[ORDER SOLUTION] Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is most commonly known for treating the discomfort associated with menopause. However, more broadly, HRT is any form of hormone therapy that involves a patient receiving hormones to supplement or replace naturally occurring hormones in the body. For this discussion post, research different forms of HRT and choose one type to focus on.In your original post, describe a patient who may benefit from HRT. Explain the risks and benefits to using HRT in the scenario you chose. Be sure to include information on safety.For your reply post, find a classmate who discussed a different type of HRT than you. In your response, put yourself in the scenario discussed. If you were the patient in that scenario, would you choose to go through with HRT or would you look for alternative treatments? Do the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks, in your opinion?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Juul Device
Write a four page paper in which you compare and contrast the Juul device to one of Axon’s products (the Tazer or body camera). (A second option is to compare and contrast the companies, Axon and Juul.)Both of these companies make big claims that they’re solving problems and making the world a better place with their products. Which one do you think is offering a greater net good to society? This assignment requires you to read back and forth across two substantial essays and sort out similarities and differences, then organize your observations around a point of view: that one or the other is ultimately doing a better job/offering a more helpful product.Articles to read and compare for the assignment are below: side note*I would like the paper to be more in favor of the Juul device.https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/08/27/can-the-manufacturer-of-tasers-provide-the-answer-to-police-abusehttps://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/05/14/the-promise-of-vaping-and-the-rise-of-juul
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Importance Of Taking Risk
Write an essay talking about the importance of taking risk
[ORDER SOLUTION] Family Resilience
Please read the following chapter in your text:Chapter 12: Family Resilience to Promote Positive Child Development, Strong and Flexible Families, and Intergenerational VitalityChapter 12 discusses the biological, social, and emotional principles that affect families over their lifetime. In addition, this chapter identifies scientific evidence on the types of parenting that lead to long-term resilience of children. Finally, this chapter discusses the importance of modeling, mentoring, and monitoring in the development of family resilience.THE TEXT CHAPTER MUST BE USED AS ONE OF THE REFERENCES!Understanding the biological, social, and emotional principles that affect families over their lifetime is important for human services professionals. In order to develop and deliver family services, it is necessary to recognize and understand various characteristics of family households and learn how they impact resiliency. Please use your readings and research peer-reviewed journal articles in the Purdue Global Library to support your post.Please respond to the following:1. Analyze the biosocial systems principle, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, as it relates to family resilience. How does this impact the type of services that a human services professional should deliver?2. Provide a brief description of the RPM3 model and discuss the importance of modeling, mentoring, and monitoring in the development of family resilience.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Independent Contractors
The purpose of this assignment is to identify laws and federal regulations governing employment.Consider what you have learned about employment laws and federal regulations governing employment, particularly regarding the distinctions between independent contractors and employees and how business is conducted with each. Read the scenario below.ScenarioMadrid and Berne is a top-rated accounting firm with offices in Phoenix and Tucson. Madrid and Berne wanted to provide bookkeeping as an additional service to its clients. It hired Joan Newman Business Services, with offices in Phoenix, Flagstaff, Tucson, and Yuma, to perform contract bookkeeping services for Madrid and Berne clients who requested and needed such services. Madrid and Berne entered into an independent contractor agreement with Joan Newman Business Services. The contract stated that Joan Newman is an independent contractor and agrees that her business is an independent contractor of Madrid and Berne.After entering into the agreement, Joan worked solely on jobs assigned by Madrid and Berne and was paid a commission for the work. The commission was based upon the fees determined by Madrid and Berne and paid by the clients to Madrid and Berne. Joan was paid on a weekly basis. She used available and unused office space at Madrid and Berne, along with Madrid and Berne’s equipment and supplies. This arrangement made it easier for clients to utilize Joan’s services and be familiar with the offices. Madrid and Berne reviewed Joan’s work and returned faulty work to her for corrections before delivering the completed work to the clients.AssignmentIn a 500-750 word paper, apply what you have learned about the distinctions between employees and independent contractors to the scenario by discussing the following.Provide an explanation of why it is important to know the distinctions between employees and independent contractors when operating a business.Discuss the key factors for determining Joan’s employee classification using the concepts that have been presented so far in the course and your own research relevant to the scenario.Using the rules for distinguishing between employee and independent contractor, discuss whether Joan’s designation as an independent contractor was correct, and justify your designation by citing laws and federal regulations.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Optimizing Physical Education
Write a self-reflection in your paper based from the lesson you had learned in Health Optimizing Physical Education.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Financial Challenges
What financial challenges have you overcome growing up? How have they shaped your goals and career aspirations?- Came from Immigrant parents seeking a better life for their children, working at a young age to make ends meet.
