout on Blackboard to remind yourself what needs to be in each section1.    Introduction2.    Background Information + Tentative Thesis3.    Research Questions4.    Research Methods5.    Projected Contributions6.    ConclusionSubmission Details:-    2 pages, double-spaced-    Proper formatting-    1-inch margins-    12 point, Times New Roman font-    Upload to BlackboardStudent NameEnglish 102ProposalFebruary 28 2020Tentative Title of Your PaperIntroductionYour introduction statements explain why you are interested in this topic.Background Information + Tentative Thesis StatementProvide any information that is essential to understanding the topic. Give a general overview of your topic before you narrow your focus to your thesis. And then state your tentative thesis: your opinion/position + reasoning 123. For example: The legalization of marijuana should happen on a federal level in the US because it will stimulate the economy, improve the health of many individuals, and de-crowd our prisons.Research QuestionsList questions that will help guide your research. These questions can be answered throughout your research process to help inform your writing. For example: How many other countries have legalized marijuana? How would legalization help the economy? Etc.Research MethodsExplains in detail the research procedures you are planning, including where you might find information, ideas for where to search, etc.Projected ContributionsIdentifies the anticipated outcomes of your argument essay, emphasizing significance in advancing knowledge of the topic. Explain how this topic is relevant. Then explain how this topic is current and timely.ConclusionDiscuss the timeline you have to accomplish this essay. Discuss any concerns you have related to the overall project. How are you feeling about completing this work?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Preventing Terrorism

The events that took place on September 11, 2001, rocked the U.S. to its core. What do you remember about the events, if any, that took place on this day? Additionally, there are many other forms of terrorism – fraud, smuggling, and counterfeiting. After much research, please pick a form of terrorism, describe it, define which law enforcement agency is responsible for responding and explain their purpose. Explain how local police agencies can contribute to the overall anti-terrorism efforts. Lastly, explain what can be done in the future about this issue. (BE SURE TO INCLUDE A REFERENCE PAGE!)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Role Of Educators

We’ve talked a lot about the roles and responsibilities of citizens and scientists in combatting misinformation. But what is the role of educators (teachers, professors) and of students, particularly college students? Give particular examples of what you think teachers and students should do, and why. Please use McIntire’s Post-Truth and at least one other source.  Your second source could be a film, article, story, podcast.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Godfather Journal

The Godfather by Mario PuzoIn chapters 10 – 14, we see characters making decisions and taking action. By the time we finish chapter 14, we realize that Puzo is quite interested in the idea of free will — that is, to what degree people have control over their lives, or not.For journal #3, you will write three paragraphs, one based on each set of these chapters: 10 – 11; 12 -13; 14.For chapters 10 to 11, write how much you feel Michael is personally responsible for what he does. Is he his own man, or not? To what degree? What does the evidence show?For chapters 12 to 13, write how much you feel Johnny is personally responsible for what he does. Again, is he his own man, or not? To what degree? What does the evidence show?For chapter 14, write the same thing about Vito Corleone.In each paragraph, provide specific details to support your topic sentence (your claim about the level of that character’s personal responsibility). End each paragraph with a conclusion about how much control that character has over his destiny.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Existence Of Consciousness

For Part A below, consider René Descartes’ Meditations, restricting your focus to parts of the First and Second Meditations (on conscious mental activities) and parts of the Sixth Meditation (on distinguishing mind and body).For Part B below, consider John Perry’s Dialogue on Consciousness, restricting your focus to the third (“Friday”) dialogue.(Do not draw on the tons of material on the web; we have our own unique approach here toDescartes’ epochal text in the context of Phil 2 W2021.)Part A.Descartes and the mind-body problem. About 4 pages (1000 words).Explain, briefly and succinctly, how Descartes uses the thought experiment of “the malicious demon” todemonstrate that “whenever I am thinking that I am, it is necessarily true that I am”. How does Descartes’ use of “the cogito” demonstrate the existence of consciousness? How does Descartes then distinguish “my mind” from “my body”?Part B. Retrospective given our studies of paradoxes. About 2 pages (500 words).Consider John Perry’s Dialogue on Consciousness, addressing the third (“Friday”) dialogue. Briefly explain the theory of property dualism, assuming non-eliminative physicalism. Today’s physical and biological science studies how the brain works (in neural activities), and we take it the brain gives rise to our conscious experience (as lived, as observed in Descartes’ “cogito”).The contemporary philosopher David Chalmers has famously called consciousness the “hard problem” for science. Briefly, how do you think we should view the mind-body problem today, in light of our course? Does this problem seem to be a “puzzle”, a sort of “paradox”, or a topic for further scientific investigation?(Your task is not to “solve” the problem in two pages, but simply to reflect on how“paradoxes” work in moving our knowledge of ourselves and our world.)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Light Pollution

i want you to talk about how light pollution is an environmental problem

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The essay has to have a minimum of 5 sources to make a claim. The inquiry question is Should a COVID-19 vaccine be made mandatory for all citizens in the U.S.?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Shakespeare In Love

Give your thoughts on what you like or dislike about Shakespeare in love.the link is listed belowShakespeare in Love | ‘Bonus Feature’ (HD) – Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow | MIRAMAX – YouTube

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Kingdom Of Judah

What happened to Judah and Jerusalem in 587 B.C.E.  What issues about the partnership between YHWH and the covenant people did this even raise? * Be sure to use examples from Scripture to support your points and be sure you have at least 450 words.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Gender Neutrality

write a short (1000 words) essay for the movie( DIE HARD 1988 ) focused on the following question: Can you identify and describe gender bias in the performance?  You may use the Bechdel test or any other indicator.  describe how the actors perform as masculine, feminine or neutral gender.  You might examine elements such as the portrayal of women, the number of characters who are male or female, how their relationships are shown, or the number of scenes with sex or violence.  Consider whether the film passes the Bechdel Test. The paper should be based on the personal opinion not sources or citations .

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