[ORDER SOLUTION] History Of Abortion
1) Write a short objective summary which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.( article in files )2) What is the conservative argument against abortion? What is the liberal argument for a woman’s right to an abortion? Why is personhood such an important concept in the abortion debate? Which view do you find most plausible and why?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Informal Education
Memo from an Expertthe monument we are talking about at this time is the
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Passing Of Grandison
Discussion:Apparently, since the beginning of storytelling and the beginning of humans, there are only seven basic stories authors can write (filmmakers can film) about humans. Its the way an author tells the story that matters. Think about contemporary films and how they are simply retellings of classic stories. Love The Lion King? Well, its Hamlet. Dig O Brother, Where Art Thou? What youre really digging is The Odyssey. And A Fistful of Dollars? Thats actually a reimagining of Akira Kurosawas Yojimbo, which is Red Harvest. There really arent any new stories to tell about people; we just havent done anything new since very early on. For this essay, youll choose a story and present an argument that despite what the story is about, the text actually represents a much older, much more established story arc. After you read several stories, and the information about the Seven Basic Plots, please address the following prompt:Which one of the Seven Basic Plots does the short story most align?Some Help:Simply recalling what the story is about is not analysis of the text. Just listing places in the story where similarities occur is not analysis. While you read these stories, pay special attention to not only where you see evidence of the story representing the classic plot structure but how. Your analysis will be created when your writing demonstrates the relationship between the plot structure you learn about and the story youve chosen to explicate. Remember, this is a 200-level college writing class. Craft an essay that works beyond trite, simplistic ideas. This essay sets the tone for the rest of the semester. Take it seriously, and you will surprise yourself with what you can accomplish. To prove your points, youll spend the time in the support paragraphs demonstrating the fact the story in fact represent what youve claimed it does, and youll provide textual support in the form of paraphrases and/or direct quotes from the short story, AND from the list below, correctly formatted. Keep in mind, you are NOT arguing about authorial intent. You are not saying the authors have created this story to represent one of the classic story structures. It is through your terrific analytical minds that you figure out which one structure the story represents. You may also include any pertinent information linking the use of literary device to the authors working with this plot structure, but you are not obligated to. Your researched/cited information should be the additional information you find about the plot structure you choose. You must also have a correctly formatted Works Cited page. Please do not guess at issues of format and/or grammar. Look up the answers to questions. P.S. You do not have to capitalize seven basic plots if you mention that by name, but you might italicize the one you choose when you type it. Minor thing. **A special note: please do not Google information about these stories. You do NOT need someone elses perspective. Yours is the only one that matters. Please, please, please.The Plots:Overcoming the MonsterRags to RichesThe QuestVoyage and ReturnComedy (Remember, there are rules for this genre/theme. It cannot be that a story is merely comedic)Tragedy (Remember, there are rules for this genre/theme. It cannot be that a story is merely tragic)RebirthTextsOne story from the list below ANDChristopher Bookers The Seven Basic PlotsPreview the document this is 700+ pages. Youll read/cite only whats useful for your essays support. ANDBureman and Buntings 7 Story ArchetypesPreview the documentTo get started, but you should not cite nor rely on these, you can begin by looking at the VERY Quick Seven Basic Plots Preview the documentand Seven Basic Plots Booker Detailed SummaryPreview the documentThe Stories:Battle RoyalPreview the document by Ralph Ellison The Last Leaf (Links to an external site.) by O. Henry The Passing of Grandison (Links to an external site.) by Charles W. ChestnuttThe Mission of Mr. Scatters (Links to an external site.) by Paul Laurence Dunbar An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (Links to an external site.) by Ambrose Bierce A Jury of Her Peers (Links to an external site.) by Susan GlaspellThe Selfish Giant (Links to an external site.) by Oscar Wilde The Mortal Immortal (Links to an external site.) by Mary Shelley The Namesake (Links to an external site.) by Willa CatherDesirees Baby (Links to an external site.) by Kate Chopin The Veteran (Links to an external site.) by Stephen Crane 2BR02B (Links to an external site.) by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.Format:At least 6 pages, correctly formatted to MLA standards (Links to an external site.) AND a correctly formatted Works Cited page (Links to an external site.). You can see a samplePreview the document.
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Nervous System
Answer these two questions in word doc1. How do neurons and neurotransmitters communicate with each other and with the body. make sure to include the neurotransmitters and their functions2. define the different parts of the neuron and provide their function
[ORDER SOLUTION] Planetary Management
A. Of these three environmental worldviews: planetary management, stewardship and environmental wisdom. Which of these best describes your view? How has your view changed over the course? B. Also discuss sustainability and resource conservation.What, if anything, do you personally do to conserve energy, conserve water or decrease the amount of resources that you use and trash that you produce? If you attempt to conserve, how successful are you at encouraging family members to conserve also?Looking at yourself and your family, has participating in this class had made a difference in the amount of natural resources that you consume? (Things like turning the lights off when you leave the room, recycling, eating lower on the food chain, adjusting the thermostat, carpooling, etc., etc.)
[ORDER SOLUTION] Effects Of Covid 19
I need an essay that is arguing that COVID-19 affected the restaurant industry in a negative way.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Current International Events
Choose a newsworthy article about something happening at the international, state, or local level in this month (February).The set-up1. Citation at the top.2. Summary that includes one quote that is properly cited. Give important information-who, what, where, when, and why (4-5 sentences)3. Outcome/opinion (3-5 sentences): why is this event important or significant? What are your thoughts or opinions? Why did you choose this article
[ORDER SOLUTION] Extreme Hatred
please write to explain how one person can fight extreme hatred as witnessed during the holocaust.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Ancient Greek God
Modern-day hero vs. Greek god In this project, you will first decide who is your personal hero. This hero can be a famous person in the present-day or history or they can be someone that is a personal hero to you someone in your own life. Next, you will write a historical account of that person who are they? Tell me about their life. Why are they a hero to you describe in detail. Next, you will research ancient Greek gods and decide what Greek god is the closest resemblance to your personal hero. What Greek god embodies the qualities that resemble your hero?Here are some questions that you must answer in your essay. What are the causes that are important to you and your hero? Why? What ancient Greek God embodies these qualities? How? What would you like your hero to do to change the world?The final story must be a full two-page, double spaced document uploaded into the Exam One assignment section. This option is a way to be a bit introspective and dig a bit deeper to see what inspires you and who your heroes are in the world.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Humanities In Medicine
History 117Lab VIIIYour primary task this week is to focus on Voltaires Candide both in your reading and discussions.For an unconventional application of 18th c. literature to modern medicine go tohttp://www.peh-med.com/content/2/1/13 and read the following article:Thomas J Papadimos, Voltaire’s Candide, medical students, and mentoring,Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine2:13 (2007Lab essay:How do you find the ideas (Enlightenment philosophy, science, etc.) of the 18th c. expressed in the novel? What details or other aspects of 18th c. life are exposed in the novel (either intentionally or unintentionally)? How does Voltaire use humor to make very serious points?
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