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Human Health
– Information in files- SourcesChoose any of the following topic :1) Research the effects of the environment on human health. Does the health of theenvironment affect the health of the human beings within it? Make an argument thatsupports your answer. Start your research by reading this article:https://orionmagazine.org/article/beyond-the-patient/.2) Should access to drinking water be privatized? Start your thinking about this topic bywatching this short video:https://storyofstuff.org/movies/the-story-of-water/.3) Where does recycled plastic end up? What solutions to plastic pollution are mostfeasible? Start your thinking on this topic by watching the videos on this page:https://www.storyofplastic.org/watch.4) Are electric vehicles better for the environment? Start your research by reading thisarticle from Forbes magazine:https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesellsmoor/2019/05/20/are-electric-vehiclesreally-better-for-the-environment/#5609f23876d2.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Weight-Loss Drug
For this weeks discussion, read the case study Wrestling with Weight Loss: The Dangers of a Weight-Loss Drug. This case study was also part of your Week 6 homework assignment, so most of this reading should be review. Answer the following questions (from the case study) in your discussion post about DNP:What did you know about the mitochondria before taking this course? What have you learned so far in 153?If you poke a hole in the inner mitochondrial membrane, what might the cell do to reestablish previous levels of ATP to survive? List all the possibilities you can think of.Explain in your own words what it means when we say that DNP is a mitochondrial uncoupler. What does it uncouple?Based on your understanding of the mechanism of action of DNP, how dangerous do you think DNPreally is?For an athlete, what are the consequences of ATP depletion?Should Connor take DNP to lose weight?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Rhetorical Considerations
As you are writing your summary, ask yourself what is important about Poole’s essay.What is the primary claim (thesis) of this essayWhat are the supporting claims and how do they work with the thesis?What evidence does Poole use to support his claims?What does Poole add to the conversation about monsters that you haven’t seen before?What new concepts does he introduce?How are those conceptshelpful in understanding the idea of monsters?Why do the arguments in this essay matter? To whom do they matter? What is there to be learned and gained by understanding this article well?Rhetorical ConsiderationsPurpose: I have many purposes for assigning this paper.First, being able to quickly and accurately summarize an argument is useful in a number of situations, from a dinnertime debate with your family to participation in other classes to participation in work-place decisions. Being able to find, draw out, and reiterate the major points of another author will help you in many of the interactions youll have while at the U and later.Second, nearly every paper that you write will need to incorporate summaries of the essays, reports, books, ideas already written on your topic. In longer papers, you need to show the ways that you are participating in an on-going conversation, and you do that by including summaries of some of the important ideas on the subject in your paper (typically in the introduction). This is often called a literature review.Audience: Arguably every piece of writing has an intended audience: that group of people, or even single person, who you are trying to communicate with or persuade. As the audience changes, so must the paper. Different people like to hear arguments in certain ways, or need particular facts, or maybe even prefer an emotional argument to a logical one. Knowing your audience is an essential element of writing a rhetorical and paper.Most of the writing you will do will have multiple audiences. For this paper, assume your audience is another student at the University who has not read this essay, but is interested in monsters.FormattingThe paper should be 500-600 words. It must be word-processed, double-spaced, written in a standard 12-point font, with standard margins, and contain a works-cited page at the end (even if it’s just one work and we all know who it is, it’s good practice).This paper must include:An introduction that informs the reader that this is a summary of an essay by including the title of the essay and the author of the essay (full name – W. Scott Poole).A statement or two that summarize the primary claim of the essay being summarized.A thesis that focuses the reader in a certain direction with regard to the primary claim of the essay being summarized.Proper in-text citation for the ideas and words you take from the essay and remain focused on the text. Really, the author should be referenced a few times on each page, as you’ll be using evidence from him. You must always ground your analysis and summary in the text.Transitions connecting paragraphs and ideas to each other and back to the thesis.A conclusion that brings your analysis to a close.A works cited page.
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