[ORDER SOLUTION] Critical-Reading Skills

Essential QuestionsHow do writers use the conventions of fiction to develop central ideas?How do we enhance understanding of a text through discussion?What role does writing have in developing critical-reading skills?What are the characteristics of independent learners?The theme unifies a literary analysis paper.GuidelinesWord Limit: 1200 wordsInclude a quality thesis statement in the introduction.Use an outline to organize your ideas.Craft clear topicsentences.Include quotations as evidence (2-3 per paragraph).Read the rubric carefully.MLA formatSubmit via Turnitin.com

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For the social media argument essay, you are to identify and argue the point where an employer’s rights should end to regulate or dictate what an employee posts on his/her personal social media account.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Issues Facing College Students

Question Prompt: What are the top three issues facing college students today?Include:A titleFive paragraphs: introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusionA perfect thesis statement with parallelism (three items, commas)at least 2 semicolonsspecific detailed examples

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Importance Of Diversity


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[ORDER SOLUTION] Non-Verbal Communication

For this discussion, describe how you typically communicate nonverbally?1.Do you have particular or unique patterns of nonverbal communication?2.What have others said to you about your non-verbal communication?3.How do you think your non-verbal communication impacts your effectiveness as a communicator?4.In what ways do you think your non-verbal communication patterns will influence your ability to provide client-centered care?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Patriarchal Society

Please write a 2-page, double-spaced, argumentative essay in MLA format about one of the following topics:1. What does Hamlet’s delay to exact revenge reveal about his personality? Is he brilliant, calculative, or just plain cowardly? Give your answer and justify with examples.2. Was Hamlet truly mad? Or was it a ploy to realize his revenge? Find evidence from the text to support your answer.3. Think about Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia. Does he love her? Does he stop loving her? Did he ever love her? What evidence can you find in the play to support your opinion.4. Analyze Gertrude. Is she just an innocent dupe? Is she a manipulated victim of a patriarchal society? Or is she a cunning self-seeker who deserved her fate? Be sure to cite examples from the text to support your argument.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] How To Write A Recommendation Letter

GRADUATE ADMISSIONSLETTER OF RECOMMENDATION GUIDELINESAs a part of the application process for the Graduate Programs, please use the following information to provide a reference for the individual seeking admission to the School of Business at the university .Applicants are encouraged to select references carefully from among those who know them professionally and are familiar with their work history, credentials, leadership strengths and career aspirations. Since WW graduate programs foster a team-oriented learning environment through case analysis and classroom discussions, citing specific examples of projects, observations and interactions with the applicant will help the Admission Committee gauge their potential for success in such a program.The admission committee values your input as an important part of our evaluation process. Thank you for supporting this process.INSTRUCTIONS:• Complete this form by filling in responses to the questions below OR type a free form letter to address the questions below.• Please provide your free form letter on company stationery/letterhead OR enclose a business card.• Please send this form, or your free form letter, to aa@aa.com from your company e-mail account.APPLICANT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME:1. Describe your professional relationship to the applicant.2. Describe any professional abilities or interpersonal skills which make this applicant effective in the work environment. Provide specific examples where you have observed these skills demonstrated.3. Describe any unique characteristics this applicant demonstrates. 4. Please comment on your assessment of how obtaining an business graduate degree can fit into this applicant’s career goals and aspirations.5. How would this applicant’s qualifications assist him/her in completing graduate business coursework in a rigorous, team-based environment?6. What additional comments would you like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee regarding this applicant’s candidacy?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Competitive Authoritarianism

Read the two provided articles.Introduce the topic.  What is Competitive Authoritarianism (or electoral authoritarianism)?Identify and discuss the elements of competitive authoritarianism.  Do the authors make any changes to their understanding of this concept from 2002 to 2020?Discuss how a nation state might resist the pull towards competitive authoritarianism.The New Competitive Authoritarianism.pdfThe Rise of Competititve Authoritarianism.pdf

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Death Customs

Read the poem “The Raven”https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48860/the-ravenWrite a 200 word analysis that answers one of the following sets of questions:1. How do the formal properties of Poe’s poem (rhythm, meter, rhyme, alliteration, assonance, repetition) relate to the poem’s meaning? How did readers in his time understand this poem?2. How does “The Raven” participate in 19th-century cultures of mourning?3. What exactly happens in “The Raven,” and how does the plot unfold? How do we chart the speaker’s transformation over the course of the poem?4. What are Poe’s own ideas about poetry, and how did he explain the workings of “The Raven”?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Renewable Energy Sources

Please consider the following prompts; select one and reply using about 500 words. After formulating your response, please comment on one peer’s response. These responses can be used in your final ePortfolio at the end of the quarter.Choose a source that you cited in the CP and that you also plan to refer to in the AP. How will the source function differently in the second essay? Make sure to discuss the different rhetorical situations of each text (thinking in particular about purpose, audience, and your ethos).What’s the most significant source you’ve found in your research since completing the CP? Why is it so important—what did you learn from it, or how has it influenced your approach to your topic, that is new or different?What are you doing differently in your research since completing the CP? If your approach has changed, explain why. Consider discussing specific successes or failures in your research earlier in the quarter, and how your adjustments are affecting the current state of your research.

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